+ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *_TrackMouseEvent_t)(LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT);
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ static const _TrackMouseEvent_t
+ s_pfn_TrackMouseEvent = _TrackMouseEvent;
+#else // !__WXWINCE__
+ static _TrackMouseEvent_t s_pfn_TrackMouseEvent;
+ static bool s_initDone = false;
+ if ( !s_initDone )
+ {
+ wxLogNull noLog;
+ wxDynamicLibrary dllComCtl32(_T("comctl32.dll"), wxDL_VERBATIM);
+ if ( dllComCtl32.IsLoaded() )
+ {
+ s_pfn_TrackMouseEvent = (_TrackMouseEvent_t)
+ dllComCtl32.GetSymbol(_T("_TrackMouseEvent"));
+ }
+ s_initDone = true;
+ // notice that it's ok to unload comctl32.dll here as it won't
+ // be really unloaded, being still in use because we link to it
+ // statically too
+ }
+ if ( s_pfn_TrackMouseEvent )
+#endif // __WXWINCE__/!__WXWINCE__
+ {
+ WinStruct<TRACKMOUSEEVENT> trackinfo;