Recent Changes for wxPython
+The following deprecated items have been removed:
+ * wx.Bitmap SetQuality and GetQuality methods
+ * The wx.GetNumberFromUser function
+ * wx.BookCtrlSizer and wx.NotebookSizer
+ * The PostScript-specific methods of wx.PrintData
+ * wx.PrintDialogData SetSetupDialog and GetSetupDialog methods
+ * wx.FontMapper SetConfig method
+ * wx.html.HtmlSearchStatus.GetContentsItem method
+ * wx.html.HtmlHelpData.GetContents, GetContentsCnt, GetIndex, and
+ GetIndexCnt methods
+wx.EventLoop is now implemented for wxMac.
+Added wxPython wrappers for the new wx.Treebook and wx.Toolbook
+wx.DC.BeginDrawing and EndDrawing have been deprecated in the C++
+code, so since they never really did anything before they are now just
+empty stubs in wxPython.
+Solved a problem that has been around for a very long time in how C++
+methods are virtualized for overriding in derived Python classes.
+Previously we couldn't do it for methods that needed to also exist in
+the base class wrappers such that they could be called normally. (The
+reasons are long and complex, but suffice it to say that it was due to
+mixing C++'s dynamic dispatch, and Python's runtime lookup of the
+method attributes resulting in endless recursion of function calls.)
+Because of this problem I used a hack that I have always hated, and
+that is renaming the base class methods with a "base_" prefix, for
+example wx.Printout.base_OnBeginDocument. Now that the problem has
+finally been solved I have replaced all the base_Whatever() methods
+with the real Whatever() method as well as a simple wrapper named
+base_Whatever that is marked as deprecated. So now instead of writing
+your overridden methods like this::
+ def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
+ # do something here
+ return self.base_OnBeginDocument(start, end)
+You can now call the base class method the normal way, like this::
+ def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
+ # do something here
+ return Printout.OnBeginDocument(self, start, end)
+Or like this with super()::
+ def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
+ # do something here
+ return super(MyPrintout, self).OnBeginDocument(start, end)
+Note that the old way with the "base_" function still works, but you
+will get a DeprecationWarning from calling base_OnBeginDocument. The
+classes affected by this are:
+ * wx.DropSource
+ * wx.DropTarget
+ * wx.TextDropTarget
+ * wx.FileDropTarget
+ * wx.PyLog (also added the ability to override Flush)
+ * wx.PyApp (also added the ability to override ExitMainLoop)
+ * wx.Printout
+ * wx.PyPrintPreview
+ * wx.PyPreviewFrame
+ * wx.PreviewControlBar
+ * wx.Process
+ * wx.PyControl
+ * wx.PyPanel
+ * wx.PyScrolledWindow
+ * wx.PyWindow
+ * wx.Timer
+ * wx.grid.PyGridCellRenderer
+ * wx.grid.PyGridCellEditor
+ * wx.grid.PyGridCellAttrProvider
+ * wx.grid.PyGridTableBase
+ * wx.html.HtmlWindow
+ * wx.wizard.PyWizardPage
+Added the wx.DC.GradientFillConcentric and wx.DC.GradientFillLinear
+Added the wx.HVScrolledWindow class.
+Change the wx.ListCtrl InsertStringItem wrapper to use the form that
+takes an imageIndex, and set the default to -1. This ensures that on
+wxMSW that if there is an image list but they don't specify an image,
+the native control doesn't use one anyway.
+wxMSW: wx.ListCtrl in report mode is now able to support images in
+other columns besides the first one. Simply pass an image index to
+SetStringItem. For virtual list controls you can specify the image to
+use on the extra columns by overriding OnGetItemColumnImage in your
+derived class. It is passed the item number and the column number as
+parameters, and the default version simply calls OnGetItemImage for
+column zero, or returns -1 for other columns.
+Switched to using SWIG 1.3.27 for generating the wrapper code. There
+are some small changes needed to SWIG to work around some bugs that
+wxPython exposes, and to be able to generate code that matches that
+which wxPython is using. If you are building wxPython yourself and
+need to modify any of the \*.i files or to add your own, then you will
+want to be sure to use a matching SWIG. See wxPython/SWIG/README.txt
+in the source tarbal for details.
+wx.Image.Copy now also copies the alpha channel.
+wxMSW: Fixed problem in wx.TextCtrl where using SetValue and
+wx.TE_RICH2 would cause the control to be shown if it was hidden.
+wxMSW: Numpad special keys are now distinguished from normal keys in
+key events.
+wxMSW: Multiline notebook tab label change now resizes the control
+correctly if an extra row is removed or added.
+wxMSW: On XP fall back to unthemed wxNotebook if specified orientation
+not available in the themed version.
+Added wx.Toolbar.GetToolsCount.
+Added wx.GridSizer.CalcRowsCols.
+Added wx.OutputStream.LastWrite.
+* 10-Jan-2006
wxMSW: Fix for bug #1211907, popup menu indenting inconsistent with
wxMac: Don't send an event for wx.RadioButton deselections, just the
selections. This was done to make it consistent with the other
wxMSW: Always set flat toolbar style, even under XP with themes: this
is necessary or separators aren't shown at all.
-Fixes for bug #1217872, pydocview.DocService not correctly initialized
+Fixes for bug #1217872, pydocview.DocService not correctly initialized.
-Fix for bug #1217874, Error in parameter name in DocManager.CreateView
+Fix for bug #1217874, Error in parameter name in DocManager.CreateView.
Added wrappers for the wx.RendererNative class.
wx.SplitterWindow class, except it allows more than one split, so it
can manage more than two child windows.
-Docview and IDE patch from Morag Hua with fix for bug #1217890
-"Closing view crashes Python" plus some new features::
+Docview and IDE patch from Morgan Hua with fix for bug #1217890
+"Closing view crashes Python" plus some new features:
New feature added to the IDE is 'Extensions'. Under
Tools|Options|Extensions, you can add calls to external programs.
Some fixes to XRCed to make encoding errors a bit more user friendly.
+XRCed changes from Roman Rolinsky:
+ * Added new controls (Choicebook, Listbook, StatusBar,
+ DatePicker), and completed style flags. Test window is opened
+ for an available parent control if no specific view
+ defined. Better handling of exceptions (highlighting does not
+ 'stick' anymore).
+ * Use system clipboard for Copy/Paste.
+ * Improved some dialogs (window styles, growable cols). Changed
+ the range for wxSpinCtrl min/max to all integers (default 0/100
+ is not always good).
+Updates for wx.lib.foldpanelbar and wx.lib.hyperlink from Andrea
+Fix for Bug #1283496: wxPython TheClipboard class causes problems for
+pychecker. Ensure the app has been created before initializing
+Fix for Bug #1352602: FileBrowseButtonWithHistory can't type in Value.
+wxHTML: Added space after list item number.
+wx.lib.printout: Applied patch #1384440.
+wxMSW: Fix for Bug #1293225 Window_FromHWND crashes if parent is
+Fix for Bug #1261669, use a wx.TE_RICH2 style for the Process demo so
+it doesn't fill up too soon.
+Applied Patch #1354389: wxPython MenuItem SetBitmaps fix.
+Applied Patch #1239456: wxPython wx.DataObject.GetAllFormats fix.
+Applied Patch # #1230107 which allows image handlers to be written in
+Python by deriving from wx.PyImageHandler.
+Applied patch #1072210: generalize to allow text printing.
+Applied patch #1243907: Give Throbber much more flexibility by
+allowing the user to set the rest image, the direction, the current
+index, custom sequence. Allows user to manually step through the
+sequence with Next(), Previous(), Increment(), Decrement() &
+SetCurrent(). Very handy if you have multiple throbbers that you want
+to synchronize with a single timer.
+Fix for bug #1336711: wx.lib.calendar.CalenDlg can yield incorrect
+Applied patch from Morgan Hua for updates to ActiveGrid code
+(pydocview, ActiveGrid IDE, etc.)
+Applied patch #1326241: Supporting " install --install-headers=path"
+Applied patch from Morgan Hua to fix bug #1219423: CommandManager
+should not repeat old commands after a branch.
+Applied patch #1238825 adding search backward capabilities to the
+demo. Modified to use the up/down options in the wx.FindReplaceDialog
+instead of a separate menu item.
+Fix for bug #1266745 and #1387725 in the wx.FindReplaceDialog on MSW.
+Actually check we are using MSLU before doing the hack designed to
+workaround a bug in MSLU!
+wxMSW: wx.lib.iewin.IEHtmlWindow now properly handles tabbing, return
+and other special keys properly.
+Lots of PyCrust enhancments started by Franz Steinaeusler, Adi Sieker,
+and Sebastian Haase, and which in turn were further enhanced, fixed
+tweaked and finished up by me. The changes include the following:
+ * The Autocomplete and Calltip windows can now be opened manually
+ with Ctrl-Space and Ctrl-Shift-Space.
+ * In the stand alone PyCrust app the various option settings,
+ window size and position, and etc. are saved and restored at the
+ next run.
+ * Added a help dialog bound to the F1 key that shows the key
+ bindings.
+ * Added a new text completion function that suggests words from
+ the history. Bound to Shift-Return.
+ * F11 will toggle the maximized state of the frame.
+ * switched to Bind() from wx.EVT_*().
+ * Display of line numbers can be toggled.
+ * F12 toggles a "free edit" mode of the shell buffer. This mode
+ is useful, for example, if you would like to remove some output
+ or errors or etc. from the buffer before doing a copy/paste.
+ The free edit mode is designated by the use of a red,
+ non-flashing caret.
+ * Ctrl-Shift-F will fold/unfold (hide/show) the selected lines.
+ * General code cleanup and fixes.
+ * Use wx.StandardPaths to determine the location of the config
+ files.
+ * Use wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE on crust and filling windows.
+ * Extended the saving of the config info and other new features to
+ the PyShell app too. Additionally, other apps that embed a
+ PyCrust or a PyShell can pass their own wx.Config object and
+ have the Py code save/restore its settings to/from there.
+ * All of the classes with config info get an opportunity to
+ save/load their own settings instead of putting all the
+ save/load code in one place that then has to reach all over the
+ place to do anything.
+ * Enable editing of the startup python code, which will either be
+ the file pointed to by PYTHONSTARTUP or a file in the config dir
+ if PYTHONSTARTUP is not set in the environment.
+ * Added an option to skip the running of the startup code when
+ PyShell or PyCrust starts.
+ * PyCrust adds a pp(item) function to the shell's namespace that
+ pretty prints the item in the Display tab of the notebook.
+ Added code to raise that tab when pp() is called.
+ * Added an option for whether to insert text for function
+ parameters when popping up the call tip.
+ * Added Find and Find-Next functions that use the
+ wx.FindReplaceDialog.
+Applied patches from Will Sadkin for wx.lib.masked modules:
+ * Now ignores kill focus events when being destroyed.
+ * Added missing call to set insertion point on changing fields.
+ * Modified SetKeyHandler() to accept None as means of removing
+ one.
+ * Fixed keyhandler processing for group and decimal character
+ changes.
+ * Fixed a problem that prevented input into the integer digit of a
+ integerwidth=1 numctrl, if the current value was 0.
+ * Fixed logic involving processing of "_signOk" flag, to remove
+ default sign key handlers if false, so that
+ SetAllowNegative(False) in the NumCtrl works properly.
+ * Fixed selection logic for numeric controls so that if
+ selectOnFieldEntry is true, and the integer portion of an
+ integer format control is selected and the sign position is
+ selected, the sign keys will always result in a negative value,
+ rather than toggling the previous sign.
+wx.FontMapper.SetConfig is deprecated. You should instead just set an
+application-wide config object with wx.Config.Set, which wx.FontMapper
+will use by default.
+Added wx.GetMouseState which returns the current state of the mouse.
+It returns an instance of a wx.MouseState object that contains the
+current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinants, as well
+as boolean values indicating the up/down status of the mouse buttons
+and the modifier keys.
+Added wx.SizerItem.SetUserData
+A variety of updates to wx.lib.floatcanvas, including Added
+DrawObjects, including a ScaledTextBox, with auto-wrapping, etc, and
+Scaled and Unscaled Bitmap Objects.
+ WARNING: Changed all DrawObjects to take an (x,y) pair rather
+ than individual x,y parameters. Also changed rectangles and
+ ellipses to take (w,h) pair. This is an API change, but should
+ be easy to accommodate, all you need to do is add a parenthesis
+ pair: (...x, y, ...) ---> (...(x,y), ...)
Applied patch #1213066 correct device names for Joystick in Linux.
wxGTK: Applied patch #1207162 wx.TextCtrl.SetStyle fix for overlapping
wx.FileConfig: fixed DeleteEntry to set the dirty flag properly so the
change will get written at the next flush.
Added wx.BrushFromBitmap to create a stippled brush in a single step.
Also added missing brysh style flags: wx.STIPPLE_MASK
wxMSW: Fix for default control colours when the system text fg colour
is not black.
both has an icon and is a submenu.
wxMSW: Patch #1197009, better refreshes when windows are moved and
wxMSW: Patch #1197468. Keeps track of pending size/position changes
in case there is more than one adjustment for a window in a single
theme on XP.
Added a wx.xrc.XmlResourceHandler for the Ticker class. See
wxSTC: Fixed CmdKeyAssign key bindings for Ctrl-Backspace.
More updates to the docview library modules and sample apps from the
ActiveGrid folks. Their sample IDE is now able to integrate with
wx.grid.Grid: Ensure that the grid gets the focus when it is
left-clicked. Note that if you have custom widgets that handle the
Print framework: Add more paper sizes and code to fallback to an
explicit paper size if a known paper size is not found for the
wxMac: Applied patch for bug #1206181 Option-key decodes are wrong,
also applied patch for bug #1205691 Modified Fn keys don't work.
size if the window has no sizer, children, or minsize set. Instead
the current size is set as the minsize. This solves the occasional
problem where a sizer may cause a childless panel to grow but never
wxMSW: When converting a wx.Icon to a bitmap check if the icon has an
alpha channel and set the bitmap to use it.
wxMac: Corrected refresh bugs in wxGrid.
XRCed: Updated to version 0.1.5.
- * Added wxWizard, wxWizardPageSimple (only from pull-down menu).
+ * Added wxWizard, wxWizardPageSimple (only from pull-down menu).
* Hide command for test window.
* Replacing classes works better.
* Added Locate tool.
* 8-Apr-2005