\section{Version macros}\label{versionfunctions}
+\func{bool}{wxCHECK\_GCC\_VERSION}{\param{}{major, minor, release}}
+Returns $1$ if the compiler being used to compile the code is GNU C++
+compiler (g++) version major.minor.release or greater. Otherwise, and also if
+the compiler is not GNU C++ at all, returns $0$.
+\func{bool}{wxCHECK\_GCC\_VERSION}{\param{}{major, minor, release}}
+Returns $1$ if the version of w32api headers used is major.minor.release or
+greater. Otherwise, and also if we are not compiling with mingw32/cygwin under
+Win32 at all, returns $0$.
\section{Application initialization and termination}\label{appinifunctions}
The functions in this section are used on application startup/shutdown and also
this function.
\func{void}{wxEntry}{\param{HANDLE}{ hInstance}, \param{HANDLE}{ hPrevInstance},
- \param{const wxString\& }{commandLine}, \param{int}{ cmdShow}, \param{bool}{ enterLoop = TRUE}}
+ \param{const wxString\& }{commandLine}, \param{int}{ cmdShow}, \param{bool}{ enterLoop = true}}
-wxWindows initialization under Windows (non-DLL). If {\it enterLoop} is FALSE, the
+wxWindows initialization under Windows (non-DLL). If {\it enterLoop} is false, the
function will return immediately after calling wxApp::OnInit. Otherwise, the wxWindows
message loop will be entered.
+This function doesn't exist in wxWindows but it is created by using
+the \helpref{IMPLEMENT\_APP}{implementapp} macro. Thus, before using it
+anywhere but in the same module where this macro is used, you must make it
+available using \helpref{DECLARE\_APP}{declareapp}.
+The advantage of using this function compared to directly using the global
+wxTheApp pointer is that the latter is of type {\tt wxApp *} and so wouldn't
+allow you to access the functions specific to your application class but not
+present in wxApp while wxGetApp() returns the object of the right type.
-\func{bool}{wxHandleFatalExceptions}{\param{bool}{ doIt = TRUE}}
+\func{bool}{wxHandleFatalExceptions}{\param{bool}{ doIt = true}}
-If {\it doIt} is TRUE, the fatal exceptions (also known as general protection
+If {\it doIt} is true, the fatal exceptions (also known as general protection
faults under Windows or segmentation violations in the Unix world) will be
caught and passed to \helpref{wxApp::OnFatalException}{wxapponfatalexception}.
By default, i.e. before this function is called, they will be handled in the
normal way which usually just means that the application will be terminated.
-Calling wxHandleFatalExceptions() with {\it doIt} equal to FALSE will restore
+Calling wxHandleFatalExceptions() with {\it doIt} equal to false will restore
this default behaviour.
\helpref{wxApp}{wxapp} object at all. In this case you must call it from your
{\tt main()} function before calling any other wxWindows functions.
-If the function returns {\tt FALSE} the initialization could not be performed,
+If the function returns {\tt false} the initialization could not be performed,
in this case the library cannot be used and
\helpref{wxUninitialize}{wxuninitialize} shouldn't be called neither.
-\func{bool}{wxSafeYield}{\param{wxWindow*}{ win = NULL}}
+\func{bool}{wxSafeYield}{\param{wxWindow*}{ win = NULL}, \param{bool}{
+ onlyIfNeeded = false}}
This function is similar to wxYield, except that it disables the user input to
all program windows before calling wxYield and re-enables it again
Calls \helpref{wxApp::Yield}{wxappyield}.
-This function is kept only for backwards compatibility. Please use
+This function is kept only for backwards compatibility. Please use
the \helpref{wxApp::Yield}{wxappyield} method instead in any new code.
\wxheading{Include files}
terminated successfully. Also, while waiting for the process to
terminate, wxExecute will call \helpref{wxYield}{wxyield}. The caller
should ensure that this can cause no recursion, in the simplest case by
-calling \helpref{wxEnableTopLevelWindows(FALSE)}{wxenabletoplevelwindows}.
+calling \helpref{wxEnableTopLevelWindows(false)}{wxenabletoplevelwindows}.
For asynchronous execution, however, the return value is the process id and
zero value indicates that the command could not be executed. As an added
and only this, case the calling code will not get the notification about
process termination.
-If callback isn't NULL and if execution is asynchronous,
+If callback isn't NULL and if execution is asynchronous,
\helpref{wxProcess::OnTerminate}{wxprocessonterminate} will be called when
the process finishes. Specifying this parameter also allows you to redirect the
-standard input and/or output of the process being launched by calling
+standard input and/or output of the process being launched by calling
\helpref{Redirect}{wxprocessredirect}. If the child process IO is redirected,
under Windows the process window is not shown by default (this avoids having to
flush an unnecessary console for the processes which don't create any windows
array, any additional ones are the command parameters and the array must be
terminated with a NULL pointer.}
-\docparam{flags}{Combination of bit masks {\tt wxEXEC\_ASYNC},
+\docparam{flags}{Combination of bit masks {\tt wxEXEC\_ASYNC},
{\tt wxEXEC\_SYNC} and {\tt wxEXEC\_NOHIDE}}
\docparam{callback}{An optional pointer to \helpref{wxProcess}{wxprocess}}
-This function shuts down or reboots the computer depending on the value of the
+This function shuts down or reboots the computer depending on the value of the
{\it flags}. Please notice that doing this requires the corresponding access
rights (superuser under Unix, {\tt SE\_SHUTDOWN} privelege under Windows NT)
and that this function is only implemented under Unix and Win32.
-{\tt TRUE} on success, {\tt FALSE} if an error occured.
+{\tt true} on success, {\tt false} if an error occured.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{bool}{wxDirExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{dirname}}
-Returns TRUE if the directory exists.
+Returns true if the directory exists.
\func{bool}{wxFileExists}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
-Returns TRUE if the file exists. It also returns TRUE if the file is
+Returns true if the file exists. It also returns true if the file is
a directory.
\func{char *}{wxFileNameFromPath}{\param{char *}{path}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxFileName::SplitPath}{wxfilenamesplitpath} instead.
Returns the filename for a full path. The second form returns a pointer to
-{\tt TRUE} on success, {\tt FALSE} if an error occured (for example, the
+{\tt true} on success, {\tt false} if an error occured (for example, the
directory doesn't exist).
\func{bool}{wxIsAbsolutePath}{\param{const wxString\& }{filename}}
-Returns TRUE if the argument is an absolute filename, i.e. with a slash
+Returns true if the argument is an absolute filename, i.e. with a slash
or drive name at the beginning.
\param{const wxString\& }{file3}}
Concatenates {\it file1} and {\it file2} to {\it file3}, returning
-TRUE if successful.
+true if successful.
-\func{bool}{wxCopyFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2}, \param{bool }{overwrite = TRUE}}
+\func{bool}{wxCopyFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2}, \param{bool }{overwrite = true}}
-Copies {\it file1} to {\it file2}, returning TRUE if successful. If
-{\it overwrite} parameter is TRUE (default), the destination file is overwritten
-if it exists, but if {\it overwrite} is FALSE, the functions fails in this
+Copies {\it file1} to {\it file2}, returning true if successful. If
+{\it overwrite} parameter is true (default), the destination file is overwritten
+if it exists, but if {\it overwrite} is false, the functions fails in this
\func{bool}{wxIsWild}{\param{const wxString\& }{pattern}}
-Returns TRUE if the pattern contains wildcards. See \helpref{wxMatchWild}{wxmatchwild}.
+Returns true if the pattern contains wildcards. See \helpref{wxMatchWild}{wxmatchwild}.
\func{bool}{wxMatchWild}{\param{const wxString\& }{pattern}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}, \param{bool}{ dot\_special}}
-Returns TRUE if the {\it pattern}\/ matches the {\it text}\/; if {\it
-dot\_special}\/ is TRUE, filenames beginning with a dot are not matched
+Returns true if the {\it pattern}\/ matches the {\it text}\/; if {\it
+dot\_special}\/ is true, filenames beginning with a dot are not matched
with wildcard characters. See \helpref{wxIsWild}{wxiswild}.
\func{bool}{wxMkdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int }{perm = 0777}}
-Makes the directory {\it dir}, returning TRUE if successful.
+Makes the directory {\it dir}, returning true if successful.
{\it perm} is the access mask for the directory for the systems on which it is
supported (Unix) and doesn't have effect for the other ones.
\func{bool}{wxRemoveFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file}}
-Removes {\it file}, returning TRUE if successful.
+Removes {\it file}, returning true if successful.
\func{bool}{wxRenameFile}{\param{const wxString\& }{file1}, \param{const wxString\& }{file2}}
-Renames {\it file1} to {\it file2}, returning TRUE if successful.
+Renames {\it file1} to {\it file2}, returning true if successful.
\func{bool}{wxRmdir}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}, \param{int}{ flags=0}}
-Removes the directory {\it dir}, returning TRUE if successful. Does not work under VMS.
+Removes the directory {\it dir}, returning true if successful. Does not work under VMS.
The {\it flags} parameter is reserved for future use.
\func{bool}{wxSetWorkingDirectory}{\param{const wxString\& }{dir}}
-Sets the current working directory, returning TRUE if the operation succeeded.
+Sets the current working directory, returning true if the operation succeeded.
Under MS Windows, the current drive is also changed if {\it dir} contains a drive specification.
\func{void}{wxSplitPath}{\param{const char *}{ fullname}, \param{wxString *}{ path}, \param{wxString *}{ name}, \param{wxString *}{ ext}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxFileName::SplitPath}{wxfilenamesplitpath} instead.
This function splits a full file name into components: the path (including possible disk/drive
concatenating the values returned by \helpref{wxGetFullHostName}{wxgetfullhostname}\rtfsp
and \helpref{wxGetUserId}{wxgetuserid}.
-Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
\wxheading{Include files}
in the {\bf wxWindows} section of the WIN.INI file is tried.
The first variant of this function returns the hostname if successful or an
-empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns TRUE
-if successful, FALSE otherwise.
+empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns true
+if successful, false otherwise.
\wxheading{See also}
in the {\bf wxWindows} section of the WIN.INI file is tried.
The first variant of this function returns the login name if successful or an
-empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns TRUE
-if successful, FALSE otherwise.
+empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns true
+if successful, false otherwise.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{const wxChar *}{wxGetUserHome}{\param{const wxString\& }{user = ""}}
Returns the home directory for the given user. If the username is empty
-(default value), this function behaves like
+(default value), this function behaves like
\wxheading{Include files}
the PENWIN.INI file is used.
The first variant of this function returns the user name if successful or an
-empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns {\tt TRUE}
-if successful, {\tt FALSE} otherwise.
+empty string otherwise. The second (deprecated) function returns {\tt true}
+if successful, {\tt false} otherwise.
\wxheading{See also}
This function is deprecated, use \helpref{wxString}{wxstring} class instead.
+\func{const char *}{wxGetTranslation}{\param{const char * }{str}}
+This function returns the translation of string {\it str} in the current
+\helpref{locale}{wxlocale}. If the string is not found in any of the loaded
+message catalogs (see \helpref{internationalization overview}{internationalization}), the
+original string is returned. In debug build, an error message is logged -- this
+should help to find the strings which were not yet translated. As this function
+is used very often, an alternative (and also common in Unix world) syntax is
+provided: the \helpref{\_()}{underscore} macro is defined to do the same thing
+as wxGetTranslation.
\func{bool}{wxIsEmpty}{\param{const char *}{ p}}
-Returns {\tt TRUE} if the pointer is either {\tt NULL} or points to an empty
-string, {\tt FALSE} otherwise.
+Returns {\tt true} if the pointer is either {\tt NULL} or points to an empty
+string, {\tt false} otherwise.
\func{bool}{wxStringMatch}{\param{const wxString\& }{s1}, \param{const wxString\& }{s2},\\
- \param{bool}{ subString = TRUE}, \param{bool}{ exact = FALSE}}
+ \param{bool}{ subString = true}, \param{bool}{ exact = false}}
{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, use \helpref{wxString::Find}{wxstringfind} instead.
-Returns {\tt TRUE} if the substring {\it s1} is found within {\it s2},
-ignoring case if {\it exact} is FALSE. If {\it subString} is {\tt FALSE},
+Returns {\tt true} if the substring {\it s1} is found within {\it s2},
+ignoring case if {\it exact} is false. If {\it subString} is {\tt false},
no substring matching is done.
same thing (i.e. returns the length of the string) except that it returns 0 if
{\it p} is the {\tt NULL} pointer.
-\func{const char *}{wxGetTranslation}{\param{const char * }{str}}
-This function returns the translation of string {\it str} in the current
-\helpref{locale}{wxlocale}. If the string is not found in any of the loaded
-message catalogs (see \helpref{internationalization overview}{internationalization}), the
-original string is returned. In debug build, an error message is logged - this
-should help to find the strings which were not yet translated. As this function
-is used very often, an alternative syntax is provided: the \_() macro is
-defined as wxGetTranslation().
\func{int}{wxSnprintf}{\param{wxChar *}{buf}, \param{size\_t }{len}, \param{const wxChar *}{format}, \param{}{...}}
\helpref{wxVsnprintf}{wxvsnprintf}, \helpref{wxString::Printf}{wxstringprintf}
+\func{wxChar}{wxT}{\param{char }{ch}}
+\func{const wxChar *}{wxT}{\param{const char *}{s}}
+wxT() is a macro which can be used with character and string literals (in other
+words, {\tt 'x'} or {\tt "foo"}) to automatically convert them to Unicode in
+Unicode build configuration. Please see the
+\helpref{Unicode overview}{unicode} for more information.
+This macro is simply returns the value passed to it without changes in ASCII
+build. In fact, its definition is:
+#ifdef UNICODE
+#define wxT(x) L ## x
+#else // !Unicode
+#define wxT(x) x
+\func{const wxChar *}{wxTRANSLATE}{\param{const char *}{s}}
+This macro doesn't do anything in the program code -- it simply expands to the
+value of its argument (expand in Unicode build where it is equivalent to
+\helpref{wxT}{wxt} which makes it unnecessary to use both wxTRANSLATE and wxT
+with the same string which would be really unreadable).
+However it does have a purpose and it is to mark the literal strings for the
+extraction into the message catalog created by {\tt xgettext} program. Usually
+this is achieved using \helpref{\_()}{underscore} but that macro not only marks
+the string for extraction but also expands into
+\helpref{wxGetTranslation}{wxgettranslation} function call which means that it
+cannot be used in some situations, notably for the static arrays
+Here is an example which should make it more clear: suppose that you have a
+static array of strings containing the weekday names and which have to be
+translated (note that it is a bad example, really, as
+\helpref{wxDateTime}{wxdatetime} already can be used to get the localized week
+day names already). If you write
+static const wxChar * const weekdays[] = { _("Mon"), ..., _("Sun") };
+// use weekdays[n] as usual
+the code wouldn't compile because the function calls are forbidden in the array
+initializer. So instead you should do
+static const wxChar * const weekdays[] = { wxTRANSLATE("Mon"), ..., wxTRANSLATE("Sun") };
+// use wxGetTranslation(weekdays[n])
+Note that although the code {\bf would} compile if you simply omit
+wxTRANSLATE() in the above, it wouldn't work as expected because there would be
+no translations for the weekday names in the program message catalog and
+wxGetTranslation wouldn't find them.
\func{char}{wxToLower}{\param{char }{ch}}
\helpref{wxSnprintf}{wxsnprintf}, \helpref{wxString::PrintfV}{wxstringprintfv}
+\func{const wxChar *}{\_}{\param{const char *}{s}}
+This macro expands into a call to \helpref{wxGetTranslation}{wxgettranslation}
+function, so it marks the message for the extraction by {\tt xgettext} just as
+\helpref{wxTRANSLATE}{wxtranslate} does, but also returns the translation of
+the string for the current locale during execution.
+Don't confuse this macro with \helpref{\_T()}{underscoret}!
+\func{wxChar}{\_T}{\param{char }{ch}}
+\func{const wxChar *}{\_T}{\param{const wxChar }{ch}}
+This macro is exactly the same as \helpref{wxT}{wxt} and is defined in
+wxWindows simply because it may be more intuitive for Windows programmers as
+the standard Win32 headers also define it (as well as yet another name for the
+same macro which is {\tt \_TEXT()}).
+Don't confuse this macro with \helpref{\_()}{underscore}!
\section{Dialog functions}\label{dialogfunctions}
Below are a number of convenience functions for getting input from the
\param{const wxArrayString\& }{aChoices},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
\param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE},\\
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true},\\
\param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
\param{int}{ n}, \param{const wxString\& }{choices[]},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
\param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE},\\
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true},\\
\param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a
which is an array of {\it n} strings for the listbox or by using a single
{\it aChoices} parameter of type \helpref{wxArrayString}{wxarraystring}.
-If {\it centre} is TRUE, the message text (which may include new line
-characters) is centred; if FALSE, the message is left-justified.
+If {\it centre} is true, the message text (which may include new line
+characters) is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{wxString}{wxGetTextFromUser}{\param{const wxString\& }{message}, \param{const wxString\& }{caption = ``Input text"},\\
\param{const wxString\& }{default\_value = ``"}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
- \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1}, \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE}}
+ \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1}, \param{bool}{ centre = true}}
Pop up a dialog box with title set to {\it caption}, {\it message}, and a
\rtfsp{\it default\_value}. The user may type in text and press OK to return this text,
or press Cancel to return the empty string.
-If {\it centre} is TRUE, the message text (which may include new line characters)
-is centred; if FALSE, the message is left-justified.
+If {\it centre} is true, the message text (which may include new line characters)
+is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.
\wxheading{Include files}
\func{int}{wxGetMultipleChoice}{\param{const wxString\& }{message}, \param{const wxString\& }{caption}, \param{int}{ n}, \param{const wxString\& }{choices[]},\\
\param{int }{nsel}, \param{int *}{selection},
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL}, \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a multiple-selection
listbox. The user may choose one or more item(s) and press OK or Cancel.
{\it choices} is an array of {\it n} strings for the listbox.
-If {\it centre} is TRUE, the message text (which may include new line characters)
-is centred; if FALSE, the message is left-justified.
+If {\it centre} is true, the message text (which may include new line characters)
+is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.
\wxheading{Include files}
\param{const wxArrayString\& }{aChoices},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
\param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE},\\
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true},\\
\param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
\func{wxString}{wxGetSingleChoice}{\param{const wxString\& }{message},\\
\param{int}{ n}, \param{const wxString\& }{choices[]},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
\param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE},\\
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true},\\
\param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a
which is an array of {\it n} strings for the listbox or by using a single
{\it aChoices} parameter of type \helpref{wxArrayString}{wxarraystring}.
-If {\it centre} is TRUE, the message text (which may include new line
-characters) is centred; if FALSE, the message is left-justified.
+If {\it centre} is true, the message text (which may include new line
+characters) is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.
\wxheading{Include files}
\param{const wxString\& }{caption},\\
\param{const wxArrayString\& }{aChoices},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL}, \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
\func{int}{wxGetSingleChoiceIndex}{\param{const wxString\& }{message},\\
\param{const wxString\& }{caption},\\
\param{int}{ n}, \param{const wxString\& }{choices[]},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL}, \param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
As {\bf wxGetSingleChoice} but returns the index representing the selected
string. If the user pressed cancel, -1 is returned.
\param{const wxString\& }{client\_data[]},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
\param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
\func{wxString}{wxGetSingleChoiceData}{\param{const wxString\& }{message},\\
\param{const wxString\& }{caption},\\
\param{const wxString\& }{client\_data[]},\\
\param{wxWindow *}{parent = NULL},\\
\param{int}{ x = -1}, \param{int}{ y = -1},\\
- \param{bool}{ centre = TRUE}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
+ \param{bool}{ centre = true}, \param{int }{width=150}, \param{int }{height=200}}
As {\bf wxGetSingleChoice} but takes an array of client data pointers
corresponding to the strings, and returns one of these pointers or NULL if
-Returns TRUE if between two \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor} and\rtfsp
+Returns true if between two \helpref{wxBeginBusyCursor}{wxbeginbusycursor} and\rtfsp
\helpref{wxEndBusyCursor}{wxendbusycursor} calls.
See also \helpref{wxBusyCursor}{wxbusycursor}.
\func{bool}{wxShowTip}{\param{wxWindow *}{parent},
\param{wxTipProvider *}{tipProvider},
- \param{bool }{showAtStartup = TRUE}}
+ \param{bool }{showAtStartup = true}}
This function shows a "startup tip" to the user. The return value is the
state of the ``Show tips at startup'' checkbox.
\docparam{tipProvider}{An object which is used to get the text of the tips.
It may be created with the \helpref{wxCreateFileTipProvider}{wxcreatefiletipprovider} function.}
-\docparam{showAtStartup}{Should be TRUE if startup tips are shown, FALSE
+\docparam{showAtStartup}{Should be true if startup tips are shown, false
otherwise. This is used as the initial value for "Show tips at startup"
checkbox which is shown in the tips dialog.}
-Returns TRUE if the display is colour, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns true if the display is colour, false otherwise.
-Returns TRUE if this application has already opened the clipboard.
+Returns true if this application has already opened the clipboard.
-Returns TRUE if the given data format is available on the clipboard.
+Returns true if the given data format is available on the clipboard.
-\func{void}{wxEnableTopLevelWindow}{\param{bool}{ enable = TRUE}}
+\func{void}{wxEnableTopLevelWindow}{\param{bool}{ enable = true}}
This function enables or disables all top level windows. It is used by
\func{wxWindow *}{wxFindWindowByLabel}{\param{const wxString\& }{label}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent=NULL}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxWindow::FindWindowByLabel}{wxwindowfindwindowbylabel} instead.
Find a window by its label. Depending on the type of window, the label may be a window title
\func{wxWindow *}{wxFindWindowByName}{\param{const wxString\& }{name}, \param{wxWindow *}{parent=NULL}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxWindow::FindWindowByName}{wxwindowfindwindowbyname} instead.
Find a window by its name (as given in a window constructor or {\bf Create} function call).
\func{void}{wxStripMenuCodes}{\param{char *}{in}, \param{char *}{out}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxMenuItem::GetLabelFromText}{wxmenuitemgetlabelfromtext} instead.
Strips any menu codes from {\it in} and places the result
-This is used in headers to create a forward declaration of the wxGetApp function implemented
-by IMPLEMENT\_APP. It creates the declaration {\tt className\& wxGetApp(void)}.
+This is used in headers to create a forward declaration of the
+\helpref{wxGetApp}{wxgetapp} function implemented by
+\helpref{IMPLEMENT\_APP}{implementapp}. It creates the declaration
+{\tt className\& wxGetApp(void)}.
\func{void}{wxError}{\param{const wxString\& }{msg}, \param{const wxString\& }{title = "wxWindows Internal Error"}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, please use \helpref{wxLogError}{wxlogerror}
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, please use \helpref{wxLogError}{wxlogerror}
Displays {\it msg} and continues. This writes to standard error under
\func{void}{wxFatalError}{\param{const wxString\& }{msg}, \param{const wxString\& }{title = "wxWindows Fatal Error"}}
-{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, please use
+{\bf NB:} This function is now obsolete, please use
\helpref{wxLogFatalError}{wxlogfatalerror} instead.
Displays {\it msg} and exits. This writes to standard error under Unix,
This function shows a message to the user in a safe way and should be safe to
call even before the application has been initialized or if it is currently in
some other strange state (for example, about to crash). Under Windows this
-function shows a message box using a native dialog instead of
+function shows a message box using a native dialog instead of
\helpref{wxMessageBox}{wxmessagebox} (which might be unsafe to call), elsewhere
it simply prints the message to the standard output using the title as prefix.
-\func{long}{wxGetElapsedTime}{\param{bool}{ resetTimer = TRUE}}
+\func{long}{wxGetElapsedTime}{\param{bool}{ resetTimer = true}}
Gets the time in milliseconds since the last \helpref{::wxStartTimer}{wxstarttimer}.
-If {\it resetTimer} is TRUE (the default), the timer is reset to zero
+If {\it resetTimer} is true (the default), the timer is reset to zero
by this call.
See also \helpref{wxTimer}{wxtimer}.
To override the default behaviour in the debug builds which is to show the user
a dialog asking whether he wants to abort the program, continue or continue
-ignoring any subsequent assert failures, you may override
+ignoring any subsequent assert failures, you may override
\helpref{wxApp::OnAssert}{wxapponassert} which is called by this function if
the global application object exists.
-Assert macro. An error message will be generated if the condition is FALSE in
+Assert macro. An error message will be generated if the condition is false in
debug mode, but nothing will be done in the release build.
Please note that the condition in wxASSERT() should have no side effects
\func{}{wxASSERT\_MIN\_BITSIZE}{\param{}{type}, \param{}{size}}
-This macro results in a
+This macro results in a
\helpref{compile time assertion failure}{wxcompiletimeassert} if the size
of the given type {\it type} is less than {\it size} bits.
\func{}{wxASSERT\_MSG}{\param{}{condition}, \param{}{msg}}
-Assert macro with message. An error message will be generated if the condition is FALSE.
+Assert macro with message. An error message will be generated if the condition is false.
\wxheading{See also}
the {\it msg} identifier - please note that it must be a valid C++ identifier
and not a string unlike in the other cases.
-This macro is mostly useful for testing the expressions involving the
+This macro is mostly useful for testing the expressions involving the
{\tt sizeof} operator as they can't be tested by the preprocessor but it is
sometimes desirable to test them at the compile time.
Note that this macro internally declares a struct whose name it tries to make
unique by using the {\tt \_\_LINE\_\_} in it but it may still not work if you
use it on the same line in two different source files. In this case you may
-either change the line in which either of them appears on or use the
+either change the line in which either of them appears on or use the
\helpref{wxCOMPILE\_TIME\_ASSERT2}{wxcompiletimeassert2} macro.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxCOMPILE\_TIME\_ASSERT}{\param{}{condition}, \param{}{msg}, \param{}{name}}
-This macro is identical to \helpref{wxCOMPILE\_TIME\_ASSERT2}{wxcompiletimeassert2}
+This macro is identical to \helpref{wxCOMPILE\_TIME\_ASSERT2}{wxcompiletimeassert2}
except that it allows you to specify a unique {\it name} for the struct
internally defined by this macro to avoid getting the compilation errors
described \helpref{above}{wxcompiletimeassert}.
{\it value} may be {\tt NULL} if you just want to know if the variable exists
and are not interested in its value.
-Returns {\tt TRUE} if the variable exists, {\tt FALSE} otherwise.
+Returns {\tt true} if the variable exists, {\tt false} otherwise.
Sets the value of the environment variable {\it var} (adding it if necessary)
to {\it value}.
-Returns {\tt TRUE} on success.
+Returns {\tt true} on success.
\helpref{wxGetEnv}{wxgetenv} will return {\tt NULL} after the call to this
-Returns {\tt TRUE} on success.
+Returns {\tt true} on success.