-%define pref /usr
-%define ver 2.3.0
-%define rel 0
+%define _prefix /usr
+%define ver 2.9.3
+%define ver2 2.9
+%define rel 1
-Summary: The GTK+ 1.2 port of the wxWindows library
-Name: wxGTK
+# Configurable settings (use --with(out) {unicode,gtk2} on rpmbuild cmd line):
+%define unicode 1
+%{?_with_unicode: %{expand: %%define unicode 1}}
+%{?_without_unicode: %{expand: %%define unicode 0}}
+%define gtk2 1
+%{?_with_gtk2: %{expand: %%define gtk2 1}}
+%{?_without_gtk2: %{expand: %%define gtk2 0}}
+# "buildname" needs to be e.g. gtk2ud for debug builds
+%if %{gtk2}
+ %define gtkver 2
+ %define portname gtk2
+%if %{unicode}
+ %define buildname gtk2u
+ %define buildname gtk2
+ %define gtkver 1.2
+ %define portname gtk
+ %define buildname gtk
+%if %{unicode}
+ %define name wx-%{portname}-unicode
+ %define wxconfig %{portname}-unicode-%{ver2}
+ %define wxconfigstatic %{portname}-unicode-static-%{ver2}
+ %define wxconfiglink wx%{portname}u-%{ver2}-config
+ %define name wx-%{portname}-ansi
+ %define wxconfig %{portname}-ansi-%{ver2}
+ %define wxconfigstatic %{portname}-ansi-static-%{ver2}
+ %define wxconfiglink wx%{portname}-%{ver2}-config
+%if %{unicode}
+ %define wxbasename wx-base-unicode
+ %define wxbaseconfig base-unicode-%{ver2}
+ %define wxbaseconfiglink wxbaseu-%{ver2}-config
+ %define wxbasename wx-base-ansi
+ %define wxbaseconfig base-ansi-%{ver2}
+ %define wxbaseconfiglink wxbase-%{ver2}-config
+Summary: The GTK+ %{gtkver} port of the wxWidgets library
+Name: %{name}
Version: %{ver}
Release: %{rel}
-Copyright: wxWindows Licence
+License: wxWindows Licence
Group: X11/Libraries
-Source: wxGTK-%{ver}.tar.gz
-URL: http://wxwindows.org
+Source: wxGTK-%{ver}.tar.bz2
+URL: http://www.wxwidgets.org
Packager: Vadim Zeitlin <vadim@wxwindows.org>
-Prefix: %{pref}
-BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-root
+Prefix: %{_prefix}
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
+Requires: %{wxbasename} = %{ver}
+%if %{portname} == gtk2
+BuildRequires: gtk2-devel
+BuildRequires: gtk+-devel >= 1.2.0
+BuildRequires: zlib-devel, libjpeg-devel, libpng-devel, libtiff-devel
-# all packages providing an implementation of wxWindows library (regardless of
+# all packages providing an implementation of wxWidgets library (regardless of
# the toolkit used) should provide the (virtual) wxwin package, this makes it
-# possible to require wxwin instead of requiring "wxgtk or wxmotif or wxqt..."
+# possible to require wxwin instead of requiring "wxgtk or wxmotif or wxuniv..."
Provides: wxwin
-# in addition, we should provide libwx_gtk as automatic generator only notices
-# libwx_gtk-%{ver}-%{rel}
-Provides: libwx_gtk.so
-Provides: libwx_gtk-2.2.so
+Provides: wxGTK
-wxWindows is a free C++ library for cross-platform GUI development.
-With wxWindows, you can create applications for different GUIs (GTK+,
-Motif/LessTif, MS Windows, Mac) from the same source code.
+wxWidgets is a free C++ library for cross-platform GUI development.
+With wxWidgets, you can create applications for different GUIs (GTK+,
+Motif, MS Windows, MacOS X, Windows CE, GPE) from the same source code.
+%package -n wx-i18n
+Summary: The translations for the wxWidgets library.
+Group: X11/Libraries
+%description -n wx-i18n
+The translations files for the wxWidgets library.
%package devel
-Summary: The GTK+ 1.2 port of the wxWindows library
+Summary: The GTK+ %{gtkver} port of the wxWidgets library
Group: X11/Libraries
-Requires: wxGTK
+Requires: %{name} = %{ver}
+Requires: %{wxbasename}-devel = %{ver}
+Provides: wxGTK-devel
%description devel
-Header files for wxGTK, the GTK+ 1.2 port of the wxWindows library.
+The GTK+ %{gtkver} port of the wxWidgets library, header files.
%package gl
-Summary: The GTK+ 1.2 port of the wxWindows library, OpenGl add-on.
+Summary: The GTK+ %{gtkver} port of the wxWidgets library, OpenGL add-on.
Group: X11/Libraries
-Requires: wxGTK
+Requires: %{name} = %{ver}
+Provides: wxGTK-gl
%description gl
-OpenGl add-on library for wxGTK, the GTK+ 1.2 port of the wxWindows library.
+OpenGL add-on library for wxGTK, the GTK+ %{gtkver} port of the wxWidgets library.
+%package -n %{wxbasename}
+Summary: wxBase library - non-GUI support classes of the wxWidgets toolkit
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Provides: wxBase
+%description -n %{wxbasename}
+wxBase is a collection of C++ classes providing basic data structures (strings,
+lists, arrays), portable wrappers around many OS-specific funstions (file
+operations, time/date manipulations, threads, processes, sockets, shared
+library loading) as well as other utility classes (streams, archive and
+compression). wxBase currently supports Win32, most Unix variants (Linux,
+FreeBSD, Solaris, HP-UX) and MacOS X (Carbon and Mach-0).
+%package -n %{wxbasename}-devel
+Summary: wxBase library, header files.
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Provides: wxBase-devel
+%description -n %{wxbasename}-devel
+wxBase library - non-GUI support classes of the wxWidgets toolkit,
+header files.
-%setup -n wxGTK-%{ver}
-./configure --prefix=%{pref} --enable-burnt_name --with-odbc --with-opengl
+%setup -q -n wxGTK-%{ver}
if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
- export MAKE="make -j$SMP"
+ export MAKE="make -j$SMP"
- export MAKE="make"
+ export MAKE="make"
+mkdir obj-shared
+cd obj-shared
+../configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+%if ! %{gtk2}
+ --with-gtk=1 \
+ --with-gtk=2 \
+%if %{unicode}
+ --enable-unicode \
+ --disable-unicode \
+ --with-opengl \
+ --with-gnomeprint \
+ --enable-mediactrl
+cd ..
+mkdir obj-static
+cd obj-static
+../configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+%if ! %{gtk2}
+ --with-gtk=1 \
+ --with-gtk=2 \
+ --disable-shared \
+%if %{unicode}
+ --enable-unicode \
+ --disable-unicode \
+ --with-opengl \
+ --with-gnomeprint \
+ --enable-mediactrl
+cd ..
+make -C locale allmo
-make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pref} install
+(cd obj-static; make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=%{_prefix} install)
+(cd obj-shared; make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=%{_prefix} install)
+# --- wxBase headers list begins here ---
+cat <<EOF >wxbase-headers.files
+# --- wxBase headers list ends here ---
+# --- wxBase headers list with paths ---
+sed -e 's@^@%{_includedir}/wx-%{ver2}/@' wxbase-headers.files > wxbase-headers.paths
+# temporarily remove base headers
+mkdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/_save_dir
+cp -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/wx-%{ver2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/_save_dir
+for f in `cat wxbase-headers.files` ; do
+ rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/wx-%{ver2}/$f
+# list of all core headers:
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/wx-%{ver2} -type f | sed -e "s,$RPM_BUILD_ROOT,,g" >core-headers.files
+# move base headers (actually all headers) back again
+cp -f -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/_save_dir/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
+rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/_save_dir
+# utils:
+(cd obj-shared/utils/wxrc; make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=%{_prefix} install)
+# wx-config link is created during package installation, remove it for now
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/wx-config
+%post devel
+# link wx-config when you install RPM.
+%if %{unicode}
+ ln -sf %{_libdir}/wx/config/%{wxconfig} %{_bindir}/wx-config
+# link wx-config with explicit name.
+ln -sf %{_libdir}/wx/config/%{wxconfig} %{_bindir}/%{wxconfiglink}
+%postun devel
+%preun devel
+%if %{unicode}
+ rm -f %{_bindir}/wx-config
+rm -f %{_bindir}/%{wxconfiglink}
+%post -n %{wxbasename}
+%postun -n %{wxbasename}
+%post -n %{wxbasename}-devel
+# link wx-config with explicit name.
+ln -sf %{_libdir}/wx/config/%{wxbaseconfig} %{_bindir}/%{wxbaseconfiglink}
+%postun -n %{wxbasename}-devel
+%preun -n %{wxbasename}-devel
+rm -f %{_bindir}/%{wxbaseconfiglink}
+%post gl
+%postun gl
-%defattr (644, root, root, 755)
-%dir %{pref}/share/wx
-%attr(755, -, -) %{pref}/lib/libwx_gtk.*
-%attr(755, -, -) %{pref}/lib/libwx_gtk-2.2.*
-%files devel
-%defattr (644, root, root, 755)
-%dir %{pref}/include/wx
-%dir %{pref}/lib/wx
-%attr(755, -, -) %{pref}/bin/wxgtk-config
-%attr(755, -, -) %{pref}/bin/wx-config
+%doc COPYING.LIB *.txt
+%files -n wx-i18n
+%files devel -f core-headers.files
+# shared libs
+# static libs
+%dir %{_libdir}/wx
+%files -n %{wxbasename}
+%files -n %{wxbasename}-devel -f wxbase-headers.paths
+%defattr (-,root,root)
+%dir %{_includedir}/wx-%{ver2}
+%if %{unicode}
+ %{_libdir}/libwxregexu-%{ver2}.a
+%dir %{_libdir}/wx
%files gl
-%attr(755, -, -) %{pref}/lib/libwx_gtk_gl*