\func{bool}{wxMatchWild}{\param{const wxString\& }{pattern}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{bool}{ dot\_special}}
-Returns true if the {\it pattern}\/ matches the {\it text}\/; if {\it
+Returns true if the \arg{pattern}\/ matches the {\it text}\/; if {\it
dot\_special}\/ is true, filenames beginning with a dot are not matched
with wildcard characters. See \helpref{wxIsWild}{wxiswild}.
\func{bool}{wxMkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}}
-Makes the directory {\it dir}, returning true if successful.
+Makes the directory \arg{dir}, returning true if successful.
{\it perm} is the access mask for the directory for the systems on which it is
supported (Unix) and doesn't have effect for the other ones.
+\func{int}{wxParseCommonDialogsFilter}{\param{const wxString\& }{wildCard}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{descriptions}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{filters}}
+Parses the \arg{wildCard}, returning the number of filters.
+Returns 0 if none or if there's a problem.
+The arrays will contain an equal number of items found before the error.
+On platforms where native dialogs handle only one filter per entry,
+entries in arrays are automatically adjusted.
+\arg{wildCard} is in the form:
+ "All files (*)|*|Image Files (*.jpeg *.png)|*.jpg;*.png"
\func{bool}{wxRemoveFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
-Removes {\it file}, returning true if successful.
+Removes \arg{file}, returning true if successful.
\func{bool}{wxRenameFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2}}
-Renames {\it file1} to {\it file2}, returning true if successful.
+Renames \arg{file1} to \arg{file2}, returning true if successful.
This function is deprecated, use \helpref{wxString}{wxstring} class instead.
-\func{const wxChar *}{ngettext}{\param{const char *}{str}, \param{const char *}{strPlural}, \param{size\_t }{n}}
-This macro expands into a call to plural form version of
-function, so it marks the message for the extraction by {\tt xgettext} just as
-\helpref{wxTRANSLATE}{wxtranslate} does, but also returns the translation of
-the string for the current locale during execution, either singular or plural
-form depending on the value of \arg{n}.
-\wxheading{See also}
\func{const char *}{wxGetTranslation}{\param{const char * }{str}}
The \arg{strPlural} parameter is the plural form (in English).
The parameter \arg{n} is used to determine the plural form. If no
message catalog is found \arg{str} is returned if `n == 1',
-otherwise \arg{strPlural}. The \helpref{ngettext}{ngettext} macro is defined
-to do the same thing.
+otherwise \arg{strPlural}.
See \urlref{GNU gettext manual}{http://www.gnu.org/manual/gettext/html\_chapter/gettext\_10.html\#SEC150} for additional information on plural forms handling.
+Both versions call \helpref{wxLocale::GetString}{wxlocalegetstring}.
\func{bool}{wxIsEmpty}{\param{const char *}{ p}}
\func{const wxChar *}{wxTRANSLATE}{\param{const char *}{s}}
This macro doesn't do anything in the program code -- it simply expands to the
-value of its argument (expand in Unicode build where it is equivalent to
+value of its argument (except in Unicode build where it is equivalent to
\helpref{wxT}{wxt} which makes it unnecessary to use both wxTRANSLATE and wxT
with the same string which would be really unreadable).
However it does have a purpose and it is to mark the literal strings for the
extraction into the message catalog created by {\tt xgettext} program. Usually
this is achieved using \helpref{\_()}{underscore} but that macro not only marks
-the string for extraction but also expands into
+the string for extraction but also expands into a
\helpref{wxGetTranslation}{wxgettranslation} function call which means that it
-cannot be used in some situations, notably for the static arrays
+cannot be used in some situations, notably for static array
Here is an example which should make it more clear: suppose that you have a
static array of strings containing the weekday names and which have to be
-translated (note that it is a bad example, really, as
+translated (note that it is a bad example, really, as
\helpref{wxDateTime}{wxdatetime} already can be used to get the localized week
day names already). If you write
no translations for the weekday names in the program message catalog and
wxGetTranslation wouldn't find them.
\func{int}{wxVsnprintf}{\param{wxChar *}{buf}, \param{size\_t }{len}, \param{const wxChar *}{format}, \param{va\_list }{argPtr}}
Don't confuse this macro with \helpref{\_T()}{underscoret}!
-\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxDYNLIB\_FUNCTION}{\param{}{type}, \param{}{name}, \param{}{dynlib}}
When loading a function from a DLL you always have to cast the returned
-\tt{void *} pointer to the correct type and, even more annoyingly, you have to
+{\tt void *} pointer to the correct type and, even more annoyingly, you have to
repeat this type twice if you want to declare and define a function pointer all
in one line
this language feature but still take advantage of it when it is available.
+\func{bool}{wxGetKeyState}{\param{wxKeyCode }{key}}
+Returns \true if the key parameter is currently pressed on the keyboard, or
+with modifier keys, (caps lock, etc) if the key is active (the led light is
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxMicroSleep}{\param{unsigned long}{ microseconds}}
+Sleeps for the specified number of microseconds. The microsecond resolution may
+not, in fact, be available on all platforms (currently only Unix platforms with
+nanosleep(2) may provide it) in which case this is the same as
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{void}{wxMilliSleep}{\param{unsigned long}{ milliseconds}}
+Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds. Notice that usage of this
+function is encouraged instead of calling usleep(3) directly because the
+standard usleep() function is not MT safe.
+\wxheading{Include files}
\func{void}{wxUsleep}{\param{unsigned long}{ milliseconds}}
-Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds. Notice that usage of this
-function is encouraged instead of calling usleep(3) directly because the
-standard usleep() function is not MT safe.
-\wxheading{Include files}
+This function is deprecated because its name is misleading: notice that the
+argument is in milliseconds, not microseconds. Please use either
+\helpref{wxMilliSleep}{wxmillisleep} or \helpref{wxMicroSleep}{wxmicrosleep}
+depending on the resolution you need.