#include "wx/filedlg.h"
#include "wx/intl.h"
#include "wx/app.h"
+#include "wx/settings.h"
+#ifdef __VMS__
+#pragma message disable nosimpint
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/MwmUtil.h>
#include <Xm/Label.h>
#include <Xm/FileSB.h>
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
#include <Xm/LabelG.h>
+#ifdef __VMS__
+#pragma message enable nosimpint
+#include "wx/motif/private.h"
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxFileDialog, wxDialog)
// Let Motif defines the size of File
// Selector Box (if 1), or fix it to
// wxFSB_WIDTH x wxFSB_HEIGHT (if 0)
-#define wxFSB_WIDTH 600
+#define wxFSB_WIDTH 600
#define wxFSB_HEIGHT 500
-char *wxFileSelector(const char *title,
+wxString wxFileSelector(const char *title,
const char *defaultDir, const char *defaultFileName,
const char *defaultExtension, const char *filter, int flags,
wxWindow *parent, int x, int y)
// If there's a default extension specified but no filter, we create a suitable
// filter.
wxString filter2("");
if ( defaultExtension && !filter )
filter2 = wxString("*.") + wxString(defaultExtension) ;
else if ( filter )
filter2 = filter;
wxString defaultDirString;
if (defaultDir)
defaultDirString = defaultDir;
defaultDirString = "";
wxString defaultFilenameString;
if (defaultFileName)
defaultFilenameString = defaultFileName;
defaultFilenameString = "";
wxFileDialog fileDialog(parent, title, defaultDirString, defaultFilenameString, filter2, flags, wxPoint(x, y));
if ( fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
- strcpy(wxBuffer, (const char *)fileDialog.GetPath());
- return wxBuffer;
+ return fileDialog.GetPath();
- return NULL;
+ return wxEmptyString;
-char *wxFileSelectorEx(const char *title,
+wxString wxFileSelectorEx(const char *title,
const char *defaultDir,
const char *defaultFileName,
int* defaultFilterIndex,
wxWindow* parent,
int x,
int y)
wxFileDialog fileDialog(parent, title ? title : "", defaultDir ? defaultDir : "",
defaultFileName ? defaultFileName : "", filter ? filter : "", flags, wxPoint(x, y));
if ( fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
*defaultFilterIndex = fileDialog.GetFilterIndex();
- strcpy(wxBuffer, (const char *)fileDialog.GetPath());
- return wxBuffer;
+ return fileDialog.GetPath();
- return NULL;
+ return wxEmptyString;
wxString wxFileDialog::m_fileSelectorAnswer = "";
bool wxFileDialog::m_fileSelectorReturned = FALSE;
-void wxFileSelCancel( Widget WXUNUSED(fs), XtPointer WXUNUSED(client_data),
+void wxFileSelCancel( Widget WXUNUSED(fs), XtPointer WXUNUSED(client_data),
XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *WXUNUSED(cbs) )
wxFileDialog::m_fileSelectorAnswer = "";
m_pos = pos;
+static void wxChangeListBoxColours(wxWindow* WXUNUSED(win), Widget widget)
+ wxWindow::DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) widget, *wxWHITE);
+ // Change colour of the scrolled areas of the listboxes
+ Widget listParent = XtParent (widget);
+ wxWindow::DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) listParent, *wxWHITE, TRUE);
+ Widget hsb = (Widget) 0;
+ Widget vsb = (Widget) 0;
+ XtVaGetValues (listParent,
+ XmNhorizontalScrollBar, &hsb,
+ XmNverticalScrollBar, &vsb,
+ NULL);
+ /* TODO: should scrollbars be affected? Should probably have separate
+ * function to change them (by default, taken from wxSystemSettings)
+ */
+ wxColour backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
+ wxWindow::DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) hsb, backgroundColour, TRUE);
+ wxWindow::DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) vsb, backgroundColour, TRUE);
+ if (hsb)
+ XtVaSetValues (hsb,
+ XmNtroughColor, backgroundColour.AllocColour(XtDisplay(hsb)),
+ NULL);
+ if (vsb)
+ XtVaSetValues (vsb,
+ XmNtroughColor, backgroundColour.AllocColour(XtDisplay(vsb)),
+ NULL);
int wxFileDialog::ShowModal()
// static char fileBuf[512];
Widget parentWidget = (Widget) 0;
if (m_parent)
parentWidget = (Widget) wxTheApp->GetTopLevelWidget();
- Widget fileSel = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(parentWidget, "file_selector", NULL, 0);
+ // prepare the arg list
+ Arg args[10];
+ int ac = 0;
+ wxComputeColours (XtDisplay(parentWidget), & m_backgroundColour,
+ (wxColour*) NULL);
+ XtSetArg(args[ac], XmNbackground, g_itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX].pixel); ac++;
+ XtSetArg(args[ac], XmNtopShadowColor, g_itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX].pixel); ac++;
+ XtSetArg(args[ac], XmNbottomShadowColor, g_itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX].pixel); ac++;
+ XtSetArg(args[ac], XmNforeground, g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel); ac++;
+ Widget fileSel = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(parentWidget, "file_selector", args, ac);
XtUnmanageChild(XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON));
+ Widget filterWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_FILTER_TEXT);
+ Widget selectionWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_TEXT);
+ Widget dirListWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_DIR_LIST);
+ Widget fileListWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_LIST);
+ // code using these vars disabled
+#if 0
+ Widget okWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON);
+ Widget applyWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_APPLY_BUTTON);
+ Widget cancelWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON);
Widget shell = XtParent(fileSel);
if (!m_message.IsNull())
XtVaSetValues(shell, XmNtitle, (char*) (const char*) m_message, NULL);
wxString entirePath("");
if ((m_dir != "") && (m_fileName != ""))
entirePath = m_dir + wxString("/") + m_fileName;
entirePath = m_fileName;
if (entirePath != "")
- Widget selectionWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_TEXT);
XmTextSetString(selectionWidget, (char*) (const char*) entirePath);
if (m_wildCard != "")
wxString filter("");
filter = m_dir + wxString("/") + m_wildCard;
filter = m_wildCard;
- Widget filterWidget = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild(fileSel, XmDIALOG_FILTER_TEXT);
XmTextSetString(filterWidget, (char*) (const char*) filter);
XmFileSelectionDoSearch(fileSel, NULL);
// Suggested by Terry Gitnick, 16/9/97, because of change in Motif
// file selector on Solaris 1.5.1.
if ( m_dir != "" )
XmString thePath = XmStringCreateLtoR ((char*) (const char*) m_dir,
XtVaSetValues (fileSel,
XmNdirectory, thePath,
XtAddCallback(fileSel, XmNcancelCallback, (XtCallbackProc)wxFileSelCancel, (XtPointer)NULL);
XtAddCallback(fileSel, XmNokCallback, (XtCallbackProc)wxFileSelOk, (XtPointer)NULL);
//#if XmVersion > 1000
// I'm not sure about what you mean with XmVersion.
// If this is for Motif1.1/Motif1.2, then check XmVersion>=1200
XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE,
+ // DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) fileSel, m_backgroundColour);
+ DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) filterWidget, *wxWHITE);
+ DoChangeBackgroundColour((WXWidget) selectionWidget, *wxWHITE);
+ wxChangeListBoxColours(this, dirListWidget);
+ wxChangeListBoxColours(this, fileListWidget);
m_fileSelectorAnswer = "";
m_fileSelectorReturned = FALSE;
XtAddGrab(XtParent(fileSel), TRUE, FALSE);
XEvent event;
while (!m_fileSelectorReturned)
XtAppProcessEvent((XtAppContext) wxTheApp->GetAppContext(), XtIMAll);
XmUpdateDisplay((Widget) wxTheApp->GetTopLevelWidget()); // Experimental
// XtDestroyWidget(fileSel);
// Now process all events, because otherwise
// this might remain on the screen
XSync(XtDisplay((Widget) wxTheApp->GetTopLevelWidget()), FALSE);
XtAppNextEvent((XtAppContext) wxTheApp->GetAppContext(), &event);
m_path = m_fileSelectorAnswer;
m_fileName = wxFileNameFromPath(m_fileSelectorAnswer);
m_dir = wxPathOnly(m_path);
if (m_fileName == "")
return wxID_CANCEL;
// Generic file load/save dialog
-static char *
+static wxString
wxDefaultFileSelector(bool load, const char *what, const char *extension, const char *default_name, wxWindow *parent)
char *ext = (char *)extension;
- char prompt[50];
+ wxString prompt;
wxString str;
if (load)
- str = "Load %s file";
+ str = _("Load %s file");
- str = "Save %s file";
- sprintf(prompt, wxGetTranslation(str), what);
- if (*ext == '.') ext++;
- char wild[60];
- sprintf(wild, "*.%s", ext);
+ str = _("Save %s file");
+ prompt.Printf(str, what);
+ if (*ext == '.')
+ ext++;
+ wxString wild;
+ wild.Printf("*.%s", ext);
return wxFileSelector (prompt, NULL, default_name, ext, wild, 0, parent);
// Generic file load dialog
-char *
-wxLoadFileSelector(const char *what, const char *extension, const char *default_name, wxWindow *parent)
+wxString wxLoadFileSelector(const char *what, const char *extension, const char *default_name, wxWindow *parent)
return wxDefaultFileSelector(TRUE, what, extension, default_name, parent);
// Generic file save dialog
-char *
-wxSaveFileSelector(const char *what, const char *extension, const char *default_name, wxWindow *parent)
+wxString wxSaveFileSelector(const char *what, const char *extension, const char *default_name, wxWindow *parent)
return wxDefaultFileSelector(FALSE, what, extension, default_name, parent);