#! the wxWin lib name itself is composed from the basename with various
#! suffixes: 'u' for Unicode, 'd' for debug and we also need the version
#! for the DLL
#! the wxWin lib name itself is composed from the basename with various
#! suffixes: 'u' for Unicode, 'd' for debug and we also need the version
#! for the DLL
if ( $text ne "" ) { $vc_def = $text . " "; $text = ""; } else { $vc_def = ""; }
if ( Config("wx") ) {
#! define wxWindows compilation flags
if ( $text ne "" ) { $vc_def = $text . " "; $text = ""; } else { $vc_def = ""; }
if ( Config("wx") ) {
#! define wxWindows compilation flags
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
!MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
!MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || DisableOutput()
!MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || DisableOutput()
!MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_UNICODE_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_UNICODE_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_UNICODE_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_UNICODE_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_UNICODE'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_UNICODE'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_UNICODE'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_UNICODE'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_DLL'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || EnableOutput()
# ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE'}";
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
# Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL"');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
# Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL"');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || DisableOutput()
# Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode"');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || DisableOutput()
# Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode"');
#$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()