// Author: Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
// Created: 2008-06-20
-// RCS-ID: $Id: window.mm 48805 2007-09-19 14:52:25Z SC $
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// see http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2007/Feb/msg00050.html
@interface NSEvent (DeviceDelta)
-- (float)deviceDeltaX;
-- (float)deviceDeltaY;
+- (CGFloat)deviceDeltaX;
+- (CGFloat)deviceDeltaY;
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetupMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent &wxevent , NSEvent * nsEvent )
return impl->isFlipped(self, _cmd) ? YES:NO;
+typedef void (*wxOSX_DrawRectHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSRect rect);
void wxOSX_drawRect(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSRect rect)
wxWidgetCocoaImpl* impl = (wxWidgetCocoaImpl* ) wxWidgetImpl::FindFromWXWidget( self );
if (impl == NULL)
+#ifdef wxUSE_THREADS
+ // OS X starts a NSUIHeartBeatThread for animating the default button in a
+ // dialog. This causes a drawRect of the active dialog from outside the
+ // main UI thread. This causes an occasional crash since the wx drawing
+ // objects (like wxPen) are not thread safe.
+ //
+ // Notice that NSUIHeartBeatThread seems to be undocumented and doing
+ // [NSWindow setAllowsConcurrentViewDrawing:NO] does not affect it.
+ if ( !wxThread::IsMain() )
+ {
+ if ( impl->IsUserPane() )
+ {
+ wxWindow* win = impl->GetWXPeer();
+ if ( win->UseBgCol() )
+ {
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
+ CGContextSaveGState( context );
+ CGContextSetFillColorWithColor( context, win->GetBackgroundColour().GetCGColor());
+ CGRect r = CGRectMake(rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
+ CGContextFillRect( context, r );
+ CGContextRestoreGState( context );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // just call the superclass handler, we don't need any custom wx drawing
+ // here and it seems to work fine:
+ wxOSX_DrawRectHandlerPtr
+ superimpl = (wxOSX_DrawRectHandlerPtr)
+ [[self superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:_cmd];
+ superimpl(self, _cmd, rect);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_THREADS
return impl->drawRect(&rect, self, _cmd);
typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
-typedef void (*wxOSX_DrawRectHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSRect rect);
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::mouseEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
if ( !DoHandleMouseEvent(event) )
// for plain NSView mouse events would propagate to parents otherwise
- if (!m_wxPeer->MacIsUserPane())
+ if (!IsUserPane())
wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::keyEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
if ( [event type] == NSKeyDown )
+ {
+ // there are key equivalents that are not command-combos and therefore not handled by cocoa automatically,
+ // therefore we call the menubar directly here, exit if the menu is handling the shortcut
+ if ( [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:event] )
+ return;
m_lastKeyDownEvent = event;
+ }
if ( GetFocusedViewInWindow([slf window]) != slf || m_hasEditor || !DoHandleKeyEvent(event) )
wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::performKeyEquivalent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
- wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
- return superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
+ bool handled = false;
+ wxKeyEvent wxevent(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN);
+ SetupKeyEvent( wxevent, event );
+ // because performKeyEquivalent is going up the entire view hierarchy, we don't have to
+ // walk up the ancestors ourselves but let cocoa do it
+ int command = m_wxPeer->GetAcceleratorTable()->GetCommand( wxevent );
+ if (command != -1)
+ {
+ wxEvtHandler * const handler = m_wxPeer->GetEventHandler();
+ wxCommandEvent command_event( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, command );
+ handled = handler->ProcessEvent( command_event );
+ if ( !handled )
+ {
+ // accelerators can also be used with buttons, try them too
+ command_event.SetEventType(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED);
+ handled = handler->ProcessEvent( command_event );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !handled )
+ {
+ wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ return superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
+ }
+ return YES;
bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::acceptsFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
- if ( m_wxPeer->MacIsUserPane() )
+ if ( IsUserPane() )
return m_wxPeer->AcceptsFocus();
// is resigning
NSView* otherView = FindFocus();
wxWidgetImpl* otherWindow = FindFromWXWidget(otherView);
+ // It doesn't make sense to notify about the loss of focus if we're not
+ // really losing it and the window which has just gained focus is the same
+ // one as this window itself. Of course, this should never happen in the
+ // first place but somehow it does in wxGrid code and without this check we
+ // enter into an infinite recursion, see #12267.
+ if ( otherWindow == this )
+ return r;
// NSTextViews have an editor as true responder, therefore the might get the
// resign notification if their editor takes over, don't trigger any event then
if ( r && !m_hasEditor)
CGContextBeginPath( context );
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, 0);
- NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
+ NSRect bounds = [slf bounds];
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 10, 0);
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, 0);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 0, 10);
CGContextRestoreGState( context );
CGContextSaveGState( context );
+ // as we called restore above, we have to flip again if necessary
+ if ( !m_isFlipped )
+ {
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( context, 0, [m_osxView bounds].size.height );
+ CGContextScaleCTM( context, 1, -1 );
+ }
wxpeer->MacSetCGContextRef( NULL );
CGContextRestoreGState( context );
#define wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD( c, s, i, t ) \
- { s, t, i },
+ { s, (char*) t, i },
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxWidgetCocoaImpl , wxWidgetImpl )
-wxWidgetCocoaImpl::wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxWindowMac* peer , WXWidget w, bool isRootControl ) :
- wxWidgetImpl( peer, isRootControl )
+wxWidgetCocoaImpl::wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxWindowMac* peer , WXWidget w, bool isRootControl, bool isUserPane ) :
+ wxWidgetImpl( peer, isRootControl, isUserPane )
m_osxView = w;
- (id)init:(wxWindow *)win
- [super init];
+ self = [super init];
m_win = win;
m_isDone = false;
wxRect r = wxFromNSRect( [m_osxView superview], [m_osxView frame] );
x = r.GetLeft();
y = r.GetTop();
+ // under Cocoa we might have a contentView in the wxParent to which we have to
+ // adjust the coordinates
+ wxWindowMac* parent = GetWXPeer()->GetParent();
+ if (parent && [m_osxView superview] != parent->GetHandle() )
+ {
+ int cx = 0,cy = 0,cw = 0,ch = 0;
+ if ( parent->GetPeer() )
+ {
+ parent->GetPeer()->GetContentArea(cx, cy, cw, ch);
+ x += cx;
+ y += cy;
+ }
+ }
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::GetSize( int &width, int &height ) const
wxInt32 wxWidgetCocoaImpl::GetMinimum() const
- if ( [m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(getMinValue:)] )
+ if ( [m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(minValue)] )
return (int)[m_osxView minValue];
wxInt32 wxWidgetCocoaImpl::GetMaximum() const
- if ( [m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(getMaxValue:)] )
+ if ( [m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(maxValue)] )
return (int)[m_osxView maxValue];
bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::IsEnabled() const
- if ( [m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(isEnabled) ] )
- return [m_osxView isEnabled];
+ NSView* targetView = m_osxView;
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
+ targetView = [(NSScrollView*) m_osxView documentView];
+ if ( [targetView respondsToSelector:@selector(isEnabled) ] )
+ return [targetView isEnabled];
return true;
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::Enable( bool enable )
- if ( [m_osxView respondsToSelector:@selector(setEnabled:) ] )
- [m_osxView setEnabled:enable];
+ NSView* targetView = m_osxView;
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
+ targetView = [(NSScrollView*) m_osxView documentView];
+ if ( [targetView respondsToSelector:@selector(setEnabled:) ] )
+ [targetView setEnabled:enable];
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::PulseGauge()
// this will fire higher level events, like insertText, to help
// us handle EVT_CHAR, etc.
- if ( m_wxPeer->MacIsUserPane() && [event type] == NSKeyDown)
+ if ( !result )
- if ( !result )
+ if ( IsUserPane() && [event type] == NSKeyDown)
if ( wxevent.GetKeyCode() < WXK_SPACE || wxevent.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DELETE || wxevent.GetKeyCode() >= WXK_START )
// eventually we could setup a doCommandBySelector catcher and retransform this into the wx key chars
wxKeyEvent wxevent2(wxevent) ;
- GetWXPeer()->OSXHandleKeyEvent(wxevent2);
+ result = GetWXPeer()->OSXHandleKeyEvent(wxevent2);
- if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
- [[(NSScrollView*)m_osxView documentView] interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];
- else
- [m_osxView interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];
+ if ( !wxevent.CmdDown() )
+ {
+ if ( [m_osxView isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class] ] )
+ [[(NSScrollView*)m_osxView documentView] interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];
+ else
+ [m_osxView interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];
+ result = true;
+ }
- result = true;
void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::SetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor)
- NSPoint location = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
- location = [[m_osxView window] convertScreenToBase:location];
- NSPoint locationInView = [m_osxView convertPoint:location fromView:nil];
- if( NSMouseInRect(locationInView, [m_osxView bounds], YES) )
+ if ( !wxIsBusy() )
- [(NSCursor*)cursor.GetHCURSOR() set];
+ NSPoint location = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
+ location = [[m_osxView window] convertScreenToBase:location];
+ NSPoint locationInView = [m_osxView convertPoint:location fromView:nil];
+ if( NSMouseInRect(locationInView, [m_osxView bounds], YES) )
+ {
+ [(NSCursor*)cursor.GetHCURSOR() set];
+ }
[[m_osxView window] invalidateCursorRectsForView:m_osxView];
[v registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
NSStringPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, NSTIFFPboardType, NSPICTPboardType, NSPDFPboardType, nil]];
- wxWidgetCocoaImpl* c = new wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v );
+ wxWidgetCocoaImpl* c = new wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxpeer, v, false, true );
return c;