+ // Creation
+ // We need do something here only if the original watch was recursive;
+ // we don't watch a child dir itself inside a non-tree watch.
+ // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_CREATEs.
+ // Distinguish by whether nativeFlags contain IN_ISDIR
+ else if ((nativeFlags & IN_CREATE) &&
+ (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree) && (inevt.mask & IN_ISDIR))
+ {
+ wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
+ // Though it's a dir, fn treats it as a file. So:
+ fn.AssignDir(fn.GetFullPath());
+ if (m_watcher->AddAny(fn, wxFSW_EVENT_ALL,
+ wxFSWPath_Tree, watch.GetFilespec()))
+ {
+ // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
+ // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
+ if (watch.GetFilespec().empty())
+ {
+ wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn);
+ SendEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Deletion
+ // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_DELETEs.
+ // We obviously can't check using DirExists() as the object has been
+ // deleted; and nativeFlags here doesn't contain IN_ISDIR, even for
+ // a dir. Fortunately IN_DELETE_SELF doesn't happen for files. We need
+ // to do something here only inside a tree watch, or if it's the parent
+ // dir that's deleted. Otherwise let the parent dir cope
+ else if ((nativeFlags & IN_DELETE_SELF) &&
+ ((watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Dir) ||
+ (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree)))
+ {
+ // We must remove the deleted directory from the map, so that
+ // DoRemoveInotify() isn't called on it in the future. Don't assert
+ // if the wd isn't found: repeated IN_DELETE_SELFs can occur
+ wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
+ wxString path(fn.GetPathWithSep());
+ if (m_watchMap.erase(inevt.wd) == 1)
+ {
+ // Delete from wxFileSystemWatcher
+ wxDynamicCast(m_watcher, wxInotifyFileSystemWatcher)->
+ OnDirDeleted(path);
+ // Now remove from our local list of watched items
+ wxFSWatchEntries::iterator wit =
+ m_watches.find(path);
+ if (wit != m_watches.end())
+ {
+ m_watches.erase(wit);
+ }
+ // Cache the wd in case any events arrive late
+ m_staleDescriptors.Add(inevt.wd);
+ }
+ // Tell the owner, in case it's interested
+ // If there's a filespec, assume he's not
+ if (watch.GetFilespec().empty())
+ {
+ wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn);
+ SendEvent(event);
+ }
+ }