// Author: Julian Smart, Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
// Created: 04/01/98
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart, Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// move to print_osx.cpp
+static int ResolutionSorter(const void *e1, const void *e2)
+ const PMResolution *res1 = (const PMResolution *)e1;
+ const PMResolution *res2 = (const PMResolution *)e2;
+ const double area1 = res1->hRes * res1->vRes;
+ const double area2 = res2->hRes * res2->vRes;
+ if (area1 < area2)
+ return -1;
+ else if (area1 > area2)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static PMResolution *GetSupportedResolutions(PMPrinter printer, UInt32 *count)
+ PMResolution res, *resolutions = NULL;
+ OSStatus status = PMPrinterGetPrinterResolutionCount(printer, count);
+ if (status == noErr)
+ {
+ resolutions = (PMResolution *)malloc(sizeof(PMResolution) * (*count));
+ UInt32 realCount = 0;
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < *count; i++)
+ {
+ if (PMPrinterGetIndexedPrinterResolution(printer, i + 1, &res) == noErr)
+ resolutions[realCount++] = res;
+ }
+ qsort(resolutions, realCount, sizeof(PMResolution), ResolutionSorter);
+ *count = realCount;
+ }
+ if ((*count == 0) && (resolutions))
+ {
+ free(resolutions);
+ resolutions = NULL;
+ }
+ return resolutions;
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxOSXPrintData, wxPrintNativeDataBase)
bool wxOSXPrintData::IsOk() const
-bool wxOSXPrintData::TransferFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferPrinterNameFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
+ CFArrayRef printerList;
+ CFIndex index, count;
+ CFStringRef name;
+ if (PMServerCreatePrinterList(kPMServerLocal, &printerList) == noErr)
+ {
+ PMPrinter printer = NULL;
+ count = CFArrayGetCount(printerList);
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
+ {
+ printer = (PMPrinter)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(printerList, index);
+ if ((data.GetPrinterName().empty()) && (PMPrinterIsDefault(printer)))
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ name = PMPrinterGetName(printer);
+ CFRetain(name);
+ if (data.GetPrinterName() == wxCFStringRef(name).AsString())
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (index < count)
+ PMSessionSetCurrentPMPrinter(m_macPrintSession, printer);
+ CFRelease(printerList);
+ }
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferPaperInfoFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
PMPrinter printer;
PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(m_macPrintSession, &printer);
papersize = data.GetPaperSize();
if ( papersize != wxDefaultSize )
papersize.x = (wxInt32) (papersize.x * mm2pt);
papersize.y = (wxInt32) (papersize.y * mm2pt);
double height, width;
PMPaperGetHeight(m_macPaper, &height);
PMPaperGetWidth(m_macPaper, &width);
- if ( fabs( width - papersize.x ) >= 5 ||
+ if ( fabs( width - papersize.x ) >= 5 ||
fabs( height - papersize.y ) >= 5 )
// we have to change the current paper
PMPaper paper = (PMPaper) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( paperlist, i );
PMPaperGetHeight(paper, &height);
PMPaperGetWidth(paper, &width);
- if ( fabs( width - papersize.x ) < 5 &&
+ if ( fabs( width - papersize.x ) < 5 &&
fabs( height - papersize.y ) < 5 )
// TODO test for duplicate hits and use additional
if ( bestPaper == kPMNoData )
const PMPaperMargins margins = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
- wxString id, name(_T("Custom paper"));
- id.Printf(_T("wxPaperCustom%dx%d"), papersize.x, papersize.y);
+ wxString id, name(wxT("Custom paper"));
+ id.Printf(wxT("wxPaperCustom%dx%d"), papersize.x, papersize.y);
- if ( PMPaperCreateCustom != NULL)
- {
- PMPaperCreateCustom(printer, wxCFStringRef( id, wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ), wxCFStringRef( name, wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ),
- papersize.x, papersize.y, &margins, &paper);
- }
- if ( paper == kPMNoData )
- {
- PMPaperCreate(printer, wxCFStringRef( id, wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ), wxCFStringRef( name, wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ),
- papersize.x, papersize.y, &margins, &paper);
- }
+ PMPaperCreateCustom(printer, wxCFStringRef( id, wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ), wxCFStringRef( name, wxFont::GetDefaultEncoding() ),
+ papersize.x, papersize.y, &margins, &paper);
if ( bestPaper != kPMNoData )
- CFArrayRef printerList;
- CFIndex index, count;
- CFStringRef name;
- if (PMServerCreatePrinterList(kPMServerLocal, &printerList) == noErr)
- {
- count = CFArrayGetCount(printerList);
- for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
- {
- printer = (PMPrinter)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(printerList, index);
- if ((data.GetPrinterName().empty()) && (PMPrinterIsDefault(printer)))
- break;
- else
- {
- name = PMPrinterGetName(printer);
- CFRetain(name);
- if (data.GetPrinterName() == wxCFStringRef(name).AsString())
- break;
- }
- }
- if (index < count)
- PMSessionSetCurrentPMPrinter(m_macPrintSession, printer);
- CFRelease(printerList);
- }
PMSetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , data.GetNoCopies() , false ) ;
PMSetCollate(m_macPrintSettings, data.GetCollate());
if ( data.IsOrientationReversed() )
PMSetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , ( data.GetOrientation() == wxLANDSCAPE ) ?
- kPMReverseLandscape : kPMReversePortrait , false ) ;
+ kPMReverseLandscape : kPMReversePortrait , false ) ;
PMSetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , ( data.GetOrientation() == wxLANDSCAPE ) ?
- kPMLandscape : kPMPortrait , false ) ;
+ kPMLandscape : kPMPortrait , false ) ;
PMDuplexMode mode = 0 ;
switch( data.GetDuplex() )
PMSetDuplex( m_macPrintSettings, mode ) ;
- // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API
if ( data.IsOrientationReversed() )
PMSetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , ( data.GetOrientation() == wxLANDSCAPE ) ?
- kPMReverseLandscape : kPMReversePortrait , false ) ;
+ kPMReverseLandscape : kPMReversePortrait , false ) ;
PMSetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , ( data.GetOrientation() == wxLANDSCAPE ) ?
- kPMLandscape : kPMPortrait , false ) ;
-#ifndef __LP64__
- // PMQualityMode not accessible via API
- // TODO: use our quality property to determine optimal resolution
- PMResolution res;
- PMTag tag = kPMMaxSquareResolution;
- PMPrinterGetPrinterResolution(printer, tag, &res);
- PMSetResolution( m_macPageFormat, &res);
+ kPMLandscape : kPMPortrait , false ) ;
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferResolutionFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
+ PMPrinter printer;
+ PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(m_macPrintSession, &printer);
+ UInt32 resCount;
+ PMResolution *resolutions = GetSupportedResolutions(printer, &resCount);
+ if (resolutions)
+ {
+ wxPrintQuality quality = data.GetQuality();
+ if (quality >= 0)
+ quality = wxPRINT_QUALITY_HIGH;
+ PMResolution res = resolutions[((quality - wxPRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT) * (resCount - 1)) / 3];
+ PMPrinterSetOutputResolution(printer, m_macPrintSettings, &res);
- // after setting the new resolution the format has to be updated, otherwise the page rect remains
+ free(resolutions);
+ }
+bool wxOSXPrintData::TransferFrom( const wxPrintData &data )
+ TransferPrinterNameFrom(data);
+ TransferPaperInfoFrom(data);
+ TransferResolutionFrom(data);
+ // after setting the new resolution the format has to be updated, otherwise the page rect remains
// at the 'old' scaling
- m_macPageFormat, kPMDontWantBoolean);
+ m_macPageFormat, kPMDontWantBoolean);
- m_macPrintSettings, kPMDontWantBoolean);
+ m_macPrintSettings, kPMDontWantBoolean);
return true ;
-bool wxOSXPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData &data )
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferPrinterNameTo( wxPrintData &data )
+ CFStringRef name;
+ PMPrinter printer ;
+ PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession, &printer );
+ if (PMPrinterIsDefault(printer))
+ data.SetPrinterName(wxEmptyString);
+ else
+ {
+ name = PMPrinterGetName(printer);
+ CFRetain(name);
+ data.SetPrinterName(wxCFStringRef(name).AsString());
+ }
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferPaperInfoTo( wxPrintData &data )
+ PMGetPageFormatPaper(m_macPageFormat, &m_macPaper);
+ PMPrinter printer ;
+ PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession, &printer );
OSStatus err = noErr ;
- UpdateToPMState();
UInt32 copies ;
err = PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ;
if ( err == noErr )
Boolean collate;
if (PMGetCollate(m_macPrintSettings, &collate) == noErr)
- CFStringRef name;
- PMPrinter printer ;
- PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession, &printer );
- if (PMPrinterIsDefault(printer))
- data.SetPrinterName(wxEmptyString);
- else
- {
- name = PMPrinterGetName(printer);
- CFRetain(name);
- data.SetPrinterName(wxCFStringRef(name).AsString());
- }
PMDuplexMode mode = 0 ;
PMGetDuplex( m_macPrintSettings, &mode ) ;
switch( mode )
break ;
- // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API
double height, width;
PMPaperGetHeight(m_macPaper, &height);
PMPaperGetWidth(m_macPaper, &width);
wxSize sz((int)(width * pt2mm + 0.5 ) ,
- (int)(height * pt2mm + 0.5 ));
+ (int)(height * pt2mm + 0.5 ));
wxPaperSize id = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->GetSize(wxSize(sz.x* 10, sz.y * 10));
if (id != wxPAPER_NONE)
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferResolutionTo( wxPrintData &data )
+ PMPrinter printer ;
+ PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession, &printer );
+ /* assume high quality, will change below if we are able to */
+ data.SetQuality(wxPRINT_QUALITY_HIGH);
+ PMResolution *resolutions;
+ UInt32 resCount;
+ resolutions = GetSupportedResolutions(printer, &resCount);
+ if (resolutions)
+ {
+ bool valid = false;
+ PMResolution res;
+ if ( PMPrinterGetOutputResolution(printer, m_macPrintSettings, &res) == noErr )
+ valid = true;
+ if ( valid )
+ {
+ UInt32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < resCount; i++)
+ {
+ if ((resolutions[i].hRes == res.hRes) && (resolutions[i].vRes = res.vRes))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < resCount)
+ data.SetQuality((((i + 1) * 3) / resCount) + wxPRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT);
+ }
+ free(resolutions);
+ }
+bool wxOSXPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData &data )
+ UpdateToPMState();
+ TransferPrinterNameTo(data);
+ TransferPaperInfoTo(data);
+ TransferResolutionTo(data);
return true ;
-void wxOSXPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPageSetupData *WXUNUSED(data) )
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPageSetupDialogData *WXUNUSED(data) )
// should we setup the page rect here ?
// since MacOS sometimes has two same paper rects with different
// page rects we could make it roundtrip safe perhaps
-void wxOSXPrintData::TransferTo( wxPageSetupData* data )
+void wxOSXPrintData::TransferTo( wxPageSetupDialogData* data )
return new wxOSXCocoaPrintData();
return new wxOSXCarbonPrintData();
return NULL;
sm_abortWindow = NULL;
if (!printout)
+ {
+ sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR;
return false;
+ }
- printout->SetIsPreview(false);
if (m_printDialogData.GetMinPage() < 1)
if (m_printDialogData.GetMaxPage() < 1)
// on the mac we have always pixels as addressing mode with 72 dpi
printout->SetPPIScreen(72, 72);
-#ifndef __LP64__
PMResolution res;
+ PMPrinter printer;
wxOSXPrintData* nativeData = (wxOSXPrintData*)
- PMGetResolution( (nativeData->GetPageFormat()), &res);
+ if (PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(nativeData->GetPrintSession(), &printer) == noErr)
+ {
+ if (PMPrinterGetOutputResolution( printer, nativeData->GetPrintSettings(), &res) == -9589 /* kPMKeyNotFound */ )
+ {
+ res.hRes = res.vRes = 300;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // fallback
+ res.hRes = res.vRes = 300;
+ }
printout->SetPPIPrinter(int(res.hRes), int(res.vRes));
// Set printout parameters
if (maxPage == 0)
- wxEndBusyCursor();
+ sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR;
return false;
- // Only set min and max, because from and to have been
+ // Only set min and max, because from and to will be
// set by the user
if (sm_abortIt)
- keepGoing = false;
if (sm_abortWindow)
- delete sm_abortWindow;
- sm_abortWindow = NULL;
+ wxDELETE(sm_abortWindow);
return (ret == wxID_OK);
- return wxID_CANCEL;
+ return false;
wxSize ppiScreen( 72 , 72 ) ;
wxSize ppiPrinter( 72 , 72 ) ;
// Note that with Leopard, screen dpi=72 is no longer a given
m_previewPrintout->SetPPIScreen( ppiScreen.x , ppiScreen.y ) ;
wxCoord w , h ;
wxCoord ww, hh;
wxRect paperRect;
m_pageWidth = w;
m_pageHeight = h;
m_previewPrintout->SetPageSizePixels(w , h) ;
m_previewPrintout->SetPageSizeMM(ww, hh);
PMGetPageFormatPaper(m_macPageFormat, &m_macPaper);
if ( PMCreatePrintSettings(&m_macPrintSettings) == noErr )