// Author: Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
// Created: 1998-01-01
-// RCS-ID: $Id: private.h 53819 2008-05-29 14:11:45Z SC $
+// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
CGImageRef inImage) ;
WX_NSImage WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxOSXGetNSImageFromCGImage( CGImageRef image );
CGImageRef WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxOSXCreateCGImageFromNSImage( WX_NSImage nsimage );
+wxBitmap WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxOSXCreateSystemBitmap(const wxString& id, const wxString &client, const wxSize& size);
+WXWindow WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxOSXGetMainWindow();
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxWidgetCocoaImpl : public wxWidgetImpl
public :
- wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxWindowMac* peer , WXWidget w, bool isRootControl = false ) ;
+ wxWidgetCocoaImpl( wxWindowMac* peer , WXWidget w, bool isRootControl = false, bool isUserPane = false ) ;
wxWidgetCocoaImpl() ;
virtual void SetNeedsDisplay( const wxRect* where = NULL );
virtual bool GetNeedsDisplay() const;
+ virtual void SetDrawingEnabled(bool enabled);
virtual bool CanFocus() const;
// return true if successful
virtual bool SetFocus();
void CaptureMouse();
void ReleaseMouse();
+ void SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget* target);
wxInt32 GetValue() const;
void SetValue( wxInt32 v );
wxBitmap GetBitmap() const;
virtual void SetupKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent &wxevent, NSEvent * nsEvent, NSString* charString = NULL);
virtual void SetupMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent &wxevent, NSEvent * nsEvent);
+ void SetupCoordinates(wxCoord &x, wxCoord &y, NSEvent *nsEvent);
+ virtual bool SetupCursor(NSEvent* event);
void SetFlipped(bool flipped);
virtual bool IsFlipped() const { return m_isFlipped; }
// cocoa thunk connected calls
virtual unsigned int draggingUpdated(void* sender, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual bool performDragOperation(void* sender, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual void mouseEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
+ virtual void cursorUpdate(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual void keyEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual void insertText(NSString* text, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual bool performKeyEquivalent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual bool acceptsFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual bool becomeFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual bool resignFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
- virtual void resetCursorRects(WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual bool isFlipped(WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual void drawRect(void* rect, WXWidget slf, void* _cmd);
virtual void controlAction(WXWidget slf, void* _cmd, void* sender);
WXWidget m_osxView;
NSEvent* m_lastKeyDownEvent;
bool m_isFlipped;
// if it the control has an editor, that editor will already send some
// events, don't resend them
bool m_hasEditor;
virtual void WindowToScreen( int *x, int *y );
+ virtual double GetMagnificationFactor() const;
virtual bool IsActive();
virtual void SetModified(bool modified);
virtual bool IsModified() const;
+ virtual void SetRepresentedFilename(const wxString& filename);
wxNonOwnedWindow* GetWXPeer() { return m_wxPeer; }
+ CGWindowLevel GetWindowLevel() const { return m_macWindowLevel; }
+ void RestoreWindowLevel();
+ static WX_NSResponder GetNextFirstResponder() ;
protected :
+ CGWindowLevel m_macWindowLevel;
WXWindow m_macWindow;
void * m_macFullScreenData ;
+class wxButtonCocoaImpl : public wxWidgetCocoaImpl, public wxButtonImpl
+ wxButtonCocoaImpl(wxWindowMac *wxpeer, wxNSButton *v);
+ virtual void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
+ virtual void SetLabelMarkup(const wxString& markup);
+#endif // wxUSE_MARKUP
+ void SetPressedBitmap( const wxBitmap& bitmap );
+ void GetLayoutInset(int &left , int &top , int &right, int &bottom) const;
+ void SetAcceleratorFromLabel(const wxString& label);
+ NSButton *GetNSButton() const;
#ifdef __OBJC__
+ typedef void (*wxOSX_TextEventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSString *event);
+ typedef void (*wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
+ typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
+ typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE NSScreen* wxOSXGetMenuScreen();
WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE NSRect wxToNSRect( NSView* parent, const wxRect& r );
NSRect WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxOSXGetFrameForControl( wxWindowMac* window , const wxPoint& pos , const wxSize &size ,
bool adjustForOrigin = true );
+ WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE NSView* wxOSXGetViewFromResponder( NSResponder* responder );
// used for many wxControls
@interface wxNSButton : NSButton
+ @interface wxNSComboBox : NSComboBox
+ {
+ wxNSTextFieldEditor* fieldEditor;
+ }
+ - (wxNSTextFieldEditor*) fieldEditor;
+ - (void) setFieldEditor:(wxNSTextFieldEditor*) fieldEditor;
+ @end
@interface wxNSMenu : NSMenu
wxMenuImpl* impl;
- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
+ // This interface must be exported in shared 64 bit multilib build but
+ // using WXEXPORT with Objective C interfaces doesn't work with old (4.0.1)
+ // gcc when using 10.4 SDK. It does work with newer gcc even in 32 bit
+ // builds but seems to be unnecessary there so to avoid the expense of a
+ // configure check verifying if this does work or not with the current
+ // compiler we just only use it for 64 bit builds where this is always
+ // supported.
+ //
+ // NB: Currently this is the only place where we need to export an
+ // interface but if we need to do it elsewhere we should define a
+ // WXEXPORT_OBJC macro once and reuse it in all places it's needed
+ // instead of duplicating this preprocessor check.
+#ifdef __LP64__
+#endif // 64 bit builds
+ @interface wxNSAppController : NSObject wxOSX_10_6_AND_LATER(<NSApplicationDelegate>)
+ {
+ }
+ @end
#endif // __OBJC__
const short kwxCursorSizeNESW = 12;
const short kwxCursorSizeNWSE = 13;
const short kwxCursorRoller = 14;
-const short kwxCursorLast = kwxCursorRoller;
+const short kwxCursorWatch = 15;
+const short kwxCursorLast = kwxCursorWatch;
// exposing our fallback cursor map
extern ClassicCursor gMacCursors[];
+extern NSLayoutManager* gNSLayoutManager;