import traceback
import sys
import os
+import __builtin__
+import types
+import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
from types import *
+from activegrid.util.lang import *
+def hasRawAttr(obj, name):
+ if obj == None:
+ return False
+ if name != FUNCTION_HAS_ATTR and hasattr(obj, FUNCTION_HAS_ATTR):
+ return obj._hasAttr(name)
+ return obj.__dict__.has_key(name)
+def getRawAttr(obj, name):
+ if name != FUNCTION_GET_ATTR and hasattr(obj, FUNCTION_GET_ATTR):
+ return obj._getAttr(name)
+ return obj.__dict__.get(name)
+def setRawAttr(obj, name, value):
+ if name != FUNCTION_SET_ATTR and hasattr(obj, FUNCTION_SET_ATTR):
+ obj._setAttr(name, value)
+ else:
+ obj.__dict__[name] = value
+def delRawAttr(obj, name):
+ if name != FUNCTION_DEL_ATTR and hasattr(obj, FUNCTION_DEL_ATTR):
+ obj._delAttr(name)
+ else:
+ del obj.__dict__[name]
+def getStaticAttr(obj, attr):
+ if (isinstance(obj, types.TypeType)):
+ classDesc = obj
+ else:
+ classDesc = obj.__class__
+ if (hasattr(classDesc, attr)):
+ return getattr(classDesc, attr)
+ return None
+def setStaticAttr(obj, attr, value):
+ if (isinstance(obj, types.TypeType)):
+ classDesc = obj
+ else:
+ classDesc = obj.__class__
+ setattr(classDesc, attr, value)
+def moduleForName(moduleName):
+ module = None
+ pathList = moduleName.split('.')
+ if (len(moduleName) > 0):
+ module = __import__(moduleName)
+ for name in pathList[1:]:
+ if (name in module.__dict__):
+ module = module.__dict__[name]
+ else:
+ module = None
+ break
+ return module
+def typeForName(typeName):
+ i = typeName.rfind('.')
+ if (i >= 0):
+ module = moduleForName(typeName[:i])
+ if (module != None):
+ name = typeName[i+1:]
+ if (name in module.__dict__):
+ return module.__dict__[name]
+ elif __builtin__.__dict__.has_key(typeName):
+ return __builtin__.__dict__[typeName]
+ return None
+def functionForName(functionName):
+ ftype = typeForName(functionName)
+ if (isinstance(ftype, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType))):
+ return ftype
+ return None
def classForName(className):
- pathList = className.split('.')
- moduleName = '.'.join(pathList[:-1])
- code = __import__(moduleName)
- for name in pathList[1:]:
- code = code.__dict__[name]
- return code
+ ctype = typeForName(className)
+ if (isinstance(ctype, (types.ClassType, types.TypeType))):
+ return ctype
+ return None
-def hasPropertyValue(obj, attr):
- hasProp = False
- try:
- prop = obj.__class__.__dict__[attr]
- if (isinstance(prop, property)):
- hasProp = hasattr(obj, attr)
- if (hasProp):
- # It's a property and it has a value but sometimes we don't want it.
- # If there is a _hasattr method execute it and the
- # result will tell us whether to include this value
- try:
- hasProp = obj._hasattr(attr)
- except:
- pass
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return hasProp
+def newInstance(className, objargs=None):
+ "dynamically create an object based on the className and return it."
-def toDiffableString(value):
- s = str(value)
+ if not isinstance(objargs, list):
+ objargs = [objargs]
+ if className == "None":
+ return None
+ elif className == "bool":
+ if ((len(objargs) < 1) or (objargs[0].lower() == "false") or (not objargs[0])):
+ return False
+ return True
+ if className == "str" or className == "unicode": # don"t strip: blanks are significant
+ if len(objargs) > 0:
+ try:
+ return saxutils.unescape(objargs[0]).encode()
+ except:
+ return "?"
+ else:
+ return ""
+ classtype = classForName(className)
+ if (classtype == None):
+ raise Exception("Could not find class %s" % className)
+ if (len(objargs) > 0):
+ return classtype(*objargs)
+ else:
+ return classtype()
+def getClassProperty(classType, propertyName):
+ return getattr(classType, propertyName)
+def toDiffableRepr(value, exclude=None):
+ if (value == None):
+ return "None"
+## elif (isinstance(value, ObjectType) and hasattr(value, "__dict__")):
+## if (exclude == None):
+## exclude = []
+## s = "%s(%s)" % (type(value), toDiffableString(value.__dict__, exclude))
+ elif (not isinstance(value, (BooleanType, ClassType, ComplexType, DictType, DictionaryType,
+ FloatType, IntType, ListType, LongType, StringType, TupleType,
+ UnicodeType, BufferType, BuiltinFunctionType, BuiltinMethodType,
+ CodeType, FrameType, FunctionType, GeneratorType, InstanceType,
+ LambdaType, MethodType, ModuleType, SliceType, TracebackType,
+ TypeType, XRangeType))):
+ if (hasattr(value, "__str__")):
+ s = str(value)
+ elif (hasattr(value, "__dict__")):
+ s = "%s(%s)" % (type(value), toDiffableString(value.__dict__, exclude))
+ else:
+ s = str(type(value))
+ ix2 = s.find(" object at 0x")
+ if (ix2 > 0):
+ ix = s.rfind(".")
+ if (ix > 0):
+ s = "<class %s>" %s[ix+1:ix2]
+ elif (isinstance(value, bool)):
+ if (value):
+ return "True"
+ else:
+ return "False"
+ elif (isinstance(value, (tuple, list))):
+ items = []
+ for v in value:
+ if (isinstance(v, basestring)):
+ if (v.find("'") >= 0):
+ items.append('"%s"' % v)
+ else:
+ items.append("'%s'" % v)
+ else:
+ items.append(toDiffableString(v, exclude))
+ s = "[" + ", ".join(items) + "]"
+ elif (isinstance(value, dict)):
+ if (exclude == None):
+ exclude = []
+ items = []
+ for key, val in value.iteritems():
+ if (isinstance(val, UnicodeType)):
+ items.append("'%s': u'%s'" % (key, toDiffableString(val, exclude)))
+ elif (isinstance(val, basestring)):
+ items.append("'%s': '%s'" % (key, toDiffableString(val, exclude)))
+ else:
+ items.append("'%s': %s" % (key, toDiffableString(val, exclude)))
+ s = "{" + ", ".join(items) + "}"
+ else:
+ s = str(value)
+ return s
+def toDiffableString(value, exclude=None):
+ if (value == None):
+ return "None"
+ if ((exclude != None) and not isinstance(value, (basestring, int))):
+ for v in exclude:
+ if (v is value):
+ return "<recursive reference>"
+ exclude.append(value)
+ s = toDiffableRepr(value)
ds = ""
i = s.find(" at 0x")
start = 0
ds += s[start:i]
start = j
i = s.find(" at 0x", start)
- return ds + s[start:]
+ ds = ds + s[start:]
+ i = ds.find("\\src\\")
+ if (i < 0):
+ i = ds.find("/src/")
+ else:
+ ds = ds.replace("\\", "/")
+ if (i > 0):
+ i += 4
+ if (ds[i:i+5] == "\\php\\"):
+ i += 4
+ elif (ds[i:i+8] == "\\python\\"):
+ i += 7
+ ds = "filepath: ..." + ds[i:]
+ return ds
def toString(value, options=0):
if ((options & PRINT_OBJ_DIFFABLE) > 0):
return toDiffableString(value)
+ elif (not isinstance(value, basestring)):
+ return str(value)
return value
-def toTypeString(obj):
+def typeToString(obj, options=0):
if (isinstance(obj, BooleanType)):
return "bool"
elif (isinstance(obj, UnicodeType)):
+ if ((options & PRINT_OBJ_DIFFABLE) > 0):
+ return "string"
return "unicode"
elif (isinstance(obj, basestring)):
return "string"
elif (isinstance(obj, IntType)):
return "int"
+ elif (isinstance(obj, LongType)):
+ if ((options & PRINT_OBJ_DIFFABLE) > 0):
+ return "int"
+ return "long"
elif (isinstance(obj, FloatType)):
return "float"
elif (type(obj) == ListType):
elif (isinstance(obj, TupleType)):
return "tuple"
elif (isinstance(obj, InstanceType)):
- return type(obj)
+## ds = str(type(obj))
+ ds = "<class %s.%s> " % (obj.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)
- return type(obj)
+ ds = str(type(obj))
+ if (options == 0):
+ import activegrid.util.aglogging
+ options = activegrid.util.aglogging.testMode(0, PRINT_OBJ_DIFFABLE)
+ if ((options & PRINT_OBJ_DIFFABLE) > 0):
+ if (ds.startswith("<class ")):
+ ix = ds.rfind(".")
+ if (ix < 0):
+ ix = 8
+ ds = "<class %s>" % ds[ix+1:-2]
+ return ds
+def nameToString(name, options=0):
+ if (name.startswith("_v_")):
+ return name[3:]
+ if ((options & PRINT_OBJ_DIFFABLE) > 0):
+ ix = name.find("__")
+ if ((ix > 1) and name.startswith("_")):
+ name = name[ix:]
+ return toDiffableString(name)
+ return name
-def printObject(out, object, name="", indent=0, flags=0, exclude=None, maxIndent=30):
+def printObject(out, object, name=None, indent=0, flags=0, exclude=None, remove=None, maxIndent=30):
+ if (name == None):
+ name = ""
+## elif (name.endswith("_") and not name.endswith("__")):
+## name = name[:-1]
+ if ((remove != None) and (name in asDict(remove))):
+ return False
if ((maxIndent != None) and (indent > maxIndent)):
print >> out, " "*indent, "%s: %s" % (name, toString(str(object), flags)),
if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_INTERNAL) == 0):
return True
finalNewLine = False
printed = True
-## if (exclude == None):
-## exclude = []
- if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) > 0):
- if (exclude and object in exclude):
+ if ((exclude != None) and ((object in exclude) or (name in exclude))):
- indent = 0
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) > 0):
+ indent = 0
if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_INTERNAL) == 0):
finalNewLine = True
finalNewLine = False
printed = False
- elif (name.startswith("_") and ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) > 0)):
+ elif (name.startswith("_") and ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) > 0) and not name.startswith("_v_")):
finalNewLine = False
printed = False
elif (isinstance(object, (list, tuple))):
if ((exclude != None) and object in exclude):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " of length = ", len(object), " (already printed)",
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags), " of length = ", len(object), " (already printed)",
elif ((exclude != None) and name in exclude):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " of length = ", len(object), " (excluded)",
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags), " of length = ", len(object), " (excluded)",
if ((exclude != None) and (len(object) > 0)): exclude.append(object)
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " of length = %d" % len(object),
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags), " of length = %d" % len(object),
for i, o in enumerate(object):
print >> out
- printObject(out, o, name="[%d]" % i, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent)
+ printObject(out, o, name="[%d]" % i, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, remove=remove, maxIndent=maxIndent)
elif (isinstance(object, dict)):
if ((exclude != None) and object in exclude):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " (already printed)",
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags), " (already printed)",
if ((exclude != None) and (len(object) > 0)): exclude.append(object)
if (len(name) > 0):
n = key
if (not (isinstance(n, basestring))):
n = str(n)
+ else:
+ n = nameToString(n, flags)
if ((not n.startswith("_") or ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) == 0))):
- if printObject(out, object[key], name=n, indent=indent+2, flags=(flags | PRINT_OBJ_INTERNAL), exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent):
+ if printObject(out, object[key], name=n, indent=indent+2, flags=(flags | PRINT_OBJ_INTERNAL), exclude=exclude, remove=remove, maxIndent=maxIndent):
if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
print >> out
print >> out, ",",
print >> out, " "*indent, "}",
elif (hasattr(object, "__dict__")):
- if ((exclude != None) and object in exclude):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " (already printed) = ", toDiffableString(object),
+ if (name.startswith("_")): ## and ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) > 0)):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags),
+ elif ((exclude != None) and ((object in exclude) or (object.__dict__ in exclude))):
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags), " (already printed)",
if (exclude != None): exclude.append(object)
- if (name.startswith("_")): ## and ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_HIDE_INTERNAL) > 0)):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object),
- elif ((exclude != None) and object.__dict__ in exclude):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " (already printed)",
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags),
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_GETATTR) == 0):
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ printObject(out, object.__dict__, indent=indent, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, remove=remove, maxIndent=maxIndent)
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object),
- if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_GETATTR) == 0):
- if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+## indent += 2
+ print >> out, " "*indent, "{",
+ keys = object.__dict__.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ printed = True
+ for key in keys:
+ if ((exclude != None) and (key in exclude)):
+ continue
+ if (printed and ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0)):
print >> out
- printObject(out, object.__dict__, indent=indent, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent)
- else:
- keys = object.__dict__.keys()
- keys.sort()
- for n in keys:
- if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
- print >> out
- printObject(out, getattr(object, n), name=n, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, maxIndent=maxIndent)
+ n = nameToString(key, flags)
+ printed = printObject(out, getattr(object, n), name=n, indent=indent+2, flags=flags, exclude=exclude, remove=remove, maxIndent=maxIndent)
+ if ((flags & PRINT_OBJ_COMPACT) == 0):
+ print >> out
+ print >> out, " "*indent, "}",
elif (indent < 0):
print >> out, object,
elif isinstance(object, basestring):
if ((exclude != None) and name in exclude):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", toTypeString(object), " of length = ", len(object), " (excluded)",
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, " : ", typeToString(object, flags), " of length = ", len(object), " (excluded)",
elif (len(object) > 100):
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", toTypeString(object), "[%d] = %s...%s" % (len(object), object[:50], object[-50:]),
+ object = toString(object, flags)
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", typeToString(object, flags), "[%d] = %s...%s" % (len(object), object[:50], object[-50:]),
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", toTypeString(object), "=", str(object),
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", typeToString(object, flags), "=", toString(object, flags),
## elif (isinstance(object, float)):
## val = str(object)
## if (len(val) > 17):
## val = val[:17]
## print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", type(object), "=", val,
- print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", toTypeString(object), "=", str(object),
+ print >> out, " "*indent, name, ":", typeToString(object, flags), "=", toString(object, flags),
if (finalNewLine):
print >> out
return printed