- directory so that the user can email it to the developers (in which case you
- should still use wxDebugReportCompress to
- compress it in a single file) or uploaded to a Web server using
- wxDebugReportUpload (setting up the Web server
- to accept uploads is your responsibility, of course). Other handlers, for
- example for
- automatically emailing the report, can be defined as well but are not currently
- included in wxWidgets.
+ directory so that the user can email it to the developers (in which case
+ you should still use wxDebugReportCompress to compress it in a single file)
+ or uploaded to a Web server using wxDebugReportUpload (setting up the Web
+ server to accept uploads is your responsibility, of course). Other
+ handlers, for example for automatically emailing the report, can be defined
+ as well but are not currently included in wxWidgets.
+ A typical usage example:
+ @code
+ wxDebugReport report;
+ wxDebugReportPreviewStd preview;
+ report.AddCurrentContext(); // could also use AddAll()
+ report.AddCurrentDump(); // to do both at once
+ if ( preview.Show(report) )
+ report.Process();
+ @endcode