# Python Code By:
# Andrea Gavana, @ 02 Oct 2006
-# Latest Revision: 16 Oct 2006, 17.00 GMT
+# Latest Revision: 17 Oct 2006, 17.00 GMT
# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
+ButtonPanel supports 4 alignments: left, right, top, bottom, which have a
+different meaning and behavior wrt wx.Toolbar. The easiest thing is to try
+the demo to understand, but I'll try to explain how it works.
+CASE 1: ButtonPanel has a main caption text
+Left alignment means ButtonPanel is horizontal, with the text aligned to the
+left. When you shrink the demo frame, if there is not enough room for all
+the controls to be shown, the controls closest to the text are hidden;
+Right alignment means ButtonPanel is horizontal, with the text aligned to the
+right. Item layout as above;
+Top alignment means ButtonPanel is vertical, with the text aligned to the top.
+Item layout as above;
+Bottom alignment means ButtonPanel is vertical, with the text aligned to the
+bottom. Item layout as above.
+CASE 2: ButtonPanel has *no* main caption text
+In this case, left and right alignment are the same (as top and bottom are the same),
+but the layout strategy changes: now if there is not enough room for all the controls
+to be shown, the last added items are hidden ("last" means on the far right for
+horizontal ButtonPanels and far bottom for vertical ButtonPanels).
The following example shows a simple implementation that uses ButtonPanel
inside a very simple frame::
+# Delay used to cancel the longHelp in the statusbar field
+_DELAY = 3000
# Check for the new method in 2.7 (not present in
if wx.VERSION_STRING < "2.7":
self._buttontext_inactive_color = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT)
self._selection_brush = wx.Brush(wx.Color(225, 225, 255))
self._selection_pen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION))
sysfont = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
self._caption_font = wx.Font(sysfont.GetPointSize(), wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD,
False, sysfont.GetFaceName())
self._buttontext_font = wx.Font(sysfont.GetPointSize(), wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL,
False, sysfont.GetFaceName())
self._separator_size = 7
self._margins_size = wx.Size(6, 6)
self._caption_border_size = 3
gf += gstep
bf += bstep
+class StatusBarTimer(wx.Timer):
+ """Timer used for deleting StatusBar long help after _DELAY seconds."""
+ def __init__(self, owner):
+ """
+ Default class constructor.
+ For internal use: do not call it in your code!
+ """
+ wx.Timer.__init__(self)
+ self._owner = owner
+ def Notify(self):
+ """The timer has expired."""
+ self._owner.OnStatusBarTimer()
class Control(wx.EvtHandler):
class ButtonInfo(Control):
def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, bmp=wx.NullBitmap,
- status="Normal", text="", kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL):
+ status="Normal", text="", kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL,
+ shortHelp="", longHelp=""):
Default class constructor.
- parent: the parent window (ButtonPanel);
- id: the button id;
- bmp: the associated bitmap;
- - status: button status (pressed, hovered, None).
- - text to be displayed either below of to the right of the button
+ - status: button status (pressed, hovered, normal).
+ - text: text to be displayed either below of to the right of the button
+ - kind: button kind, may be wx.ITEM_NORMAL for standard buttons or
+ wx.ITEM_CHECK for toggle buttons;
+ - shortHelp: a short help to be shown in the button tooltip;
+ - longHelp: this string is shown in the statusbar (if any) of the parent
+ frame when the mouse pointer is inside the button.
if id == wx.ID_ANY:
self._kind = kind
self._toggle = False
self._textAlignment = BP_BUTTONTEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM
+ self._shortHelp = shortHelp
+ self._longHelp = longHelp
disabledbmp = GrayOut(bmp)
""" Checks whether a ButtonPanel repaint is needed or not. Convenience function. """
if status == self._status:
- self._parent.Refresh()
+ self._parent.RefreshRect(self.GetRect())
def SetBitmap(self, bmp, status="Normal"):
status = "Toggled"
self._status = status
- self._parent.Refresh()
+ self._parent.RefreshRect(self.GetRect())
def GetTextAlignment(self):
if alignment == self._textAlignment:
- self._alignment = alignment
+ self._textAlignment = alignment
def GetToggled(self):
""" Returns the button type (standard or toggle). """
return self._kind
+ def SetShortHelp(self, help=""):
+ """ Sets the help string to be shown in a tootip. """
+ self._shortHelp = help
+ def GetShortHelp(self):
+ """ Returns the help string shown in a tootip. """
+ return self._shortHelp
+ def SetLongHelp(self, help=""):
+ """ Sets the help string to be shown in the statusbar. """
+ self._longHelp = help
+ def GetLongHelp(self):
+ """ Returns the help string shown in the statusbar. """
+ return self._longHelp
Bitmap = property(GetBitmap, SetBitmap)
wx.PyPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize,
- wx.NO_BORDER, name=name)
+ wx.NO_BORDER, name=name)
self._vButtons = []
self._vSeparators = []
self._nStyle = style
self._alignment = alignment
+ self._statusTimer = None
+ self._useHelp = True
+ self._freezeCount = 0
+ self._currentButton = -1
+ self._haveTip = False
self._art = BPArt(style)
h += 2*margins.y + len(self._vSeparators)*separator_size
w += 2*margins.x + len(self._vSeparators)*separator_size
return wx.Size(w, h)
""" Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION event for ButtonPanel. """
# Check to see if we are hovering a button
- for btn in self._vButtons:
+ tabId, flags = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if not btn.IsEnabled():
- continue
+ if flags != BP_HT_BUTTON:
+ self.RemoveHelp()
+ self.RepaintOldSelection()
+ self._currentButton = -1
+ return
+ btn = self._vButtons[tabId]
- if btn.GetRect().Contains(event.GetPosition()):
- btn.SetStatus("Hover")
- else:
- btn.SetStatus("Normal")
+ if not btn.IsEnabled():
+ self.RemoveHelp()
+ self.RepaintOldSelection()
+ return
+ if tabId != self._currentButton:
+ self.RepaintOldSelection()
+ if btn.GetRect().Contains(event.GetPosition()):
+ btn.SetStatus("Hover")
+ else:
+ btn.SetStatus("Normal")
+ if tabId != self._currentButton:
+ self.RemoveHelp()
+ self.DoGiveHelp(btn)
+ self._currentButton = tabId
- self.Refresh()
tabId, hit = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if hit == BP_HT_BUTTON and self._vButtons[tabId].IsEnabled():
- self._vButtons[tabId].SetStatus("Pressed")
- self.Refresh()
+ if hit == BP_HT_BUTTON:
+ btn = self._vButtons[tabId]
+ if btn.IsEnabled():
+ btn.SetStatus("Pressed")
+ self._currentButton = tabId
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
""" Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP event for ButtonPanel. """
tabId, flags = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- hit = self._vButtons[tabId]
- if flags == BP_HT_BUTTON:
- if hit.GetStatus() == "Disabled":
- return
+ if flags != BP_HT_BUTTON:
+ return
+ hit = self._vButtons[tabId]
- for btn in self._vButtons:
- if btn != hit:
- btn.SetFocus(False)
- if hit.GetStatus() == "Pressed":
- # Fire a button click event
- btnEvent = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, hit.GetId())
- self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(btnEvent)
+ if hit.GetStatus() == "Disabled":
+ return
- hit.SetToggled(not hit.GetToggled())
+ for btn in self._vButtons:
+ if btn != hit:
+ btn.SetFocus(False)
- # Update the button status to be hovered
- hit.SetStatus("Hover")
- hit.SetFocus()
+ if hit.GetStatus() == "Pressed":
+ # Fire a button click event
+ btnEvent = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, hit.GetId())
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(btnEvent)
- self.Refresh()
+ hit.SetToggled(not hit.GetToggled())
+ # Update the button status to be hovered
+ hit.SetStatus("Hover")
+ hit.SetFocus()
+ self._currentButton = tabId
def OnMouseLeave(self, event):
""" Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for ButtonPanel. """
if not btn.IsEnabled():
- self.Refresh()
+ self.RemoveHelp()
def OnMouseEnterWindow(self, event):
""" Handles the wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW event for ButtonPanel. """
+ tabId, flags = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
+ if flags == BP_HT_BUTTON:
+ hit = self._vButtons[tabId]
+ if hit.GetStatus() == "Disabled":
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ self.DoGiveHelp(hit)
+ self._currentButton = tabId
+ def DoGiveHelp(self, hit):
+ """ Gives tooltips and help in StatusBar. """
+ if not self.GetUseHelp():
+ return
+ shortHelp = hit.GetShortHelp()
+ if shortHelp:
+ self.SetToolTipString(shortHelp)
+ self._haveTip = True
+ longHelp = hit.GetLongHelp()
+ if not longHelp:
+ return
+ topLevel = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
+ if isinstance(topLevel, wx.Frame) and topLevel.GetStatusBar():
+ statusBar = topLevel.GetStatusBar()
+ if self._statusTimer and self._statusTimer.IsRunning():
+ self._statusTimer.Stop()
+ statusBar.PopStatusText(0)
+ statusBar.PushStatusText(longHelp, 0)
+ self._statusTimer = StatusBarTimer(self)
+ self._statusTimer.Start(_DELAY, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT)
+ def RemoveHelp(self):
+ """ Removes the tooltips and statusbar help (if any) for a button. """
+ if not self.GetUseHelp():
+ return
+ if self._haveTip:
+ self.SetToolTipString("")
+ self._haveTip = False
+ if self._statusTimer and self._statusTimer.IsRunning():
+ topLevel = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
+ statusBar = topLevel.GetStatusBar()
+ self._statusTimer.Stop()
+ statusBar.PopStatusText(0)
+ self._statusTimer = None
+ def RepaintOldSelection(self):
+ """ Repaints the old selected/hovered button. """
+ current = self._currentButton
+ if current == -1:
+ return
+ btn = self._vButtons[current]
+ if not btn.IsEnabled():
+ return
+ btn.SetStatus("Normal")
+ def OnStatusBarTimer(self):
+ """ Handles the timer expiring to delete the longHelp in the StatusBar. """
+ topLevel = wx.GetTopLevelParent(self)
+ statusBar = topLevel.GetStatusBar()
+ statusBar.PopStatusText(0)
+ def SetUseHelp(self, useHelp=True):
+ """ Sets whether or not shortHelp and longHelp should be displayed. """
+ self._useHelp = useHelp
+ def GetUseHelp(self):
+ """ Returns whether or not shortHelp and longHelp should be displayed. """
+ return self._useHelp
def HitTest(self, pt):
HitTest method for ButtonPanel. Returns the button (if any) and
a flag (if any).
- btnIdx = -1
for ii in xrange(len(self._vButtons)):
if not self._vButtons[ii].IsEnabled():
return self._art
+ def SetBPArt(self, art):
+ """ Sets a new BPArt to ButtonPanel. Useful only if another BPArt class is used. """
+ self._art = art
+ self.Refresh()
+ if wx.VERSION < (2,7,1,1):
+ def Freeze(self):
+ """Freeze ButtonPanel."""
+ self._freezeCount = self._freezeCount + 1
+ wx.PyPanel.Freeze(self)
+ def Thaw(self):
+ """Thaw ButtonPanel."""
+ if self._freezeCount == 0:
+ raise "\nERROR: Thawing Unfrozen ButtonPanel?"
+ self._freezeCount = self._freezeCount - 1
+ wx.PyPanel.Thaw(self)
+ def IsFrozen(self):
+ """ Returns whether a call to Freeze() has been done. """
+ return self._freezeCount != 0