+ (
+ ("#%d: Normalize(%s) failed", (int)i, fnt.original),
+ fn.Normalize(fnt.flags, cwd, fnt.fmt)
+ );
+ // compare result with expected string
+ wxString expected(tests[i].expected);
+ expected.Replace(_T("HOME/"), home);
+ expected.Replace(_T("CWD/"), cwd);
+ (
+ ("array element #%d", (int)i),
+ expected, fn.GetFullPath(fnt.fmt)
+ );
+ }
+void FileNameTestCase::TestReplace()
+ static const struct FileNameTest
+ {
+ const char *original;
+ const char *env_contents;
+ const char *replace_fmtstring;
+ const char *expected;
+ wxPathFormat fmt;
+ } tests[] =
+ {
+ { "/usr/a/strange path/lib/someFile.ext", "/usr/a/strange path", "$%s", "$TEST_VAR/lib/someFile.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/lib/someFile.ext", "/usr/a/path", "$%s", "$TEST_VAR/lib/someFile.ext", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/lib/someFile", "/usr/a/path/", "$%s", "$TEST_VARlib/someFile", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "$(%s)", "$(TEST_VAR)lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "${{%s}}", "${{TEST_VAR}}lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "%s", "TEST_VARlib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "%s//", "TEST_VAR/lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ // note: empty directory components are automatically removed by wxFileName thus
+ // using // in the replace format string has no effect
+ { "/usr/../a/path/lib/", "/usr/a/path/", "%s", "/usr/../a/path/lib/", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/usr/usr", "/usr", "%s", "TEST_VAR/a/pathTEST_VAR/usr", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/usr/a/path/usr/usr", "/usr", "$%s", "$TEST_VAR/a/path$TEST_VAR/usr", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "/a/b/c/d", "a/", "%s", "/TEST_VARb/c/d", wxPATH_UNIX },
+ { "C:\\A\\Strange Path\\lib\\someFile", "C:\\A\\Strange Path", "%%%s%%", "%TEST_VAR%\\lib\\someFile", wxPATH_WIN },
+ { "C:\\A\\Path\\lib\\someFile", "C:\\A\\Path", "%%%s%%", "%TEST_VAR%\\lib\\someFile", wxPATH_WIN },
+ { "C:\\A\\Path\\lib\\someFile", "C:\\A\\Path", "$(%s)", "$(TEST_VAR)\\lib\\someFile", wxPATH_WIN }
+ };
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(tests); i++ )
+ {
+ const FileNameTest& fnt = tests[i];
+ wxFileName fn(fnt.original, fnt.fmt);
+ // set the environment variable
+ wxSetEnv(_T("TEST_VAR"), fnt.env_contents);
+ // be sure this ReplaceEnvVariable does not fail