#include "wx/defs.h"
+#include "wx/app.h"
#include "wx/utils.h"
#include "wx/dialog.h"
#include "wx/filedlg.h"
#include "wx/intl.h"
+#ifndef __DARWIN__
+ #include "PLStringFuncs.h"
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxFileDialog, wxDialog)
// begin wxmac
-#include "morefile.h"
-#include "moreextr.h"
-#include "fullpath.h"
-#include "fspcompa.h"
-#include "PLStringFuncs.h"
+#ifndef __DARWIN__
+ #include <Navigation.h>
-char * gfilters[] =
- "*.TXT" ,
-} ;
+#ifndef __DARWIN__
+ #include "MoreFiles.h"
+ #include "MoreFilesExtras.h"
-OSType gfiltersmac[] =
- 'TEXT' ,
- '****'
-} ;
+extern bool gUseNavServices ;
// the data we need to pass to our standard file hook routine
// includes a pointer to the dialog, a pointer to the standard
const int kwxMacFileTypes = 10 ;
struct OpenUserDataRec {
- StandardFileReply *sfrPtr;
- FSSpec oldSelectionFSSpec;
- char filter[kwxMacFileTypes][10] ;
+ int currentfilter ;
+ wxString name [kwxMacFileTypes] ;
+ wxString extensions[kwxMacFileTypes] ;
OSType filtermactypes[kwxMacFileTypes] ;
- int numfilters ;
- DialogPtr theDlgPtr;
+ int numfilters ;
typedef struct OpenUserDataRec
OpenUserDataRec, *OpenUserDataRecPtr;
+static pascal void NavEventProc(
+ NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector,
+ NavCBRecPtr ioParams,
+ NavCallBackUserData ioUserData);
+ static NavEventUPP sStandardNavEventFilter = NewNavEventUPP(NavEventProc);
+ static NavEventUPP sStandardNavEventFilter = NewNavEventProc(NavEventProc);
+static pascal void
+ NavEventCallbackMessage inSelector,
+ NavCBRecPtr ioParams,
+ NavCallBackUserData ioUserData )
+ OpenUserDataRec * data = ( OpenUserDataRec *) ioUserData ;
+ if (inSelector == kNavCBEvent) {
+ // In Universal Headers 3.2, Apple changed the definition of
+ /*
+ #if UNIVERSAL_INTERFACES_VERSION >= 0x0320 // Universal Headers 3.2
+ UModalAlerts::ProcessModalEvent(*(ioParams->eventData.eventDataParms.event));
+ #else
+ UModalAlerts::ProcessModalEvent(*(ioParams->eventData.event));
+ #endif
+ */
+ wxTheApp->MacHandleOneEvent(ioParams->eventData.eventDataParms.event);
+ } else if ( inSelector == kNavCBPopupMenuSelect )
+ {
+ NavMenuItemSpec * menu = (NavMenuItemSpec *) ioParams->eventData.eventDataParms.param ;
+ data->currentfilter = menu->menuType ;
+ }
+char * gfilters[] =
+ "*.TXT" ,
+ "*.TIF" ,
+ "*.JPG" ,
+} ;
+OSType gfiltersmac[] =
+ 'TEXT' ,
+ 'TIFF' ,
+ 'JPEG' ,
+ '****'
+} ;
static void wxMacSetupStandardFile(short newVRefNum, long newDirID)
// flashing of the button when the key is hit
static pascal Boolean SFGetFolderModalDialogFilter(DialogPtr theDlgPtr, EventRecord *eventRec,
- short *item, Ptr dataPtr)
+ short *item, void *dataPtr)
#pragma unused (dataPtr)
return false;
-void ExtendedOpenFile( ConstStr255Param message , ConstStr255Param path , const char *filter , FileFilterYDUPP fileFilter, StandardFileReply *theSFR)
+void MakeUserDataRec(OpenUserDataRec *myData , const wxString& filter )
+ myData->currentfilter = 0 ;
+ if ( filter && filter[0] )
+ {
+ wxString filter2(filter) ;
+ int filterIndex = 0;
+ bool isName = true ;
+ wxString current ;
+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < filter2.Len(); i++ )
+ {
+ if( filter2.GetChar(i) == wxT('|') )
+ {
+ if( isName ) {
+ myData->name[filterIndex] = current ;
+ }
+ else {
+ myData->extensions[filterIndex] = current.MakeUpper() ;
+ ++filterIndex ;
+ }
+ isName = !isName ;
+ current = "" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current += filter2.GetChar(i) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( filterIndex > 0 )
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !isName , "incorrect format of format string" ) ;
+ myData->extensions[filterIndex] = current.MakeUpper() ;
+ ++filterIndex ;
+ }
+ myData->numfilters = filterIndex ;
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < myData->numfilters ; i++ )
+ {
+ int j ;
+ for ( j = 0 ; gfilters[j] ; j++ )
+ {
+ if ( strcmp( myData->extensions[i] , gfilters[j] ) == 0 )
+ {
+ myData->filtermactypes[i] = gfiltersmac[j] ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if( gfilters[j] == NULL )
+ {
+ myData->filtermactypes[i] = '****' ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myData->numfilters = 0 ;
+ }
+void ExtendedOpenFile( ConstStr255Param message , ConstStr255Param path , const char *filter , FileFilterYDUPP fileFilter, StandardFileReply *theSFR )
Point thePt;
OpenUserDataRec myData;
// point the user data parameter at the reply record so we can get to it later
- myData.sfrPtr = theSFR;
- if ( filter && filter[0] )
- {
- myData.numfilters = 1 ;
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < myData.numfilters ; i++ )
- {
- int j ;
- strcpy( myData.filter[i] , filter ) ;
- for( j = 0 ; myData.filter[i][j] ; j++ )
- {
- myData.filter[i][j] = toupper( myData.filter[i][j] ) ;
- }
- for ( j = 0 ; gfilters[j] ; j++ )
- {
- if ( strcmp( myData.filter[i] , gfilters[j] ) == 0 )
- {
- myData.filtermactypes[i] = gfiltersmac[j] ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- if( gfilters[j] == NULL )
- {
- myData.filtermactypes[i] = '****' ;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- myData.numfilters = 0 ;
- }
+ MakeUserDataRec( &myData , filter ) ;
// display the dialog
-static pascal Boolean CrossPlatformFileFilter(CInfoPBPtr myCInfoPBPtr, Ptr dataPtr)
+static Boolean CheckFile( ConstStr255Param name , OSType type , OpenUserDataRecPtr data)
+ Str255 filename ;
+ PLstrcpy( filename , name ) ;
+ p2cstr( filename ) ;
+ wxString file(filename) ;
+ file.MakeUpper() ;
+ if ( data->numfilters > 0 )
+ {
+ //for ( int i = 0 ; i < data->numfilters ; ++i )
+ int i = data->currentfilter ;
+ if ( data->extensions[i].Right(2) == ".*" )
+ return true ;
+ {
+ if ( type == data->filtermactypes[i] )
+ return true ;
+ wxString extension = data->extensions[i] ;
+ if ( extension.GetChar(0) == '*' )
+ extension = extension.Mid(1) ;
+ if ( file.Len() >= extension.Len() && extension == file.Right(extension.Len() ) )
+ return true ;
+ }
+ return false ;
+ }
+ return true ;
+static pascal Boolean CrossPlatformFileFilter(CInfoPBPtr myCInfoPBPtr, void *dataPtr)
- Str255 filename ;
OpenUserDataRecPtr data = (OpenUserDataRecPtr) dataPtr ;
// return true if this item is invisible or a file
if ( !folderFlag )
- if ( data->numfilters > 0 )
- {
- PLstrcpy( filename ,myCInfoPBPtr->hFileInfo.ioNamePtr ) ;
- if ( filename[0] >= 4 )
- {
- for( int j = 1 ; j <= filename[0] ; j++ )
- {
- filename[j] = toupper( filename[j] ) ;
- }
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < data->numfilters ; ++i )
- {
- if ( myCInfoPBPtr->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType == data->filtermactypes[i] )
- return false ;
- if ( strncmp( (char*) filename + 1 + filename[0] - 4 ,
- & data->filter[i][ strlen(data->filter[i]) - 4 ] , 4 ) == 0 )
- return false ;
- }
- }
- return true ;
- }
+ return !CheckFile( myCInfoPBPtr->hFileInfo.ioNamePtr , myCInfoPBPtr->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType , data ) ;
return false ;
m_filterIndex = 1;
+pascal Boolean CrossPlatformFilterCallback (
+ AEDesc *theItem,
+ void *info,
+ void *callBackUD,
+ NavFilterModes filterMode
+ bool display = true;
+ OpenUserDataRecPtr data = (OpenUserDataRecPtr) callBackUD ;
+ if (filterMode == kNavFilteringBrowserList)
+ {
+ NavFileOrFolderInfo* theInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo*) info ;
+ if (theItem->descriptorType == typeFSS && !theInfo->isFolder)
+ {
+ FSSpec spec;
+ ::AEGetDescData(theItem, &spec, sizeof(FSSpec) ) ;
+ memcpy( &spec , (*theItem->dataHandle) , sizeof(FSSpec) ) ;
+ display = CheckFile( spec.name , theInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType , data ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return display;
int wxFileDialog::ShowModal()
+ if ( !gUseNavServices )
+ {
if ( m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE )
StandardFileReply reply ;
Str255 prompt ;
Str255 filename ;
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)prompt, m_message) ;
strcpy((char *)prompt, m_message) ;
c2pstr((char *)prompt ) ;
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)filename, m_fileName) ;
strcpy((char *)filename, m_fileName) ;
c2pstr((char *)filename ) ;
StandardPutFile( prompt , filename , &reply ) ;
- m_path = wxMacFSSpec2UnixFilename( &reply.sfFile ) ;
+ m_path = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( &reply.sfFile ) ;
return wxID_OK ;
Str255 prompt ;
Str255 path ;
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)prompt, m_message) ;
strcpy((char *)prompt, m_message) ;
c2pstr((char *)prompt ) ;
- strcpy((char *)path, m_path ) ;
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)path, m_dir ) ;
+ strcpy((char *)path, m_dir ) ;
c2pstr((char *)path ) ;
StandardFileReply reply ;
FileFilterYDUPP crossPlatformFileFilterUPP = 0 ;
- m_path = wxMacFSSpec2UnixFilename( &reply.sfFile ) ;
+ m_path = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( &reply.sfFile ) ;
return wxID_OK ;
return wxID_CANCEL;
+ else
+ {
+ NavDialogOptions mNavOptions;
+ NavObjectFilterUPP mNavFilterUPP = NULL;
+ NavPreviewUPP mNavPreviewUPP = NULL ;
+ NavReplyRecord mNavReply;
+ AEDesc mDefaultLocation ;
+ bool mSelectDefault = false ;
+ ::NavGetDefaultDialogOptions(&mNavOptions);
+ mNavFilterUPP = nil;
+ mNavPreviewUPP = nil;
+ mSelectDefault = false;
+ mNavReply.validRecord = false;
+ mNavReply.replacing = false;
+ mNavReply.isStationery = false;
+ mNavReply.translationNeeded = false;
+ mNavReply.selection.descriptorType = typeNull;
+ mNavReply.selection.dataHandle = nil;
+ mNavReply.keyScript = smSystemScript;
+ mNavReply.fileTranslation = nil;
+ // Set default location, the location
+ // that's displayed when the dialog
+ // first appears
+ FSSpec location ;
+ wxMacFilename2FSSpec( m_dir , &location ) ;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ mDefaultLocation.descriptorType = typeNull;
+ mDefaultLocation.dataHandle = nil;
+ err = ::AECreateDesc(typeFSS, &location, sizeof(FSSpec), &mDefaultLocation );
+ if ( mDefaultLocation.dataHandle ) {
+ if (mSelectDefault) {
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags |= kNavSelectDefaultLocation;
+ } else {
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags &= ~kNavSelectDefaultLocation;
+ }
+ }
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)mNavOptions.message, m_message) ;
+ strcpy((char *)mNavOptions.message, m_message) ;
+ c2pstr((char *)mNavOptions.message ) ;
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)mNavOptions.savedFileName, m_fileName) ;
+ strcpy((char *)mNavOptions.savedFileName, m_fileName) ;
+ c2pstr((char *)mNavOptions.savedFileName ) ;
+ if ( m_dialogStyle & wxSAVE )
+ {
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags |= kNavNoTypePopup ;
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags |= kNavDontAutoTranslate ;
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags |= kNavDontAddTranslateItems ;
+ err = ::NavPutFile(
+ &mDefaultLocation,
+ &mNavReply,
+ &mNavOptions,
+ sStandardNavEventFilter ,
+ 'TEXT',
+ 'TEXT',
+ 0L); // User Data
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OpenUserDataRec myData;
+ MakeUserDataRec( &myData , m_wildCard ) ;
+ NavTypeListHandle typelist = NULL ;
+ if ( myData.numfilters > 0 )
+ {
+ mNavOptions.popupExtension = (NavMenuItemSpecArrayHandle) NewHandle( sizeof( NavMenuItemSpec ) * myData.numfilters ) ;
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < myData.numfilters ; ++i ) {
+ (*mNavOptions.popupExtension)[i].version = kNavMenuItemSpecVersion ;
+ (*mNavOptions.popupExtension)[i].menuCreator = 'WXNG' ;
+ (*mNavOptions.popupExtension)[i].menuType = i ;
+ c2pstrcpy((StringPtr)(*mNavOptions.popupExtension)[i].menuItemName, myData.name[i]) ;
+ #else
+ strcpy((char *)(*mNavOptions.popupExtension)[i].menuItemName, myData.name[i]) ;
+ c2pstr((char *)(*mNavOptions.popupExtension)[i].menuItemName ) ;
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ mNavFilterUPP = NewNavObjectFilterUPP( CrossPlatformFilterCallback ) ;
+ if ( m_dialogStyle & wxMULTIPLE )
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags |= kNavAllowMultipleFiles ;
+ else
+ mNavOptions.dialogOptionFlags &= ~kNavAllowMultipleFiles ;
+ err = ::NavGetFile(
+ &mDefaultLocation,
+ &mNavReply,
+ &mNavOptions,
+ sStandardNavEventFilter ,
+ mNavPreviewUPP,
+ mNavFilterUPP,
+ typelist /*inFileTypes.TypeListHandle() */,
+ &myData); // User Data
+ if ( typelist )
+ DisposeHandle( (Handle) typelist ) ;
+ }
+ DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP(mNavFilterUPP);
+ if ( mDefaultLocation.dataHandle != nil )
+ {
+ ::AEDisposeDesc(&mDefaultLocation);
+ }
+ if ( (err != noErr) && (err != userCanceledErr) ) {
+ m_path = "" ;
+ return wxID_CANCEL ;
+ }
+ if (mNavReply.validRecord) {
+ FSSpec outFileSpec ;
+ AEDesc specDesc ;
+ long count ;
+ ::AECountItems( &mNavReply.selection , &count ) ;
+ for ( long i = 1 ; i <= count ; ++i )
+ {
+ OSErr err = ::AEGetNthDesc( &mNavReply.selection , i , typeFSS, NULL , &specDesc);
+ if ( err != noErr ) {
+ m_path = "" ;
+ return wxID_CANCEL ;
+ }
+ outFileSpec = **(FSSpec**) specDesc.dataHandle;
+ if (specDesc.dataHandle != nil) {
+ ::AEDisposeDesc(&specDesc);
+ }
+ // outFolderDirID = thePB.dirInfo.ioDrDirID;
+ m_path = wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( &outFileSpec ) ;
+ m_paths.Add( m_path ) ;
+ m_fileNames.Add(m_fileName);
+ }
+ // set these to the first hit
+ m_path = m_paths[ 0 ] ;
+ m_fileName = wxFileNameFromPath(m_path);
+ m_dir = wxPathOnly(m_path);
+ return wxID_OK ;
+ }
+ return wxID_CANCEL;
+ }
// Generic file load/save dialog
static wxString