+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsContext
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Create(*args):
+ """
+ Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext
+ Create(Window window) -> GraphicsContext
+ Creates a wx.GraphicsContext either from a window or a DC.
+ """
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the dc will not be deleted before self
+ return val
+ Create = staticmethod(Create)
+ def CreateMeasuringContext(*args):
+ """
+ CreateMeasuringContext() -> GraphicsContext
+ Create a lightwieght context that can be used for measuring text only.
+ """
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateMeasuringContext(*args)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the dc will not be deleted before self
+ return val
+ CreateMeasuringContext = staticmethod(CreateMeasuringContext)
+ def CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateFromNative(void context) -> GraphicsContext
+ Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native context. This native context
+ must be eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for
+ GDIPlus or a cairo_t pointer for Cairo.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs)
+ CreateFromNative = staticmethod(CreateFromNative)
+ def CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateFromNativeWindow(void window) -> GraphicsContext
+ Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native window.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs)
+ CreateFromNativeWindow = staticmethod(CreateFromNativeWindow)
+ def CreatePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath
+ Creates a native graphics path which is initially empty.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreatePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreatePen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreatePen(self, Pen pen) -> GraphicsPen
+ Creates a native pen from a `wx.Pen`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreatePen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateBrush(self, Brush brush) -> GraphicsBrush
+ Creates a native brush from a `wx.Brush`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1,
+ Colour c2) -> GraphicsBrush
+ Creates a native brush, having a linear gradient, starting at (x1,y1)
+ with color c1 to (x2,y2) with color c2.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius,
+ Colour oColor, Colour cColor) -> GraphicsBrush
+ Creates a native brush, having a radial gradient originating at
+ point (xo,yc) with color oColour and ends on a circle around (xc,yc) with
+ radius r and color cColour.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateFont(self, Font font, Colour col=*wxBLACK) -> GraphicsFont
+ Creates a native graphics font from a `wx.Font` and a text colour.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateMatrix(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0,
+ Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) -> GraphicsMatrix
+ Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in
+ values. The defaults result in an identity matrix.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs)
+ def PushState(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ PushState(self)
+ push the current state of the context, ie the transformation matrix on a stack
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_PushState(*args, **kwargs)
+ def PopState(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ PopState(self)
+ pops a stored state from the stack
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_PopState(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ClipRegion(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ClipRegion(self, Region region)
+ Clips drawings to the region, combined to current clipping region.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ClipRegion(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Clip(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Clip(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ Clips drawings to the rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Clip(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ResetClip(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ResetClip(self)
+ Resets the clipping to original shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ResetClip(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetNativeContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetNativeContext(self) -> void
+ Returns the native context (CGContextRef for Core Graphics, Graphics
+ pointer for GDIPlus and cairo_t pointer for cairo).
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetNativeContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetLogicalFunction(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetLogicalFunction(self) -> int
+ Returns the current logical function.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetLogicalFunction(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetLogicalFunction(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetLogicalFunction(self, int function) -> bool
+ Sets the current logical function, returns ``True`` if it supported
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetLogicalFunction(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Translate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Translate(self, Double dx, Double dy)
+ Translates the current transformation matrix.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Translate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Scale(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Scale(self, Double xScale, Double yScale)
+ Scale the current transformation matrix of the context.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Scale(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Rotate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Rotate(self, Double angle)
+ Rotate the current transformation matrix of the context. ``angle`` is
+ specified in radians.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Rotate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ConcatTransform(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ConcatTransform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix)
+ Concatenates the passed in transform with the current transform of
+ this context.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ConcatTransform(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetTransform(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetTransform(self, GraphicsMatrix matrix)
+ Sets the current transform of this context.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetTransform(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetTransform(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetTransform(self) -> GraphicsMatrix
+ Gets the current transformation matrix of this context.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetTransform(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetPen(*args):
+ """
+ SetPen(self, GraphicsPen pen)
+ SetPen(self, Pen pen)
+ Sets the stroke pen
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetPen(*args)
+ def SetBrush(*args):
+ """
+ SetBrush(self, GraphicsBrush brush)
+ SetBrush(self, Brush brush)
+ Sets the brush for filling
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetBrush(*args)
+ def SetFont(*args):
+ """
+ SetFont(self, GraphicsFont font)
+ SetFont(self, Font font, Colour colour=*wxBLACK)
+ Sets the font
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_SetFont(*args)
+ def StrokePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ StrokePath(self, GraphicsPath path)
+ Strokes along a path with the current pen.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FillPath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FillPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE)
+ Fills a path with the current brush.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_FillPath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawPath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawPath(self, GraphicsPath path, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE)
+ Draws the path by first filling and then stroking.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawPath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawText(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawText(self, String str, Double x, Double y, GraphicsBrush backgroundBrush=NullGraphicsBrush)
+ Draws a text string at the defined position.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawText(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRotatedText(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRotatedText(self, String str, Double x, Double y, Double angle, GraphicsBrush backgroundBrush=NullGraphicsBrush)
+ Draws a text string at the defined position, at the specified angle,
+ which is given in radians.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRotatedText(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetFullTextExtent(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetFullTextExtent(self, text) --> (width, height, descent, externalLeading)
+ Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected
+ font. ``text`` is the string to measure, ``w`` and ``h`` are the total
+ width and height respectively, ``descent`` is the dimension from the
+ baseline of the font to the bottom of the descender, and
+ ``externalLeading`` is any extra vertical space added to the font by
+ the font designer (usually is zero).
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetFullTextExtent(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetTextExtent(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetTextExtent(self, text) --> (width, height)
+ Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected
+ font. ``text`` is the string to measure, ``w`` and ``h`` are the total
+ width and height respectively.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetTextExtent(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetPartialTextExtents(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetPartialTextExtents(self, text) -> [widths]
+ Returns a list of widths from the beginning of ``text`` to the
+ coresponding character in ``text``.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_GetPartialTextExtents(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ Draws the bitmap. In case of a mono bitmap, this is treated as a mask
+ and the current brush is used for filling.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawIcon(self, Icon icon, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ Draws the icon.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StrokeLine(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ StrokeLine(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2)
+ Strokes a single line.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLine(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StrokeLines(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ StrokeLines(self, List points)
+ Stroke lines connecting each of the points
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLines(*args, **kwargs)
+ def StrokeLineSegements(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ StrokeLineSegements(self, PyObject beginPoints, PyObject endPoints)
+ Stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_StrokeLineSegements(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawLines(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawLines(self, size_t points, int fillStyle=ODDEVEN_RULE)
+ Draws a polygon.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawLines(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ Draws a rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawEllipse(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h)
+ Draws an ellipse.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRoundedRectangle(self, Double x, Double y, Double w, Double h, Double radius)
+ Draws a rounded rectangle
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ShouldOffset(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ShouldOffset(self) -> bool
+ helper to determine if a 0.5 offset should be applied for the drawing operation
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_ShouldOffset(*args, **kwargs)
+cvar = _gdi_.cvar
+NullGraphicsPen = cvar.NullGraphicsPen
+NullGraphicsBrush = cvar.NullGraphicsBrush
+NullGraphicsFont = cvar.NullGraphicsFont
+NullGraphicsMatrix = cvar.NullGraphicsMatrix
+NullGraphicsPath = cvar.NullGraphicsPath
+def GraphicsContext_Create(*args):
+ """
+ Create(WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext
+ GraphicsContext_Create(Window window) -> GraphicsContext
+ Creates a wx.GraphicsContext either from a window or a DC.
+ """
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_Create(*args)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the dc will not be deleted before self
+ return val
+def GraphicsContext_CreateMeasuringContext(*args):
+ """
+ GraphicsContext_CreateMeasuringContext() -> GraphicsContext
+ Create a lightwieght context that can be used for measuring text only.
+ """
+ val = _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateMeasuringContext(*args)
+ val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the dc will not be deleted before self
+ return val
+def GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(void context) -> GraphicsContext
+ Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native context. This native context
+ must be eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for
+ GDIPlus or a cairo_t pointer for Cairo.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNative(*args, **kwargs)
+def GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(void window) -> GraphicsContext
+ Creates a wx.GraphicsContext from a native window.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs)
+class GraphicsRenderer(_core.Object):
+ """Proxy of C++ GraphicsRenderer class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GraphicsRenderer
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def GetDefaultRenderer(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetDefaultRenderer() -> GraphicsRenderer"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetDefaultRenderer = staticmethod(GetDefaultRenderer)
+ def CreateContext(*args):
+ """
+ CreateContext(self, WindowDC dc) -> GraphicsContext
+ CreateContext(self, Window window) -> GraphicsContext
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContext(*args)
+ def CreateMeasuringContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateMeasuringContext(self) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateMeasuringContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateContextFromNativeContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateContextFromNativeContext(self, void context) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateContextFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateContextFromNativeWindow(self, void window) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeWindow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreatePath(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreatePath(self) -> GraphicsPath"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreatePath(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateMatrix(self, Double a=1.0, Double b=0.0, Double c=0.0, Double d=1.0,
+ Double tx=0.0, Double ty=0.0) -> GraphicsMatrix
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreatePen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreatePen(self, Pen pen) -> GraphicsPen"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreatePen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateBrush(self, Brush brush) -> GraphicsBrush"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateLinearGradientBrush(self, Double x1, Double y1, Double x2, Double y2, Colour c1,
+ Colour c2) -> GraphicsBrush
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateLinearGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CreateRadialGradientBrush(self, Double xo, Double yo, Double xc, Double yc, Double radius,
+ Colour oColor, Colour cColor) -> GraphicsBrush
+ """
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateRadialGradientBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CreateFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """CreateFont(self, Font font, Colour col=*wxBLACK) -> GraphicsFont"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_CreateFont(*args, **kwargs)
+def GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(*args):
+ """GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer() -> GraphicsRenderer"""
+ return _gdi_.GraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer(*args)
+class GCDC(DC):
+ """Proxy of C++ GCDC class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ """
+ __init__(self, WindowDC dc) -> GCDC
+ __init__(self, Window window) -> GCDC
+ """
+ _gdi_.GCDC_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GCDC(*args))
+ self.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GCDC
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def GetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetGraphicsContext(self) -> GraphicsContext"""
+ return _gdi_.GCDC_GetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetGraphicsContext(self, GraphicsContext ctx)"""
+ return _gdi_.GCDC_SetGraphicsContext(*args, **kwargs)
+ GraphicsContext = property(GetGraphicsContext,SetGraphicsContext)
+class Overlay(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ Overlay class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> Overlay"""
+ _gdi_.Overlay_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_Overlay(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_Overlay
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Reset(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Reset(self)"""
+ return _gdi_.Overlay_Reset(*args, **kwargs)
+class DCOverlay(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ DCOverlay class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ """
+ __init__(self, Overlay overlay, WindowDC dc, int x, int y, int width,
+ int height) -> DCOverlay
+ __init__(self, Overlay overlay, WindowDC dc) -> DCOverlay
+ """
+ _gdi_.DCOverlay_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_DCOverlay(*args))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_DCOverlay
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Clear(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Clear(self)"""
+ return _gdi_.DCOverlay_Clear(*args, **kwargs)
+class ImageList(_core.Object):
+ """Proxy of C++ ImageList class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self, int width, int height, int mask=True, int initialCount=1) -> ImageList"""
+ _gdi_.ImageList_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_ImageList(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_ImageList
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Add(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Add(self, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask=NullBitmap) -> int"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_Add(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddWithColourMask(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AddWithColourMask(self, Bitmap bitmap, Colour maskColour) -> int"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_AddWithColourMask(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddIcon(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AddIcon(self, Icon icon) -> int"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_AddIcon(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetBitmap(self, int index) -> Bitmap"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_GetBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetIcon(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetIcon(self, int index) -> Icon"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_GetIcon(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Replace(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Replace(self, int index, Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask=NullBitmap) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_Replace(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Draw(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Draw(self, int index, DC dc, int x, int x, int flags=IMAGELIST_DRAW_NORMAL,
+ bool solidBackground=False) -> bool
+ """
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_Draw(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetImageCount(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetImageCount(self) -> int"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_GetImageCount(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Remove(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Remove(self, int index) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_Remove(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RemoveAll(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RemoveAll(self) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_RemoveAll(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetSize(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetSize(index) -> (width,height)"""
+ return _gdi_.ImageList_GetSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ ImageCount = property(GetImageCount,doc="See `GetImageCount`")
+ Size = property(GetSize,doc="See `GetSize`")
+class StockGDI(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ StockGDI class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ PEN_CYAN = _gdi_.StockGDI_PEN_CYAN
+ PEN_GREY = _gdi_.StockGDI_PEN_GREY
+ PEN_RED = _gdi_.StockGDI_PEN_RED
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> StockGDI"""
+ _gdi_.StockGDI_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_StockGDI(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_StockGDI
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def DeleteAll(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DeleteAll()"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_DeleteAll(*args, **kwargs)
+ DeleteAll = staticmethod(DeleteAll)
+ def instance(*args, **kwargs):
+ """instance() -> StockGDI"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_instance(*args, **kwargs)
+ instance = staticmethod(instance)
+ def GetBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetBrush(int item) -> Brush"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetBrush = staticmethod(GetBrush)
+ def GetColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetColour(int item) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetColour(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetColour = staticmethod(GetColour)
+ def GetCursor(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetCursor(int item) -> Cursor"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetCursor(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetCursor = staticmethod(GetCursor)
+ def GetPen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetPen(int item) -> Pen"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetPen(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetPen = staticmethod(GetPen)
+ def GetFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetFont(self, int item) -> Font"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def _initStockObjects():
+ import wx
+ wx.ITALIC_FONT.this = StockGDI.instance().GetFont(StockGDI.FONT_ITALIC).this
+ wx.NORMAL_FONT.this = StockGDI.instance().GetFont(StockGDI.FONT_NORMAL).this
+ wx.SMALL_FONT.this = StockGDI.instance().GetFont(StockGDI.FONT_SMALL).this
+ wx.SWISS_FONT.this = StockGDI.instance().GetFont(StockGDI.FONT_SWISS).this
+ wx.BLACK_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_BLACK).this
+ wx.CYAN_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_CYAN).this
+ wx.GREEN_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_GREEN).this
+ wx.GREY_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_GREY).this
+ wx.LIGHT_GREY_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_LIGHTGREY).this
+ wx.MEDIUM_GREY_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_MEDIUMGREY).this
+ wx.RED_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_RED).this
+ wx.WHITE_PEN.this = StockGDI.GetPen(StockGDI.PEN_WHITE).this
+ wx.BLACK_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_BLACK).this
+ wx.BLUE_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_BLUE).this
+ wx.CYAN_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_CYAN).this
+ wx.GREEN_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_GREEN).this
+ wx.GREY_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_GREY).this
+ wx.LIGHT_GREY_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_LIGHTGREY).this
+ wx.RED_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_RED).this
+ wx.WHITE_BRUSH.this = StockGDI.GetBrush(StockGDI.BRUSH_WHITE).this
+ wx.BLACK.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_BLACK).this
+ wx.BLUE.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_BLUE).this
+ wx.CYAN.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_CYAN).this
+ wx.GREEN.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_GREEN).this
+ wx.LIGHT_GREY.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_LIGHTGREY).this
+ wx.RED.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_RED).this
+ wx.WHITE.this = StockGDI.GetColour(StockGDI.COLOUR_WHITE).this
+ wx.CROSS_CURSOR.this = StockGDI.GetCursor(StockGDI.CURSOR_CROSS).this
+ wx.STANDARD_CURSOR.this = StockGDI.GetCursor(StockGDI.CURSOR_STANDARD).this
+ wx.TheFontList.this = _wxPyInitTheFontList().this
+ wx.ThePenList.this = _wxPyInitThePenList().this
+ wx.TheBrushList.this = _wxPyInitTheBrushList().this
+ wx.TheColourDatabase.this = _wxPyInitTheColourDatabase().this
+ _initStockObjects = staticmethod(_initStockObjects)
+def StockGDI_DeleteAll(*args):
+ """StockGDI_DeleteAll()"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_DeleteAll(*args)
+def StockGDI_instance(*args):
+ """StockGDI_instance() -> StockGDI"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_instance(*args)
+def StockGDI_GetBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """StockGDI_GetBrush(int item) -> Brush"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+def StockGDI_GetColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """StockGDI_GetColour(int item) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetColour(*args, **kwargs)
+def StockGDI_GetCursor(*args, **kwargs):
+ """StockGDI_GetCursor(int item) -> Cursor"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetCursor(*args, **kwargs)
+def StockGDI_GetPen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """StockGDI_GetPen(int item) -> Pen"""
+ return _gdi_.StockGDI_GetPen(*args, **kwargs)
+# Create an uninitialized instance for the stock objects, they will
+# be initialized later when the wx.App object is created.
+ITALIC_FONT = Font.__new__(Font)
+NORMAL_FONT = Font.__new__(Font)
+SMALL_FONT = Font.__new__(Font)
+SWISS_FONT = Font.__new__(Font)
+BLACK_DASHED_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+BLACK_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+CYAN_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+GREEN_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+GREY_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+LIGHT_GREY_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+MEDIUM_GREY_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+RED_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+TRANSPARENT_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+WHITE_PEN = Pen.__new__(Pen)
+BLACK_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+BLUE_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+CYAN_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+GREEN_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+GREY_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+LIGHT_GREY_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+MEDIUM_GREY_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+RED_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+TRANSPARENT_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+WHITE_BRUSH = Brush.__new__(Brush)
+BLACK = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+BLUE = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+CYAN = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+GREEN = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+LIGHT_GREY = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+RED = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+WHITE = Colour.__new__(Colour)
+CROSS_CURSOR = Cursor.__new__(Cursor)
+HOURGLASS_CURSOR = Cursor.__new__(Cursor)
+STANDARD_CURSOR = Cursor.__new__(Cursor)
+class GDIObjListBase(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ GDIObjListBase class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> GDIObjListBase"""
+ _gdi_.GDIObjListBase_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_GDIObjListBase(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_GDIObjListBase
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+NullBitmap = cvar.NullBitmap
+NullIcon = cvar.NullIcon
+NullCursor = cvar.NullCursor
+NullPen = cvar.NullPen
+NullBrush = cvar.NullBrush
+NullPalette = cvar.NullPalette
+NullFont = cvar.NullFont
+NullColour = cvar.NullColour
+class PenList(GDIObjListBase):
+ """Proxy of C++ PenList class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def FindOrCreatePen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """FindOrCreatePen(self, Colour colour, int width, int style) -> Pen"""
+ return _gdi_.PenList_FindOrCreatePen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddPen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AddPen(self, Pen pen)"""
+ return _gdi_.PenList_AddPen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RemovePen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RemovePen(self, Pen pen)"""
+ return _gdi_.PenList_RemovePen(*args, **kwargs)
+ AddPen = wx._deprecated(AddPen)
+ RemovePen = wx._deprecated(RemovePen)
+class BrushList(GDIObjListBase):
+ """Proxy of C++ BrushList class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def FindOrCreateBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """FindOrCreateBrush(self, Colour colour, int style=SOLID) -> Brush"""
+ return _gdi_.BrushList_FindOrCreateBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AddBrush(self, Brush brush)"""
+ return _gdi_.BrushList_AddBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RemoveBrush(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RemoveBrush(self, Brush brush)"""
+ return _gdi_.BrushList_RemoveBrush(*args, **kwargs)
+ AddBrush = wx._deprecated(AddBrush)
+ RemoveBrush = wx._deprecated(RemoveBrush)
+class FontList(GDIObjListBase):
+ """Proxy of C++ FontList class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def FindOrCreateFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindOrCreateFont(self, int point_size, int family, int style, int weight,
+ bool underline=False, String facename=EmptyString,
+ int encoding=FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) -> Font
+ """
+ return _gdi_.FontList_FindOrCreateFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def AddFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AddFont(self, Font font)"""
+ return _gdi_.FontList_AddFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RemoveFont(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RemoveFont(self, Font font)"""
+ return _gdi_.FontList_RemoveFont(*args, **kwargs)
+ AddFont = wx._deprecated(AddFont)
+ RemoveFont = wx._deprecated(RemoveFont)
+class ColourDatabase(object):
+ """Proxy of C++ ColourDatabase class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> ColourDatabase"""
+ _gdi_.ColourDatabase_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_ColourDatabase(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_ColourDatabase
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def Find(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Find(self, String name) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.ColourDatabase_Find(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FindName(*args, **kwargs):
+ """FindName(self, Colour colour) -> String"""
+ return _gdi_.ColourDatabase_FindName(*args, **kwargs)
+ FindColour = Find
+ def AddColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """AddColour(self, String name, Colour colour)"""
+ return _gdi_.ColourDatabase_AddColour(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Append(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Append(self, String name, int red, int green, int blue)"""
+ return _gdi_.ColourDatabase_Append(*args, **kwargs)
+def _wxPyInitTheFontList(*args):
+ """_wxPyInitTheFontList() -> FontList"""
+ return _gdi_._wxPyInitTheFontList(*args)
+def _wxPyInitThePenList(*args):
+ """_wxPyInitThePenList() -> PenList"""
+ return _gdi_._wxPyInitThePenList(*args)
+def _wxPyInitTheBrushList(*args):
+ """_wxPyInitTheBrushList() -> BrushList"""
+ return _gdi_._wxPyInitTheBrushList(*args)
+def _wxPyInitTheColourDatabase(*args):
+ """_wxPyInitTheColourDatabase() -> ColourDatabase"""
+ return _gdi_._wxPyInitTheColourDatabase(*args)
+# Create an uninitialized instance for the stock objects, they will
+# be initialized later when the wx.App object is created.
+TheFontList = FontList.__new__(FontList)
+ThePenList = PenList.__new__(PenList)
+TheBrushList = BrushList.__new__(BrushList)
+TheColourDatabase = ColourDatabase.__new__(ColourDatabase)
+NullColor = NullColour
+class Effects(_core.Object):
+ """Proxy of C++ Effects class"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """__init__(self) -> Effects"""
+ _gdi_.Effects_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_Effects(*args, **kwargs))
+ def GetHighlightColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetHighlightColour(self) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_GetHighlightColour(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetLightShadow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetLightShadow(self) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_GetLightShadow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetFaceColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetFaceColour(self) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_GetFaceColour(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetMediumShadow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetMediumShadow(self) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_GetMediumShadow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetDarkShadow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """GetDarkShadow(self) -> Colour"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_GetDarkShadow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetHighlightColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetHighlightColour(self, Colour c)"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_SetHighlightColour(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetLightShadow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetLightShadow(self, Colour c)"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_SetLightShadow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetFaceColour(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetFaceColour(self, Colour c)"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_SetFaceColour(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetMediumShadow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetMediumShadow(self, Colour c)"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_SetMediumShadow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetDarkShadow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """SetDarkShadow(self, Colour c)"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_SetDarkShadow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Set(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set(self, Colour highlightColour, Colour lightShadow, Colour faceColour,
+ Colour mediumShadow, Colour darkShadow)
+ """
+ return _gdi_.Effects_Set(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawSunkenEdge(*args, **kwargs):
+ """DrawSunkenEdge(self, DC dc, Rect rect, int borderSize=1)"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_DrawSunkenEdge(*args, **kwargs)
+ def TileBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
+ """TileBitmap(self, Rect rect, DC dc, Bitmap bitmap) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.Effects_TileBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
+ DarkShadow = property(GetDarkShadow,SetDarkShadow,doc="See `GetDarkShadow` and `SetDarkShadow`")
+ FaceColour = property(GetFaceColour,SetFaceColour,doc="See `GetFaceColour` and `SetFaceColour`")
+ HighlightColour = property(GetHighlightColour,SetHighlightColour,doc="See `GetHighlightColour` and `SetHighlightColour`")
+ LightShadow = property(GetLightShadow,SetLightShadow,doc="See `GetLightShadow` and `SetLightShadow`")
+ MediumShadow = property(GetMediumShadow,SetMediumShadow,doc="See `GetMediumShadow` and `SetMediumShadow`")
+class SplitterRenderParams(object):
+ """
+ This is just a simple struct used as a return value of
+ `wx.RendererNative.GetSplitterParams` and contains some platform
+ specific metrics about splitters.
+ * widthSash: the width of the splitter sash.
+ * border: the width of the border of the splitter window.
+ * isHotSensitive: ``True`` if the splitter changes its
+ appearance when the mouse is over it.
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, int widthSash_, int border_, bool isSens_) -> SplitterRenderParams
+ This is just a simple struct used as a return value of
+ `wx.RendererNative.GetSplitterParams` and contains some platform
+ specific metrics about splitters.
+ * widthSash: the width of the splitter sash.
+ * border: the width of the border of the splitter window.
+ * isHotSensitive: ``True`` if the splitter changes its
+ appearance when the mouse is over it.
+ """
+ _gdi_.SplitterRenderParams_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_SplitterRenderParams(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_SplitterRenderParams
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ widthSash = property(_gdi_.SplitterRenderParams_widthSash_get)
+ border = property(_gdi_.SplitterRenderParams_border_get)
+ isHotSensitive = property(_gdi_.SplitterRenderParams_isHotSensitive_get)
+class HeaderButtonParams(object):
+ """Extra (optional) parameters for `wx.RendererNative.DrawHeaderButton`"""
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self) -> HeaderButtonParams
+ Extra (optional) parameters for `wx.RendererNative.DrawHeaderButton`
+ """
+ _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_HeaderButtonParams(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_HeaderButtonParams
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ m_arrowColour = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_arrowColour_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_arrowColour_set)
+ m_selectionColour = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_selectionColour_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_selectionColour_set)
+ m_labelText = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelText_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelText_set)
+ m_labelFont = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelFont_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelFont_set)
+ m_labelColour = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelColour_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelColour_set)
+ m_labelBitmap = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelBitmap_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelBitmap_set)
+ m_labelAlignment = property(_gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelAlignment_get, _gdi_.HeaderButtonParams_m_labelAlignment_set)
+class RendererVersion(object):
+ """
+ This simple struct represents the `wx.RendererNative` interface
+ version and is only used as the return value of
+ `wx.RendererNative.GetVersion`.
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self, int version_, int age_) -> RendererVersion
+ This simple struct represents the `wx.RendererNative` interface
+ version and is only used as the return value of
+ `wx.RendererNative.GetVersion`.
+ """
+ _gdi_.RendererVersion_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_RendererVersion(*args, **kwargs))
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_RendererVersion
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ Current_Version = _gdi_.RendererVersion_Current_Version
+ Current_Age = _gdi_.RendererVersion_Current_Age
+ def IsCompatible(*args, **kwargs):
+ """IsCompatible(RendererVersion ver) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.RendererVersion_IsCompatible(*args, **kwargs)
+ IsCompatible = staticmethod(IsCompatible)
+ version = property(_gdi_.RendererVersion_version_get)
+ age = property(_gdi_.RendererVersion_age_get)
+def RendererVersion_IsCompatible(*args, **kwargs):
+ """RendererVersion_IsCompatible(RendererVersion ver) -> bool"""
+ return _gdi_.RendererVersion_IsCompatible(*args, **kwargs)
+class RendererNative(object):
+ """
+ One of the design principles of wxWidgets is to use the native
+ widgets on every platform in order to be as close as possible to
+ the native look and feel on every platform. However there are
+ still cases when some generic widgets are needed for various
+ reasons, but it can sometimes take a lot of messy work to make
+ them conform to the native LnF.
+ The wx.RendererNative class is a collection of functions that have
+ platform-specific implementations for drawing certain parts of
+ genereic controls in ways that are as close to the native look as
+ possible.
+ Note that each drawing function restores the `wx.DC` attributes if it
+ changes them, so it is safe to assume that the same pen, brush and
+ colours that were active before the call to this function are still in
+ effect after it.
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ def __init__(self): raise AttributeError, "No constructor defined"
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def DrawHeaderButton(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawHeaderButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0, int sortArrow=HDR_SORT_ICON_NONE,
+ HeaderButtonParams params=None) -> int
+ Draw a header control button (such as what is used by `wx.ListCtrl` in report
+ mode.) The optimal size of the label (text and icons) is returned.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawHeaderButton(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawHeaderButtonContents(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawHeaderButtonContents(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0, int sortArrow=HDR_SORT_ICON_NONE,
+ HeaderButtonParams params=None) -> int
+ Draw the contents of a header control button, (label, sort
+ arrows, etc.) Normally this is only called by `DrawHeaderButton`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawHeaderButtonContents(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHeaderButtonHeight(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHeaderButtonHeight(self, Window win) -> int
+ Returns the default height of a header button, either a fixed platform
+ height if available, or a generic height based on the window's font.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetHeaderButtonHeight(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawTreeItemButton(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawTreeItemButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawTreeItemButton(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawSplitterBorder(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawSplitterBorder(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw the border for a sash window: this border must be such that the
+ sash drawn by `DrawSplitterSash` blends into it well.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawSplitterBorder(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawSplitterSash(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawSplitterSash(self, Window win, DC dc, Size size, int position, int orient,
+ int flags=0)
+ Draw a sash. The orient parameter defines whether the sash should be
+ vertical or horizontal and how the position should be interpreted.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawSplitterSash(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawComboBoxDropButton(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawComboBoxDropButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw a button like the one used by `wx.ComboBox` to show a drop down
+ window. The usual appearance is a downwards pointing arrow.
+ The ``flags`` parameter may have the ``wx.CONTROL_PRESSED`` or
+ ``wx.CONTROL_CURRENT`` bits set.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawComboBoxDropButton(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawDropArrow(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawDropArrow(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw a drop down arrow that is suitable for use outside a combo
+ box. Arrow will have a transparent background.
+ ``rect`` is not entirely filled by the arrow. Instead, you should use
+ bounding rectangle of a drop down button which arrow matches the size
+ you need. ``flags`` may have the ``wx.CONTROL_PRESSED`` or
+ ``wx.CONTROL_CURRENT`` bit set.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawDropArrow(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawCheckBox(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawCheckBox(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw a check button. Flags may use wx.CONTROL_CHECKED,
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawCheckBox(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawPushButton(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawPushButton(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw a blank button. Flags may be wx.CONTROL_PRESSED, wx.CONTROL_CURRENT and
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawPushButton(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawItemSelectionRect(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawItemSelectionRect(self, Window win, DC dc, Rect rect, int flags=0)
+ Draw rectangle indicating that an item in e.g. a list control has been
+ selected or focused
+ The flags parameter may be:
+ ==================== ============================================
+ wx.CONTROL_SELECTED item is selected, e.g. draw background
+ wx.CONTROL_CURRENT item is the current item, e.g. dotted border
+ wx.CONTROL_FOCUSED the whole control has focus, e.g. blue
+ background vs. grey otherwise
+ ==================== ============================================
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_DrawItemSelectionRect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetSplitterParams(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetSplitterParams(self, Window win) -> SplitterRenderParams
+ Get the splitter parameters, see `wx.SplitterRenderParams`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetSplitterParams(*args, **kwargs)
+ def Get(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Get() -> RendererNative
+ Return the currently used renderer
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_Get(*args, **kwargs)
+ Get = staticmethod(Get)
+ def GetGeneric(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetGeneric() -> RendererNative
+ Return the generic implementation of the renderer. Under some
+ platforms, this is the default renderer implementation, others have
+ platform-specific default renderer which can be retrieved by calling
+ `wx.RendererNative.GetDefault`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetGeneric(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetGeneric = staticmethod(GetGeneric)
+ def GetDefault(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetDefault() -> RendererNative
+ Return the default (native) implementation for this platform -- this
+ is also the one used by default but this may be changed by calling
+ `wx.RendererNative.Set` in which case the return value of this method
+ may be different from the return value of `wx.RendererNative.Get`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetDefault(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetDefault = staticmethod(GetDefault)
+ def Set(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set(RendererNative renderer) -> RendererNative
+ Set the renderer to use, passing None reverts to using the default
+ renderer. Returns the previous renderer used with Set or None.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_Set(*args, **kwargs)
+ Set = staticmethod(Set)
+ def GetVersion(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetVersion(self) -> RendererVersion
+ Returns the version of the renderer. Will be used for ensuring
+ compatibility of dynamically loaded renderers.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetVersion(*args, **kwargs)
+ SplitterParams = property(GetSplitterParams,doc="See `GetSplitterParams`")
+ Version = property(GetVersion,doc="See `GetVersion`")
+def RendererNative_Get(*args):
+ """
+ RendererNative_Get() -> RendererNative
+ Return the currently used renderer
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_Get(*args)
+def RendererNative_GetGeneric(*args):
+ """
+ RendererNative_GetGeneric() -> RendererNative
+ Return the generic implementation of the renderer. Under some
+ platforms, this is the default renderer implementation, others have
+ platform-specific default renderer which can be retrieved by calling
+ `wx.RendererNative.GetDefault`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetGeneric(*args)
+def RendererNative_GetDefault(*args):
+ """
+ RendererNative_GetDefault() -> RendererNative
+ Return the default (native) implementation for this platform -- this
+ is also the one used by default but this may be changed by calling
+ `wx.RendererNative.Set` in which case the return value of this method
+ may be different from the return value of `wx.RendererNative.Get`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_GetDefault(*args)
+def RendererNative_Set(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ RendererNative_Set(RendererNative renderer) -> RendererNative
+ Set the renderer to use, passing None reverts to using the default
+ renderer. Returns the previous renderer used with Set or None.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.RendererNative_Set(*args, **kwargs)
+class PseudoDC(_core.Object):
+ """
+ A PseudoDC is an object that can be used as if it were a `wx.DC`. All
+ commands issued to the PseudoDC are stored in a list. You can then
+ play these commands back to a real DC object using the DrawToDC
+ method. Commands in the command list are indexed by ID. You can use
+ this to clear the operations associated with a single ID and then
+ re-draw the object associated with that ID.
+ """
+ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
+ __repr__ = _swig_repr
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ __init__(self) -> PseudoDC
+ Constructs a new Pseudo device context for recording dc operations
+ """
+ _gdi_.PseudoDC_swiginit(self,_gdi_.new_PseudoDC(*args, **kwargs))
+ def BeginDrawing(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ BeginDrawing(self)
+ Allows for optimization of drawing code on platforms that need it. On
+ other platforms this is just an empty function and is harmless. To
+ take advantage of this postential optimization simply enclose each
+ group of calls to the drawing primitives within calls to
+ `BeginDrawing` and `EndDrawing`.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_BeginDrawing(*args, **kwargs)
+ def EndDrawing(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ EndDrawing(self)
+ Ends the group of drawing primitives started with `BeginDrawing`, and
+ invokes whatever optimization is available for this DC type on the
+ current platform.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_EndDrawing(*args, **kwargs)
+ __swig_destroy__ = _gdi_.delete_PseudoDC
+ __del__ = lambda self : None;
+ def RemoveAll(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ RemoveAll(self)
+ Removes all objects and operations from the recorded list.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_RemoveAll(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetLen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetLen(self) -> int
+ Returns the number of operations in the recorded list.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_GetLen(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetId(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetId(self, int id)
+ Sets the id to be associated with subsequent operations.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetId(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ClearId(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ClearId(self, int id)
+ Removes all operations associated with id so the object can be redrawn.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_ClearId(*args, **kwargs)
+ def RemoveId(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ RemoveId(self, int id)
+ Remove the object node (and all operations) associated with an id.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_RemoveId(*args, **kwargs)
+ def TranslateId(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ TranslateId(self, int id, int dx, int dy)
+ Translate the operations of id by dx,dy.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_TranslateId(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetIdGreyedOut(self, int id, bool greyout=True)
+ Set whether an object is drawn greyed out or not.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetIdGreyedOut(self, int id) -> bool
+ Get whether an object is drawn greyed out or not.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_GetIdGreyedOut(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FindObjects(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindObjects(self, int x, int y, int radius=1, wxColor bg=*wxWHITE) -> PyObject
+ Returns a list of all the id's that draw a pixel with color
+ not equal to bg within radius of (x,y).
+ Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in
+ reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_FindObjects(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FindObjectsByBBox(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FindObjectsByBBox(self, int x, int y) -> PyObject
+ Returns a list of all the id's whose bounding boxes include (x,y).
+ Returns an empty list if nothing is found. The list is in
+ reverse drawing order so list[0] is the top id.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_FindObjectsByBBox(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawIdToDC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawIdToDC(self, int id, DC dc)
+ Draw recorded operations of id to dc.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawIdToDC(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetIdBounds(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetIdBounds(self, int id, Rect rect)
+ Set the bounding rect of a given object. This will create
+ an object node if one doesn't exist.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_SetIdBounds(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetIdBounds(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetIdBounds(self, int id) -> Rect
+ Returns the bounding rectangle previouly set with SetIdBounds. If
+ no bounds have been set, it returns wx.Rect(0,0,0,0).
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_GetIdBounds(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawToDCClipped(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawToDCClipped(self, DC dc, Rect rect)
+ Draws the recorded operations to dc unless the operation is known to
+ be outside rect.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawToDCClippedRgn(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawToDCClippedRgn(self, DC dc, Region region)
+ Draws the recorded operations to dc unless the operation is known to
+ be outside rect.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawToDCClippedRgn(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawToDC(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawToDC(self, DC dc)
+ Draws the recorded operations to dc.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawToDC(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FloodFill(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FloodFill(self, int x, int y, Colour col, int style=FLOOD_SURFACE)
+ Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using
+ the current brush colour, and using a style:
+ - **wxFLOOD_SURFACE**: the flooding occurs until a colour other than
+ the given colour is encountered.
+ - **wxFLOOD_BORDER**: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given
+ colour.
+ Returns False if the operation failed.
+ Note: The present implementation for non-Windows platforms may fail to
+ find colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour
+ exactly. However the function will still return true.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_FloodFill(*args, **kwargs)
+ def FloodFillPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ FloodFillPoint(self, Point pt, Colour col, int style=FLOOD_SURFACE)
+ Flood fills the device context starting from the given point, using
+ the current brush colour, and using a style:
+ - **wxFLOOD_SURFACE**: the flooding occurs until a colour other than
+ the given colour is encountered.
+ - **wxFLOOD_BORDER**: the area to be flooded is bounded by the given
+ colour.
+ Returns False if the operation failed.
+ Note: The present implementation for non-Windows platforms may fail to
+ find colour borders if the pixels do not match the colour
+ exactly. However the function will still return true.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_FloodFillPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawLine(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawLine(self, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is
+ used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of
+ the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with
+ the behaviour of many other toolkits).
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawLine(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawLinePoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawLinePoint(self, Point pt1, Point pt2)
+ Draws a line from the first point to the second. The current pen is
+ used for drawing the line. Note that the second point is *not* part of
+ the line and is not drawn by this function (this is consistent with
+ the behaviour of many other toolkits).
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawLinePoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CrossHair(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CrossHair(self, int x, int y)
+ Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and
+ horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the
+ given point.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_CrossHair(*args, **kwargs)
+ def CrossHairPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ CrossHairPoint(self, Point pt)
+ Displays a cross hair using the current pen. This is a vertical and
+ horizontal line the height and width of the window, centred on the
+ given point.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_CrossHairPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawArc(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawArc(self, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int xc, int yc)
+ Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from
+ the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline
+ and the current brush for filling the shape.
+ The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to
+ the end point.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawArc(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawArcPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawArcPoint(self, Point pt1, Point pt2, Point center)
+ Draws an arc of a circle, centred on the *center* point (xc, yc), from
+ the first point to the second. The current pen is used for the outline
+ and the current brush for filling the shape.
+ The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to
+ the end point.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawArcPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawCheckMark(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawCheckMark(self, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawCheckMark(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawCheckMarkRect(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawCheckMarkRect(self, Rect rect)
+ Draws a check mark inside the given rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawCheckMarkRect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipticArc(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawEllipticArc(self, int x, int y, int w, int h, double start, double end)
+ Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the
+ bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and
+ the current brush is used for drawing the pie.
+ The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc
+ relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the
+ rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete
+ circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is
+ equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipticArc(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipticArcPointSize(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawEllipticArcPointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz, double start, double end)
+ Draws an arc of an ellipse, with the given rectangle defining the
+ bounds of the ellipse. The current pen is used for drawing the arc and
+ the current brush is used for drawing the pie.
+ The *start* and *end* parameters specify the start and end of the arc
+ relative to the three-o'clock position from the center of the
+ rectangle. Angles are specified in degrees (360 is a complete
+ circle). Positive values mean counter-clockwise motion. If start is
+ equal to end, a complete ellipse will be drawn.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipticArcPointSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawPoint(self, int x, int y)
+ Draws a point using the current pen.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawPointPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawPointPoint(self, Point pt)
+ Draws a point using the current pen.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawPointPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRectangle(self, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
+ size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush
+ for filling the shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRectangleRect(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRectangleRect(self, Rect rect)
+ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
+ size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush
+ for filling the shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRectangleRect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRectanglePointSize(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRectanglePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz)
+ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
+ size. The current pen is used for the outline and the current brush
+ for filling the shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRectanglePointSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRoundedRectangle(self, int x, int y, int width, int height, double radius)
+ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
+ size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The
+ current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling
+ the shape.
+ If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the
+ rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed
+ to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This
+ means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of
+ the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the
+ corners are too big for the rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRoundedRectangle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRoundedRectangleRect(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRoundedRectangleRect(self, Rect r, double radius)
+ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
+ size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The
+ current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling
+ the shape.
+ If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the
+ rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed
+ to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This
+ means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of
+ the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the
+ corners are too big for the rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRoundedRectangleRect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz, double radius)
+ Draws a rectangle with the given top left corner, and with the given
+ size. The corners are quarter-circles using the given radius. The
+ current pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling
+ the shape.
+ If radius is positive, the value is assumed to be the radius of the
+ rounded corner. If radius is negative, the absolute value is assumed
+ to be the proportion of the smallest dimension of the rectangle. This
+ means that the corner can be a sensible size relative to the size of
+ the rectangle, and also avoids the strange effects X produces when the
+ corners are too big for the rectangle.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawRoundedRectanglePointSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawCircle(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawCircle(self, int x, int y, int radius)
+ Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current
+ pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the
+ shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawCircle(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawCirclePoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawCirclePoint(self, Point pt, int radius)
+ Draws a circle with the given center point and radius. The current
+ pen is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the
+ shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawCirclePoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawEllipse(self, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
+ is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipse(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipseRect(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawEllipseRect(self, Rect rect)
+ Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
+ is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipseRect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawEllipsePointSize(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawEllipsePointSize(self, Point pt, Size sz)
+ Draws an ellipse contained in the specified rectangle. The current pen
+ is used for the outline and the current brush for filling the shape.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawEllipsePointSize(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawIcon(self, Icon icon, int x, int y)
+ Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is
+ PostScript). This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a
+ window.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawIcon(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawIconPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawIconPoint(self, Icon icon, Point pt)
+ Draw an icon on the display (does nothing if the device context is
+ PostScript). This can be the simplest way of drawing bitmaps on a
+ window.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawIconPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawBitmap(self, Bitmap bmp, int x, int y, bool useMask=False)
+ Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If
+ *transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or
+ alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will
+ be drawn transparently.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawBitmap(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawBitmapPoint(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawBitmapPoint(self, Bitmap bmp, Point pt, bool useMask=False)
+ Draw a bitmap on the device context at the specified point. If
+ *transparent* is true and the bitmap has a transparency mask, (or
+ alpha channel on the platforms that support it) then the bitmap will
+ be drawn transparently.
+ """
+ return _gdi_.PseudoDC_DrawBitmapPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+ def DrawText(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ DrawText(self, String text, int x, int y)
+ Draws a text string at the specified point, using the current text
+ font, and the current text foreground and background colours.
+ The coordinates refer to the top-left corner of the rectangle bounding
+ the string. See `wx.DC.GetTextExtent` for how to get the dimensions of
+ a text string, which can be used to position the text more precisely,
+ (you will need to use a real DC with GetTextExtent as wx.PseudoDC does
+ not implement it.)
+ **NOTE**: under wxGTK the current logical function is used by this
+ function but it is ignored by wxMSW. Thus, you should avoid using
+ logical functions with this function in portable programs.