There is nothing to stop an application using templates or the string class for its own
+<H3>Is there a rich edit/markup widget for wxWindows 2?</H3>
+These are the possibilities so far:<P>
+<li>The richedit sample has a text editor that does markup.
+<li>See <a href="" target=_top></a> for
+a very nice syntax-highlighting editor widget. Robin Dunn is writing a wxWindows wrapper
+for this widget.
+<li>If you only need to display marked-up information, rather than edit it,
+then wxHTML will suit your needs. wxHTML is built into wxWindows - please see the reference
+manual for details, and samples/html.
+<li>There are rich edit widgets in both WIN32 and GTK+, but there is currently
+no wxWindows wrapper for these.
<H3>How is wxWindows 2 being developed?</H3>
We are using the <a href="cvs.htm">CVS</a> system to develop and maintain wxWindows. This allows