// Name: msw/mediactrl.cpp
-// Purpose: wxMediaCtrl MSW
+// Purpose: Built-in Media Backends for Windows
// Author: Ryan Norton <wxprojects@comcast.net>
-// Modified by:
+// Modified by:
// Created: 11/07/04
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Ryan Norton
// Licence: wxWindows licence
-// Pre-wx includes
+// Pre-compiled header stuff
-//#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
-//#pragma implementation "moviectrl.h"
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
+#pragma implementation "mediactrl.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#pragma hdrstop
+// Includes
#include "wx/mediactrl.h"
+// Compilation guard
-IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxMediaCtrl, wxControl);
-IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMediaEvent, wxEvent);
-// wxMediaCtrlImpl
+// Externals (somewhere in src/msw/app.cpp)
+extern "C" WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE HINSTANCE wxGetInstance(void);
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxChar *wxCanvasClassName;
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE const wxChar *wxCanvasClassName;
-class wxMediaCtrlImpl
- wxMediaCtrlImpl() : m_bLoaded(false)
- { }
- virtual ~wxMediaCtrlImpl()
- { }
- virtual bool Create(wxMediaCtrl* WXUNUSED(ctrl))
- { return false; }
- virtual bool Play() { return false; }
- virtual bool Pause() { return false; }
- virtual bool Stop() { return false; }
- virtual bool Load(const wxString&) { return false; }
- virtual bool Load(const wxURI&) { return false; }
+// wxAMMediaBackend
- virtual wxMediaState GetState() { return wxMEDIASTATE_STOPPED; }
+// Compilation guard for DirectShow
- virtual bool SetPosition(long) { return 0; }
- virtual long GetPosition() { return 0; }
- virtual long GetDuration() { return 0; }
+// COM includes
+#include "wx/msw/ole/oleutils.h" //wxBasicString, IID etc.
+#include "wx/msw/ole/uuid.h" //IID etc..
- virtual void DoMoveWindow(int, int, int, int) { }
- virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const { return wxSize(0,0); }
+// IIDS - used by CoCreateInstance and IUnknown::QueryInterface
+const IID LIBID_QuartzTypeLib = {0x56A868B0,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IAMCollection = {0x56A868B9,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IMediaControl = {0x56A868B1,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IMediaEvent = {0x56A868B6,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IMediaEventEx = {0x56A868C0,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IMediaPosition = {0x56A868B2,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IBasicAudio = {0x56A868B3,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IVideoWindow = {0x56A868B4,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IBasicVideo = {0x56A868B5,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IBasicVideo2 = {0x329BB360,0xF6EA,0x11D1,{0x90,0x38,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x69,0x72,0x98}};
+const IID IID_IDeferredCommand = {0x56A868B8,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IQueueCommand = {0x56A868B7,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IFilterInfo = {0x56A868BA,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IRegFilterInfo = {0x56A868BB,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IMediaTypeInfo = {0x56A868BC,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IPinInfo = {0x56A868BD,0x0AD4,0x11CE,{0xB0,0x3A,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
+const IID IID_IAMStats = {0xBC9BCF80,0xDCD2,0x11D2,{0xAB,0xF6,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x05,0xF3,0x75}};
+//TODO: These 4 lines needed?
+typedef IID CLSID;
+#endif // CLSID_DEFINED
+//COM Class Factory
+const CLSID CLSID_FilgraphManager = {0xE436EBB3,0x524F,0x11CE,{0x9F,0x53,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0x0B,0xA7,0x70}};
- virtual double GetPlaybackRate() { return 0; }
- virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double) { return false; }
+// COM INTERFACES (dumped from midl from quartz.idl from MSVC COM Browser)
+IAMCollection : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Count(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plCount) = 0;
- virtual bool MSWWindowProc(WXUINT, WXWPARAM, WXLPARAM) { return false; }
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Item(
+ /* [in] */ long lItem,
+ /* [out] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get__NewEnum(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
- bool IsLoaded()
- { return m_bLoaded; }
+IMediaControl : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Run( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Pause( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Stop( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetState(
+ /* [in] */ long msTimeout,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pfs) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RenderFile(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR strFilename) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddSourceFilter(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR strFilename,
+ /* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_FilterCollection(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_RegFilterCollection(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE StopWhenReady( void) = 0;
- bool m_bLoaded;
+IMediaEvent : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetEventHandle(
+ /* [out] */ LONG_PTR __RPC_FAR *hEvent) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetEvent(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *lEventCode,
+ /* [out] */ LONG_PTR __RPC_FAR *lParam1,
+ /* [out] */ LONG_PTR __RPC_FAR *lParam2,
+ /* [in] */ long msTimeout) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WaitForCompletion(
+ /* [in] */ long msTimeout,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pEvCode) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CancelDefaultHandling(
+ /* [in] */ long lEvCode) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE RestoreDefaultHandling(
+ /* [in] */ long lEvCode) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FreeEventParams(
+ /* [in] */ long lEvCode,
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR lParam1,
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR lParam2) = 0;
-// wxDXMediaCtrlImpl
+IMediaEventEx : public IMediaEvent
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetNotifyWindow(
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR hwnd,
+ /* [in] */ long lMsg,
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR lInstanceData) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall SetNotifyFlags(
+ /* [in] */ long lNoNotifyFlags) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetNotifyFlags(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *lplNoNotifyFlags) = 0;
+IMediaPosition : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Duration(
+ /* [retval][out] */ double __RPC_FAR *plength) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_CurrentPosition(
+ /* [in] */ double pllTime) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_CurrentPosition(
+ /* [retval][out] */ double __RPC_FAR *pllTime) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_StopTime(
+ /* [retval][out] */ double __RPC_FAR *pllTime) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_StopTime(
+ /* [in] */ double pllTime) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_PrerollTime(
+ /* [retval][out] */ double __RPC_FAR *pllTime) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_PrerollTime(
+ /* [in] */ double pllTime) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Rate(
+ /* [in] */ double pdRate) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Rate(
+ /* [retval][out] */ double __RPC_FAR *pdRate) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CanSeekForward(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pCanSeekForward) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CanSeekBackward(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pCanSeekBackward) = 0;
+IBasicAudio : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Volume(
+ /* [in] */ long plVolume) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Volume(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plVolume) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Balance(
+ /* [in] */ long plBalance) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Balance(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plBalance) = 0;
+IVideoWindow : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Caption(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR strCaption) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Caption(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strCaption) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_WindowStyle(
+ /* [in] */ long WindowStyle) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_WindowStyle(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *WindowStyle) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_WindowStyleEx(
+ /* [in] */ long WindowStyleEx) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_WindowStyleEx(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *WindowStyleEx) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_AutoShow(
+ /* [in] */ long AutoShow) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_AutoShow(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *AutoShow) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_WindowState(
+ /* [in] */ long WindowState) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_WindowState(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *WindowState) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_BackgroundPalette(
+ /* [in] */ long pBackgroundPalette) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_BackgroundPalette(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pBackgroundPalette) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Visible(
+ /* [in] */ long pVisible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Visible(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pVisible) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Left(
+ /* [in] */ long pLeft) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Left(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pLeft) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Width(
+ /* [in] */ long pWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Width(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Top(
+ /* [in] */ long pTop) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Top(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pTop) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Height(
+ /* [in] */ long pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Height(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Owner(
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR Owner) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Owner(
+ /* [retval][out] */ LONG_PTR __RPC_FAR *Owner) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_MessageDrain(
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR Drain) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_MessageDrain(
+ /* [retval][out] */ LONG_PTR __RPC_FAR *Drain) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_BorderColor(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *Color) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_BorderColor(
+ /* [in] */ long Color) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_FullScreenMode(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *FullScreenMode) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_FullScreenMode(
+ /* [in] */ long FullScreenMode) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetWindowForeground(
+ /* [in] */ long Focus) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NotifyOwnerMessage(
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR hwnd,
+ /* [in] */ long uMsg,
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR wParam,
+ /* [in] */ LONG_PTR lParam) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetWindowPosition(
+ /* [in] */ long Left,
+ /* [in] */ long Top,
+ /* [in] */ long Width,
+ /* [in] */ long Height) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetWindowPosition(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pTop,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMinIdealImageSize(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetMaxIdealImageSize(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetRestorePosition(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pTop,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE HideCursor(
+ /* [in] */ long HideCursor) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsCursorHidden(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *CursorHidden) = 0;
-#include <dshow.h>
+IBasicVideo : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_AvgTimePerFrame(
+ /* [retval][out] */ double __RPC_FAR *pAvgTimePerFrame) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_BitRate(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pBitRate) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_BitErrorRate(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pBitErrorRate) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_VideoWidth(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pVideoWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_VideoHeight(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pVideoHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_SourceLeft(
+ /* [in] */ long pSourceLeft) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_SourceLeft(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pSourceLeft) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_SourceWidth(
+ /* [in] */ long pSourceWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_SourceWidth(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pSourceWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_SourceTop(
+ /* [in] */ long pSourceTop) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_SourceTop(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pSourceTop) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_SourceHeight(
+ /* [in] */ long pSourceHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_SourceHeight(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pSourceHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_DestinationLeft(
+ /* [in] */ long pDestinationLeft) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_DestinationLeft(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pDestinationLeft) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_DestinationWidth(
+ /* [in] */ long pDestinationWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_DestinationWidth(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pDestinationWidth) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_DestinationTop(
+ /* [in] */ long pDestinationTop) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_DestinationTop(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pDestinationTop) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_DestinationHeight(
+ /* [in] */ long pDestinationHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_DestinationHeight(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pDestinationHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSourcePosition(
+ /* [in] */ long Left,
+ /* [in] */ long Top,
+ /* [in] */ long Width,
+ /* [in] */ long Height) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSourcePosition(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pTop,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetDefaultSourcePosition( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetDestinationPosition(
+ /* [in] */ long Left,
+ /* [in] */ long Top,
+ /* [in] */ long Width,
+ /* [in] */ long Height) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDestinationPosition(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pLeft,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pTop,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetDefaultDestinationPosition( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetVideoSize(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pWidth,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pHeight) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetVideoPaletteEntries(
+ /* [in] */ long StartIndex,
+ /* [in] */ long Entries,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pRetrieved,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pPalette) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentImage(
+ /* [out][in] */ long __RPC_FAR *pBufferSize,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pDIBImage) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsUsingDefaultSource( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsUsingDefaultDestination( void) = 0;
+IBasicVideo2 : public IBasicVideo
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetPreferredAspectRatio(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plAspectX,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plAspectY) = 0;
+IDeferredCommand : public IUnknown
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Cancel( void) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Confidence(
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pConfidence) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall Postpone(
+ /* [in] */ double newtime) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetHResult(
+ /* [out] */ HRESULT __RPC_FAR *phrResult) = 0;
+IQueueCommand : public IUnknown
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall InvokeAtStreamTime(
+ /* [out] */ IDeferredCommand __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *pCmd,
+ /* [in] */ double time,
+ /* [in] */ GUID __RPC_FAR *iid,
+ /* [in] */ long dispidMethod,
+ /* [in] */ short wFlags,
+ /* [in] */ long cArgs,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pDispParams,
+ /* [out][in] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pvarResult,
+ /* [out] */ short __RPC_FAR *puArgErr) = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT __stdcall InvokeAtPresentationTime(
+ /* [out] */ IDeferredCommand __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *pCmd,
+ /* [in] */ double time,
+ /* [in] */ GUID __RPC_FAR *iid,
+ /* [in] */ long dispidMethod,
+ /* [in] */ short wFlags,
+ /* [in] */ long cArgs,
+ /* [in] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pDispParams,
+ /* [out][in] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pvarResult,
+ /* [out] */ short __RPC_FAR *puArgErr) = 0;
+IFilterInfo : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE FindPin(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR strPinID,
+ /* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Name(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strName) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_VendorInfo(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strVendorInfo) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Filter(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Pins(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_IsFileSource(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *pbIsSource) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Filename(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pstrFilename) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propput][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Filename(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR pstrFilename) = 0;
+IRegFilterInfo : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Name(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strName) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Filter(
+ /* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+IMediaTypeInfo : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Type(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Subtype(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strType) = 0;
+IPinInfo : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Pin(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_ConnectedTo(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_ConnectionMediaType(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_FilterInfo(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Name(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Direction(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *ppDirection) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_PinID(
+ /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *strPinID) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_MediaTypes(
+ /* [retval][out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppUnk) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Connect(
+ /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *pPin) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ConnectDirect(
+ /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *pPin) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ConnectWithType(
+ /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *pPin,
+ /* [in] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *pMediaType) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Disconnect( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Render( void) = 0;
-#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
-#define wxDSVERIFY(x) wxASSERT( SUCCEEDED ((x)) )
-#define wxDSVERIFY(x) (x)
+IAMStats : public IDispatch
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Reset( void) = 0;
+ virtual /* [propget][id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Count(
+ /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plCount) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetValueByIndex(
+ /* [in] */ long lIndex,
+ /* [out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *szName,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *lCount,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dLast,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dAverage,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dStdDev,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dMin,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dMax) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetValueByName(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szName,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *lIndex,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *lCount,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dLast,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dAverage,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dStdDev,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dMin,
+ /* [out] */ double __RPC_FAR *dMax) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIndex(
+ /* [in] */ BSTR szName,
+ /* [in] */ long lCreate,
+ /* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plIndex) = 0;
+ virtual /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddValue(
+ /* [in] */ long lIndex,
+ /* [in] */ double dValue) = 0;
-class wxDXMediaCtrlImpl : public wxMediaCtrlImpl
+// wxAMMediaBackend (Active Movie)
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_MEDIA wxAMMediaBackend : public wxMediaBackend
- wxDXMediaCtrlImpl();
+ wxAMMediaBackend();
- virtual ~wxDXMediaCtrlImpl();
+ virtual ~wxAMMediaBackend();
- virtual bool Create(wxMediaCtrl* ctrl);
+ virtual bool CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name);
virtual bool Play();
virtual bool Pause();
virtual wxMediaState GetState();
- virtual bool SetPosition(long where);
- virtual long GetPosition();
- virtual long GetDuration();
+ virtual bool SetPosition(wxLongLong where);
+ virtual wxLongLong GetPosition();
+ virtual wxLongLong GetDuration();
- virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
+ virtual void Move(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ wxSize GetVideoSize() const;
virtual double GetPlaybackRate();
virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double);
+ virtual double GetVolume();
+ virtual bool SetVolume(double);
void Cleanup();
bool m_bVideo;
- bool MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam);
+ static LRESULT CALLBACK NotifyWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- wxMediaCtrl* m_ctrl;
+ wxControl* m_ctrl;
- IGraphBuilder* m_pGB;
+ IBasicAudio* m_pBA;
+ IBasicVideo* m_pBV;
IMediaControl* m_pMC;
IMediaEventEx* m_pME;
+ IMediaPosition* m_pMS;
IVideoWindow* m_pVW;
- IBasicAudio* m_pBA;
- IBasicVideo* m_pBV;
- IMediaSeeking* m_pMS;
+ HWND m_hNotifyWnd;
wxSize m_bestSize;
-// wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl
+// wxMCIMediaBackend
+// MCI Includes
#include <mmsystem.h>
-#include <digitalv.h>
-class wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl : public wxMediaCtrlImpl
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_MEDIA wxMCIMediaBackend : public wxMediaBackend
- wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl();
- ~wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl();
+ wxMCIMediaBackend();
+ ~wxMCIMediaBackend();
- virtual bool Create(wxMediaCtrl* ctrl);
+ virtual bool CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name);
virtual bool Play();
virtual bool Pause();
virtual wxMediaState GetState();
- virtual bool SetPosition(long where);
- virtual long GetPosition();
- virtual long GetDuration();
+ virtual bool SetPosition(wxLongLong where);
+ virtual wxLongLong GetPosition();
+ virtual wxLongLong GetDuration();
- virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
+ virtual void Move(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ wxSize GetVideoSize() const;
virtual double GetPlaybackRate();
- virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double);
+ virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double dRate);
- wxMediaCtrl* m_ctrl;
- bool m_bVideo;
+ virtual double GetVolume();
+ virtual bool SetVolume(double);
-// wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl
-#include <Vfw.h>
-//#pragma comment(lib, "vfw32.lib")
+ static LRESULT CALLBACK NotifyWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-class wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl : public wxMediaCtrlImpl
- wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl();
- ~wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl();
+ WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- virtual bool Create(wxMediaCtrl* ctrl);
+ MCIDEVICEID m_hDev; //Our MCI Device ID/Handler
+ wxControl* m_ctrl; //Parent control
+ HWND m_hNotifyWnd; //Window to use for MCI events
+ bool m_bVideo; //Whether or not we have video
- virtual bool Play();
- virtual bool Pause();
- virtual bool Stop();
- virtual bool Load(const wxString& fileName);
- virtual bool Load(const wxURI& location);
- virtual wxMediaState GetState();
- virtual bool SetPosition(long where);
- virtual long GetPosition();
- virtual long GetDuration();
- virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
- virtual double GetPlaybackRate();
- virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double);
- HMODULE m_hDll;
- wxMediaCtrl* m_ctrl;
+// wxQTMediaBackend
-// wxMediaCtrl
+// QT Compilation Guard
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& fileName,
- const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
- long style, long WXUNUSED(driver), const wxString& name)
- //base create
- if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, (style | wxNO_BORDER) | wxCLIP_CHILDREN,
- wxDefaultValidator, name) )
- return false;
+// QT Includes
+//#include <qtml.h> //Windoze QT include
+//#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> //Standard QT stuff
+#include "wx/dynlib.h"
- //Set our background color to black by default
- SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLACK);
+// QT Types
+typedef struct MovieRecord* Movie;
+typedef wxInt16 OSErr;
+typedef wxInt32 OSStatus;
+#define noErr 0
+#define fsRdPerm 1
+typedef unsigned char Str255[256];
+#define StringPtr unsigned char*
+#define newMovieActive 1
+#define Ptr char*
+#define Handle Ptr*
+#define Fixed long
+#define OSType unsigned long
+#define CGrafPtr struct GrafPort *
+#define TimeScale long
+#define TimeBase struct TimeBaseRecord *
+struct FSSpec {
+ short vRefNum;
+ long parID;
+ Str255 name; /*Str63 on mac, Str255 on msw */
- m_imp = new wxDXMediaCtrlImpl;
- if(!m_imp->Create(this))
- {
- delete m_imp;
- m_imp = new wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl;
- if(!m_imp->Create(this))
- {
- delete m_imp;
- m_imp = NULL;
- return false;
- }
- }
+struct Rect {
+ short top;
+ short left;
+ short bottom;
+ short right;
- if(!fileName.empty())
- {
- if (!Load(fileName))
- return false;
- }
+struct wide {
+ wxInt32 hi;
+ wxUint32 lo;
- return true;
+struct TimeRecord {
+ wide value; /* units */
+ TimeScale scale; /* units per second */
+ TimeBase base;
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxURI& location,
- const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
- long style, long WXUNUSED(driver), const wxString& name)
- //base create
- if ( !wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size, (style | wxNO_BORDER) | wxCLIP_CHILDREN,
- wxDefaultValidator, name) )
- return false;
+// QT Library
+#define wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( rettype, name, args, shortargs, defret ) \
+ typedef rettype (* name ## Type) args ; \
+ name ## Type pfn_ ## name; \
+ rettype name args \
+ { if (m_ok) return pfn_ ## name shortargs ; return defret; }
+#define wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( name, args, shortargs ) \
+ typedef void (* name ## Type) args ; \
+ name ## Type pfn_ ## name; \
+ void name args \
+ { if (m_ok) pfn_ ## name shortargs ; }
- //Set our background color to black by default
- SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLACK);
+#define wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( lib, name, success ) \
+ pfn_ ## name = (name ## Type) lib.GetSymbol( wxT(#name), &success ); \
+ if (!success) return false;
- m_imp = new wxDXMediaCtrlImpl;
- if(!m_imp->Create(this))
- {
- delete m_imp;
- m_imp = new wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl;
- if(!m_imp->Create(this))
- {
- delete m_imp;
- m_imp = NULL;
- return false;
- }
+//Class that utilizes Robert Roeblings Dynamic Library Macros
+class wxQuickTimeLibrary
+ ~wxQuickTimeLibrary()
+ {
+ if(m_dll.IsLoaded())
+ m_dll.Unload();
- if (!Load(location))
- return false;
+ bool Initialize();
+ bool IsOk() const {return m_ok;}
- return true;
+ wxDynamicLibrary m_dll;
+ bool m_ok;
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Load(const wxString& fileName)
- if(m_imp)
- return m_imp->Load(fileName);
- return false;
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( StartMovie, (Movie m), (m) );
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( StopMovie, (Movie m), (m) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( bool, IsMovieDone, (Movie m), (m), false);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( GoToBeginningOfMovie, (Movie m), (m) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, GetMoviesError, (), (), -1);
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, EnterMovies, (), (), -1);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( ExitMovies, (), () );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, InitializeQTML, (long flags), (flags), -1);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( TerminateQTML, (), () );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, NativePathNameToFSSpec,
+ (char* inName, FSSpec* outFile, long flags),
+ (inName, outFile, flags), -1);
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, OpenMovieFile,
+ (const FSSpec * fileSpec, short * resRefNum, wxInt8 permission),
+ (fileSpec, resRefNum, permission), -1 );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, CloseMovieFile,
+ (short resRefNum), (resRefNum), -1);
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, NewMovieFromFile,
+ (Movie * theMovie, short resRefNum, short * resId,
+ StringPtr resName, short newMovieFlags,
+ bool * dataRefWasChanged),
+ (theMovie, resRefNum, resId, resName, newMovieFlags,
+ dataRefWasChanged), -1);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( SetMovieRate, (Movie m, Fixed rate), (m, rate) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( Fixed, GetMovieRate, (Movie m), (m), 0);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( MoviesTask, (Movie m, long maxms), (m, maxms) );
+ (const char* p1, const char* p2, long s), (p1,p2,s) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( Handle, NewHandleClear, (long s), (s), NULL );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( OSErr, NewMovieFromDataRef,
+ (Movie * m, short flags, short * id,
+ Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType),
+ (m,flags,id,dataRef,dataRefType), -1 );
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( DisposeHandle, (Handle h), (h) );
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect, (Movie m, Rect* r), (m,r) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void*, GetMovieIndTrackType,
+ (Movie m, long index, OSType type, long flags),
+ (m,index,type,flags), NULL );
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( CreatePortAssociation,
+ (void* hWnd, void* junk, long morejunk), (hWnd, junk, morejunk) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE(void*, GetNativeWindowPort, (void* hWnd), (hWnd), NULL);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(SetMovieGWorld, (Movie m, CGrafPtr port, void* whatever),
+ (m, port, whatever) );
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(DisposeMovie, (Movie m), (m) );
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(SetMovieBox, (Movie m, Rect* r), (m,r));
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(SetMovieTimeScale, (Movie m, long s), (m,s));
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE(long, GetMovieDuration, (Movie m), (m), 0);
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE(TimeBase, GetMovieTimeBase, (Movie m), (m), 0);
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE(TimeScale, GetMovieTimeScale, (Movie m), (m), 0);
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE(long, GetMovieTime, (Movie m, void* cruft), (m,cruft), 0);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(SetMovieTime, (Movie m, TimeRecord* tr), (m,tr) );
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE(short, GetMovieVolume, (Movie m), (m), 0);
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE(SetMovieVolume, (Movie m, short sVolume), (m,sVolume) );
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Load(const wxURI& location)
+bool wxQuickTimeLibrary::Initialize()
- if(m_imp)
- return m_imp->Load(location);
- return false;
+ m_ok = false;
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Play()
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->Play();
- return false;
+ if(!m_dll.Load(wxT("qtmlClient.dll")))
+ return false;
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Pause()
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->Pause();
- return false;
+ bool bOk;
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, StartMovie, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, StopMovie, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, IsMovieDone, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GoToBeginningOfMovie, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMoviesError, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, EnterMovies, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, ExitMovies, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, InitializeQTML, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, TerminateQTML, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, NativePathNameToFSSpec, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, OpenMovieFile, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, CloseMovieFile, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, NewMovieFromFile, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieRate, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, SetMovieRate, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, MoviesTask, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, BlockMove, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, NewHandleClear, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, NewMovieFromDataRef, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, DisposeHandle, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieIndTrackType, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, CreatePortAssociation, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetNativeWindowPort, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, SetMovieGWorld, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, DisposeMovie, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, SetMovieBox, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, SetMovieTimeScale, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieDuration, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieTimeBase, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieTimeScale, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieTime, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, SetMovieTime, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, GetMovieVolume, bOk );
+ wxDL_METHOD_LOAD( m_dll, SetMovieVolume, bOk );
+ m_ok = true;
-bool wxMediaCtrl::Stop()
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->Stop();
- return false;
+ return true;
-double wxMediaCtrl::GetPlaybackRate()
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_MEDIA wxQTMediaBackend : public wxMediaBackend
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->GetPlaybackRate();
- return 0;
-bool wxMediaCtrl::SetPlaybackRate(double dRate)
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->SetPlaybackRate(dRate);
- return false;
+ wxQTMediaBackend();
+ ~wxQTMediaBackend();
-bool wxMediaCtrl::SetPosition(long where)
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->SetPosition(where);
- return false;
+ virtual bool CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name);
-long wxMediaCtrl::GetPosition()
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->GetPosition();
- return 0;
+ virtual bool Play();
+ virtual bool Pause();
+ virtual bool Stop();
-long wxMediaCtrl::GetDuration()
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->GetDuration();
- return 0;
+ virtual bool Load(const wxString& fileName);
+ virtual bool Load(const wxURI& location);
-wxMediaState wxMediaCtrl::GetState()
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->GetState();
+ virtual wxMediaState GetState();
-WXLRESULT wxMediaCtrl::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded() && m_imp->MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam) )
- return wxControl::MSWDefWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);
- //pass the event to our parent
- return wxControl::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);
+ virtual bool SetPosition(wxLongLong where);
+ virtual wxLongLong GetPosition();
+ virtual wxLongLong GetDuration();
-wxSize wxMediaCtrl::DoGetBestSize() const
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- return m_imp->DoGetBestSize();
- return wxSize(0,0);
+ virtual void Move(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ wxSize GetVideoSize() const;
-void wxMediaCtrl::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h)
- wxControl::DoMoveWindow(x,y,w,h);
+ virtual double GetPlaybackRate();
+ virtual bool SetPlaybackRate(double dRate);
- if(m_imp && m_imp->IsLoaded())
- m_imp->DoMoveWindow(x, y, w, h);
+ virtual double GetVolume();
+ virtual bool SetVolume(double);
+ void Cleanup();
+ void FinishLoad();
+ wxSize m_bestSize; //Original movie size
+ Movie m_movie; //QT Movie handle/instance
+ wxControl* m_ctrl; //Parent control
+ bool m_bVideo; //Whether or not we have video
+ class _wxQTTimer* m_timer; //Timer for streaming the movie
+ wxQuickTimeLibrary m_lib;
- if (m_imp)
- delete m_imp;
+// End QT Compilation Guard
+#endif //wxUSE_QUICKTIME
-// wxDXMediaCtrlImpl
+// wxAMMediaBackend
+// Only use if user wants it -
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxAMMediaBackend, wxMediaBackend);
+// Numerical value for when the graph reaches the stop position
+// Usual debugging macros
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+#define wxAMVERIFY(x) \
+{ \
+ HRESULT hrdsv = (x); \
+ if ( FAILED(hrdsv) ) \
+ { \
+ /*TCHAR szError[MAX_ERROR_TEXT_LEN];*/ \
+ /*if( AMGetErrorText(hrdsv, szError, MAX_ERROR_TEXT_LEN) == 0)*/ \
+ /*{*/ \
+ /*wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format(wxT("DirectShow error \"%s\" ")*/\
+ /*wxT("occured at line %i in ")*/ \
+ /*wxT("mediactrl.cpp"),*/ \
+ /*szError, __LINE__) );*/ \
+ /*}*/ \
+ /*else*/ \
+ wxFAIL_MSG( wxString::Format(wxT("Unknown error (%i) ") \
+ wxT("occured at") \
+ wxT(" line %i in mediactrl.cpp."), \
+ (int)hrdsv, __LINE__) ); \
+ } \
+#define wxVERIFY(x) wxASSERT((x))
+#define wxAMVERIFY(x) (x)
+#define wxVERIFY(x) (x)
+// Standard macros for ease of use
+#define SAFE_RELEASE(x) { if (x) x->Release(); x = NULL; }
-wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::wxDXMediaCtrlImpl() : m_pGB(NULL)
+// wxAMMediaBackend Constructor
+// Sets m_hNotifyWnd to NULL to signify that we haven't loaded anything yet
+wxAMMediaBackend::wxAMMediaBackend() : m_hNotifyWnd(NULL)
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Create(wxMediaCtrl* ctrl)
+// wxAMMediaBackend Destructor
+// Cleans up everything
- //create our filter graph
- HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
- IID_IGraphBuilder, (void**)&m_pGB);
+ if (m_hNotifyWnd)
+ Cleanup();
+// wxAMMediaBackend::CreateControl
+// ActiveMovie does not really have any native control to speak of,
+// so we just create a normal control.
+// We also check to see if ActiveMovie is installed
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name)
+ //create our filter graph - the beuty of COM is that it loads
+ //quartz.dll for us :)
+ HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilgraphManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
+ IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&m_pMC);
//directshow not installed?
if ( FAILED(hr) )
return false;
- m_ctrl = ctrl;
+ //release the filter graph - we don't need it yet
+ m_pMC->Release();
+ m_pMC = NULL;
+ //
+ // Create window
+ // By default wxWindow(s) is created with a border -
+ // so we need to get rid of those, and create with
+ // wxCLIP_CHILDREN, so that if the driver/backend
+ // is a child window, it refereshes properly
+ //
+ if ( !ctrl->wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
+ validator, name) )
+ return false;
+ m_ctrl = ctrl;
return true;
-#define SAFE_RELEASE(x) { if (x) x->Release(); x = NULL; }
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Load(const wxString& fileName)
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Load (file version)
+// Creates an Active Movie filter graph from a file or url
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::Load(const wxString& fileName)
- if(m_bLoaded)
- Cleanup();
+ //if previously loaded cleanup
+ if(m_hNotifyWnd)
+ Cleanup();
- CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
- IID_IGraphBuilder, (void**)&m_pGB);
+ //We already checked for success in CreateControl
+ CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilgraphManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
+ IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&m_pMC);
- //load the graph & render
- if( FAILED(m_pGB->RenderFile(fileName.wc_str(wxConvLocal), NULL)) )
+ //load the graph & render
+ if( FAILED(m_pMC->RenderFile(wxBasicString(fileName).Get())) )
return false;
//get the interfaces, all of them
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (void**)&m_pMC) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx, (void**)&m_pME) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaSeeking, (void**)&m_pMS) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoWindow, (void**)&m_pVW) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (void**)&m_pBA) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pGB->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicVideo, (void**)&m_pBV) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMC->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx, (void**)&m_pME) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMC->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaPosition, (void**)&m_pMS) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMC->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoWindow, (void**)&m_pVW) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMC->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicAudio, (void**)&m_pBA) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMC->QueryInterface(IID_IBasicVideo, (void**)&m_pBV) );
+ //We could tell if the media has audio or not by
+ //something like
+ //-----
//long lVolume;
- //pBA->get_Volume(&lVolume);
- //get the _actual_ size of the movie & remember it
- long nX, nY, nSX, nSY;
- if (FAILED(m_pVW->GetWindowPosition(&nX,&nY,&nSX,&nSY)))
- {
- m_bVideo = false;
- nSX = nSY = 0;
- }
- else
+ //pBA->get_Volume(&lVolume) == E_NOTIMPL
+ //-----
+ //here...
+ //
+ //Obtain the _actual_ size of the movie & remember it
+ //
+ long nX,
+ nY;
+ m_bestSize.x = m_bestSize.y = 0;
+ m_bVideo = SUCCEEDED( m_pVW->GetWindowPosition( &nX,
+ &nY,
+ (long*)&m_bestSize.x,
+ (long*)&m_bestSize.y) );
+ //
+ //If we have video in the media - set it up so that
+ //its a child window of the control, its visible,
+ //and that the control is the owner of the video window
+ //
+ if (m_bVideo)
- m_bVideo = true;
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pVW->put_Owner((LONG_PTR)m_ctrl->GetHandle()) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pVW->put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pVW->put_Visible(-1) ); //OATRUE == -1
- m_bestSize.x = nSX;
- m_bestSize.y = nSY;
- if (m_bVideo)
+ //
+ // Create a hidden window and register to handle
+ // directshow events for this graph
+ // Note that wxCanvasClassName is already registered
+ // and used by all wxWindows and normal wxControls
+ //
+ m_hNotifyWnd = ::CreateWindow
+ (
+ wxCanvasClassName,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0,
+ wxGetInstance(),
+ );
+ if(!m_hNotifyWnd)
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pVW->put_Owner((OAHWND)m_ctrl->GetHandle()) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pVW->put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) );
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pVW->put_Visible(OATRUE) ); //OATRUE == -1
+ wxLogSysError( wxT("Could not create hidden needed for ")
+ wxT("registering for DirectShow events!") );
+ return false;
- //make it so that wxEVT_MOVIE_FINISHED works
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pME->SetNotifyWindow((OAHWND)m_ctrl->GetHandle(), WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, 0) );
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ ::SetWindowLong(m_hNotifyWnd, GWL_WNDPROC,
+ (LONG)wxAMMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc);
+ ::SetWindowLongPtr(m_hNotifyWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC,
+ (LONG_PTR)wxAMMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc);
- //set the time format
+ ::SetWindowLong(m_hNotifyWnd, GWL_USERDATA,
+ (LONG) this);
- //so that DoGetBestSize will work :)
- m_bLoaded = true;
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pME->SetNotifyWindow((LONG_PTR)m_hNotifyWnd,
- //work around refresh issues
+ //
+ // Force the parent window of this control to recalculate
+ // the size of this if sizers are being used
+ // and render the results immediately
+ //
+ m_ctrl->SetSize(m_ctrl->GetSize());
return true;
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Load(const wxURI& location)
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Load (URL Version)
+// Loads media from a URL. Interestingly enough DirectShow
+// appears (?) to escape the URL for us, at least on normal
+// files
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::Load(const wxURI& location)
return Load(location.BuildUnescapedURI());
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Play()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Play
+// Plays the stream. If it is non-seekable, it will restart it.
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::Play()
return SUCCEEDED( m_pMC->Run() );
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Pause()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Pause
+// Pauses the stream.
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::Pause()
return SUCCEEDED( m_pMC->Pause() );
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Stop()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Stop
+// Stops the stream.
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::Stop()
- return SUCCEEDED( m_pMC->Stop() ) && SetPosition(0);
+ bool bOK = SUCCEEDED( m_pMC->Stop() );
+ //We don't care if it can't get to the beginning in directshow -
+ //it could be a non-seeking filter (wince midi) in which case playing
+ //starts all over again
+ SetPosition(0);
+ return bOK;
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::SetPosition(long where)
+// wxAMMediaBackend::SetPosition
+// 1) Translates the current position's time to directshow time,
+// which is in a scale of 1 second (in a double)
+// 2) Sets the play position of the IMediaSeeking interface -
+// passing NULL as the stop position means to keep the old
+// stop position
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::SetPosition(wxLongLong where)
- //DS uses 100 nanos - so we need a 10 mult
- LONGLONG pos = ((LONGLONG)where) * 10000;
- return SUCCEEDED( m_pMS->SetPositions(
- &pos,
- AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning,
- AM_SEEKING_NoPositioning
- ) );
+ return SUCCEEDED( m_pMS->put_CurrentPosition(
+ ((LONGLONG)where.GetValue()) / 1000
+ )
+ );
-long wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::GetPosition()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::GetPosition
+// 1) Obtains the current play and stop positions from IMediaSeeking
+// 2) Returns the play position translated to our time base
+wxLongLong wxAMMediaBackend::GetPosition()
- LONGLONG outCur, outStop;
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pMS->GetPositions(&outCur, &outStop) );
+ double outCur;
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMS->get_CurrentPosition(&outCur) );
- //h,m,s,milli - outdur is in 100 nanos
- return outCur/10000;
+ //h,m,s,milli - outdur is in 1 second (double)
+ return (outCur*1000);
-long wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::GetDuration()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::SetVolume
+// Sets the volume through the IBasicAudio interface -
+// value ranges from 0 (MAX volume) to -10000 (minimum volume).
+// -100 per decibel.
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::SetVolume(double dVolume)
+ return SUCCEEDED(m_pBA->put_Volume( (long) ((dVolume-1.0) * 10000.0) ));
+// wxAMMediaBackend::GetVolume
+// Gets the volume through the IBasicAudio interface -
+// value ranges from 0 (MAX volume) to -10000 (minimum volume).
+// -100 per decibel.
+double wxAMMediaBackend::GetVolume()
+ long lVolume;
+ if ( SUCCEEDED(m_pBA->get_Volume(&lVolume)) )
+ return (((double)(lVolume + 10000)) / 10000.0);
+ return 0.0;
+// wxAMMediaBackend::GetDuration
+// 1) Obtains the duration of the media from the IMediaSeeking interface
+// 2) Converts that value to our time base, and returns it
+wxLongLong wxAMMediaBackend::GetDuration()
- LONGLONG outDuration;
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pMS->GetDuration(&outDuration) );
+ double outDuration;
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMS->get_Duration(&outDuration) );
- //h,m,s,milli - outdur is in 100 nanos
- return outDuration/10000;
+ //h,m,s,milli - outdur is in 1 second (double)
+ return (outDuration*1000);
-wxMediaState wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::GetState()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::GetState
+// Obtains the state from the IMediaControl interface.
+// Note that it's enumeration values for stopping/playing
+// etc. are the same as ours, so we just do a straight cast.
+// TODO: MS recommends against INFINITE here for
+// IMediaControl::GetState- do it in stages
+wxMediaState wxAMMediaBackend::GetState()
- //TODO: MS recommends against INFINITE here - do it in stages
- OAFilterState theState;
+ long theState; //OAFilterState
hr = m_pMC->GetState(INFINITE, &theState);
//MSW state is the same as ours
return (wxMediaState) theState;
-double wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::GetPlaybackRate()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate
+// Pretty simple way of obtaining the playback rate from
+// the IMediaSeeking interface
+double wxAMMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate()
double dRate;
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pMS->GetRate(&dRate) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pMS->get_Rate(&dRate) );
return dRate;
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::SetPlaybackRate(double dRate)
+// wxAMMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate
+// Sets the playback rate of the media - DirectShow is pretty good
+// about this, actually
+bool wxAMMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate(double dRate)
+ return SUCCEEDED( m_pMS->put_Rate(dRate) );
+// wxAMMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc
+// Here we check to see if DirectShow tells us we've reached the stop
+// position in our stream - if it has, it may not actually stop
+// the stream - which we need to do...
+LRESULT CALLBACK wxAMMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
- return SUCCEEDED( m_pMS->SetRate(dRate) );
+ wxAMMediaBackend* backend = (wxAMMediaBackend*)
+ ::GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA);
+ return backend->OnNotifyWndProc(hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam);
-bool wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam)
+LRESULT CALLBACK wxAMMediaBackend::OnNotifyWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
- LONG evCode, evParam1, evParam2;
- // Process all queued events
+ LONG evCode,
+ evParam1,
+ evParam2;
+ //
+ // DirectShow keeps a list of queued events, and we need
+ // to go through them one by one, stopping at (Hopefully only one)
+ // EC_COMPLETE message
+ //
while(SUCCEEDED(m_pME->GetEvent(&evCode, (LONG_PTR *) &evParam1,
- (LONG_PTR *) &evParam2, 0)
- )
+ (LONG_PTR *) &evParam2, 0)
+ )
- // Free memory associated with callback, since we're not using it
- hr = m_pME->FreeEventParams(evCode, evParam1, evParam2);
+ // Cleanup memory that GetEvent allocated
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pME->FreeEventParams(evCode, evParam1, evParam2) );
// If this is the end of the clip, notify handler
- if(EC_COMPLETE == evCode)
+ if(1 == evCode) //EC_COMPLETE
-#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
- wxASSERT( Stop() );
- Stop();
- wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_FINISHED, m_ctrl->GetId());
- m_ctrl->GetParent()->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ //send the event to our child
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP, m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ //if the user didn't veto it, stop the stream
+ if (theEvent.IsAllowed())
+ {
+ //Interestingly enough, DirectShow does not actually stop
+ //the filters - even when it reaches the end!
+ wxVERIFY( Stop() );
+ //send the event to our child
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_FINISHED,
+ m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ }
- }
- return true;
+ }
- return false;
+ return DefWindowProc(hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam);
-void wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::Cleanup()
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Cleanup
+// 1) Hide/disowns the video window (MS says bad things will happen if
+// you don't)
+// 2) Releases all the directshow interfaces we use
+// TODO: Maybe there's a way to redirect the IMediaControl each time
+// we load, rather then creating and destroying the interfaces
+// each time?
+void wxAMMediaBackend::Cleanup()
// Hide then disown the window
- m_pVW->put_Visible(OAFALSE); //OSFALSE == 0
+ m_pVW->put_Visible(0); //OSFALSE == 0
// Release and zero DirectShow interfaces
- if (m_bLoaded)
- Cleanup();
+ // Get rid of our hidden Window
+ DestroyWindow(m_hNotifyWnd);
+ m_hNotifyWnd = NULL;
-wxSize wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::DoGetBestSize() const
+// wxAMMediaBackend::GetVideoSize
+// Obtains the cached original video size
+wxSize wxAMMediaBackend::GetVideoSize() const
return m_bestSize;
-void wxDXMediaCtrlImpl::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+// wxAMMediaBackend::Move
+// Resizes the IVideoWindow to the size of the control window
+void wxAMMediaBackend::Move(int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y), int w, int h)
- if(m_bLoaded && m_bVideo)
+ if(m_hNotifyWnd && m_bVideo)
- wxDSVERIFY( m_pVW->SetWindowPosition(0, 0, w, h) );
+ wxAMVERIFY( m_pVW->SetWindowPosition(0, 0, w, h) );
+// End of wxAMMediaBackend
-// wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl
+// wxMCIMediaBackend
-wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl() : m_bVideo(false)
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMCIMediaBackend, wxMediaBackend);
- mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+// Usual debugging macros for MCI returns
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::Create(wxMediaCtrl* ctrl)
- m_ctrl = ctrl;
- return true;
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+#define wxMCIVERIFY(arg) \
+{ \
+ DWORD nRet; \
+ if ( (nRet = (arg)) != 0) \
+ { \
+ TCHAR sz[5000]; \
+ mciGetErrorString(nRet, sz, 5000); \
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxString::Format(_T("MCI Error:%s"), sz)); \
+ } \
+#define wxMCIVERIFY(arg) (arg);
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::Play()
- return (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_PLAY, 0, 0) == 0) ||
- (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_RESUME, 0, 0) == 0);
+// Simulation for <digitalv.h>
+// Mingw and possibly other compilers don't have the digitalv.h header
+// that is needed to have some essential features of mci work with
+// windows - so we provide the declarations for the types we use here
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
+ POINT ptOffset;
+ POINT ptExtent;
+ RECT rc;
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
+ HWND hWnd;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ WORD wReserved1;
+ UINT nCmdShow;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ WORD wReserved2;
+ wxChar* lpstrText;
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
+ DWORD dwTimeFormat;
+ DWORD dwAudio;
+ DWORD dwFileFormat;
+ DWORD dwSpeed;
+typedef struct {
+ DWORD_PTR dwCallback;
+ DWORD dwItem;
+ DWORD dwValue;
+ DWORD dwOver;
+ wxChar* lpstrAlgorithm;
+ wxChar* lpstrQuality;
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::Pause()
+// wxMCIMediaBackend Constructor
+// Here we don't need to do much except say we don't have any video :)
+wxMCIMediaBackend::wxMCIMediaBackend() : m_hNotifyWnd(NULL), m_bVideo(false)
- return (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_PAUSE, MCI_WAIT, 0) == 0);
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::Stop()
+// wxMCIMediaBackend Destructor
+// We close the mci device - note that there may not be an mci device here,
+// or it may fail - but we don't really care, since we're destructing
- return (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STOP, MCI_WAIT, 0) == 0);
+ if(m_hNotifyWnd)
+ {
+ mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+ DestroyWindow(m_hNotifyWnd);
+ m_hNotifyWnd = NULL;
+ }
-#include "wx/log.h"
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Create
+// Here we just tell wxMediaCtrl that mci does exist (which it does, on all
+// msw systems, at least in some form dating back to win16 days)
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name)
+ //
+ // Create window
+ // By default wxWindow(s) is created with a border -
+ // so we need to get rid of those, and create with
+ // wxCLIP_CHILDREN, so that if the driver/backend
+ // is a child window, it refereshes properly
+ //
+ if ( !ctrl->wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
+ validator, name) )
+ return false;
+ m_ctrl = ctrl;
+ return true;
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::Load(const wxString& fileName)
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Load (file version)
+// Here we have MCI load a file and device, set the time format to our
+// default (milliseconds), and set the video (if any) to play in the control
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::Load(const wxString& fileName)
- if(m_bLoaded)
+ //
+ //if the user already called load close the previous MCI device
+ //
+ if(m_hNotifyWnd)
+ {
mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+ DestroyWindow(m_hNotifyWnd);
+ m_hNotifyWnd = NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ //Opens a file and has MCI select a device. Normally you'd put
+ //MCI_OPEN_TYPE in addition to MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT - however if you
+ //omit this it tells MCI to select the device instead. This is
+ //good because we have no reliable way of "enumerating" the devices
+ //in MCI
+ //
- MCI_SET_PARMS setParms;
- memset(&openParms, 0, sizeof(MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMS));
openParms.lpstrElementName = (wxChar*) fileName.c_str();
- bool bFound = false;
- for(size_t i = MCI_DEVTYPE_FIRST; i <= MCI_DEVTYPE_LAST; ++i)
- {
- openParms.lpstrDeviceType = (LPSTR)i;
- DWORD nError;
- if ((nError = mciSendCommand(0, MCI_OPEN,
- (DWORD)(LPVOID)&openParms)) == 0)
- {
- bFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!bFound)
+ if ( mciSendCommand(0, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT,
+ (DWORD)(LPVOID)&openParms) != 0)
return false;
m_hDev = openParms.wDeviceID;
+ //
+ //Now set the time format for the device to milliseconds
+ //
+ MCI_SET_PARMS setParms;
setParms.dwCallback = 0;
setParms.dwTimeFormat = MCI_FORMAT_MILLISECONDS;
(DWORD)(LPVOID)&setParms) != 0)
return false;
- //TODO: Does this work?
- /*
+ //
+ //Now tell the MCI device to display the video in our wxMediaCtrl
+ //
+ windowParms.hWnd = (HWND)m_ctrl->GetHandle();
- windowParms.hWnd = (HWND)m_ctrl->GetHWND();
m_bVideo = (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_WINDOW,
- MCI_DGV_WINDOW_HWND, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&windowParms) == 0);
- m_bLoaded = true;
+ 0x00010000L, //MCI_DGV_WINDOW_HWND
+ (DWORD)(LPVOID)&windowParms) == 0);
+ //
+ // Create a hidden window and register to handle
+ // MCI events
+ // Note that wxCanvasClassName is already registered
+ // and used by all wxWindows and normal wxControls
+ //
+ m_hNotifyWnd = ::CreateWindow
+ (
+ wxCanvasClassName,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0,
+ wxGetInstance(),
+ );
+ if(!m_hNotifyWnd)
+ {
+ wxLogSysError( wxT("Could not create hidden needed for ")
+ wxT("registering for DirectShow events!") );
+ return false;
+ }
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ ::SetWindowLong(m_hNotifyWnd, GWL_WNDPROC,
+ (LONG)wxMCIMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc);
+ ::SetWindowLongPtr(m_hNotifyWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC,
+ (LONG_PTR)wxMCIMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc);
+ ::SetWindowLong(m_hNotifyWnd, GWL_USERDATA,
+ (LONG) this);
+ //
+ //Here, if the parent of the control has a sizer - we
+ //tell it to recalculate the size of this control since
+ //the user opened a seperate media file
+ //
+ m_ctrl->InvalidateBestSize();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Layout();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Refresh();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Update();
+ m_ctrl->SetSize(m_ctrl->GetSize());
+ return true;
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Load (URL version)
+// MCI doesn't support URLs directly (?)
+// TODO: Use wxURL/wxFileSystem and mmioInstallProc
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::Load(const wxURI& WXUNUSED(location))
+ return false;
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Play
+// Plays/Resumes the MCI device... a couple notes:
+// 1) Certain drivers will crash and burn if we don't pass them an
+// MCI_PLAY_PARMS, despite the documentation that says otherwise...
+// 2) There is a MCI_RESUME command, but MCI_PLAY does the same thing
+// and will resume from a stopped state also, so there's no need to
+// call both, for example
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::Play()
+ MCI_PLAY_PARMS playParms;
+ playParms.dwCallback = (DWORD)m_hNotifyWnd;
+ bool bOK = ( mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_PLAY, MCI_NOTIFY,
+ (DWORD)(LPVOID)&playParms) == 0 );
+ if(bOK)
+ m_ctrl->Show(m_bVideo);
- return true;
+ return bOK;
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::Load(const wxURI& WXUNUSED(location))
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Pause
+// Pauses the MCI device - nothing special
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::Pause()
- return false;
+ return (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_PAUSE, MCI_WAIT, 0) == 0);
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Stop
+// Stops the MCI device & seeks to the beginning as wxMediaCtrl docs outline
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::Stop()
+ return (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STOP, MCI_WAIT, 0) == 0) &&
+ (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_SEEK, MCI_SEEK_TO_START, 0) == 0);
-wxMediaState wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::GetState()
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::GetState
+// Here we get the state and convert it to a wxMediaState -
+// since we use direct comparisons with MCI_MODE_PLAY and
+// MCI_MODE_PAUSE, we don't care if the MCI_STATUS call
+// fails or not
+wxMediaState wxMCIMediaBackend::GetState()
statusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_MODE;
mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM,
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::SetPosition(long where)
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::SetPosition
+// Here we set the position of the device in the stream.
+// Note that MCI actually stops the device after you seek it if the
+// device is playing/paused, so we need to play the file after
+// MCI seeks like normal APIs would
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::SetPosition(wxLongLong where)
seekParms.dwCallback = 0;
- seekParms.dwTo = where;
+ seekParms.dwTo = (DWORD)where.GetValue();
+#else /* wxUSE_LONGLONG_WX */
+ /* no way to return it in one piece */
+ wxASSERT( where.GetHi()==0 );
+ seekParms.dwTo = (DWORD)where.GetLo();
+#endif /* wxUSE_LONGLONG_* */
+ //device was playing?
bool bReplay = GetState() == wxMEDIASTATE_PLAYING;
- if( mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_SEEK, MCI_TO, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&seekParms) != 0)
+ if( mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_SEEK, MCI_TO,
+ (DWORD)(LPVOID)&seekParms) != 0)
return false;
-/* TCHAR sz[5000];
- mciGetErrorString(nError, sz, 5000);
- wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_T("Error:%s"), sz));
- */
+ //If the device was playing, resume it
if (bReplay)
return Play();
return true;
-long wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::GetPosition()
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::GetPosition
+// Gets the position of the device in the stream using the current
+// time format... nothing special here...
+wxLongLong wxMCIMediaBackend::GetPosition()
- statusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_POSITION;
- if (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM,
- (DWORD)(LPSTR)&statusParms) != 0)
+ statusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_POSITION;
+ if (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&statusParms) != 0)
return 0;
return statusParms.dwReturn;
-long wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::GetDuration()
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::GetVolume
+// Gets the volume of the current media via the MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME
+// message. Value ranges from 0 (minimum) to 1000 (maximum volume).
+double wxMCIMediaBackend::GetVolume()
- statusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_LENGTH;
- if (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM,
- (DWORD)(LPSTR)&statusParms) != 0)
+ statusParms.dwCallback = NULL;
+ statusParms.dwItem = 0x4019; //MCI_DGV_STATUS_VOLUME
+ if (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&statusParms) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ return ((double)statusParms.dwReturn) / 1000.0;
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::SetVolume
+// Sets the volume of the current media via the MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VOLUME
+// message. Value ranges from 0 (minimum) to 1000 (maximum volume).
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::SetVolume(double dVolume)
+ audioParms.dwCallback = NULL;
+ audioParms.dwItem = 0x4002; //MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO_VOLUME
+ audioParms.dwValue = (DWORD) (dVolume * 1000.0);
+ audioParms.dwOver = 0;
+ audioParms.lpstrAlgorithm = NULL;
+ audioParms.lpstrQuality = NULL;
+ if (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, 0x0873, //MCI_SETAUDIO
+ 0x00800000L | 0x01000000L, //MCI_DGV_SETAUDIO+(_ITEM | _VALUE)
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&audioParms) != 0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::GetDuration
+// Gets the duration of the stream... nothing special
+wxLongLong wxMCIMediaBackend::GetDuration()
+ MCI_STATUS_PARMS statusParms;
+ statusParms.dwItem = MCI_STATUS_LENGTH;
+ if (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&statusParms) != 0)
return 0;
return statusParms.dwReturn;
-void wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::DoMoveWindow(int, int, int, int)
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::Move
+// Moves the window to a location
+void wxMCIMediaBackend::Move(int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y),
+ int w, int h)
+ if (m_hNotifyWnd && m_bVideo)
+ {
+ memset(&putParms, 0, sizeof(MCI_DGV_RECT_PARMS));
+ putParms.rc.bottom = h;
+ putParms.rc.right = w;
+ //wxStackWalker will crash and burn here on assert
+ //and mci doesn't like 0 and 0 for some reason (out of range )
+ //so just don't it in that case
+ if(w || h)
+ {
+ wxMCIVERIFY( mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_PUT,
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&putParms) );
+ }
+ }
-wxSize wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::DoGetBestSize() const
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::GetVideoSize
+// Gets the original size of the movie for sizers
+wxSize wxMCIMediaBackend::GetVideoSize() const
- //TODO: Does this work?
- /*
- mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_WHERE, MCI_DGV_WHERE_SOURCE, (DWORD)(LPSTR)&rect);
- return wxSize(rect.rc.right, rect.rc.bottom);
- */
+ wxMCIVERIFY( mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_WHERE,
+ 0x00020000L, //MCI_DGV_WHERE_SOURCE
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&whereParms) );
+ return wxSize(whereParms.rc.right, whereParms.rc.bottom);
return wxSize(0,0);
-double wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::GetPlaybackRate()
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate
+// TODO
+double wxMCIMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate()
return 1.0;
-bool wxWMMEMediaCtrlImpl::SetPlaybackRate(double)
+// wxMCIMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate
+// TODO
+bool wxMCIMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate(double WXUNUSED(dRate))
+ setParms.dwSpeed = (DWORD) (dRate * 1000.0);
+ return (mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_SET,
+ 0x00020000L, //MCI_DGV_SET_SPEED
+ (DWORD)(LPSTR)&setParms) == 0);
return false;
+// [static] wxMCIMediaBackend::MSWWindowProc
-// wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl
+// Here we process a message when MCI reaches the stopping point
+// in the stream
+LRESULT CALLBACK wxMCIMediaBackend::NotifyWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+ wxMCIMediaBackend* backend = (wxMCIMediaBackend*)
+ ::GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA);
+ wxASSERT(backend);
-// Functions located in msvfw32.dll
+ return backend->OnNotifyWndProc(hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam);
+LRESULT CALLBACK wxMCIMediaBackend::OnNotifyWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg,
+ WPARAM wParam,
+ LPARAM lParam)
+ if(nMsg == MM_MCINOTIFY)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(lParam == (LPARAM) m_hDev);
+ if(wParam == MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL && lParam == (LPARAM)m_hDev)
+ {
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP, m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ if(theEvent.IsAllowed())
+ {
+ wxMCIVERIFY( mciSendCommand(m_hDev, MCI_SEEK,
+ //send the event to our child
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_FINISHED,
+ m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam);
+// wxQTMediaBackend
+// TODO: Use a less cludgy way to pause/get state/set state
+// TODO: Dynamically load from qtml.dll
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxQTMediaBackend, wxMediaBackend);
+//Time between timer calls
+#define MOVIE_DELAY 100
+#include "wx/timer.h"
-typedef void (WINAPI *LPAVIFileInit) ();
-typedef void (WINAPI *LPAVIFileExit) ();
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxQTTimer - Handle Asyncronous Playing
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class _wxQTTimer : public wxTimer
+ _wxQTTimer(Movie movie, wxQTMediaBackend* parent, wxQuickTimeLibrary* pLib) :
+ m_movie(movie), m_bPaused(false), m_parent(parent), m_pLib(pLib)
+ {
+ }
-typedef ULONG (WINAPI *LPAVIFileOpen) (
-PAVIFILE FAR * ppfile,
-const wxChar* szFile,
-UINT uMode,
-LPCLSID lpHandler
+ ~_wxQTTimer()
+ {
+ }
+ bool GetPaused() {return m_bPaused;}
+ void SetPaused(bool bPaused) {m_bPaused = bPaused;}
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // _wxQTTimer::Notify
+ //
+ // 1) Checks to see if the movie is done, and if not continues
+ // streaming the movie
+ // 2) Sends the wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP event if we have reached the end of
+ // the movie.
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Notify()
+ {
+ if (!m_bPaused)
+ {
+ if(!m_pLib->IsMovieDone(m_movie))
+ m_pLib->MoviesTask(m_movie, MOVIE_DELAY);
+ else
+ {
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_STOP,
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ if(theEvent.IsAllowed())
+ {
+ Stop();
+ m_parent->Stop();
+ wxASSERT(m_pLib->GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ //send the event to our child
+ wxMediaEvent theEvent(wxEVT_MEDIA_FINISHED,
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->GetId());
+ m_parent->m_ctrl->ProcessEvent(theEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
-typedef ULONG (WINAPI *LPAVIFileRelease) (PAVIFILE pfile);
+ Movie m_movie; //Our movie instance
+ bool m_bPaused; //Whether we are paused or not
+ wxQTMediaBackend* m_parent; //Backend pointer
+ wxQuickTimeLibrary* m_pLib; //Interfaces
+// wxQTMediaBackend Destructor
+// Sets m_timer to NULL signifying we havn't loaded anything yet
+wxQTMediaBackend::wxQTMediaBackend() : m_timer(NULL)
+// wxQTMediaBackend Destructor
+// 1) Cleans up the QuickTime movie instance
+// 2) Decrements the QuickTime reference counter - if this reaches
+// 0, QuickTime shuts down
+// 3) Decrements the QuickTime Windows Media Layer reference counter -
+// if this reaches 0, QuickTime shuts down the Windows Media Layer
+ if(m_timer)
+ Cleanup();
+ if(m_lib.IsOk())
+ {
+ //Note that ExitMovies() is not neccessary, but
+ //the docs are fuzzy on whether or not TerminateQTML is
+ m_lib.ExitMovies();
+ m_lib.TerminateQTML();
+ }
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::Create(wxMediaCtrl* ctrl)
- m_hDll = ::LoadLibrary(_T("avifil32.dll"));
+// wxQTMediaBackend::CreateControl
+// 1) Intializes QuickTime
+// 2) Creates the control window
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::CreateControl(wxControl* ctrl, wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name)
+ if(!m_lib.Initialize())
+ return false;
- if(m_hDll == NULL)
+ int nError;
+ if ((nError = m_lib.InitializeQTML(0)) != noErr) //-2093 no dll
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxString::Format(wxT("Couldn't Initialize Quicktime-%i"), nError));
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_lib.EnterMovies();
+ //
+ // Create window
+ // By default wxWindow(s) is created with a border -
+ // so we need to get rid of those
+ //
+ // Since we don't have a child window like most other
+ // backends, we don't need wxCLIP_CHILDREN
+ //
+ if ( !ctrl->wxControl::Create(parent, id, pos, size,
+ (style & ~wxBORDER_MASK) | wxBORDER_NONE,
+ validator, name) )
+ return false;
+ m_ctrl = ctrl;
+ return true;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Load (file version)
+// 1) Get an FSSpec from the Windows path name
+// 2) Open the movie
+// 3) Obtain the movie instance from the movie resource
+// 4)
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Load(const wxString& fileName)
+ if(m_timer)
+ Cleanup();
+ OSErr err = noErr;
+ short movieResFile;
+ FSSpec sfFile;
+ if (m_lib.NativePathNameToFSSpec ((char*) (const char*) fileName.mb_str(),
+ &sfFile, 0) != noErr)
return false;
- LPAVIFileInit pAVIFileInit = (LPAVIFileInit) ::GetProcAddress(m_hDll, _T("AVIFileInit"));
+ if (m_lib.OpenMovieFile (&sfFile, &movieResFile, fsRdPerm) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ short movieResID = 0;
+ Str255 movieName;
+ err = m_lib.NewMovieFromFile (
+ &m_movie,
+ movieResFile,
+ &movieResID,
+ movieName,
+ newMovieActive,
+ NULL); //wasChanged
+ m_lib.CloseMovieFile (movieResFile);
- if(!pAVIFileInit)
+ if (err != noErr)
return false;
- (*pAVIFileInit)();
+ FinishLoad();
- m_ctrl = ctrl;
- return false;
+ return m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr;
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::Load(const wxString& fileName)
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Load(const wxURI& location)
-// if( AVIFileOpen(&m_hAVIFile, fileName.c_str(), OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0L) != 0)
+ if(m_timer)
+ Cleanup();
+ wxString theURI = location.BuildURI();
+ OSErr err = noErr;
+ Handle theHandle = m_lib.NewHandleClear(theURI.length() + 1);
+ wxASSERT(theHandle);
+ m_lib.BlockMove(theURI.mb_str(), *theHandle, theURI.length() + 1);
+ //create the movie from the handle that refers to the URI
+ err = m_lib.NewMovieFromDataRef(&m_movie, newMovieActive,
+ NULL, theHandle,
+ 'url'); //URLDataHandlerSubType
+ m_lib.DisposeHandle(theHandle);
+ if (err != noErr)
return false;
- m_bLoaded = true;
+ //preroll movie for streaming
+ //TODO:Async this?
+ /*
+ TimeValue timeNow;
+ Fixed playRate;
+ timeNow = GetMovieTime(m_movie, NULL);
+ playRate = GetMoviePreferredRate(m_movie);
+ PrePrerollMovie(m_movie, timeNow, playRate, NULL, NULL);
+ PrerollMovie(m_movie, timeNow, playRate);
+ m_lib.SetMovieRate(m_movie, playRate);
- return true;
+ FinishLoad();
+ return m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr;
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::Load(const wxURI& WXUNUSED(location))
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+void wxQTMediaBackend::FinishLoad()
- return false;
+ m_timer = new _wxQTTimer(m_movie, (wxQTMediaBackend*) this, &m_lib);
+ wxASSERT(m_timer);
+ //get the real size of the movie
+ Rect outRect;
+ m_lib.GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect (m_movie, &outRect);
+ wxASSERT(m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ m_bestSize.x = outRect.right - outRect.left;
+ m_bestSize.y = outRect.bottom - outRect.top;
+ //reparent movie/*AudioMediaCharacteristic*/
+ if(m_lib.GetMovieIndTrackType(m_movie, 1,
+ 'eyes', //VisualMediaCharacteristic,
+ (1 << 1) //movieTrackCharacteristic
+ | (1 << 2) //movieTrackEnabledOnly
+ ) != NULL)
+ {
+ m_lib.CreatePortAssociation(m_ctrl->GetHWND(), NULL, 0L);
+ m_lib.SetMovieGWorld(m_movie,
+ (CGrafPtr) m_lib.GetNativeWindowPort(m_ctrl->GetHWND()),
+ NULL);
+ }
+ //we want millisecond precision
+ m_lib.SetMovieTimeScale(m_movie, 1000);
+ wxASSERT(m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ //
+ //Here, if the parent of the control has a sizer - we
+ //tell it to recalculate the size of this control since
+ //the user opened a seperate media file
+ //
+ m_ctrl->InvalidateBestSize();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Layout();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Refresh();
+ m_ctrl->GetParent()->Update();
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Play()
+ m_lib.StartMovie(m_movie);
+ m_timer->SetPaused(false);
+ return m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Pause()
+ m_lib.StopMovie(m_movie);
+ m_timer->SetPaused(true);
+ m_timer->Stop();
+ return m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr;
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::Stop()
+ m_timer->SetPaused(false);
+ m_timer->Stop();
+ m_lib.StopMovie(m_movie);
+ if(m_lib.GetMoviesError() != noErr)
+ return false;
+ m_lib.GoToBeginningOfMovie(m_movie);
+ return m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr;
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::Play()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+double wxQTMediaBackend::GetPlaybackRate()
- return 0;
+ return ( ((double)m_lib.GetMovieRate(m_movie)) / 0x10000);
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::Pause()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::SetPlaybackRate(double dRate)
- return 0;
+ m_lib.SetMovieRate(m_movie, (Fixed) (dRate * 0x10000));
+ return m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr;
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::Stop()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::SetPosition(wxLongLong where)
- return 0;
+ TimeRecord theTimeRecord;
+ memset(&theTimeRecord, 0, sizeof(TimeRecord));
+ theTimeRecord.value.lo = where.GetValue();
+ theTimeRecord.scale = m_lib.GetMovieTimeScale(m_movie);
+ theTimeRecord.base = m_lib.GetMovieTimeBase(m_movie);
+ m_lib.SetMovieTime(m_movie, &theTimeRecord);
+ if (m_lib.GetMoviesError() != noErr)
+ return false;
+ return true;
-wxMediaState wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::GetState()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetPosition
+// 1) Calls GetMovieTime to get the position we are in in the movie
+// in milliseconds (we called
+wxLongLong wxQTMediaBackend::GetPosition()
+ return m_lib.GetMovieTime(m_movie, NULL);
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::SetPosition(long where)
+// wxQTMediaBackend::GetVolume
+// Gets the volume through GetMovieVolume - which returns a 16 bit short -
+// +--------+--------+
+// + (1) + (2) +
+// +--------+--------+
+// (1) first 8 bits are value before decimal
+// (2) second 8 bits are value after decimal
+// Volume ranges from -1.0 (gain but no sound), 0 (no sound and no gain) to
+// 1 (full gain and sound)
+double wxQTMediaBackend::GetVolume()
- return 0;
+ short sVolume = m_lib.GetMovieVolume(m_movie);
+ if(sVolume & (128 << 8)) //negative - no sound
+ return 0.0;
+ return (sVolume & (127 << 8)) ? 1.0 : ((double)(sVolume & 255)) / 255.0;
-long wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::GetPosition()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::SetVolume
+// Sets the volume through SetMovieVolume - which takes a 16 bit short -
+// +--------+--------+
+// + (1) + (2) +
+// +--------+--------+
+// (1) first 8 bits are value before decimal
+// (2) second 8 bits are value after decimal
+// Volume ranges from -1.0 (gain but no sound), 0 (no sound and no gain) to
+// 1 (full gain and sound)
+bool wxQTMediaBackend::SetVolume(double dVolume)
- return 0;
+ short sVolume = (dVolume >= .9999 ? 1 << 8 :
+ (short) (dVolume * 255));
+ m_lib.SetMovieVolume(m_movie, sVolume);
+ return true;
-long wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::GetDuration()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+wxLongLong wxQTMediaBackend::GetDuration()
- return 0;
+ return m_lib.GetMovieDuration(m_movie);
-void wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::DoMoveWindow(int, int, int, int)
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+wxMediaState wxQTMediaBackend::GetState()
+ if ( !m_timer || (m_timer->IsRunning() == false &&
+ m_timer->GetPaused() == false) )
+ if( m_timer->IsRunning() == true )
+ else
-wxSize wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::DoGetBestSize() const
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+void wxQTMediaBackend::Cleanup()
- return wxSize(0,0);
+ delete m_timer;
+ m_timer = NULL;
+ m_lib.StopMovie(m_movie);
+ m_lib.DisposeMovie(m_movie);
-double wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::GetPlaybackRate()
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+wxSize wxQTMediaBackend::GetVideoSize() const
- return 1.0;
+ return m_bestSize;
-bool wxAVIFileMediaCtrlImpl::SetPlaybackRate(double)
+// wxQTMediaBackend::Move
+// TODO
+void wxQTMediaBackend::Move(int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y), int w, int h)
- return false;
+ if(m_timer)
+ {
+ Rect theRect = {0, 0, h, w};
+ m_lib.SetMovieBox(m_movie, &theRect);
+ wxASSERT(m_lib.GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ }
- */
+// End QT Compilation Guard
+#endif //wxUSE_QUICKTIME
+//in source file that contains stuff you don't directly use
+#include <wx/html/forcelnk.h>
+// End wxMediaCtrl Compilation Guard and this file
+#endif //wxUSE_MEDIACTRL
-#endif //wxUSE_MEDIACTRL
\ No newline at end of file