+<h3>wx.Window.SetSizerProps Quick Reference</h3>
+<table bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\">
+<td valign="middle" width="90"><b>Parameter</b></td> <td valign="middle"><b>Values</b></td> <td valign="middle"><b>Summary</b></td>
+<td><i>expand</i></td> <td>True/False</td>
+<td>Whether or not the control should grow to fill free space if
+free space is available.</td>
+<td><i>proportion</i></td> <td>Number (typically 0-10)</td>
+<td>How much of the free space the control should take up. Note that this value is
+<i>relative</i> to other controls, so a proportion of 2 means take up
+'twice as much' space as controls with a proportion of 1.</td>
+<td><i>halign</i> <td>"left", "center", "centre", "right"</td>
+<td>Determines horizontal alignment of control.</td>
+<td><i>valign</i> <td>"top", "center", "centre", "bottom"</td>
+<td>Determines vertical alignment of control.</td>
+<td><i>border</i> <td>Tuple: ([<i>dirs</i>], integer)</td>
+<td>Specifies amount of border padding to apply to specified directions. </br>
+Example: (["left", "right"], 6) would add six pixels to left and right borders. </br>
+Note that, unfortunately,
+it is not currently possible to assign different border sizes to each direction.</td>
+<td><i>minsize</i> <td>One of the following string values: "fixed", "adjust"</td>
+<td>Determines whether or not the minsize can be updated when the control's best size changes.</td>