+ if (flags & wxKILL_CHILDREN)
+ wxKillAllChildren(pid, sig, krc);
+ // get the process handle to operate on
+ HANDLE hProcess = ::OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE |
+ FALSE, // not inheritable
+ (DWORD)pid);
+ if ( hProcess == NULL )
+ {
+ if ( krc )
+ {
+ if ( ::GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *krc = wxKILL_NO_PROCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bool ok = true;
+ switch ( sig )
+ {
+ case wxSIGKILL:
+ // kill the process forcefully returning -1 as error code
+ if ( !::TerminateProcess(hProcess, (UINT)-1) )
+ {
+ wxLogSysError(_("Failed to kill process %d"), pid);
+ if ( krc )
+ {
+ // this is not supposed to happen if we could open the
+ // process
+ *krc = wxKILL_ERROR;
+ }
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case wxSIGNONE:
+ // do nothing, we just want to test for process existence
+ break;
+ default:
+ // any other signal means "terminate"
+ {
+ wxFindByPidParams params;
+ params.pid = (DWORD)pid;
+ // EnumWindows() has nice semantics: it returns 0 if it found
+ // something or if an error occured and non zero if it
+ // enumerated all the window
+ if ( !::EnumWindows(wxEnumFindByPidProc, (LPARAM)¶ms) )
+ {
+ // did we find any window?
+ if ( params.hwnd )
+ {
+ // tell the app to close
+ //
+ // NB: this is the harshest way, the app won't have
+ // opportunity to save any files, for example, but
+ // this is probably what we want here. If not we
+ // can also use SendMesageTimeout(WM_CLOSE)
+ if ( !::PostMessage(params.hwnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("PostMessage(WM_QUIT)"));
+ }
+ }
+ else // it was an error then
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("EnumWindows"));
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else // no windows for this PID
+ {
+ if ( krc )
+ {
+ *krc = wxKILL_ERROR;
+ }
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // the return code
+ DWORD rc;
+ if ( ok )
+ {
+ // as we wait for a short time, we can use just WaitForSingleObject()
+ // and not MsgWaitForMultipleObjects()
+ switch ( ::WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 500 /* msec */) )
+ {
+ case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ // process terminated
+ if ( !::GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &rc) )
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("GetExitCodeProcess"));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unexpected WaitForSingleObject() return") );
+ // fall through
+ wxLogLastError(_T("WaitForSingleObject"));
+ // fall through
+ if ( krc )
+ {
+ *krc = wxKILL_ERROR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else // !ok
+ {
+ // just to suppress the warnings about uninitialized variable
+ rc = 0;
+ }
+ ::CloseHandle(hProcess);
+ // the return code is the same as from Unix kill(): 0 if killed
+ // successfully or -1 on error
+ //
+ // be careful to interpret rc correctly: for wxSIGNONE we return success if
+ // the process exists, for all the other sig values -- if it doesn't
+ if ( ok &&
+ ((sig == wxSIGNONE) == (rc == STILL_ACTIVE)) )
+ {
+ if ( krc )
+ {
+ *krc = wxKILL_OK;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // error
+ return -1;
+HANDLE (WINAPI *lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot)(DWORD,DWORD) ;
+static void InitToolHelp32()
+ static bool s_initToolHelpDone = false;
+ if (s_initToolHelpDone)
+ return;
+ s_initToolHelpDone = true;
+ lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL;
+ lpfProcess32First = NULL;
+ lpfProcess32Next = NULL;
+ HINSTANCE hInstLib = LoadLibrary( wxT("Kernel32.DLL") ) ;
+ if( hInstLib == NULL )
+ return ;
+ // Get procedure addresses.
+ // We are linking to these functions of Kernel32
+ // explicitly, because otherwise a module using
+ // this code would fail to load under Windows NT,
+ // which does not have the Toolhelp32
+ // functions in the Kernel 32.
+ lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot=
+ GetProcAddress( hInstLib,
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ wxT("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot")
+ "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"
+ ) ;
+ lpfProcess32First=
+ GetProcAddress( hInstLib,
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ wxT("Process32First")
+ "Process32First"
+ ) ;
+ lpfProcess32Next=
+ GetProcAddress( hInstLib,
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ wxT("Process32Next")
+ "Process32Next"
+ ) ;
+ FreeLibrary( hInstLib ) ;
+// By John Skiff
+int wxKillAllChildren(long pid, wxSignal sig, wxKillError *krc)
+ InitToolHelp32();
+ if (krc)
+ *krc = wxKILL_OK;
+ // If not implemented for this platform (e.g. NT 4.0), silently ignore
+ if (!lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot || !lpfProcess32First || !lpfProcess32Next)
+ return 0;
+ // Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
+ HANDLE hProcessSnap = lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
+ if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ if (krc)
+ *krc = wxKILL_ERROR;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //Fill in the size of the structure before using it.
+ PROCESSENTRY32 pe = {0};
+ pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
+ // Walk the snapshot of the processes, and for each process,
+ // kill it if its parent is pid.
+ if (!lpfProcess32First(hProcessSnap, &pe)) {
+ // Can't get first process.
+ if (krc)
+ *krc = wxKILL_ERROR;
+ CloseHandle (hProcessSnap);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ do {
+ if (pe.th32ParentProcessID == (DWORD) pid) {
+ if (wxKill(pe.th32ProcessID, sig, krc))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } while (lpfProcess32Next (hProcessSnap, &pe));