// an info bar can be created very simply and used without any extra effort
m_infoBarSimple = new wxInfoBar(this);
- // or it can also be customized
+ // or it can also be customized by
m_infoBarAdvanced = new wxInfoBar(this);
+ // ... adding extra buttons (but more than two will usually be too many)
+ m_infoBarAdvanced->AddButton(wxID_REDO);
+ m_infoBarAdvanced->Connect(wxID_REDO, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED,
+ wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnInfoBarRedo),
+ this);
+ // adding and removing a button immediately doesn't make sense here, of
+ // course, it's done just to show that it is possible
+ m_infoBarAdvanced->AddButton(wxID_EXIT);
+ m_infoBarAdvanced->RemoveButton(wxID_EXIT);
+ // ... changing the colours and/or fonts
+ m_infoBarAdvanced->SetFont(GetFont().Bold().Larger());
+ // ... and changing the effect (only does anything under MSW currently)
// to use the info bars we need to use sizer for the window layout
wxBoxSizer * const sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
sizer->Add(m_infoBarSimple, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
sizer->Add(m_canvas, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand());
sizer->Add(m_infoBarAdvanced, wxSizerFlags().Expand());
+ // final touch: under MSW the info bars are shown progressively and parts
+ // of the parent window can be seen during the process, so use the same
+ // background colour for our background as for the canvas window which
+ // covers our entire client area to avoid jarring colour jumps
+ SetOwnBackgroundColour(m_canvas->GetBackgroundColour());
#endif // wxUSE_INFOBAR
m_infoBarAdvanced->ShowMessage("Sorry, it didn't work out.", wxICON_WARNING);
+void MyFrame::OnInfoBarRedo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ m_infoBarAdvanced->ShowMessage("Still no, sorry again.", wxICON_ERROR);
#endif // wxUSE_INFOBAR