<!-- Creator : groff version 1.18.1 -->
-<!-- CreationDate: Mon Mar 13 18:03:12 2006 -->
+<!-- CreationDate: Sat Feb 24 18:37:18 2007 -->
<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see www.gnu.org">
<b>0</b> is specified), <i>tiffcp</i> attempts to set the
rows/strip that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a
strip (with except of G3/G4 compression schemes). If you
-specify special value <b>-1</b> it will results in infinite
-number of the rows per strip. The entire image will be the
-one strip in that case. This is default in case of G3/G4
-output compression schemes.</p>
+specify special value <b>−1</b> it will results in
+infinite number of the rows per strip. The entire image will
+be the one strip in that case. This is default in case of
+G3/G4 output compression schemes.</p>
<td width="0%">