- wxCHECK_MSG(dataViewWidgetPtr != NULL, false,_("Pointer to native control must not be NULL."));
- wxCHECK_MSG(columnPtr != NULL, false,_("Column pointer must not be NULL."));
- wxCHECK_MSG(columnPtr->GetRenderer() != NULL, false,_("Column does not have a renderer."));
- wxCHECK_MSG(this->GetModel() != NULL, false,_("No model associated with control."));
- wxCHECK_MSG((columnPtr->GetModelColumn() >= 0) &&
- (columnPtr->GetModelColumn() < this->GetModel()->GetColumnCount()),false,_("Column's model column has no equivalent in the associated model."));
+ wxCHECK_MSG(dataViewWidgetPtr != NULL, false,"Pointer to native control must not be NULL.");
+ wxCHECK_MSG(columnPtr != NULL, false,"Column pointer must not be NULL.");
+ wxCHECK_MSG(columnPtr->GetRenderer() != NULL, false,"Column does not have a renderer.");
+ wxCHECK_MSG(GetModel() != NULL, false,"No model associated with control.");
+ wxCHECK_MSG(columnPtr->GetModelColumn() < GetModel()->GetColumnCount(),false,"Column's model column has no equivalent in the associated model.");