# o wxTimeCtrl -> TimeCtrl
Masked Edit Overview
- formatcodes = ',', groupChar="'" allows 12'345.34
+ formatcodes = ',', groupChar='\'' allows 12'345.34
formatcodes = ',', groupChar='.', decimalChar=',' allows 12.345,34
(These are control-level parameters.)
If not specified as a keyword argument, the default controlType is
self._SetKeycodeHandler(WXK_UP, self.IncrementValue)
self._SetKeyHandler('-', self._OnChangeSign)
+ (Setting a func of None removes any keyhandler for the given key.)
"Navigation" keys are assumed to change the cursor position, and
therefore don't cause automatic motion of the cursor as insertable
characters do.
control = (
wx.WXK_NEXT: self._OnAutoCompleteField,
# default function control keys and handlers:
- wx.WXK_DELETE: self._OnErase,
+ wx.WXK_DELETE: self._OnDelete,
+ wx.WXK_INSERT: self._OnInsert,
WXK_CTRL_A: self._OnCtrl_A,
WXK_CTRL_C: self._OnCtrl_C,
WXK_CTRL_S: self._OnCtrl_S,
width = self.GetSize().width
height = self.GetBestSize().height
## dbg('setting client size to:', (width, height))
- self.SetBestFittingSize((width, height))
+ self.SetInitialSize((width, height))
# Set value/type-specific formatting
# the outside size that does include the borders. What you are
# calculating (in _CalcSize) is the client size, but the sizers
# deal with the full size and so that is the minimum size that
- # we need to set with SetBestFittingSize. The root of the problem is
+ # we need to set with SetInitialSize. The root of the problem is
# that in _calcSize the current client size height is returned,
# instead of a height based on the current font. So I suggest using
# _calcSize to just get the width, and then use GetBestSize to
width = self.GetSize().width
height = self.GetBestSize().height
- self.SetBestFittingSize((width, height))
+ self.SetInitialSize((width, height))
# Set value/type-specific formatting
used by the control. <func> should take the event as argument
and return False if no further action on the key is necessary.
- self._keyhandlers[keycode] = func
+ if func:
+ self._keyhandlers[keycode] = func
+ elif self._keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
+ del self._keyhandlers[keycode]
def _SetKeyHandler(self, char, func):
if handler:
self._keyhandlers[keycode] = handler
+ elif self.keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
+ del self._keyhandlers[keycode]
def _AddNavKey(self, char, handler=None):
if func:
self._keyhandlers[keycode] = func
+ elif self.keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
+ del self._keyhandlers[keycode]
def _processMask(self, mask):
keycode = ord(key)
if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(keycode):
self._SetKeyHandler(key, self._OnChangeSign)
+ elif self._isInt or self._isFloat:
+ signkeys = ['-', '+', ' ', '(', ')']
+ for key in signkeys:
+ keycode = ord(key)
+ if self._keyhandlers.has_key(keycode) and self._keyhandlers[keycode] == self._OnChangeSign:
+ self._SetKeyHandler(key, None)
self._SetKeycodeHandler(wx.WXK_UP, self._OnUpNumeric) # (adds "shift" to up arrow, and calls _OnChangeField)
# On ., truncate contents right of cursor to decimal point (if any)
- # leaves cusor after decimal point if floating point, otherwise at 0.
- if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._decimalChar)):
+ # leaves cursor after decimal point if floating point, otherwise at 0.
+ if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._decimalChar)) or self._keyhandlers[ord(self._decimalChar)] != self._OnDecimalPoint:
self._SetKeyHandler(self._decimalChar, self._OnDecimalPoint)
- if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._shiftDecimalChar)):
+ if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._shiftDecimalChar)) or self._keyhandlers[ord(self._shiftDecimalChar)] != self._OnChangeField:
self._SetKeyHandler(self._shiftDecimalChar, self._OnChangeField) # (Shift-'.' == '>' on US keyboards)
# Allow selective insert of groupchar in numbers:
- if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._fields[0]._groupChar)):
+ if not self._keyhandlers.has_key(ord(self._fields[0]._groupChar)) or self._keyhandlers[ord(self._fields[0]._groupChar)] != self._OnGroupChar:
self._SetKeyHandler(self._fields[0]._groupChar, self._OnGroupChar)
## dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
field = self._FindField(pos)
## dbg("key ='%s'" % chr(key))
-## if chr(key) == ' ':
+ if chr(key) == ' ':
## dbg('okSpaces?', field._okSpaces)
-## pass
+ pass
char = chr(key) # (must work if we got this far)
if pos == year2dig and unadjusted[year2dig] != newstr[year2dig]:
newpos = pos+2
+## dbg('queuing insertion point: (%d)' % newpos)
wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, newpos)
if match_field is not None:
newfield = self._FindField(newpos)
if newfield != field and newfield._selectOnFieldEntry:
+## dbg('queuing insertion point: (%d)' % newfield._extent[0])
+ wx.CallAfter(self._SetInsertionPoint, newfield._extent[0])
## dbg('queuing selection: (%d, %d)' % (newfield._extent[0], newfield._extent[1]))
wx.CallAfter(self._SetSelection, newfield._extent[0], newfield._extent[1])
## dbg(indent=0)
return False
+ def _OnInsert(self, event=None):
+ """ Handles shift-insert and control-insert operations (paste and copy, respectively)"""
+## dbg("MaskedEditMixin::_OnInsert", indent=1)
+ if event and isinstance(event, wx.KeyEvent):
+ if event.ShiftDown():
+ self.Paste()
+ elif event.ControlDown():
+ self.Copy()
+ # (else do nothing)
+ # (else do nothing)
+## dbg(indent=0)
+ return False
+ def _OnDelete(self, event=None):
+ """ Handles shift-delete and delete operations (cut and erase, respectively)"""
+## dbg("MaskedEditMixin::_OnDelete", indent=1)
+ if event and isinstance(event, wx.KeyEvent):
+ if event.ShiftDown():
+ self.Cut()
+ else:
+ self._OnErase(event)
+ else:
+ self._OnErase(event)
+## dbg(indent=0)
+ return False
def _OnCtrl_Z(self, event=None):
""" Handles ctrl-Z keypress in control and Undo operation on context menu.
Should return False to skip other processing. """
value = self._eraseSelection()
integer = self._fields[0]
start, end = integer._extent
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
#### dbg('adjusted pos:', pos)
if chr(key) in ('-','+','(', ')') or (chr(key) == " " and pos == self._signpos):
cursign = self._isNeg
## dbg('cursign:', cursign)
if chr(key) in ('-','(', ')'):
- self._isNeg = (not self._isNeg) ## flip value
+ if sel_start <= self._signpos:
+ self._isNeg = True
+ else:
+ self._isNeg = (not self._isNeg) ## flip value
self._isNeg = False
## dbg('isNeg?', self._isNeg)
## dbg('match found:', choice)
match = index
- else: dbg('choice: "%s" - no match' % choice)
+ else:
+## dbg('choice: "%s" - no match' % choice)
+ pass
if match is not None:
## dbg('matched', match)
# first space for sign, and last one if using parens.
if( self._signOk
and ((pos == self._signpos and key in (ord('-'), ord('+'), ord(' ')) )
- or self._useParens and pos == self._masklength -1)):
+ or (self._useParens and pos == self._masklength -1))):
## dbg('adjusted pos:', pos, indent=0)
return pos
field = self._FindField(pos)
## dbg('field._insertRight?', field._insertRight)
+## if self._signOk: dbg('self._signpos:', self._signpos)
if field._insertRight: # if allow right-insert
start, end = field._extent
slice = self._GetValue()[start:end].strip()
## # restore selection
## self._SetSelection(sel_start, pos)
- elif self._signOk and sel_start == 0: # if selected to beginning and signed,
+ # if selected to beginning and signed, and not changing sign explicitly:
+ elif self._signOk and sel_start == 0 and key not in (ord('-'), ord('+'), ord(' ')):
# adjust to past reserved sign position:
pos = self._fields[0]._extent[0]
+## dbg('adjusting field to ', pos)
- # restore selection
- self._SetSelection(pos, sel_to)
+ # but keep original selection, to allow replacement of any sign:
+ self._SetSelection(0, sel_to)
pass # leave position/selection alone
# if entire field is selected or position is at end and field is not full,
- # or if allowed to right-insert at any point in field and field is not full and cursor is not at a fillChar:
+ # or if allowed to right-insert at any point in field and field is not full and cursor is not at a fillChar
+ # or the field is a singleton integer field and is currently 0 and we're at the end:
if( (sel_start, sel_to) == field._extent
- or (pos == end and input_len < field_len)):
+ or (pos == end and ((input_len < field_len)
+ or (field_len == 1
+ and input_len == field_len
+ and field._isInt
+ and value[end-1] == '0'
+ )
+ ) ) ):
pos = end - 1
## dbg('pos = end - 1 = ', pos, 'right_insert? 1')
right_insert = True
## dbg("checking appropriate regex's")
value = self._eraseSelection(self._GetValue())
if right_insert:
+ # move the position to the right side of the insertion:
at = pos+1
at = pos
if self._signOk:
text, signpos, right_signpos = self._getSignedValue()
## dbg('text: "%s", signpos:' % text, signpos)
+ if text and signpos != self._signpos:
+ self._signpos = signpos
if not text or text[signpos] not in ('-','('):
self._isNeg = False
## dbg('no valid sign found; new sign:', self._isNeg)
- if text and signpos != self._signpos:
- self._signpos = signpos
elif text and self._valid and not self._isNeg and text[signpos] in ('-', '('):
## dbg('setting _isNeg to True')
self._isNeg = True
fstr = text[start:end]
erasable_chars = [field._fillChar, ' ']
- if field._padZero:
+ # if zero padding field, or a single digit, and currently a value of 0, allow erasure of 0:
+ if field._padZero or (field._isInt and (end - start == 1) and fstr[0] == '0'):
erased = ''
#### dbg("fstr[0]:'%s'" % fstr[0])
#### dbg('field_index:', field._index)
#### dbg("fstr[0] in erasable_chars?", fstr[0] in erasable_chars)
-#### dbg("self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')?",
-## self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','('))
+#### dbg("self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')?", self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','('))
if fstr[0] in erasable_chars or (self._signOk and field._index == 0 and fstr[0] in ('-','(')):
erased = fstr[0]
#### dbg('value: "%s"' % text)
old_right_signpos = text.find(')')
if field._allowInsert and not field._insertRight and sel_to <= end and sel_start >= start:
- # inserting within a left-insert-capable field
+## dbg('inserting within a left-insert-capable field')
field_len = end - start
before = text[start:sel_start]
after = text[sel_to:end].strip()
char = char.decode(self._defaultEncoding)
newtext = left + char + right
+#### dbg('left: "%s"' % left)
+#### dbg('right: "%s"' % right)
+#### dbg('newtext: "%s"' % newtext)
if self._signOk and self._useParens:
# Balance parentheses:
if not valid:
## dbg('cannot convert string to valid time')
- if valid: dbg('valid date')
+## if valid: dbg('valid date')
## dbg(indent=0)
return valid
""" Handler for EVT_KILL_FOCUS event.
## dbg('MaskedEditMixin::_OnKillFocus', 'isDate=',self._isDate, indent=1)
+ if self.IsBeingDeleted() or self.GetParent().IsBeingDeleted():
+ return
if self._mask and self._IsEditable():
self._CheckValid() ## Call valid handler
field = self._FindField(self._GetInsertionPoint())
edit_start, edit_end = field._extent
if field._selectOnFieldEntry:
+ if self._isFloat or self._isInt and field == self._fields[0]:
+ edit_start = 0
self._SetSelection(edit_start, edit_end)
if integer._selectOnFieldEntry:
## dbg('select on field entry:')
- self._SetInsertionPoint(edit_start)
- self._SetSelection(edit_start, edit_end)
+ self._SetInsertionPoint(0)
+ self._SetSelection(0, edit_end)
elif integer._insertRight:
## dbg('moving insertion point to end')
## ====================
+## Version 1.10
+## 1. Added handling for WXK_DELETE and WXK_INSERT, such that shift-delete
+## cuts, shift-insert pastes, and ctrl-insert copies.
+## Version 1.9
+## 1. Now ignores kill focus events when being destroyed.
+## 2. Added missing call to set insertion point on changing fields.
+## 3. Modified SetKeyHandler() to accept None as means of removing one.
+## 4. Fixed keyhandler processing for group and decimal character changes.
+## 5. Fixed a problem that prevented input into the integer digit of a
+## integerwidth=1 numctrl, if the current value was 0.
+## 6. Fixed logic involving processing of "_signOk" flag, to remove default
+## sign key handlers if false, so that SetAllowNegative(False) in the
+## NumCtrl works properly.
+## 7. Fixed selection logic for numeric controls so that if selectOnFieldEntry
+## is true, and the integer portion of an integer format control is selected
+## and the sign position is selected, the sign keys will always result in a
+## negative value, rather than toggling the previous sign.
## Version 1.8
## 1. Fixed bug involving incorrect variable name, causing combobox autocomplete to fail.
## 2. Added proper support for unicode version of wxPython