return bdr
+def makeShapes(win):
+ box =wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
+ box.Add(wxStaticLine(win, -1), 0)
+ for line in (
+ (wxANCHOR_NW, "NorthWest"),
+ (wxANCHOR_NORTH, "North"),
+ (wxANCHOR_NE, "NorthEast")
+ ), (
+ (wxANCHOR_WEST, "West"),
+ (wxANCHOR_NONE, "Center"),
+ (wxANCHOR_EAST, "East")
+ ), (
+ (wxANCHOR_SW, "SouthWest"),
+ (wxANCHOR_SOUTH, "South"),
+ (wxANCHOR_SE, "SouthEast")
+ ):
+ linebox =wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL)
+ linebox.Add(wxStaticLine(win, -1, style=wxVERTICAL), 0)
+ for (anchor, label) in line:
+ sizer =wxShapeSizer(anchor)
+ sizer.Add(wxButton(win, -1, label, size=wxSize(100, 50)))
+ linebox.Add(sizer, 1)
+ linebox.Add(wxStaticLine(win, -1, style=wxVERTICAL), 0)
+ box.Add(linebox, 1)
+ box.Add(wxStaticLine(win, -1), 0)
+ return box
def makeBoxInBox(win):
("", None, ""),
+ ("Proportional resize", makeShapes,
+ "The wxShapeSizer preserves the original proportions of the window."
+ ),
+ ("", None, ""),
("Boxes inside of boxes", makeBoxInBox,
"This one shows nesting of boxes within boxes within boxes, using both "
"orientations. Notice also that button seven has a greater weighting "
class TestSelectionPanel(wxPanel):
- def __init__(self, parent, frame):
+ def __init__(self, parent, frame=NULL):
wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
self.frame = frame