+ wxRect visRect = textctrl->MacGetClippedClientRect() ;
+ Rect visBounds = { visRect.y , visRect.x , visRect.y + visRect.height , visRect.x + visRect.width } ;
+ int x , y ;
+ x = y = 0 ;
+ textctrl->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
+ OffsetRect( &visBounds , x , y ) ;
+ if ( !EqualRect( &bounds , &m_txnControlBounds ) || !EqualRect( &visBounds , &m_txnVisBounds) )
+ {
+ m_txnControlBounds = bounds ;
+ m_txnVisBounds = visBounds ;
+ wxMacWindowClipper cl(textctrl) ;
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
+ bool isCompositing = textctrl->MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacUsesCompositing() ;
+ if ( m_sbHorizontal || m_sbVertical )
+ {
+ int w = bounds.right - bounds.left ;
+ int h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top ;
+ if ( m_sbHorizontal )
+ {
+ Rect sbBounds ;
+ sbBounds.left = -1 ;
+ sbBounds.top = h - 14 ;
+ sbBounds.right = w + 1 ;
+ sbBounds.bottom = h + 1 ;
+ if ( !isCompositing )
+ OffsetRect( &sbBounds , m_txnControlBounds.left , m_txnControlBounds.top ) ;
+ SetControlBounds( m_sbHorizontal , &sbBounds ) ;
+ SetControlViewSize( m_sbHorizontal , w ) ;
+ }
+ if ( m_sbVertical )
+ {
+ Rect sbBounds ;
+ sbBounds.left = w - 14 ;
+ sbBounds.top = -1 ;
+ sbBounds.right = w + 1 ;
+ sbBounds.bottom = m_sbHorizontal ? h - 14 : h + 1 ;
+ if ( !isCompositing )
+ OffsetRect( &sbBounds , m_txnControlBounds.left , m_txnControlBounds.top ) ;
+ SetControlBounds( m_sbVertical , &sbBounds ) ;
+ SetControlViewSize( m_sbVertical , h ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ Rect oldviewRect ;
+ TXNLongRect olddestRect ;
+ TXNGetRectBounds( m_txn , &oldviewRect , &olddestRect , NULL ) ;
+ Rect viewRect = { m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ m_txnControlBounds.bottom - ( m_sbHorizontal ? 14 : 0 ) , m_txnControlBounds.right - ( m_sbVertical ? 14 : 0 ) } ;
+ TXNLongRect destRect = { m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ m_txnControlBounds.bottom - ( m_sbHorizontal ? 14 : 0 ) , m_txnControlBounds.right - ( m_sbVertical ? 14 : 0 ) } ;
+ if ( olddestRect.right >= 10000 )
+ destRect.right = destRect.left + 32000 ;
+ if ( olddestRect.bottom >= 0x20000000 )
+ destRect.bottom = destRect.top + 0x40000000 ;
+ SectRect( &viewRect , &visBounds , &viewRect ) ;
+ TXNSetRectBounds( m_txn , &viewRect , &destRect , true ) ;
+ TXNSetFrameBounds( m_txn, m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ m_txnControlBounds.bottom - ( m_sbHorizontal ? 14 : 0 ) , m_txnControlBounds.right - ( m_sbVertical ? 14 : 0 ), m_txnFrameID);
+ TXNSetFrameBounds( m_txn, m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ wxMax( m_txnControlBounds.bottom , m_txnControlBounds.top ) ,
+ wxMax( m_txnControlBounds.right , m_txnControlBounds.left ) , m_txnFrameID);
+ // the SetFrameBounds method unter classic sometimes does not correctly scroll a selection into sight after a
+ // movement, therefore we have to force it
+ TXNLongRect textRect ;
+ TXNGetRectBounds( m_txn , NULL , NULL , &textRect ) ;
+ if ( textRect.left < m_txnControlBounds.left )
+ {
+ TXNShowSelection( m_txn , false ) ;
+ }