# to remote hosts
-# host name of the machine to use for windows builds
-# local dir (from the poerspecitve of the master machine) of the shared
-# build dir on the windows machine, plus how to mount it there. If the
-# [u]mount commands are empty then WIN_SHARED will be used directly.
-WIN_MOUNT="smbmount //$WIN_HOST/BUILD $WIN_SHARED -o credentials=/etc/samba/auth.cyclops.robind,dmask=755,fmask=644"
-# Where is that dir from the remote machine's perspective?
+# host name of the machine to use for windows builds
+# Where is the build dir from the remote machine's perspective?
-# Same as the above
-OSX_MOUNT="smbmount //$OSX_HOST/robind ./tmp/mnt -o credentials=/etc/samba/auth.bigmac.robind,dmask=755,fmask=644"
-OSX_UMOUNT="smbumount ./tmp/mnt"
+# Just like the above
-# Alsmost the same... See below
+# Alsmost the same... See below for hosts and other info
# Upload server locations
echo " skipsource Don't build the source archives, use the ones"
echo " already in the staging dir."
echo " onlysource Exit after building the source archives"
+ echo " skipdocs Don't rebuild the docs"
echo " skipwin Don't do the remote Windows build"
echo " skiposx Don't do the remote OSX build"
echo " skiplinux Don't do the remote Linux build"
skipsource) skipsource=yes ;;
onlysource) onlysource=yes ;;
+ skipdocs) skipdocs=yes ;;
skipwin) skipwin=yes ;;
skiposx) skiposx=yes ;;
skiplinux) skiplinux=yes ;;
#exit 0
+echo "Getting started at " `date`
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make the sources and other basic stuff.
# clean out the local dist dir
rm -f dist/*
- # Regenerate the reST docs
- echo "Regenerating the reST docs..."
- cd docs
- for x in *.txt; do
- docutils-html $x `basename $x .txt`.html
- done
- cd -
- # build the doc and demo tarballs
- distrib/makedemo
- distrib/makedocs
- # make the source tarball
- distrib/makerpm 2.3 skipclean skiprpm gtk2
- # make the source RPMs
- for ver in $PYVER; do
- distrib/makerpm $ver skipclean skipcopy skiptar srpm
- distrib/makerpm $ver skipclean skipcopy skiptar srpm gtk2
- done
+ if [ $skipdocs != yes ]; then
+ # Regenerate the reST docs
+ echo "Regenerating the reST docs..."
+ cd docs
+ for x in *.txt; do
+ docutils-html $x `basename $x .txt`.html
+ done
+ cd -
+ # build the doc and demo tarballs
+ distrib/makedemo
+ distrib/makedocs
+ # build the new docs too
+ docs/bin/everything
+ fi
+ # make the source tarball and srpm
+ distrib/makerpm 2.3 srpm
# Copy everything to the staging dir
echo "Moving stuff to $STAGING_DIR..."
- rm -f dist/*.spec
mv dist/* $STAGING_DIR
- for doc in CHANGES BUILD INSTALL MigrationGuide default; do
- cp docs/$doc.* $STAGING_DIR
- done
+ if [ $skipdocs != yes ]; then
+ for doc in CHANGES BUILD INSTALL MigrationGuide default; do
+ cp docs/$doc.* $STAGING_DIR
+ done
+ fi
# cleanup
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm -f dist/*
- rm -rf _build_rpm
if [ $KIND = daily ]; then
if [ $skipwin != yes ]; then
echo "-=-=- Starting Windows build..."
- # mount the shared folder?
- if [ -n "$WIN_MOUNT" ]; then
- echo "Mounting shared folder..."
- fi
- # Copy the src file
- echo "Copying source file..."
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz $WIN_SHARED
- # Untar it on the remote machine, and then run the build script
- echo "Unarchiving source file on $WIN_HOST..."
- ssh $WIN_HOST "cd $WIN_SHARED_REMOTE && tar xzf wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz && rm wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz"
- echo "Running build script on $WIN_HOST..."
- cmd=$wxdir/wxPython/distrib/all/build-windows
- ssh $WIN_HOST "cd $wxdir && $cmd $wxdir $WIN_SHARED_REMOTE $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER"
+ echo "Copying source file and build script..."
+ scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ distrib/all/build-windows \
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- ssh $WIN_HOST "cd $WIN_SHARED_REMOTE && rm wxPythonWIN32*"
- # unmount?
- if [ -n "$WIN_UMOUNT" ]; then
- echo "Unmounting shared folder..."
- fi
+ echo "Running build script on $WIN_HOST..."
+ wxdir=$WIN_BUILD/wxPython-src-$VERSION
+ cmd=./build-windows
+ ssh $WIN_HOST "cd $WIN_BUILD && $cmd $wxdir $WIN_BUILD $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER && rm $cmd"
+ echo "Fetching the results..."
+ scp "$WIN_HOST:$WIN_BUILD/wxPython*-win32*" $STAGING_DIR
+ ssh $WIN_HOST "rm $WIN_BUILD/wxPython*-win32*"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OSX build
-if [ $skiposx != yes ]; then
- echo "-=-=- Starting OSX build..."
+function DoOSXBuild {
+ local host=$1
+ local flavor=$2
- # mount the shared folder?
- if [ -n "$OSX_MOUNT" ]; then
- echo "Mounting shared folder..."
+ # test if the target machine is online
+ if ping -q -c1 -w1 $host > /dev/null; then
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo " The $host machine is online, OSX-$flavor build continuing..."
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ else
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "The $host machine is offline, skipping the OSX-$flavor build."
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ return 0
- # Copy the src file
- echo "Copying source files..."
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz $OSX_SHARED
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonDocs-$VERSION.tar.gz $OSX_SHARED
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPythonDemo-$VERSION.tar.gz $OSX_SHARED
+ echo "-=-=- Starting OSX-$flavor build on $host..."
- # Untar it on the remote machine, and then run the build script
- echo "Unarchiving source file on $OSX_HOST..."
- ssh $OSX_HOST "cd $OSX_SHARED_REMOTE && tar xzf wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz && rm wxPythonSrc-$VERSION.tar.gz"
+ echo "Copying source files and build script..."
+ ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $OSX_BUILD && rm -rf $OSX_BUILD/* || true"
+ #ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $OSX_BUILD || true"
+ scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-docs-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-demo-$VERSION.tar.gz \
+ distrib/all/build-osx \
+ root@$host:$OSX_BUILD
- echo "Running build script on $OSX_HOST..."
- cmd=$wxdir/wxPython/distrib/all/build-osx
- ssh $OSX_HOST "cd $wxdir && $cmd $wxdir $OSX_SHARED_REMOTE $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER"
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- ssh $OSX_HOST "cd $OSX_SHARED_REMOTE && rm wxPythonOSX*"
+ echo "Running build script on $host..."
+ wxdir=$OSX_BUILD/wxPython-src-$VERSION
+ cmd=./build-osx
+ ssh root@$host "cd $OSX_BUILD && $cmd $wxdir $OSX_BUILD $skipclean $VERSION $flavor $PYVER && rm $cmd"
+ echo "Fetching the results..."
+ scp "root@$host:$OSX_BUILD/wxPython*-osx*" $STAGING_DIR
+ ssh root@$host "rm $OSX_BUILD/wxPython*-osx*"
+if [ $skiposx != yes ]; then
+ DoOSXBuild $OSX_HOST_panther panther
+ DoOSXBuild $OSX_HOST_jaguar jaguar
- # unmount?
- if [ -n "$OSX_UMOUNT" ]; then
- echo "Unmounting shared folder..."
- fi
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Linux build
-# This build is optional, check if the target machine is up and
-# running
-if [ $skiplinux != yes ]; then
- if ping -q -c1 -w1 $LINUX_HOST > /dev/null; then
- # the ping succeeded
- skiplinux=no
+# The remote Linux builds are different than those above. The source
+# RPMs were already built in the source step, and so building the
+# binary RPMs is a very simple followup step. But then add to that
+# the fact that we need to build on more than one distro...
+function DoLinuxBuild {
+ local host=$1
+ local reltag=$2
+ shift;shift
+ local pyver=$@
+ # test if the target machine is online
+ if ping -q -c1 -w1 $host > /dev/null; then
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo " The $host machine is online, build continuing..."
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- # the ping failed, skip the build
- skiplinux=yes
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "The $LINUX_HOST machine is offline, skipping the binary RPM build."
+ echo "The $host machine is offline, skipping the binary RPM build."
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
+ return 0
+ echo "Copying source files and build script..."
+ ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $LINUX_BUILD && rm -rf $LINUX_BUILD/*"
+ scp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython-src* $STAGING_DIR/wxPython.spec\
+ distrib/all/build-linux \
+ root@$host:$LINUX_BUILD
+ echo "Running build script on $host..."
+ cmd=./build-linux
+ ssh root@$host "cd $LINUX_BUILD && ./build-linux $reltag $skipclean $VERSION $pyver"
+ echo "Fetching the results..."
+ scp "root@$host:$LINUX_BUILD/wxPython*.i[0-9]86.rpm" $STAGING_DIR
+ ssh root@$host "rm $LINUX_BUILD/wxPython*.i[0-9]86.rpm"
if [ $skiplinux != yes ]; then
- echo "-=-=- Starting Linux build..."
- # The remote linux build is a bit different than the others. The
- # SRPMs will have already been built in the initial source
- # building steps, the only thing that the remote build needs to
- # do is an "rpmbuild --rebuild" for each package. So we'll just
- # copy the build script over and execute it, there is no need to
- # unpack the tarball and most of the other steps...
+ DoLinuxBuild co-rh9 rh9 $PYVER
+ DoLinuxBuild co-fc2 fc2 2.3
- echo "Copying source files..."
- mkdir -p $LINUX_SHARED
- cp $STAGING_DIR/wxPython*.src.rpm $LINUX_SHARED
- scp distrib/all/build-linux root@$LINUX_HOST:/tmp > /dev/null
- ssh root@$LINUX_HOST "cd /tmp && ./build-linux /tmp/wx $LINUX_SHARED_REMOTE $skipclean $VERSION $PYVER"
- echo "Fetching the results..."
- cp $LINUX_SHARED/wxPythonGTK*.i[0-9]86.rpm $STAGING_DIR
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Final disposition of build results...
+chmod a+r $STAGING_DIR/*
if [ $KIND = dryrun ]; then
# we're done
+ echo "Finished at " `date`
exit 0
if [ $KIND = daily ]; then
+ echo "Copying to the local file server..."
+ destdir=/stuff/temp/$VERSION
+ mkdir -p $destdir
+ cp $STAGING_DIR/* $destdir
echo "Copying to the starship at $destdir..."
ssh $UPLOAD_HOST "mkdir -p $destdir"
scp $STAGING_DIR/* $UPLOAD_HOST:/$destdir
+ ssh $UPLOAD_HOST "cd $destdir && ls -al"
echo "Cleaning up staging dir..."
# TODO: something to remove old builds from starship, keeping
# only N days worth
- # TODO: Send email to wxPython-dev?
+ # Send email to wxPython-dev
+ DATE=`date`
+ TO=wxPython-dev@lists.wxwidgets.org
+ cat <<EOF | /usr/sbin/sendmail $TO
+From: R'bot <rbot@wxpython.org>
+To: $TO
+Subject: $DAILY test build uploaded
+Date: $DATE
+A new test build of wxPython has been uploaded to starship.
+ Version: $VERSION
+ URL: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/daily/$DAILY
+ Changes: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/daily/$DAILY/CHANGES.html
+Have fun!
+ echo "Finished at " `date`
exit 0
+ # Send email to wxPython-dev
+ DATE=`date`
+ TO=wxPython-dev@lists.wxwidgets.org
+ cat <<EOF | /usr/sbin/sendmail $TO
+From: R'bot <rbot@wxpython.org>
+To: $TO
+Subject: $VERSION release candidate build uploaded
+Date: $DATE
+A new RC build of wxPython has been uploaded to starship.
+ Version: $VERSION
+ URL: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/preview/$VERSION
+ Changes: http://starship.python.net/crew/robind/wxPython/preview/$VERSION/CHANGES.html
+Have fun!
+ echo "Finished at " `date`
exit 0