+// Graphics Matrix
+// wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrix declaration
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData : public wxGraphicsMatrixData
+public :
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData(wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer) ;
+ virtual ~wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData() ;
+ virtual wxGraphicsObjectRefData *Clone() const ;
+ // concatenates the matrix
+ virtual void Concat( const wxGraphicsMatrixData *t );
+ // sets the matrix to the respective values
+ virtual void Set(wxDouble a=1.0, wxDouble b=0.0, wxDouble c=0.0, wxDouble d=1.0,
+ wxDouble tx=0.0, wxDouble ty=0.0);
+ // gets the component valuess of the matrix
+ virtual void Get(wxDouble* a=NULL, wxDouble* b=NULL, wxDouble* c=NULL,
+ wxDouble* d=NULL, wxDouble* tx=NULL, wxDouble* ty=NULL) const;
+ // makes this the inverse matrix
+ virtual void Invert();
+ // returns true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal ?
+ virtual bool IsEqual( const wxGraphicsMatrixData* t) const ;
+ // return true if this is the identity matrix
+ virtual bool IsIdentity() const;
+ //
+ // transformation
+ //
+ // add the translation to this matrix
+ virtual void Translate( wxDouble dx , wxDouble dy );
+ // add the scale to this matrix
+ virtual void Scale( wxDouble xScale , wxDouble yScale );
+ // add the rotation to this matrix (radians)
+ virtual void Rotate( wxDouble angle );
+ //
+ // apply the transforms
+ //
+ // applies that matrix to the point
+ virtual void TransformPoint( wxDouble *x, wxDouble *y ) const;
+ // applies the matrix except for translations
+ virtual void TransformDistance( wxDouble *dx, wxDouble *dy ) const;
+ // returns the native representation
+ virtual void * GetNativeMatrix() const;
+private :
+ CGAffineTransform m_matrix;
+} ;
+// wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrix implementation
+wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData(wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer) : wxGraphicsMatrixData(renderer)
+wxGraphicsObjectRefData *wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Clone() const
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData* m = new wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData(GetRenderer()) ;
+ m->m_matrix = m_matrix ;
+ return m;
+// concatenates the matrix
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Concat( const wxGraphicsMatrixData *t )
+ m_matrix = CGAffineTransformConcat(m_matrix, *((CGAffineTransform*) t->GetNativeMatrix()) );
+// sets the matrix to the respective values
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Set(wxDouble a, wxDouble b, wxDouble c, wxDouble d,
+ wxDouble tx, wxDouble ty)
+ m_matrix = CGAffineTransformMake(a,b,c,d,tx,ty);
+// gets the component valuess of the matrix
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Get(wxDouble* a, wxDouble* b, wxDouble* c,
+ wxDouble* d, wxDouble* tx, wxDouble* ty) const
+ if (a) *a = m_matrix.a;
+ if (b) *b = m_matrix.b;
+ if (c) *c = m_matrix.c;
+ if (d) *d = m_matrix.d;
+ if (tx) *tx= m_matrix.tx;
+ if (ty) *ty= m_matrix.ty;
+// makes this the inverse matrix
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Invert()
+ m_matrix = CGAffineTransformInvert( m_matrix );
+// returns true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal ?
+bool wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::IsEqual( const wxGraphicsMatrixData* t) const
+ return CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform(m_matrix, *((CGAffineTransform*) t->GetNativeMatrix()));
+// return true if this is the identity matrix
+bool wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::IsIdentity() const
+ return ( m_matrix.a == 1 && m_matrix.d == 1 &&
+ m_matrix.b == 0 && m_matrix.d == 0 && m_matrix.tx == 0 && m_matrix.ty == 0);
+// transformation
+// add the translation to this matrix
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Translate( wxDouble dx , wxDouble dy )
+ m_matrix = CGAffineTransformTranslate( m_matrix, dx, dy);
+// add the scale to this matrix
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Scale( wxDouble xScale , wxDouble yScale )
+ m_matrix = CGAffineTransformScale( m_matrix, xScale, yScale);
+// add the rotation to this matrix (radians)
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::Rotate( wxDouble angle )
+ m_matrix = CGAffineTransformRotate( m_matrix, angle);
+// apply the transforms
+// applies that matrix to the point
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::TransformPoint( wxDouble *x, wxDouble *y ) const
+ CGPoint pt = CGPointApplyAffineTransform( CGPointMake(*x,*y), m_matrix);
+ *x = pt.x;
+ *y = pt.y;
+// applies the matrix except for translations
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::TransformDistance( wxDouble *dx, wxDouble *dy ) const
+ CGSize sz = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform( CGSizeMake(*dx,*dy) , m_matrix );
+ *dx = sz.width;
+ *dy = sz.height;
+// returns the native representation
+void * wxMacCoreGraphicsMatrixData::GetNativeMatrix() const
+ return (void*) &m_matrix;
+// Graphics Path
+// wxMacCoreGraphicsPath declaration
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData : public wxGraphicsPathData
+public :
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, CGMutablePathRef path = NULL);
+ ~wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData();
+ virtual wxGraphicsObjectRefData *Clone() const;
+ // begins a new subpath at (x,y)
+ virtual void MoveToPoint( wxDouble x, wxDouble y );
+ // adds a straight line from the current point to (x,y)
+ virtual void AddLineToPoint( wxDouble x, wxDouble y );
+ // adds a cubic Bezier curve from the current point, using two control points and an end point
+ virtual void AddCurveToPoint( wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1, wxDouble cx2, wxDouble cy2, wxDouble x, wxDouble y );
+ // closes the current sub-path
+ virtual void CloseSubpath();
+ // gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set
+ virtual void GetCurrentPoint( wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y) const;
+ // adds an arc of a circle centering at (x,y) with radius (r) from startAngle to endAngle
+ virtual void AddArc( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r, wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise );
+ //
+ // These are convenience functions which - if not available natively will be assembled
+ // using the primitives from above
+ //
+ // adds a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point, using a control point and an end point
+ virtual void AddQuadCurveToPoint( wxDouble cx, wxDouble cy, wxDouble x, wxDouble y );
+ // appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath
+ virtual void AddRectangle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h );
+ // appends an ellipsis as a new closed subpath fitting the passed rectangle
+ virtual void AddCircle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r );
+ // draws a an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (x1,y1) and (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), also a straight line from (current) to (x1,y1)
+ virtual void AddArcToPoint( wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1 , wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2, wxDouble r );
+ // adds another path
+ virtual void AddPath( const wxGraphicsPathData* path );
+ // returns the native path
+ virtual void * GetNativePath() const { return m_path; }
+ // give the native path returned by GetNativePath() back (there might be some deallocations necessary)
+ virtual void UnGetNativePath(void *WXUNUSED(p)) const {}
+ // transforms each point of this path by the matrix
+ virtual void Transform( const wxGraphicsMatrixData* matrix );
+ // gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points)
+ virtual void GetBox(wxDouble *x, wxDouble *y, wxDouble *w, wxDouble *y) const;
+ virtual bool Contains( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) const;
+private :
+ CGMutablePathRef m_path;
+// wxMacCoreGraphicsPath implementation
+wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, CGMutablePathRef path) : wxGraphicsPathData(renderer)
+ if ( path )
+ m_path = path;
+ else
+ m_path = CGPathCreateMutable();
+ CGPathRelease( m_path );
+wxGraphicsObjectRefData* wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::Clone() const
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData* clone = new wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData(GetRenderer(),CGPathCreateMutableCopy(m_path));
+ return clone ;
+// opens (starts) a new subpath
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::MoveToPoint( wxDouble x1 , wxDouble y1 )
+ CGPathMoveToPoint( m_path , NULL , x1 , y1 );
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddLineToPoint( wxDouble x1 , wxDouble y1 )
+ CGPathAddLineToPoint( m_path , NULL , x1 , y1 );
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddCurveToPoint( wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1, wxDouble cx2, wxDouble cy2, wxDouble x, wxDouble y )
+ CGPathAddCurveToPoint( m_path , NULL , cx1 , cy1 , cx2, cy2, x , y );
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddQuadCurveToPoint( wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1, wxDouble x, wxDouble y )
+ CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint( m_path , NULL , cx1 , cy1 , x , y );
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddRectangle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h )
+ CGRect cgRect = { { x , y } , { w , h } };
+ CGPathAddRect( m_path , NULL , cgRect );
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddCircle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y , wxDouble r )
+ CGPathAddArc( m_path , NULL , x , y , r , 0.0 , 2 * M_PI , true );
+// adds an arc of a circle centering at (x,y) with radius (r) from startAngle to endAngle
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddArc( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r, wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise )
+ // inverse direction as we the 'normal' state is a y axis pointing down, ie mirrored to the standard core graphics setup
+ CGPathAddArc( m_path, NULL , x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle, !clockwise);
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddArcToPoint( wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1 , wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2, wxDouble r )
+ CGPathAddArcToPoint( m_path, NULL , x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::AddPath( const wxGraphicsPathData* path )
+ CGPathAddPath( m_path , NULL, (CGPathRef) path->GetNativePath() );
+// closes the current subpath
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::CloseSubpath()
+ CGPathCloseSubpath( m_path );
+// gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::GetCurrentPoint( wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y) const
+ CGPoint p = CGPathGetCurrentPoint( m_path );
+ *x = p.x;
+ *y = p.y;
+// transforms each point of this path by the matrix
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::Transform( const wxGraphicsMatrixData* matrix )
+ CGMutablePathRef p = CGPathCreateMutable() ;
+ CGPathAddPath( p, (CGAffineTransform*) matrix->GetNativeMatrix() , m_path );
+ CGPathRelease( m_path );
+ m_path = p;
+// gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points)
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::GetBox(wxDouble *x, wxDouble *y, wxDouble *w, wxDouble *h) const
+ CGRect bounds = CGPathGetBoundingBox( m_path ) ;
+ *x = bounds.origin.x;
+ *y = bounds.origin.y;
+ *w = bounds.size.width;
+ *h = bounds.size.height;
+bool wxMacCoreGraphicsPathData::Contains( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, int fillStyle) const
+ return CGPathContainsPoint( m_path, NULL, CGPointMake(x,y), fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE );
+// Graphics Context
+// wxMacCoreGraphicsContext declaration
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxMacCoreGraphicsContext : public wxGraphicsContext
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, CGContextRef cgcontext, wxDouble width = 0, wxDouble height = 0 );
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, WindowRef window );
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, wxWindow* window );
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer);
+ wxMacCoreGraphicsContext();
+ ~wxMacCoreGraphicsContext();
+ void Init();
+ // returns the size of the graphics context in device coordinates
+ virtual void GetSize( wxDouble* width, wxDouble* height);
+ virtual void StartPage( wxDouble width, wxDouble height );
+ virtual void EndPage();
+ virtual void Flush();
+ // push the current state of the context, ie the transformation matrix on a stack
+ virtual void PushState();
+ // pops a stored state from the stack
+ virtual void PopState();
+ // clips drawings to the region
+ virtual void Clip( const wxRegion ®ion );
+ // clips drawings to the rect
+ virtual void Clip( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h );
+ // resets the clipping to original extent
+ virtual void ResetClip();
+ virtual void * GetNativeContext();
+ bool SetLogicalFunction( int function );
+ //
+ // transformation
+ //
+ // translate
+ virtual void Translate( wxDouble dx , wxDouble dy );
+ // scale
+ virtual void Scale( wxDouble xScale , wxDouble yScale );
+ // rotate (radians)
+ virtual void Rotate( wxDouble angle );
+ // concatenates this transform with the current transform of this context
+ virtual void ConcatTransform( const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix );
+ // sets the transform of this context
+ virtual void SetTransform( const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix );
+ // gets the matrix of this context
+ virtual wxGraphicsMatrix GetTransform() const;
+ //
+ // setting the paint
+ //
+ // strokes along a path with the current pen
+ virtual void StrokePath( const wxGraphicsPath &path );
+ // fills a path with the current brush
+ virtual void FillPath( const wxGraphicsPath &path, int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE );
+ // draws a path by first filling and then stroking
+ virtual void DrawPath( const wxGraphicsPath &path, int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE );
+ virtual bool ShouldOffset() const
+ {
+ int penwidth = 0 ;
+ if ( !m_pen.IsNull() )
+ {
+ penwidth = (int)((wxMacCoreGraphicsPenData*)m_pen.GetRefData())->GetWidth();
+ if ( penwidth == 0 )
+ penwidth = 1;
+ }
+ return ( penwidth % 2 ) == 1;
+ }
+ //
+ // text
+ //
+ virtual void DrawText( const wxString &str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y );
+ virtual void DrawText( const wxString &str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble angle );
+ virtual void GetTextExtent( const wxString &text, wxDouble *width, wxDouble *height,
+ wxDouble *descent, wxDouble *externalLeading ) const;
+ virtual void GetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text, wxArrayDouble& widths) const;
+ //
+ // image support
+ //
+ virtual void DrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h );
+ virtual void DrawBitmap( const wxGraphicsBitmap &bmp, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h );
+ virtual void DrawIcon( const wxIcon &icon, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h );
+ void SetNativeContext( CGContextRef cg );
+ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxMacCoreGraphicsContext)
+ DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMacCoreGraphicsContext)
+ void EnsureIsValid();
+ CGContextRef m_cgContext;
+ WindowRef m_windowRef;
+ bool m_releaseContext;
+ CGAffineTransform m_windowTransform;
+ wxDouble m_width;
+ wxDouble m_height;
+ wxCFRef<HIShapeRef> m_clipRgn;
+// device context implementation
+// more and more of the dc functionality should be implemented by calling
+// the appropricate wxMacCoreGraphicsContext, but we will have to do that step by step
+// also coordinate conversions should be moved to native matrix ops
+// we always stock two context states, one at entry, to be able to preserve the
+// state we were called with, the other one after changing to HI Graphics orientation
+// (this one is used for getting back clippings etc)
+// wxMacCoreGraphicsContext implementation
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxMacCoreGraphicsContext, wxGraphicsContext)
+class wxQuartzOffsetHelper
+public :
+ wxQuartzOffsetHelper( CGContextRef cg , bool offset )
+ {
+ m_cg = cg;
+ m_offset = offset;
+ if ( m_offset )
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cg, 0.5, 0.5 );
+ }
+ ~wxQuartzOffsetHelper( )
+ {
+ if ( m_offset )
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cg, -0.5, -0.5 );
+ }
+public :
+ CGContextRef m_cg;
+ bool m_offset;
+} ;
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::Init()
+ m_cgContext = NULL;
+ m_releaseContext = false;
+ m_windowRef = NULL;
+ m_width = 0;
+ m_height = 0;
+ CGRect r = CGRectMake(0,0,0,0);
+ m_clipRgn.reset(HIShapeCreateWithRect(&r));
+wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, CGContextRef cgcontext, wxDouble width, wxDouble height ) : wxGraphicsContext(renderer)
+ Init();
+ SetNativeContext(cgcontext);
+ m_width = width;
+ m_height = height;
+wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, WindowRef window ): wxGraphicsContext(renderer)
+ Init();
+ m_windowRef = window;
+wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::wxMacCoreGraphicsContext( wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer, wxWindow* window ): wxGraphicsContext(renderer)
+ Init();
+ int originX , originY;
+ originX = originY = 0;
+ Rect bounds = { 0,0,0,0 };
+#if defined( __LP64__ ) || defined(__WXCOCOA__)
+ m_windowRef = (WindowRef) window->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef();
+ window->MacWindowToRootWindow( &originX , &originY );
+ GetWindowBounds( m_windowRef, kWindowContentRgn, &bounds );
+ m_windowTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation( 0 , bounds.bottom - bounds.top );
+ m_windowTransform = CGAffineTransformScale( m_windowTransform , 1 , -1 );
+ m_windowTransform = CGAffineTransformTranslate( m_windowTransform, originX, originY ) ;
+wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::wxMacCoreGraphicsContext(wxGraphicsRenderer* renderer) : wxGraphicsContext(renderer)
+ Init();
+wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::wxMacCoreGraphicsContext() : wxGraphicsContext(NULL)
+ Init();
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Illegal Constructor called"));
+ SetNativeContext(NULL);
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::GetSize( wxDouble* width, wxDouble* height)
+ *width = m_width;
+ *height = m_height;
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::StartPage( wxDouble width, wxDouble height )
+ CGRect r;
+ if ( width != 0 && height != 0)
+ r = CGRectMake( 0 , 0 , width , height );
+ else
+ r = CGRectMake( 0 , 0 , m_width , m_height );
+ CGContextBeginPage(m_cgContext, &r );
+// CGContextTranslateCTM( m_cgContext , 0 , height == 0 ? m_height : height );
+// CGContextScaleCTM( m_cgContext , 1 , -1 );
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::EndPage()
+ CGContextEndPage(m_cgContext);
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::Flush()
+ CGContextFlush(m_cgContext);
+void wxMacCoreGraphicsContext::EnsureIsValid()
+ if ( !m_cgContext )