+// ============================================================================
+// implementation
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// helper functions from wx/msw/private/button.h
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxMSWButton::UpdateMultilineStyle(HWND hwnd, const wxString& label)
+ // update BS_MULTILINE style depending on the new label (resetting it
+ // doesn't seem to do anything very useful but it shouldn't hurt and we do
+ // have to set it whenever the label becomes multi line as otherwise it
+ // wouldn't be shown correctly as we don't use BS_MULTILINE when creating
+ // the control unless it already has new lines in its label)
+ long styleOld = ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE),
+ styleNew;
+ if ( label.find(wxT('\n')) != wxString::npos )
+ styleNew = styleOld | BS_MULTILINE;
+ else
+ styleNew = styleOld & ~BS_MULTILINE;
+ if ( styleNew != styleOld )
+ ::SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, styleNew);
+wxSize wxMSWButton::GetFittingSize(wxWindow *win,
+ const wxSize& sizeLabel,
+ int flags)
+ // FIXME: this is pure guesswork, need to retrieve the real button margins
+ wxSize sizeBtn = sizeLabel;
+ sizeBtn.x += 3*win->GetCharWidth();
+ sizeBtn.y = 11*EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(sizeLabel.y)/10;
+ // account for the shield UAC icon if we have it
+ if ( flags & Size_AuthNeeded )
+ sizeBtn.x += wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SMALLICON_X);
+ return sizeBtn;
+wxSize wxMSWButton::ComputeBestSize(wxControl *btn, int flags)
+ wxClientDC dc(btn);
+ wxSize sizeBtn;
+ dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(btn->GetLabelText(), &sizeBtn.x, &sizeBtn.y);
+ sizeBtn = GetFittingSize(btn, sizeBtn, flags);
+ // all buttons have at least the standard size unless the user explicitly
+ // wants them to be of smaller size and used wxBU_EXACTFIT style when
+ // creating the button
+ if ( !btn->HasFlag(wxBU_EXACTFIT) )
+ {
+ // The size of a standard button in the dialog units is 50x14, use it.
+ // Note that we intentionally don't use GetDefaultSize() here, because
+ // it's inexact -- dialog units depend on this dialog's font.
+ wxSize sizeDef = btn->ConvertDialogToPixels(wxSize(50, 14));
+ if ( sizeBtn.x < sizeDef.x )
+ sizeBtn.x = sizeDef.x;
+ if ( sizeBtn.y < sizeDef.y )
+ sizeBtn.y = sizeDef.y;
+ }
+ btn->CacheBestSize(sizeBtn);
+ return sizeBtn;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// creation/destruction
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxButton::Create(wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& lbl,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxValidator& validator,
+ const wxString& name)
+ m_authNeeded = false;
+ wxString label(lbl);
+ if (label.empty() && wxIsStockID(id))
+ {
+ // On Windows, some buttons aren't supposed to have mnemonics
+ label = wxGetStockLabel
+ (
+ id,
+ id == wxID_OK || id == wxID_CANCEL || id == wxID_CLOSE
+ );
+ }
+ if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) )
+ return false;
+ WXDWORD exstyle;
+ WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(style, &exstyle);
+ // if the label contains several lines we must explicitly tell the button
+ // about it or it wouldn't draw it correctly ("\n"s would just appear as
+ // black boxes)
+ //
+ // NB: we do it here and not in MSWGetStyle() because we need the label
+ // value and the label is not set yet when MSWGetStyle() is called
+ msStyle |= wxMSWButton::GetMultilineStyle(label);
+ return MSWCreateControl(wxT("BUTTON"), msStyle, pos, size, label, exstyle);
+ wxTopLevelWindow *tlw = wxDynamicCast(wxGetTopLevelParent(this), wxTopLevelWindow);
+ if ( tlw && tlw->GetTmpDefaultItem() == this )
+ {
+ UnsetTmpDefault();
+ }
+ delete m_imageData;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// flags
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+WXDWORD wxButton::MSWGetStyle(long style, WXDWORD *exstyle) const
+ // buttons never have an external border, they draw their own one
+ WXDWORD msStyle = wxControl::MSWGetStyle
+ (
+ (style & ~wxBORDER_MASK) | wxBORDER_NONE, exstyle
+ );
+ // we must use WS_CLIPSIBLINGS with the buttons or they would draw over
+ // each other in any resizeable dialog which has more than one button in
+ // the bottom
+ // don't use "else if" here: weird as it is, but you may combine wxBU_LEFT
+ // and wxBU_RIGHT to get BS_CENTER!
+ if ( style & wxBU_LEFT )
+ msStyle |= BS_LEFT;
+ if ( style & wxBU_RIGHT )
+ msStyle |= BS_RIGHT;
+ if ( style & wxBU_TOP )
+ msStyle |= BS_TOP;
+ if ( style & wxBU_BOTTOM )
+ msStyle |= BS_BOTTOM;
+#ifndef __WXWINCE__
+ // flat 2d buttons
+ if ( style & wxNO_BORDER )
+ msStyle |= BS_FLAT;
+#endif // __WXWINCE__
+ return msStyle;
+void wxButton::SetLabel(const wxString& label)
+ wxMSWButton::UpdateMultilineStyle(GetHwnd(), label);
+ wxButtonBase::SetLabel(label);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// size management including autosizing
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxButton::AdjustForBitmapSize(wxSize &size) const
+ if ( !m_imageData )
+ return;
+ // account for the bitmap size
+ const wxSize sizeBmp = m_imageData->GetBitmap(State_Normal).GetSize();
+ const wxDirection dirBmp = m_imageData->GetBitmapPosition();
+ if ( dirBmp == wxLEFT || dirBmp == wxRIGHT )
+ {
+ size.x += sizeBmp.x;
+ if ( sizeBmp.y > size.y )
+ size.y = sizeBmp.y;
+ }
+ else // bitmap on top/below the text
+ {
+ size.y += sizeBmp.y;
+ if ( sizeBmp.x > size.x )
+ size.x = sizeBmp.x;
+ }
+ // account for the user-specified margins
+ size += 2*m_imageData->GetBitmapMargins();
+ // and also for the margins we always add internally (unless we have no
+ // border at all in which case the button has exactly the same size as
+ // bitmap and so no margins should be used)
+ if ( !HasFlag(wxBORDER_NONE) )
+ {
+ int marginH = 0,
+ marginV = 0;
+ if ( wxUxThemeEngine::GetIfActive() )
+ {
+ wxUxThemeHandle theme(const_cast<wxButton *>(this), L"BUTTON");
+ MARGINS margins;
+ wxUxThemeEngine::Get()->GetThemeMargins(theme, NULL,
+ &margins);
+ // XP doesn't draw themed buttons correctly when the client
+ // area is smaller than 8x8 - enforce this minimum size for
+ // small bitmaps
+ size.IncTo(wxSize(8, 8));
+ marginH = margins.cxLeftWidth + margins.cxRightWidth
+ marginV = margins.cyTopHeight + margins.cyBottomHeight
+ }
+ else
+#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME
+ {
+ marginH =
+ }
+ size.IncBy(marginH, marginV);
+ }
+wxSize wxButton::DoGetBestSize() const
+ wxSize size;
+ // account for the text part if we have it or if we don't have any image at
+ // all (buttons initially created with empty label should still have a non
+ // zero size)
+ if ( ShowsLabel() || !m_imageData )
+ {
+ int flags = 0;
+ if ( GetAuthNeeded() )
+ flags |= wxMSWButton::Size_AuthNeeded;
+ size = wxMSWButton::ComputeBestSize(const_cast<wxButton *>(this), flags);
+ }
+ if ( m_imageData )
+ {
+ AdjustForBitmapSize(size);
+ CacheBestSize(size);
+ }
+ return size;
+/* static */
+wxSize wxButtonBase::GetDefaultSize()
+ static wxSize s_sizeBtn;
+ if ( s_sizeBtn.x == 0 )
+ {
+ wxScreenDC dc;
+ dc.SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
+ // The size of a standard button in the dialog units is 50x14,
+ // translate this to pixels.
+ //
+ // Windows' computes dialog units using average character width over
+ // upper- and lower-case ASCII alphabet and not using the average
+ // character width metadata stored in the font; see
+ // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/145994 for detailed
+ // discussion.
+ //
+ // NB: wxMulDivInt32() is used, because it correctly rounds the result
+ const wxSize base = wxPrivate::GetAverageASCIILetterSize(dc);
+ s_sizeBtn.x = wxMulDivInt32(50, base.x, 4);
+ s_sizeBtn.y = wxMulDivInt32(14, base.y, 8);
+ }
+ return s_sizeBtn;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// default button handling
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The comment below and all this code is probably due to not using WM_NEXTDLGCTL
+ message when changing focus (but just SetFocus() which is not enough), see
+ http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/08/02/205624.aspx for the
+ full explanation.
+ TODO: Do use WM_NEXTDLGCTL and get rid of all this code.
+ "Everything you ever wanted to know about the default buttons" or "Why do we
+ have to do all this?"