+\helpref{wxCRITICAL\_SECTION}{wxcriticalsectionmacro}\\ % wxcs already taken!
\wxheading{Include files}
\section{Process control functions}\label{processfunctions}
\section{Thread functions}\label{threadfunctions}
+The functions and macros here mainly exist to make it writing the code which
+may be compiled in multi thread build ({\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} $= 1$) as well as
+in single thread configuration ({\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} $= 0$).
+For example, a static variable must be protected against simultaneous access by
+multiple threads in the former configuration but in the latter the extra
+overhead of using the critical section is not needed. To solve this problem,
+the \helpref{wxCRITICAL\_SECTION}{wxcriticalsectionmacro} macro may be used
+to create and use the critical section only when needed.
\wxheading{Include files}
\helpref{wxThread}{wxthread}, \helpref{wxMutex}{wxmutex}, \helpref{Multithreading overview}{wxthreadoverview}
+This macro declares a (static) critical section object named {\it cs} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+This macro declares a critical section object named {\it cs} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$. As it doesn't
+include the {\tt static} keyword (unlike
+\helpref{wxCRIT\_SECT\_DECLARE}{wxcritsectdeclare}), it can be used to declare
+a class or struct member which explains its name.
+\func{}{wxCRIT\_SECT\_LOCKER}{\param{}{name}, \param{}{cs}}
+This macro creates a \helpref{critical section lock}{wxcriticalsectionlocker}
+object named {\it name} and associated with the critical section {\it cs} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+This macro combines \helpref{wxCRIT\_SECT\_DECLARE}{wxcritsectdeclare} and
+\helpref{wxCRIT\_SECT\_LOCKER}{wxcritsectlocker}: it creates a static critical
+section object and also the lock object associated with it. Because of this, it
+can be only used inside a function, not at global scope. For example:
+int IncCount()
+ static int s_counter = 0;
+ wxCRITICAL_SECTION(counter);
+ return ++s_counter;
+(note that we suppose that the function is called the first time from the main
+thread so that the critical section object is initialized correctly by the time
+other threads start calling it, if this is not the case this approach can
+{\bf not} be used and the critical section must be made a global instead).
+\func{}{wxENTER\_CRIT\_SECT}{\param{wxCriticalSection\& }{cs}}
+This macro is equivalent to \helpref{cs.Enter()}{wxcriticalsectionenter} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
+Returns {\tt true} if this thread is the main one. Always returns {\tt true} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $0$.
+\func{}{wxLEAVE\_CRIT\_SECT}{\param{wxCriticalSection\& }{cs}}
+This macro is equivalent to \helpref{cs.Leave()}{wxcriticalsectionleave} if
+{\tt wxUSE\_THREADS} is $1$ and does nothing if it is $0$.
Returns {\tt true} if the pointer is either {\tt NULL} or points to an empty
string, {\tt false} otherwise.
+\func{int}{wxStrcmp}{\param{const char *}{p1}, \param{const char *}{p2}}
+Returns a negative value, 0, or positive value if {\it p1} is less than, equal
+to or greater than {\it p2}. The comparison is case-sensitive.
+This function complements the standard C function {\it stricmp()} which performs
+case-insensitive comparison.
\func{int}{wxStricmp}{\param{const char *}{p1}, \param{const char *}{p2}}
-\func{int}{wxMessageBox}{\param{const wxString\& }{message}, \param{const wxString\& }{caption = ``Message"}, \param{int}{ style = wxOK \pipe wxCENTRE},\\
+\func{int}{wxMessageBox}{\param{const wxString\& }{message}, \param{const wxString\& }{caption = ``Message"}, \param{int}{ style = wxOK},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL}, \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1}}
General purpose message dialog. {\it style} may be a bit list of the
\twocolitem{wxCANCEL}{Puts a Cancel button on the message box. May be combined with
wxYES\_NO or wxOK.}
\twocolitem{wxOK}{Puts an Ok button on the message box. May be combined with wxCANCEL.}
-\twocolitem{wxCENTRE}{Centres the text.}
\twocolitem{wxICON\_EXCLAMATION}{Displays an exclamation mark symbol.}
\twocolitem{wxICON\_HAND}{Displays an error symbol.}
\twocolitem{wxICON\_ERROR}{Displays an error symbol - the same as wxICON\_HAND.}
{\it message} may contain newline characters, in which case the
message will be split into separate lines, to cater for large messages.
-Under Windows, the native MessageBox function is used unless wxCENTRE
-is specified in the style, in which case a generic function is used.
-This is because the native MessageBox function cannot centre text.
-The symbols are not shown when the generic function is used.
\wxheading{Include files}
+\section{Math functions}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{int}{wxFinite}{\param{double }{x}}
+Returns a non-zero value if {\it x} is neither infinite or NaN (not a number),
+returns 0 otherwise.
+\func{bool}{wxIsNaN}{\param{double }{x}}
+Returns a non-zero value if {\it x} is NaN (not a number), returns 0
\section{GDI functions}\label{gdifunctions}
The following are relevant to the GDI (Graphics Device Interface).
The clipboard must have previously been opened for this call to succeed.
\section{Miscellaneous functions}\label{miscellany}
+\func{}{wxDYNLIB\_FUNCTION}{\param{}{type}, \param{}{name}, \param{}{dynlib}}
+When loading a function from a DLL you always have to cast the returned
+\tt{void *} pointer to the correct type and, even more annoyingly, you have to
+repeat this type twice if you want to declare and define a function pointer all
+in one line
+This macro makes this slightly less painful by allowing you to specify the
+type only once, as the first parameter, and creating a variable of this type
+named after the function but with {\tt pfn} prefix and initialized with the
+function \arg{name} from the \helpref{wxDynamicLibrary}{wxdynamiclibrary}
+\docparam{type}{the type of the function}
+\docparam{name}{the name of the function to load, not a string (without quotes,
+it is quoted automatically by the macro)}
+\docparam{dynlib}{the library to load the function from}
{\tt wxEXPLICIT} is a macro which expands to the C++ {\tt explicit} keyword if
where {\tt file.ext} is a file that the resource compiler can find.
-One use of this is to store {\tt .wxr} files instead of including the data in the C++ file; some compilers
-cannot cope with the long strings in a {\tt .wxr} file. The resource data can then be parsed
-using \helpref{wxResourceParseString}{wxresourceparsestring}.
This function is available under Windows only.
\wxheading{Include files}
-\section{Resource functions}\label{resourcefuncs}
-\overview{Resource functions}{resourceformats}
-This section details functions for manipulating wxWindows (.WXR) resource
-files and loading user interface elements from resources.
-\normalbox{Please note that this use of the word `resource' is different from that used when talking
-about initialisation file resource reading and writing, using such functions
-as wxWriteResource and wxGetResource. It is just an unfortunate clash of terminology.}
-\helponly{For an overview of the wxWindows resource mechanism, see \helpref{the wxWindows resource system}{resourceformats}.}
-See also \helpref{wxWindow::LoadFromResource}{wxwindowloadfromresource} for
-loading from resource data.
-\func{bool}{wxResourceAddIdentifier}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{int }{value}}
-Used for associating a name with an integer identifier (equivalent to dynamically\rtfsp
-{\tt\#}defining a name to an integer). Unlikely to be used by an application except
-perhaps for implementing resource functionality for interpreted languages.
-Clears the wxWindows resource table.
-\func{wxBitmap *}{wxResourceCreateBitmap}{\param{const wxString\& }{resource}}
-Creates a new bitmap from a file, static data, or Windows resource, given a valid
-wxWindows bitmap resource identifier. For example, if the .WXR file contains
-the following:
-static const wxString\& project_resource = "bitmap(name = 'project_resource',\
- bitmap = ['project', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP_RESOURCE, 'WINDOWS'],\
- bitmap = ['project.xpm', wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM, 'X']).";
-then this function can be called as follows:
- wxBitmap *bitmap = wxResourceCreateBitmap("project_resource");
-\func{wxIcon *}{wxResourceCreateIcon}{\param{const wxString\& }{resource}}
-Creates a new icon from a file, static data, or Windows resource, given a valid
-wxWindows icon resource identifier. For example, if the .WXR file contains
-the following:
-static const wxString\& project_resource = "icon(name = 'project_resource',\
- icon = ['project', wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO_RESOURCE, 'WINDOWS'],\
- icon = ['project', wxBITMAP_TYPE_XBM_DATA, 'X']).";
-then this function can be called as follows:
- wxIcon *icon = wxResourceCreateIcon("project_resource");
-\func{wxMenuBar *}{wxResourceCreateMenuBar}{\param{const wxString\& }{resource}}
-Creates a new menu bar given a valid wxWindows menubar resource
-identifier. For example, if the .WXR file contains the following:
-static const wxString\& menuBar11 = "menu(name = 'menuBar11',\
- menu = \
- [\
- ['&File', 1, '', \
- ['&Open File', 2, 'Open a file'],\
- ['&Save File', 3, 'Save a file'],\
- [],\
- ['E&xit', 4, 'Exit program']\
- ],\
- ['&Help', 5, '', \
- ['&About', 6, 'About this program']\
- ]\
- ]).";
-then this function can be called as follows:
- wxMenuBar *menuBar = wxResourceCreateMenuBar("menuBar11");
-\func{int}{wxResourceGetIdentifier}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}}
-Used for retrieving the integer value associated with an identifier.
-A zero value indicates that the identifier was not found.
-See \helpref{wxResourceAddIdentifier}{wxresourceaddidentifier}.
-\func{bool}{wxResourceParseData}{\param{const wxString\& }{resource}, \param{wxResourceTable *}{table = NULL}}
-Parses a string containing one or more wxWindows resource objects. If
-the resource objects are global static data that are included into the
-C++ program, then this function must be called for each variable
-containing the resource data, to make it known to wxWindows.
-{\it resource} should contain data in the following form:
-dialog(name = 'dialog1',
- title = 'Test dialog box',
- x = 312, y = 234, width = 400, height = 300,
- modal = 0,
- control = [1000, wxStaticBox, 'Groupbox', '0', 'group6', 5, 4, 380, 262,
- [11, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0]],
- control = [1001, wxTextCtrl, '', 'wxTE_MULTILINE', 'text3',
- 156, 126, 200, 70, 'wxWindows is a multi-platform, GUI toolkit.',
- [11, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0],
- [11, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0]]).
-This function will typically be used after including a {\tt .wxr} file into
-a C++ program as follows:
-#include "dialog1.wxr"
-Each of the contained resources will declare a new C++ variable, and each
-of these variables should be passed to wxResourceParseData.
-\func{bool}{wxResourceParseFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}, \param{wxResourceTable *}{table = NULL}}
-Parses a file containing one or more wxWindows resource objects
-in C++-compatible syntax. Use this function to dynamically load
-wxWindows resource data.
-\func{bool}{wxResourceParseString}{\param{char *}{s}, \param{wxResourceTable *}{table = NULL}}
-Parses a string containing one or more wxWindows resource objects. If
-the resource objects are global static data that are included into the
-C++ program, then this function must be called for each variable
-containing the resource data, to make it known to wxWindows.
-{\it resource} should contain data with the following form:
-dialog(name = 'dialog1',
- title = 'Test dialog box',
- x = 312, y = 234, width = 400, height = 300,
- modal = 0,
- control = [1000, wxStaticBox, 'Groupbox', '0', 'group6', 5, 4, 380, 262,
- [11, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0]],
- control = [1001, wxTextCtrl, '', 'wxTE_MULTILINE', 'text3',
- 156, 126, 200, 70, 'wxWindows is a multi-platform, GUI toolkit.',
- [11, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0],
- [11, 'wxSWISS', 'wxNORMAL', 'wxNORMAL', 0]]).
-This function will typically be used after calling \helpref{wxLoadUserResource}{wxloaduserresource} to
-load an entire {\tt .wxr file} into a string.
-\func{bool}{wxResourceRegisterBitmapData}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{char *}{xbm\_data}, \param{int }{width},
-\param{int }{height}, \param{wxResourceTable *}{table = NULL}}
-\func{bool}{wxResourceRegisterBitmapData}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{char **}{xpm\_data}}
-Makes {\tt\#}included XBM or XPM bitmap data known to the wxWindows resource system.
-This is required if other resources will use the bitmap data, since otherwise there
-is no connection between names used in resources, and the global bitmap data.
-Another name for \helpref{wxResourceRegisterBitmapData}{registerbitmapdata}.
\section{Log functions}\label{logfunctions}
These functions provide a variety of logging functions: see \helpref{Log classes overview}{wxlogoverview} for
+Returns {\tt true} if the program is running under debugger, {\tt false}
+Please note that this function is currently only implemented for Mac builds
+using CodeWarrior and always returns {\tt false} elsewhere.
\section{Environment access functions}\label{environfunctions}
The functions in this section allow to access (get) or change value of