// program startup
virtual bool OnInit();
- // 2nd-level exception handling: we get all the exceptions occuring in any
+ // 2nd-level exception handling: we get all the exceptions occurring in any
// event handler here
virtual bool OnExceptionInMainLoop();
void OnHandleCrash(wxCommandEvent& event);
// 1st-level exception handling: we overload ProcessEvent() to be able to
// catch exceptions which occur in MyFrame methods here
virtual bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event);
// 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
bool MyApp::OnInit()
+ if ( !wxApp::OnInit() )
+ return false;
// create the main application window
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame();
catch ( int i )
- wxLogWarning(_T("Caught an int %d in MyApp."), i);
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Caught an int %d in MyApp."), i);
catch ( MyException& e )
- wxLogWarning(_T("Caught MyException(%s) in MyApp."), e.what());
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("Caught MyException(%s) in MyApp."), e.what());
catch ( ... )
catch ( ... )
- wxMessageBox(_T("Unhandled exception caught, program will terminate."),
- _T("wxExcept Sample"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("Unhandled exception caught, program will terminate."),
+ wxT("wxExcept Sample"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
void MyApp::OnFatalException()
- wxMessageBox(_T("Program has crashed and will terminate."),
- _T("wxExcept Sample"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("Program has crashed and will terminate."),
+ wxT("wxExcept Sample"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
// frame constructor
- : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("Except wxWidgets App"),
+ : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("Except wxWidgets App"),
wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340))
// set the frame icon
// create a menu bar
wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
- menuFile->Append(Except_Dialog, _T("Show &dialog\tCtrl-D"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_Dialog, wxT("Show &dialog\tCtrl-D"));
- menuFile->Append(Except_ThrowInt, _T("Throw an &int\tCtrl-I"));
- menuFile->Append(Except_ThrowString, _T("Throw a &string\tCtrl-S"));
- menuFile->Append(Except_ThrowObject, _T("Throw an &object\tCtrl-O"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_ThrowInt, wxT("Throw an &int\tCtrl-I"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_ThrowString, wxT("Throw a &string\tCtrl-S"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_ThrowObject, wxT("Throw an &object\tCtrl-O"));
- _T("Throw &unhandled exception\tCtrl-U"));
- menuFile->Append(Except_Crash, _T("&Crash\tCtrl-C"));
+ wxT("Throw &unhandled exception\tCtrl-U"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_Crash, wxT("&Crash\tCtrl-C"));
- menuFile->AppendCheckItem(Except_HandleCrash, _T("&Handle crashes\tCtrl-H"));
+ menuFile->AppendCheckItem(Except_HandleCrash, wxT("&Handle crashes\tCtrl-H"));
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
- menuFile->Append(Except_ShowAssert, _T("Provoke &assert failure\tCtrl-A"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_ShowAssert, wxT("Provoke &assert failure\tCtrl-A"));
#endif // __WXDEBUG__
- menuFile->Append(Except_Quit, _T("E&xit\tCtrl-Q"), _T("Quit this program"));
+ menuFile->Append(Except_Quit, wxT("E&xit\tCtrl-Q"), wxT("Quit this program"));
wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
- helpMenu->Append(Except_About, _T("&About...\tF1"), _T("Show about dialog"));
+ helpMenu->Append(Except_About, wxT("&About...\tF1"), wxT("Show about dialog"));
// now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar...
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar();
- menuBar->Append(menuFile, _T("&File"));
- menuBar->Append(helpMenu, _T("&Help"));
+ menuBar->Append(menuFile, wxT("&File"));
+ menuBar->Append(helpMenu, wxT("&Help"));
// ... and attach this menu bar to the frame
#if wxUSE_STATUSBAR && !defined(__WXWINCE__)
// create a status bar just for fun (by default with 1 pane only)
- SetStatusText(_T("Welcome to wxWidgets!"));
+ SetStatusText(wxT("Welcome to wxWidgets!"));
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
catch ( const wxChar *msg )
- wxLogMessage(_T("Caught a string \"%s\" in MyFrame"), msg);
+ wxLogMessage(wxT("Caught a string \"%s\" in MyFrame"), msg);
return true;
catch ( ... )
- wxLogWarning(_T("An exception in MyDialog"));
+ wxLogWarning(wxT("An exception in MyDialog"));
void MyFrame::OnThrowString(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- throw _T("string thrown from MyFrame");
+ throw wxT("string thrown from MyFrame");
void MyFrame::OnThrowObject(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- throw MyException(_T("Exception thrown from MyFrame"));
+ throw MyException(wxT("Exception thrown from MyFrame"));
void MyFrame::OnThrowUnhandled(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxString msg;
- msg.Printf( _T("This is the About dialog of the except sample.\n")
- _T("Welcome to %s"), wxVERSION_STRING);
+ msg.Printf( wxT("This is the About dialog of the except sample.\n")
+ wxT("Welcome to %s"), wxVERSION_STRING);
- wxMessageBox(msg, _T("About Except"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
+ wxMessageBox(msg, wxT("About Except"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
MyDialog::MyDialog(wxFrame *parent)
- : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString(_T("Throw exception dialog")))
+ : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString(wxT("Throw exception dialog")))
wxSizer *sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, Except_ThrowInt, _T("Throw &int")),
+ sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, Except_ThrowInt, wxT("Throw &int")),
0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, Except_ThrowObject, _T("Throw &object")),
+ sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, Except_ThrowObject, wxT("Throw &object")),
0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, Except_Crash, _T("&Crash")),
+ sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, Except_Crash, wxT("&Crash")),
0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, _T("&Cancel")),
+ sizerTop->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, wxT("&Cancel")),
0, wxCENTRE | wxALL, 5);
- SetSizer(sizerTop);
- sizerTop->Fit(this);
+ SetSizerAndFit(sizerTop);
void MyDialog::OnThrowInt(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void MyDialog::OnThrowObject(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- throw MyException(_T("Exception thrown from MyDialog"));
+ throw MyException(wxT("Exception thrown from MyDialog"));
void MyDialog::OnCrash(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))