+25. wxGenericListCtrl::Refresh() (didn't work at all before)
+Checking in include//wx/generic/listctrl.h;
+/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/include/wx/generic/listctrl.h,v <-- listctrl.h
+new revision: 1.77; previous revision: 1.76
+Checking in src/generic/listctrl.cpp;
+/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/generic/listctrl.cpp,v <-- listctrl.cpp
+new revision: 1.284; previous revision: 1.283
+cvs diff: [13:19:09] waiting for cvs's lock in /pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/include/wx/generic
+Checking in docs/changes.txt;
+/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/docs/changes.txt,v <-- changes.txt
+new revision: 1.299; previous revision: 1.298
+27. Fix redistribution of the extra space between sizer items: all extra space
+used to be allocated to the first item which is wrong, it should be divided
+evenly among all of them.
+Checking in sizer.cpp;
+/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/common/sizer.cpp,v <-- sizer.cpp
+new revision: 1.71; previous revision: 1.70
+28. patch [ 771772 ] Crashes when setting icon tooltip longer than 63 characters