+/********** wxDbTable::BuildUpdateStmt() **********/
+void wxDbTable::BuildUpdateStmt(wxString &pSqlStmt, int typeOfUpdate, const wxString &pWhereClause)
+ wxASSERT(!queryOnly);
+ if (queryOnly)
+ return;
+ wxString whereClause;
+ whereClause.Empty();
+ bool firstColumn = true;
+ pSqlStmt.Printf(wxT("UPDATE %s SET "),
+ pDb->SQLTableName(tableName.c_str()).c_str());
+ // Append a list of columns to be updated
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_numCols; i++)
+ {
+ // Only append Updateable columns
+ if (colDefs[i].Updateable)
+ {
+ if (!firstColumn)
+ pSqlStmt += wxT(",");
+ else
+ firstColumn = false;
+ pSqlStmt += pDb->SQLColumnName(colDefs[i].ColName);
+// pSqlStmt += colDefs[i].ColName;
+ pSqlStmt += wxT(" = ?");
+ }
+ }
+ // Append the WHERE clause to the SQL UPDATE statement
+ pSqlStmt += wxT(" WHERE ");
+ switch(typeOfUpdate)
+ {
+ // If the datasource supports the ROWID column, build
+ // the where on ROWID for efficiency purposes.
+ // e.g. UPDATE PARTS SET Col1 = ?, Col2 = ? WHERE ROWID = '111.222.333'
+ if (CanUpdateByROWID())
+ {
+ SQLLEN cb;
+ wxChar rowid[wxDB_ROWID_LEN+1];
+ // Get the ROWID value. If not successful retreiving the ROWID,
+ // simply fall down through the code and build the WHERE clause
+ // based on the key fields.
+ if (SQLGetData(hstmt, (UWORD)(m_numCols+1), SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) rowid, sizeof(rowid), &cb) == SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pSqlStmt += wxT("ROWID = '");
+ pSqlStmt += rowid;
+ pSqlStmt += wxT("'");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Unable to delete by ROWID, so build a WHERE
+ // clause based on the keyfields.
+ BuildWhereClause(whereClause, DB_WHERE_KEYFIELDS);
+ pSqlStmt += whereClause;
+ break;
+ case DB_UPD_WHERE:
+ pSqlStmt += pWhereClause;
+ break;
+ }
+} // BuildUpdateStmt()
+/***** DEPRECATED: use wxDbTable::BuildUpdateStmt(wxString &....) form *****/
+void wxDbTable::BuildUpdateStmt(wxChar *pSqlStmt, int typeOfUpdate, const wxString &pWhereClause)
+ wxString tempSqlStmt;
+ BuildUpdateStmt(tempSqlStmt, typeOfUpdate, pWhereClause);
+ wxStrcpy(pSqlStmt, tempSqlStmt);
+} // BuildUpdateStmt()
+/********** wxDbTable::BuildWhereClause() **********/
+void wxDbTable::BuildWhereClause(wxString &pWhereClause, int typeOfWhere,
+ const wxString &qualTableName, bool useLikeComparison)
+ * Note: BuildWhereClause() currently ignores timestamp columns.
+ * They are not included as part of the where clause.
+ */
+ bool moreThanOneColumn = false;
+ wxString colValue;
+ // Loop through the columns building a where clause as you go
+ int colNumber;
+ for (colNumber = 0; colNumber < m_numCols; colNumber++)
+ {
+ // Determine if this column should be included in the WHERE clause
+ if ((typeOfWhere == DB_WHERE_KEYFIELDS && colDefs[colNumber].KeyField) ||
+ (typeOfWhere == DB_WHERE_MATCHING && (!IsColNull((UWORD)colNumber))))
+ {
+ // Skip over timestamp columns
+ if (colDefs[colNumber].SqlCtype == SQL_C_TIMESTAMP)
+ continue;
+ // If there is more than 1 column, join them with the keyword "AND"
+ if (moreThanOneColumn)
+ pWhereClause += wxT(" AND ");
+ else
+ moreThanOneColumn = true;
+ // Concatenate where phrase for the column
+ wxString tStr = colDefs[colNumber].ColName;
+ if (qualTableName.Length() && tStr.Find(wxT('.')) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ pWhereClause += pDb->SQLTableName(qualTableName);
+ pWhereClause += wxT(".");
+ }
+ pWhereClause += pDb->SQLColumnName(colDefs[colNumber].ColName);
+ if (useLikeComparison && (colDefs[colNumber].SqlCtype == SQL_C_WXCHAR))
+ pWhereClause += wxT(" LIKE ");
+ else
+ pWhereClause += wxT(" = ");
+ switch(colDefs[colNumber].SqlCtype)
+ {
+ case SQL_C_CHAR:
+#ifdef SQL_C_WCHAR
+ case SQL_C_WCHAR:
+ //case SQL_C_WXCHAR: SQL_C_WXCHAR is covered by either SQL_C_CHAR or SQL_C_WCHAR
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("'%s'"), (UCHAR FAR *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj);
+ break;
+ case SQL_C_SHORT:
+ case SQL_C_SSHORT:
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("%hi"), *((SWORD *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj));
+ break;
+ case SQL_C_USHORT:
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("%hu"), *((UWORD *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj));
+ break;
+ case SQL_C_LONG:
+ case SQL_C_SLONG:
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("%li"), *((SDWORD *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj));
+ break;
+ case SQL_C_ULONG:
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("%lu"), *((UDWORD *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj));
+ break;
+ case SQL_C_FLOAT:
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("%.6f"), *((SFLOAT *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj));
+ break;
+ case SQL_C_DOUBLE:
+ colValue.Printf(wxT("%.6f"), *((SDOUBLE *) colDefs[colNumber].PtrDataObj));
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ wxString strMsg;
+ strMsg.Printf(wxT("wxDbTable::bindParams(): Unknown column type for colDefs %d colName %s"),
+ colNumber,colDefs[colNumber].ColName);
+ wxFAIL_MSG(strMsg.c_str());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pWhereClause += colValue;
+ }
+ }
+} // wxDbTable::BuildWhereClause()
+/***** DEPRECATED: use wxDbTable::BuildWhereClause(wxString &....) form *****/
+void wxDbTable::BuildWhereClause(wxChar *pWhereClause, int typeOfWhere,
+ const wxString &qualTableName, bool useLikeComparison)
+ wxString tempSqlStmt;
+ BuildWhereClause(tempSqlStmt, typeOfWhere, qualTableName, useLikeComparison);
+ wxStrcpy(pWhereClause, tempSqlStmt);
+} // wxDbTable::BuildWhereClause()
+/********** wxDbTable::GetRowNum() **********/
+UWORD wxDbTable::GetRowNum(void)
+ UDWORD rowNum;
+ if (SQLGetStmtOption(hstmt, SQL_ROW_NUMBER, (UCHAR*) &rowNum) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pDb->DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ return(0);