- void SetColumn( int col, wxListItem &item );
- void SetColumnWidth( int col, int width );
- void GetColumn( int col, wxListItem &item ) const;
- int GetColumnWidth( int col ) const;
- int GetColumnCount() const { return m_columns.GetCount(); }
- // returns the sum of the heights of all columns
- int GetHeaderWidth() const;
- int GetCountPerPage() const;
- void SetItem( wxListItem &item );
- void GetItem( wxListItem &item ) const;
- void SetItemState( long item, long state, long stateMask );
- void SetItemStateAll( long state, long stateMask );
- int GetItemState( long item, long stateMask ) const;
- void GetItemRect( long index, wxRect &rect ) const;
- wxRect GetViewRect() const;
- bool GetItemPosition( long item, wxPoint& pos ) const;
- int GetSelectedItemCount() const;
- wxString GetItemText(long item) const
- {
- wxListItem info;
- info.m_itemId = item;
- GetItem( info );
- return info.m_text;
- }
- void SetItemText(long item, const wxString& value)
- {
- wxListItem info;
- info.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT;
- info.m_itemId = item;
- info.m_text = value;
- SetItem( info );
- }
- // set the scrollbars and update the positions of the items
- void RecalculatePositions(bool noRefresh = false);
- // refresh the window and the header
- void RefreshAll();
- long GetNextItem( long item, int geometry, int state ) const;
- void DeleteItem( long index );
- void DeleteAllItems();
- void DeleteColumn( int col );
- void DeleteEverything();
- void EnsureVisible( long index );
- long FindItem( long start, const wxString& str, bool partial = false );
- long FindItem( long start, wxUIntPtr data);
- long FindItem( const wxPoint& pt );
- long HitTest( int x, int y, int &flags );
- void InsertItem( wxListItem &item );
- void InsertColumn( long col, wxListItem &item );
- void SortItems( wxListCtrlCompare fn, long data );
- size_t GetItemCount() const;
- bool IsEmpty() const { return GetItemCount() == 0; }
- void SetItemCount(long count);
- // change the current (== focused) item, send a notification event
- void ChangeCurrent(size_t current);
- void ResetCurrent() { ChangeCurrent((size_t)-1); }
- bool HasCurrent() const { return m_current != (size_t)-1; }
- // send out a wxListEvent
- void SendNotify( size_t line,
- wxEventType command,
- wxPoint point = wxDefaultPosition );
- // override base class virtual to reset m_lineHeight when the font changes
- virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font)
- {
- if ( !wxScrolledWindow::SetFont(font) )
- return false;
- m_lineHeight = 0;
- return true;
- }
- // these are for wxListLineData usage only
- // get the backpointer to the list ctrl
- wxGenericListCtrl *GetListCtrl() const
- {
- return wxStaticCast(GetParent(), wxGenericListCtrl);
- }
- // get the height of all lines (assuming they all do have the same height)
- wxCoord GetLineHeight() const;
- // get the y position of the given line (only for report view)
- wxCoord GetLineY(size_t line) const;
- // get the brush to use for the item highlighting
- wxBrush *GetHighlightBrush() const
- {
- return m_hasFocus ? m_highlightBrush : m_highlightUnfocusedBrush;
- }
- // the array of all line objects for a non virtual list control (for the
- // virtual list control we only ever use m_lines[0])
- wxListLineDataArray m_lines;
- // the list of column objects
- wxListHeaderDataList m_columns;
- // currently focused item or -1
- size_t m_current;
- // the number of lines per page
- int m_linesPerPage;
- // this flag is set when something which should result in the window
- // redrawing happens (i.e. an item was added or deleted, or its appearance
- // changed) and OnPaint() doesn't redraw the window while it is set which
- // allows to minimize the number of repaintings when a lot of items are
- // being added. The real repainting occurs only after the next OnIdle()
- // call
- bool m_dirty;
- wxColour *m_highlightColour;
- wxImageListType *m_small_image_list;
- wxImageListType *m_normal_image_list;
- int m_small_spacing;
- int m_normal_spacing;
- bool m_hasFocus;
- bool m_lastOnSame;
- wxTimer *m_renameTimer;
- bool m_isCreated;
- int m_dragCount;
- wxPoint m_dragStart;
- // for double click logic
- size_t m_lineLastClicked,
- m_lineBeforeLastClicked,
- m_lineSelectSingleOnUp;
- // the total count of items in a virtual list control
- size_t m_countVirt;
- // the object maintaining the items selection state, only used in virtual
- // controls
- wxSelectionStore m_selStore;
- // common part of all ctors
- void Init();
- // get the line data for the given index
- wxListLineData *GetLine(size_t n) const
- {
- wxASSERT_MSG( n != (size_t)-1, _T("invalid line index") );
- if ( IsVirtual() )
- {
- wxConstCast(this, wxListMainWindow)->CacheLineData(n);
- n = 0;
- }
- return &m_lines[n];
- }
- // get a dummy line which can be used for geometry calculations and such:
- // you must use GetLine() if you want to really draw the line
- wxListLineData *GetDummyLine() const;
- // cache the line data of the n-th line in m_lines[0]
- void CacheLineData(size_t line);
- // get the range of visible lines
- void GetVisibleLinesRange(size_t *from, size_t *to);
- // force us to recalculate the range of visible lines
- void ResetVisibleLinesRange() { m_lineFrom = (size_t)-1; }
- // get the colour to be used for drawing the rules
- wxColour GetRuleColour() const
- {
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
- return *wxWHITE;
- return wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT);
- }
- // initialize the current item if needed
- void UpdateCurrent();
- // delete all items but don't refresh: called from dtor
- void DoDeleteAllItems();
- // the height of one line using the current font
- wxCoord m_lineHeight;
- // the total header width or 0 if not calculated yet
- wxCoord m_headerWidth;
- // the first and last lines being shown on screen right now (inclusive),
- // both may be -1 if they must be calculated so never access them directly:
- // use GetVisibleLinesRange() above instead
- size_t m_lineFrom,
- m_lineTo;
- // the brushes to use for item highlighting when we do/don't have focus
- wxBrush *m_highlightBrush,
- *m_highlightUnfocusedBrush;
- // if this is > 0, the control is frozen and doesn't redraw itself
- size_t m_freezeCount;
- friend class wxGenericListCtrl;
-// ============================================================================
-// implementation
-// ============================================================================
-// wxListItemData