-// Name: ipc
+// Name: ipc.h
// Purpose: topic overview
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
- @page ipc_overview Interprocess communication overview
- Classes: #wxServer,
- #wxConnection,
- #wxClient
- wxWidgets has a number of different classes to help with
- interprocess communication and network programming. This section
- only discusses one family of classes -- the DDE-like protocol --
- but here's a list of other useful classes:
- #wxSocketEvent,
- #wxSocketBase,
- #wxSocketClient,
- #wxSocketServer: classes for the low-level TCP/IP API.
- #wxProtocol, #wxURL, #wxFTP, #wxHTTP: classes
- for programming popular Internet protocols.
- wxWidgets' DDE-like protocol is a high-level protocol based on
- Windows DDE. There are two implementations of this DDE-like
- protocol: one using real DDE running on Windows only, and another
- using TCP/IP (sockets) that runs on most platforms. Since the API
- and virtually all of the behaviour is the same apart from the
- names of the classes, you should find it easy to switch between
- the two implementations.
- Notice that by including @c wx/ipc.h you may define
- convenient synonyms for the IPC classes: @c wxServer for either
- @c wxDDEServer or @c wxTCPServer depending on whether
- DDE-based or socket-based implementation is used and the same
- thing for @c wxClient and @c wxConnection.
- By default, the DDE implementation is used under Windows. DDE works
- within one computer only. If you want to use IPC between
- different workstations you should define @c wxUSE_DDE_FOR_IPC as 0 before including this header -- this
- will force using TCP/IP implementation even under Windows.
- The following description refers to wx... but remember that the
- equivalent wxTCP... and wxDDE... classes can be used in much the
- same way.
- Three classes are central to the DDE-like API:
- wxClient. This represents the client application, and is used
- only within a client program.
- wxServer. This represents the server application, and is used
- only within a server program.
- wxConnection. This represents the connection from the
- client to the server - both the client and the server use an
- instance of this class, one per connection. Most DDE transactions
- operate on this object.
- Messages between applications are usually identified by three
- variables: connection object, topic name and item name. A data
- string is a fourth element of some messages. To create a
- connection (a conversation in Windows parlance), the client
- application uses wxClient::MakeConnection to send a message to the
- server object, with a string service name to identify the server
- and a topic name to identify the topic for the duration of the
- connection. Under Unix, the service name may be either an integer
- port identifier in which case an Internet domain socket will be
- used for the communications or a valid file name (which shouldn't
- exist and will be deleted afterwards) in which case a Unix domain
- socket is created.
- @b SECURITY NOTE: Using Internet domain sockets is extremely insecure for
- IPC as there is absolutely no access control for them, use Unix domain sockets
- whenever possible!
- The server then responds and either vetoes the connection or
- allows it. If allowed, both the server and client objects create
- wxConnection objects which persist until the connection is
- closed. The connection object is then used for sending and
- receiving subsequent messages between client and server -
- overriding virtual functions in your class derived from
- wxConnection allows you to handle the DDE messages.
- To create a working server, the programmer must:
- Derive a class from wxConnection, providing handlers for various messages sent to the server
- side of a wxConnection (e.g. OnExecute, OnRequest, OnPoke). Only
- the handlers actually required by the application need to be
- overridden.
- Derive a class from wxServer, overriding OnAcceptConnection
- to accept or reject a connection on the basis of the topic
- argument. This member must create and return an instance of the
- derived connection class if the connection is accepted.
- Create an instance of your server object and call Create to
- activate it, giving it a service name.
- To create a working client, the programmer must:
- Derive a class from wxConnection, providing handlers for various
- messages sent to the client side of a wxConnection (e.g.
- OnAdvise). Only the handlers actually required by the application
- need to be overridden.
- Derive a class from wxClient, overriding OnMakeConnection to
- create and return an instance of the derived connection class.
- Create an instance of your client object.
- When appropriate, create a new connection using
- wxClient::MakeConnection,
- with arguments host name (processed in Unix only, use 'localhost'
- for local computer), service name, and topic name for this
- connection. The client object will call
- #OnMakeConnection to create
- a connection object of the derived class if the connection is
- successful.
- Use the wxConnection member functions to send messages to the server.
- @ref datatransfer_overview
- #Examples
- @ref ddedetails_overview
- @section datatransfer Data transfer
- These are the ways that data can be transferred from one
- application to another. These are methods of wxConnection.
- @b Execute: the client calls the server with a data string representing
- a command to be executed. This succeeds or fails, depending on the
- server's willingness to answer. If the client wants to find the result
- of the Execute command other than success or failure, it has to explicitly
- call Request.
- @b Request: the client asks the server for a particular data string
- associated with a given item string. If the server is unwilling to
- reply, the return value is @NULL. Otherwise, the return value is a string
- (actually a pointer to the connection buffer, so it should not be
- deallocated by the application).
- @b Poke: The client sends a data string associated with an item
- string directly to the server. This succeeds or fails.
- @b Advise: The client asks to be advised of any change in data
- associated with a particular item. If the server agrees, the server will
- send an OnAdvise message to the client along with the item and data.
- The default data type is wxCF_TEXT (ASCII text), and the default data
- size is the length of the null-terminated string. Windows-specific data
- types could also be used on the PC.
- @section ipcexamples Examples
- See the sample programs @e server and @e client in the IPC
- samples directory. Run the server, then the client. This demonstrates
- using the Execute, Request, and Poke commands from the client, together
- with an Advise loop: selecting an item in the server list box causes
- that item to be highlighted in the client list box.
- @section ddedetails More DDE details
- A wxClient object initiates the client part of a client-server
- DDE-like (Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation (available in both
- Windows and Unix).
- To create a client which can communicate with a suitable server,
- you need to derive a class from wxConnection and another from
- wxClient. The custom wxConnection class will receive
- communications in a 'conversation' with a server. and the custom
- wxServer is required so that a user-overridden
- wxClient::OnMakeConnection
- member can return a wxConnection of the required class, when a
- connection is made.
- For example:
- @code
- class MyConnection: public wxConnection {
- public:
- MyConnection(void)::wxConnection() {}
- ~MyConnection(void) { }
- bool OnAdvise(const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, char *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format)
- { wxMessageBox(topic, data); }
- };
- class MyClient: public wxClient {
- public:
- MyClient(void) {}
- wxConnectionBase *OnMakeConnection(void) { return new MyConnection; }
- };
- @endcode
- Here, @b MyConnection will respond to
- #OnAdvise messages sent by the
- server by displaying a message box.
- When the client application starts, it must create an instance of
- the derived wxClient. In the following, command line arguments
- are used to pass the host name (the name of the machine the
- server is running on) and the server name (identifying the server
- process). Calling
- wxClient::MakeConnection
- implicitly creates an instance of @b MyConnection if the
- request for a connection is accepted, and the client then
- requests an @e Advise loop from the server (an Advise loop is
- where the server calls the client when data has changed).
- @code
- wxString server = "4242";
- wxString hostName;
- wxGetHostName(hostName);
- // Create a new client
- MyClient *client = new MyClient;
- connection = (MyConnection *)client-MakeConnection(hostName, server, "IPC TEST");
- if (!connection)
- {
- wxMessageBox("Failed to make connection to server", "Client Demo Error");
- return @NULL;
- }
- connection-StartAdvise("Item");
- @endcode
- */
+@page overview_ipc Interprocess Communication Overview
+Classes: wxServer, wxConnection, wxClient
+@li @ref overview_ipc_datatransfer
+@li @ref overview_ipc_examples
+@li @ref overview_ipc_dde
+wxWidgets has a number of different classes to help with interprocess
+communication and network programming. This section only discusses one family
+of classes -- the DDE-like protocol -- but here's a list of other useful
+@li wxSocketEvent, wxSocketBase, wxSocketClient, wxSocketServer - Classes for
+ the low-level TCP/IP API.
+@li wxProtocol, wxURL, wxFTP, wxHTTP - Classes for programming popular
+ Internet protocols.
+wxWidgets' DDE-like protocol is a high-level protocol based on Windows DDE.
+There are two implementations of this DDE-like protocol: one using real DDE
+running on Windows only, and another using TCP/IP (sockets) that runs on most
+platforms. Since the API and virtually all of the behaviour is the same apart
+from the names of the classes, you should find it easy to switch between the
+two implementations.
+Notice that by including @c @<wx/ipc.h@> you may define convenient synonyms for
+the IPC classes: wxServer for either wxDDEServer or wxTCPServer depending on
+whether DDE-based or socket-based implementation is used and the same thing for
+wxClient and wxConnection.
+By default, the DDE implementation is used under Windows. DDE works within one
+computer only. If you want to use IPC between different workstations you should
+define @c wxUSE_DDE_FOR_IPC as 0 before including this header -- this will
+force using TCP/IP implementation even under Windows.
+The following description refers to wxWidgets, but remember that the equivalent
+wxTCP* and wxDDE* classes can be used in much the same way.
+Three classes are central to the DDE-like API:
+@li wxClient - This represents the client application, and is used only within
+ a client program.
+@li wxServer - This represents the server application, and is used only within
+ a server program.
+@li wxConnection - This represents the connection from the client to the
+ server. Both the client and the server use an instance of this class, one
+ per connection. Most DDE transactions operate on this object.
+Messages between applications are usually identified by three variables:
+connection object, topic name and item name. A data string is a fourth element
+of some messages. To create a connection (a conversation in Windows parlance),
+the client application uses wxClient::MakeConnection to send a message to the
+server object, with a string service name to identify the server and a topic
+name to identify the topic for the duration of the connection. Under Unix, the
+service name may be either an integer port identifier in which case an Internet
+domain socket will be used for the communications or a valid file name (which
+shouldn't exist and will be deleted afterwards) in which case a Unix domain
+socket is created.
+<b>SECURITY NOTE:</b> Using Internet domain sockets is extremely insecure for
+IPC as there is absolutely no access control for them, use Unix domain sockets
+whenever possible!
+The server then responds and either vetoes the connection or allows it. If
+allowed, both the server and client objects create wxConnection objects which
+persist until the connection is closed. The connection object is then used for
+sending and receiving subsequent messages between client and server -
+overriding virtual functions in your class derived from wxConnection allows you
+to handle the DDE messages.
+To create a working server, the programmer must:
+@li Derive a class from wxConnection, providing handlers for various messages
+ sent to the server side of a wxConnection (e.g. OnExecute, OnRequest,
+ OnPoke). Only the handlers actually required by the application need to be
+ overridden.
+@li Derive a class from wxServer, overriding OnAcceptConnection to accept or
+ reject a connection on the basis of the topic argument. This member must
+ create and return an instance of the derived connection class if the
+ connection is accepted.
+@li Create an instance of your server object and call Create to activate it,
+ giving it a service name.
+To create a working client, the programmer must:
+@li Derive a class from wxConnection, providing handlers for various messages
+ sent to the client side of a wxConnection (e.g. OnAdvise). Only the
+ handlers actually required by the application need to be overridden.
+@li Derive a class from wxClient, overriding OnMakeConnection to create and
+ return an instance of the derived connection class.
+@li Create an instance of your client object.
+@li When appropriate, create a new connection using wxClient::MakeConnection,
+ with arguments host name (processed in Unix only, use 'localhost' for local
+ computer), service name, and topic name for this connection. The client
+ object will call OnMakeConnection to create a connection object of the
+ derived class if the connection is successful.
+@li Use the wxConnection member functions to send messages to the server.
+@section overview_ipc_datatransfer Data Transfer
+These are the ways that data can be transferred from one application to
+another. These are methods of wxConnection.
+@li <b>Execute:</b> the client calls the server with a data string representing
+ a command to be executed. This succeeds or fails, depending on the server's
+ willingness to answer. If the client wants to find the result of the
+ Execute command other than success or failure, it has to explicitly call
+ Request.
+@li <b>Request:</b> the client asks the server for a particular data string
+ associated with a given item string. If the server is unwilling to reply,
+ the return value is @NULL. Otherwise, the return value is a string
+ (actually a pointer to the connection buffer, so it should not be
+ deallocated by the application).
+@li <b>Poke:</b> The client sends a data string associated with an item string
+ directly to the server. This succeeds or fails.
+@li <b>Advise:</b> The client asks to be advised of any change in data
+ associated with a particular item. If the server agrees, the server will
+ send an OnAdvise message to the client along with the item and data.
+The default data type is wxCF_TEXT (ASCII text), and the default data size is
+the length of the null-terminated string. Windows-specific data types could
+also be used on the PC.
+@section overview_ipc_examples Examples
+See the sample programs @e server and @e client in the IPC samples directory.
+Run the server, then the client. This demonstrates using the Execute, Request,
+and Poke commands from the client, together with an Advise loop: selecting an
+item in the server list box causes that item to be highlighted in the client
+list box.
+@section overview_ipc_dde More DDE Details
+A wxClient object initiates the client part of a client-server DDE-like
+(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation (available in both Windows and Unix).
+To create a client which can communicate with a suitable server, you need to
+derive a class from wxConnection and another from wxClient. The custom
+wxConnection class will receive communications in a 'conversation' with a
+server. and the custom wxServer is required so that a user-overridden
+wxClient::OnMakeConnection member can return a wxConnection of the required
+class, when a connection is made.
+For example:
+class MyConnection: public wxConnection
+ MyConnection(void)::wxConnection() { }
+ ~MyConnection(void) { }
+ bool OnAdvise(const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, char *data,
+ int size, wxIPCFormat format)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(topic, data);
+ }
+class MyClient: public wxClient
+ MyClient(void) { }
+ wxConnectionBase* OnMakeConnection(void)
+ {
+ return new MyConnection;
+ }
+Here, @e MyConnection will respond to OnAdvise messages sent by the server by
+displaying a message box.
+When the client application starts, it must create an instance of the derived
+wxClient. In the following, command line arguments are used to pass the host
+name (the name of the machine the server is running on) and the server name
+(identifying the server process). Calling wxClient::MakeConnection implicitly
+creates an instance of @e MyConnection if the request for a connection is
+accepted, and the client then requests an @e Advise loop from the server (an
+Advise loop is where the server calls the client when data has changed).
+wxString server = "4242";
+wxString hostName;
+// Create a new client
+MyClient *client = new MyClient;
+connection = (MyConnection *)client->MakeConnection(hostName, server, "IPC TEST");
+if (!connection)
+ wxMessageBox("Failed to make connection to server", "Client Demo Error");
+ return NULL;