\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxApp overview}{wxappoverview}
+\func{virtual wxAppTraits *}{CreateTraits}{\void}
+Creates the \helpref{wxAppTraits}{wxapptraits} object when \helpref{GetTraits}{wxappgettraits}
+needs it for the first time.
+\wxheading{See also}
\func{virtual void}{Dispatch}{\void}
going to be processed at all (for the latter one).
+Returns the user-readable application name. The difference between this string
+and the one returned by \helpref{GetAppName}{wxappgetappname} is that this one
+is meant to be shown to the user and so should be used for the window titles,
+page headers and so on while the other one should be only used internally, e.g.
+for the file names or configuration file keys.
+By default, returns the same string as \helpref{GetAppName}{wxappgetappname}.
wxWidgets sets this to a reasonable default before
calling \helpref{wxApp::OnInit}{wxapponinit}, but the application can reset it at will.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\func{wxAppTraits *}{GetTraits}{\void}
+Returns a pointer to the \helpref{wxAppTraits}{wxapptraits} object for the application.
+If you want to customize the \helpref{wxAppTraits}{wxapptraits} object, you must override the
+\helpref{CreateTraits}{wxappcreatetraits} function.
+Returns the user-readable vendor name. The difference between this string
+and the one returned by \helpref{GetVendorName}{wxappgetvendorname} is that this one
+is meant to be shown to the user and so should be used for the window titles,
+page headers and so on while the other one should be only used internally, e.g.
+for the file names or configuration file keys.
+By default, returns the same string as \helpref{GetVendorName}{wxappgetvendorname}.
Returns \true if the main event loop is currently running, i.e. if the
application is inside \helpref{OnRun}{wxapponrun}.
-This can be useful to test whether the events can be dispatched. For example,
+This can be useful to test whether events can be dispatched. For example,
if this function returns \false, non-blocking sockets cannot be used because
the events from them would never be processed.
This function is called when an unhandled C++ exception occurs inside
\helpref{OnRun()}{wxapponrun} (the exceptions which occur during the program
-startup and shutdown might not be caught at all).
-Note that the exception type is lost by now, so if you want to really handle
-the exception you should override \helpref{OnRun()}{wxapponrun} and put a
-try/catch clause around the call to the base class version there.
+startup and shutdown might not be caught at all). Notice that by now the main
+event loop has been terminated and the program will exit, if you want to
+prevent this from happening (i.e. continue running after catching an exception)
+you need to override \helpref{OnExceptionInMainLoop}{wxapponexceptioninmainloop}.
+The default implementation shows information about the exception in debug build
+but does nothing in the release build.
+\func{void}{SetAppDisplayName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Set the application name to be used in the user-visible places such as window
+titles. See \helpref{GetAppDisplayName}{wxappgetappdisplayname} for more about
+the differences between the display name and name.
\func{void}{SetAppName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
-Sets the name of the application. The name may be used in dialogs
-(for example by the document/view framework). A default name is set by
+Sets the name of the application. This name should be used for file names,
+configuration file entries and other internal strings. For the user-visible
+strings, such as the window titles, the application display name set by
+\helpref{SetAppDisplayName}{wxappsetappdisplayname} is used instead.
+By default the application name is set to the name of its executable file.
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxApp::GetTopWindow}{wxappgettopwindow}, \helpref{wxApp::OnInit}{wxapponinit}
+\func{void}{SetVendorDisplayName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
+Set the vendor name to be used in the user-visible places. See
+\helpref{GetVendorDisplayName}{wxappgetvendordisplayname} for more about
+the differences between the display name and name.
-\func{void}{SetUseBestVisual}{\param{bool}{ flag}}
+\func{void}{SetUseBestVisual}{\param{bool}{ flag}, \param{bool}{ forceTrueColour = false}}
Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will use the best visual
on systems that support several visual on the same display. This is typically the
case under Solaris and IRIX, where the default visual is only 8-bit whereas certain
applications are supposed to run in TrueColour mode.
+If \arg{forceTrueColour} is true then the application will try to force
+using a TrueColour visual and abort the app if none is found.
Note that this function has to be called in the constructor of the {\tt wxApp}
instance and won't have any effect when called later on.