-The remaining help controller classess need to be named
+The remaining help controller classes need to be named
explicitly by an application that wishes to make use of them.
There are currently the following help controller classes defined:
\item wxWinHelpController, for controlling Windows Help.
\item wxCHMHelpController, for controlling MS HTML Help. To use this, you need to set wxUSE\_MS\_HTML\_HELP
to 1 in setup.h and have htmlhelp.h header from Microsoft's HTML Help kit (you don't need
-VC++ specific htmlhelp.lib because wxWindows loads neccessary DLL at runtime and so it
+VC++ specific htmlhelp.lib because wxWindows loads necessary DLL at runtime and so it
works with all compilers).
\item wxBestHelpController, for controlling MS HTML Help or, if Microsoft's runtime is
not available, \helpref{wxHtmlHelpController}{wxhtmlhelpcontroller}. You need to provide
\item \helpref{wxHtmlHelpController}{wxhtmlhelpcontroller}, a sophisticated help controller using \helpref{wxHTML}{wxhtml}, in
a similar style to the Microsoft HTML Help viewer and using some of the same files.
Although it has an API compatible with other help controllers, it has more advanced features, so it is
-recommended that you use the specific API for this class instead.
+recommended that you use the specific API for this class instead. Note that if you
+use .zip or .htb formats for your books, you
+must add this line to your application initialization: {\tt wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler);}
+or nothing will be shown in your help window.
\wxheading{Derived from}
If the help viewer is not running, runs it and displays the given section.
The interpretation of {\it section} differs between help viewers. For most viewers,
-this call is equivalent to KeywordSearch. For MS HTML Help, external HTML help
-and simple wxHTML help, if {\it section} has a .htm
+this call is equivalent to KeywordSearch. For MS HTML Help, wxHTML help and external HTML help,
+if {\it section} has a .htm
or .html extension, that HTML file will be displayed; otherwise
a keyword search is done.
If the help viewer is not running, runs it and displays the given section.
-{\it WinHelp, MS HTML Help:} {\it sectionNo} is a context id.
+{\it WinHelp, MS HTML Help} {\it sectionNo} is a context id.
-{\it External HTML help/simple wxHTML help:} wxExtHelpController implements {\it sectionNo} as an id in a map file, which is of the form:
+{\it External HTML help:} wxExtHelpController implements {\it sectionNo} as an id in a map file, which is of the form:
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