+// endian-ness of the machine
+enum wxEndianness
+ wxENDIAN_INVALID = -1, // returned on error
+ wxENDIAN_BIG, // 4321
+ wxENDIAN_LITTLE, // 1234
+ wxENDIAN_PDP, // 3412
+// Information about the toolkit that the app is running under and some basic
+// platform and architecture info
+%rename(PlatformInformation) wxPlatformInfo; // wxPython already has a wx.PlatformInfo
+class wxPlatformInfo
+ wxPlatformInfo();
+// wxPlatformInfo(wxPortId pid,
+// int tkMajor = -1, int tkMinor = -1,
+// wxOperatingSystemId id = wxOS_UNKNOWN,
+// int osMajor = -1, int osMinor = -1,
+// wxArchitecture arch = wxARCH_INVALID,
+// wxEndianness endian = wxENDIAN_INVALID,
+// bool usingUniversal = false);
+ // default copy ctor, assignment operator and dtor are ok
+ bool operator==(const wxPlatformInfo &t) const;
+ bool operator!=(const wxPlatformInfo &t) const;
+// // string -> enum conversions
+// // ---------------------------------
+// static wxOperatingSystemId GetOperatingSystemId(const wxString &name);
+// static wxPortId GetPortId(const wxString &portname);
+// static wxArchitecture GetArch(const wxString &arch);
+// static wxEndianness GetEndianness(const wxString &end);
+// // enum -> string conversions
+// // ---------------------------------
+// static wxString GetOperatingSystemFamilyName(wxOperatingSystemId os);
+// static wxString GetOperatingSystemIdName(wxOperatingSystemId os);
+// static wxString GetPortIdName(wxPortId port, bool usingUniversal);
+// static wxString GetPortIdShortName(wxPortId port, bool usingUniversal);
+// static wxString GetArchName(wxArchitecture arch);
+// static wxString GetEndiannessName(wxEndianness end);
+ // getters
+ // -----------------
+ int GetOSMajorVersion() const;
+ int GetOSMinorVersion() const;
+ bool CheckOSVersion(int major, int minor) const;
+ int GetToolkitMajorVersion() const;
+ int GetToolkitMinorVersion() const;
+ bool CheckToolkitVersion(int major, int minor) const;
+ bool IsUsingUniversalWidgets() const;
+ wxOperatingSystemId GetOperatingSystemId() const;
+ wxPortId GetPortId() const;
+ wxArchitecture GetArchitecture() const;
+ wxEndianness GetEndianness() const;
+ // string getters
+ // -----------------
+ wxString GetOperatingSystemFamilyName() const;
+ wxString GetOperatingSystemIdName() const;
+ wxString GetPortIdName() const;
+ wxString GetPortIdShortName() const;
+ wxString GetArchName() const;
+ wxString GetEndiannessName() const;
+ // setters
+ // -----------------
+ void SetOSVersion(int major, int minor);
+ void SetToolkitVersion(int major, int minor);
+ void SetOperatingSystemId(wxOperatingSystemId n);
+ void SetPortId(wxPortId n);
+ void SetArchitecture(wxArchitecture n);
+ void SetEndianness(wxEndianness n);
+ // miscellaneous
+ // -----------------
+ bool IsOk() const;
+ %property(ArchName, GetArchName, doc="See `GetArchName`");
+ %property(Architecture, GetArchitecture, SetArchitecture, doc="See `GetArchitecture` and `SetArchitecture`");
+ %property(Endianness, GetEndianness, SetEndianness, doc="See `GetEndianness` and `SetEndianness`");
+ %property(EndiannessName, GetEndiannessName, doc="See `GetEndiannessName`");
+ %property(OSMajorVersion, GetOSMajorVersion, doc="See `GetOSMajorVersion`");
+ %property(OSMinorVersion, GetOSMinorVersion, doc="See `GetOSMinorVersion`");
+ %property(OperatingSystemFamilyName, GetOperatingSystemFamilyName, doc="See `GetOperatingSystemFamilyName`");
+ %property(OperatingSystemId, GetOperatingSystemId, SetOperatingSystemId, doc="See `GetOperatingSystemId` and `SetOperatingSystemId`");
+ %property(OperatingSystemIdName, GetOperatingSystemIdName, doc="See `GetOperatingSystemIdName`");
+ %property(PortId, GetPortId, SetPortId, doc="See `GetPortId` and `SetPortId`");
+ %property(PortIdName, GetPortIdName, doc="See `GetPortIdName`");
+ %property(PortIdShortName, GetPortIdShortName, doc="See `GetPortIdShortName`");
+ %property(ToolkitMajorVersion, GetToolkitMajorVersion, doc="See `GetToolkitMajorVersion`");
+ %property(ToolkitMinorVersion, GetToolkitMinorVersion, doc="See `GetToolkitMinorVersion`");
+// Experimental...