-#if wxUSE_LOG
- // flush the logged messages if any and install a 'safer' log target: the
- // default one (wxLogGui) can't be used after the resources are freed just
- // below and the user suppliedo ne might be even more unsafe (using any
- // wxWindows GUI function is unsafe starting from now)
- wxLog::DontCreateOnDemand();
- // this will flush the old messages if any
- delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr);
-#endif // wxUSE_LOG
- // One last chance for pending objects to be cleaned up
- wxTheApp->DeletePendingObjects();
- wxModule::CleanUpModules();
- wxCleanUpResourceSystem();
- // wxDefaultResourceTable->ClearTable();
- // Indicate that the cursor can be freed, so that cursor won't be deleted
- // by deleting the bitmap list before g_globalCursor goes out of scope
- // (double deletion of the cursor).
- wxSetCursor(wxNullCursor);
- delete g_globalCursor;
- g_globalCursor = NULL;
- wxDeleteStockObjects();
- // Destroy all GDI lists, etc.
- wxDeleteStockLists();
- delete wxTheColourDatabase;
- wxTheColourDatabase = NULL;
- wxBitmap::CleanUpHandlers();
- delete[] wxBuffer;
- wxBuffer = NULL;
- wxSetKeyboardHook(FALSE);
-#ifdef __WIN95__
- if (gs_hRichEdit != (HINSTANCE) NULL)
- FreeLibrary(gs_hRichEdit);
+ // all objects pending for deletion must be deleted first, otherwise we
+ // would crash when they use wxWinHandleHash (and UnregisterWindowClasses()
+ // call wouldn't succeed as long as any windows still exist), so call the
+ // base class method first and only then do our clean up
+ wxAppBase::CleanUp();