- tool->m_clientData = clientData;
- if (xPos > -1)
- tool->m_x = xPos;
- else
- tool->m_x = m_xMargin;
- if (yPos > -1)
- tool->m_y = yPos;
- else
- tool->m_y = m_yMargin;
- tool->m_deleteSecondBitmap = TRUE;
- tool->SetSize(GetToolSize().x, GetToolSize().y);
- // Calculate reasonable max size in case Layout() not called
- if ((tool->m_x + bitmap.GetWidth() + m_xMargin) > m_maxWidth)
- m_maxWidth = (tool->m_x + tool->GetWidth() + m_xMargin);
- if ((tool->m_y + bitmap.GetHeight() + m_yMargin) > m_maxHeight)
- m_maxHeight = (tool->m_y + tool->GetHeight() + m_yMargin);
- m_tools.Append((long)index, tool);
- return tool;
-void wxToolBarMSW::Layout(void)
- m_currentRowsOrColumns = 0;
- m_lastX = m_xMargin;
- m_lastY = m_yMargin;
- int maxToolWidth = 0;
- int maxToolHeight = 0;
- m_maxWidth = 0;
- m_maxHeight = 0;
- // Find the maximum tool width and height
- wxNode *node = m_tools.First();
- while (node)
- {
- wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool *)node->Data();
- if (tool->GetWidth() > maxToolWidth)
- maxToolWidth = (int)tool->GetWidth();
- if (tool->GetHeight() > maxToolHeight)
- maxToolHeight = (int)tool->GetHeight();
- node = node->Next();
- }
- int separatorSize = m_toolSeparation;
- node = m_tools.First();
- while (node)
- {
- wxToolBarTool *tool = (wxToolBarTool *)node->Data();
- if (tool->m_toolStyle == wxTOOL_STYLE_SEPARATOR)
- {
- if ( GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxTB_HORIZONTAL )
- {
- if (m_currentRowsOrColumns >= m_maxCols)
- m_lastY += separatorSize;
- else
- m_lastX += separatorSize;
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_currentRowsOrColumns >= m_maxRows)
- m_lastX += separatorSize;
- else
- m_lastY += separatorSize;
- }
- }
- else if (tool->m_toolStyle == wxTOOL_STYLE_BUTTON)
- {
- if ( GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxTB_HORIZONTAL )
- {
- if (m_currentRowsOrColumns >= m_maxCols)
- {
- m_currentRowsOrColumns = 0;
- m_lastX = m_xMargin;
- m_lastY += maxToolHeight + m_toolPacking;
- }
- tool->m_x = (long) (m_lastX + (maxToolWidth - tool->GetWidth())/2.0);
- tool->m_y = (long) (m_lastY + (maxToolHeight - tool->GetHeight())/2.0);
- m_lastX += maxToolWidth + m_toolPacking;
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_currentRowsOrColumns >= m_maxRows)
- {
- m_currentRowsOrColumns = 0;
- m_lastX += (maxToolWidth + m_toolPacking);
- m_lastY = m_yMargin;
- }
- tool->m_x = (long) (m_lastX + (maxToolWidth - tool->GetWidth())/2.0);
- tool->m_y = (long) (m_lastY + (maxToolHeight - tool->GetHeight())/2.0);
- m_lastY += maxToolHeight + m_toolPacking;
- }
- m_currentRowsOrColumns ++;
- }
- if (m_lastX > m_maxWidth)
- m_maxWidth = m_lastX;
- if (m_lastY > m_maxHeight)
- m_maxHeight = m_lastY;
- node = node->Next();
- }
- if ( GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxTB_HORIZONTAL )
- {
- m_maxWidth += maxToolWidth;
- m_maxHeight += maxToolHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- m_maxWidth += maxToolWidth;
- m_maxHeight += maxToolHeight;
- }
- m_maxWidth += m_xMargin;
- m_maxHeight += m_yMargin;
- SetSize(m_maxWidth, m_maxHeight);
-bool wxToolBarMSW::InitGlobalObjects(void)
- GetSysColors();
- if (!CreateDitherBrush())
- return FALSE;
- m_hdcMono = (WXHDC) CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- if (!m_hdcMono)
- return FALSE;
- m_hbmMono = (WXHBITMAP) CreateBitmap((int)GetToolSize().x, (int)GetToolSize().y, 1, 1, NULL);
- if (!m_hbmMono)
- return FALSE;
- m_hbmDefault = (WXHBITMAP) SelectObject((HDC) m_hdcMono, (HBITMAP) m_hbmMono);
- return TRUE;
-void wxToolBarMSW::FreeGlobalObjects(void)
- FreeDitherBrush();
- if (m_hdcMono) {
- if (m_hbmDefault)
- {
- SelectObject((HDC) m_hdcMono, (HBITMAP) m_hbmDefault);
- m_hbmDefault = 0;
- }
- DeleteDC((HDC) m_hdcMono); // toast the DCs
- }
- m_hdcMono = 0;
- if (m_hbmMono)
- DeleteObject((HBITMAP) m_hbmMono);
- m_hbmMono = 0;
-void wxToolBarMSW::PatB(WXHDC hdc,int x,int y,int dx,int dy, long rgb)
- RECT rc;
- rc.left = x;
- rc.top = y;
- rc.right = x + dx;
- rc.bottom = y + dy;
- SetBkColor((HDC) hdc,rgb);
- ExtTextOut((HDC) hdc,0,0,ETO_OPAQUE,&rc,NULL,0,NULL);
-// create a mono bitmap mask:
-// 1's where color == COLOR_BTNFACE || COLOR_HILIGHT
-// 0's everywhere else
-void wxToolBarMSW::CreateMask(WXHDC hdc, int xoffset, int yoffset, int dx, int dy)
- HDC globalDC = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HDC hdcGlyphs = CreateCompatibleDC((HDC) globalDC);
- ReleaseDC(NULL, (HDC) globalDC);
- // krj - create a new bitmap and copy the image from hdc.
- //HBITMAP bitmapOld = SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, hBitmap);
- HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap((HDC) hdc, dx, dy);
- HBITMAP bitmapOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, hBitmap);
- BitBlt(hdcGlyphs, 0,0, dx, dy, (HDC) hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- // initalize whole area with 1's
- PatBlt((HDC) m_hdcMono, 0, 0, dx, dy, WHITENESS);
- // create mask based on color bitmap
- // convert this to 1's
- SetBkColor(hdcGlyphs, m_rgbFace);
- BitBlt((HDC) m_hdcMono, xoffset, yoffset, (int)GetToolBitmapSize().x, (int)GetToolBitmapSize().y,
- hdcGlyphs, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- // convert this to 1's
- SetBkColor(hdcGlyphs, m_rgbHilight);
- // OR in the new 1's
- BitBlt((HDC) m_hdcMono, xoffset, yoffset, (int)GetToolBitmapSize().x, (int)GetToolBitmapSize().y,
- hdcGlyphs, 0, 0, SRCPAINT);
- SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, bitmapOld);
- DeleteObject(hBitmap);
- DeleteDC(hdcGlyphs);
-void wxToolBarMSW::DrawBlankButton(WXHDC hdc, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int state)
- // face color
- PatB(hdc, x, y, dx, dy, m_rgbFace);
- if (state & wxTBSTATE_PRESSED) {
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y, dx - 2, 1, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + dy - 1, dx - 2, 1, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x, y + 1, 1, dy - 2, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x + dx - 1, y +1, 1, dy - 2, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + 1, 1, dy-2, m_rgbShadow);
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + 1, dx-2, 1, m_rgbShadow);
- }
- else {
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y, dx - 2, 1, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + dy - 1, dx - 2, 1, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x, y + 1, 1, dy - 2, m_rgbFrame);
- PatB(hdc, x + dx - 1, y + 1, 1, dy - 2, m_rgbFrame);
- dx -= 2;
- dy -= 2;
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + 1, 1, dy - 1, m_rgbHilight);
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + 1, dx - 1, 1, m_rgbHilight);
- PatB(hdc, x + dx, y + 1, 1, dy, m_rgbShadow);
- PatB(hdc, x + 1, y + dy, dx, 1, m_rgbShadow);
- PatB(hdc, x + dx - 1, y + 2, 1, dy - 2, m_rgbShadow);
- PatB(hdc, x + 2, y + dy - 1, dx - 2, 1, m_rgbShadow);
- }
-void wxToolBarMSW::DrawButton(WXHDC hdc, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, wxToolBarTool *tool, int state)
- int yOffset;
- HBRUSH hbrOld, hbr;
- BOOL bMaskCreated = FALSE;
- int xButton = 0; // assume button is down
- int dxFace, dyFace;
- int xCenterOffset;
- dxFace = dx;
- dyFace = dy;
-// HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP) tool->m_bitmap1.GetHBITMAP();
- HDC globalDC = ::GetDC(NULL);
- HDC hdcGlyphs = CreateCompatibleDC(globalDC);
- ReleaseDC(NULL, globalDC);
- // get the proper button look - up or down.
- if (!(state & (wxTBSTATE_PRESSED | wxTBSTATE_CHECKED))) {
- xButton = dx; // use 'up' version of button
- dxFace -= 2;
- dyFace -= 2; // extents to ignore button highlight
- }
- DrawBlankButton(hdc, x, y, dx, dy, state);
- // move coordinates inside border and away from upper left highlight.
- // the extents change accordingly.
- x += 2;
- y += 2;
- dxFace -= 3;
- dyFace -= 3;
- // Using bitmap2 can cause problems (don't know why!)
-#if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__WIN386__)
- HBITMAP bitmapOld;
- if (tool->m_bitmap2.Ok())
- bitmapOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, (HBITMAP) tool->m_bitmap2.GetHBITMAP());
- else
- bitmapOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, (HBITMAP) tool->m_bitmap1.GetHBITMAP());
- HBITMAP bitmapOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, (HBITMAP) tool->m_bitmap1.GetHBITMAP());
- // calculate offset of face from (x,y). y is always from the top,
- // so the offset is easy. x needs to be centered in face.
- yOffset = 1;
- xCenterOffset = (dxFace - (int)GetToolBitmapSize().x)/2;
- {
- // pressed state moves down and to the right
- // (x moves automatically as face size grows)
- yOffset++;
- }
- // now put on the face
- if (state & wxTBSTATE_ENABLED) {
- // regular version
- BitBlt((HDC) hdc, x+xCenterOffset, y + yOffset, (int)GetToolBitmapSize().x, (int)GetToolBitmapSize().y,
- hdcGlyphs, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- } else {
- // disabled version (or indeterminate)
- bMaskCreated = TRUE;
- CreateMask((WXHDC) hdcGlyphs, xCenterOffset, yOffset, dxFace, dyFace);
-// CreateMask(hBitmap, xCenterOffset, yOffset, dxFace, dyFace);
- SetTextColor((HDC) hdc, 0L); // 0's in mono -> 0 (for ROP)
- SetBkColor((HDC) hdc, 0x00FFFFFF); // 1's in mono -> 1
- // draw glyph's white understrike
- if (!(state & wxTBSTATE_INDETERMINATE)) {
- hbr = CreateSolidBrush(m_rgbHilight);
- if (hbr) {
- hbrOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject((HDC) hdc, hbr);
- if (hbrOld) {
- // draw hilight color where we have 0's in the mask
- BitBlt((HDC) hdc, x + 1, y + 1, dxFace, dyFace, (HDC) m_hdcMono, 0, 0, 0x00B8074A);
- SelectObject((HDC) hdc, hbrOld);
- }
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- }
- }
- // gray out glyph
- hbr = CreateSolidBrush(m_rgbShadow);
- if (hbr) {
- hbrOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject((HDC) hdc, hbr);
- if (hbrOld) {
- // draw the shadow color where we have 0's in the mask
- BitBlt((HDC) hdc, x, y, dxFace, dyFace, (HDC) m_hdcMono, 0, 0, 0x00B8074A);
- SelectObject((HDC) hdc, hbrOld);
- }
- DeleteObject(hbr);
- }
- if (state & wxTBSTATE_CHECKED) {
- BitBlt((HDC) m_hdcMono, 1, 1, dxFace - 1, dyFace - 1, (HDC) m_hdcMono, 0, 0, SRCAND);
- }
- }
- hbrOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject((HDC) hdc, (HBRUSH) m_hbrDither);
- if (hbrOld) {
- if (!bMaskCreated)
- CreateMask((WXHDC) hdcGlyphs, xCenterOffset, yOffset, dxFace, dyFace);
-// CreateMask(hBitmap, xCenterOffset, yOffset, dxFace, dyFace);
- SetTextColor((HDC) hdc, 0L); // 0 -> 0
- SetBkColor((HDC) hdc, 0x00FFFFFF); // 1 -> 1
- // only draw the dither brush where the mask is 1's
- BitBlt((HDC) hdc, x, y, dxFace, dyFace, (HDC) m_hdcMono, 0, 0, 0x00E20746);
- SelectObject((HDC) hdc, hbrOld);
- }
- }
- SelectObject(hdcGlyphs, bitmapOld);
- DeleteDC(hdcGlyphs);
-void wxToolBarMSW::GetSysColors(void)
- static COLORREF rgbSaveFace = 0xffffffffL,
- rgbSaveShadow = 0xffffffffL,
- rgbSaveHilight = 0xffffffffL,
- rgbSaveFrame = 0xffffffffL;
- // For now, override these because the colour replacement isn't working,
- // and we get inconsistent colours. Assume all buttons are grey for the moment.
-// m_rgbFace = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
- m_rgbFace = RGB(192,192,192);
-// m_rgbShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);
- m_rgbShadow = RGB(128,128,128);
-// m_rgbHilight = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);
- m_rgbHilight = RGB(255, 255, 255);
- m_rgbFrame = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME);
- if (rgbSaveFace!=m_rgbFace || rgbSaveShadow!=m_rgbShadow
- || rgbSaveHilight!=m_rgbHilight || rgbSaveFrame!=m_rgbFrame)
- {
- rgbSaveFace = m_rgbFace;
- rgbSaveShadow = m_rgbShadow;
- rgbSaveHilight = m_rgbHilight;
- rgbSaveFrame = m_rgbFrame;
- // Update the brush for pushed-in buttons
- CreateDitherBrush();
- }
-WXHBITMAP wxToolBarMSW::CreateDitherBitmap()
- HBITMAP hbm;
- HDC hdc;
- int i;
- long patGray[8];
- DWORD rgb;
- pbmi = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 16*sizeof(RGBQUAD));
- memset(pbmi, 0, (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 16*sizeof(RGBQUAD)));
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = 8;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight = 8;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1;
- pbmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-// rgb = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
- rgb = RGB(192,192,192);
- pbmi->bmiColors[0].rgbBlue = GetBValue(rgb);
- pbmi->bmiColors[0].rgbGreen = GetGValue(rgb);
- pbmi->bmiColors[0].rgbRed = GetRValue(rgb);
- pbmi->bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0;
-// rgb = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);
- rgb = RGB(255, 255, 255);
- pbmi->bmiColors[1].rgbBlue = GetBValue(rgb);
- pbmi->bmiColors[1].rgbGreen = GetGValue(rgb);
- pbmi->bmiColors[1].rgbRed = GetRValue(rgb);
- pbmi->bmiColors[1].rgbReserved = 0;
- /* initialize the brushes */
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- if (i & 1)
- patGray[i] = 0xAAAA5555L; // 0x11114444L; // lighter gray
- else
- patGray[i] = 0x5555AAAAL; // 0x11114444L; // lighter gray
- hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- hbm = CreateDIBitmap(hdc, &pbmi->bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, patGray, pbmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- free(pbmi);
- return (WXHBITMAP)hbm;
-bool wxToolBarMSW::CreateDitherBrush(void)
- HBITMAP hbmGray;
- HBRUSH hbrSave;
- if (m_hbrDither)
- return TRUE;
- hbmGray = (HBITMAP) CreateDitherBitmap();
- if (hbmGray)
- {
- hbrSave = (HBRUSH) m_hbrDither;
- m_hbrDither = (WXHBRUSH) CreatePatternBrush(hbmGray);
- DeleteObject(hbmGray);
- if (m_hbrDither)
- {
- if (hbrSave)
- {
- DeleteObject(hbrSave);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- m_hbrDither = (WXHBRUSH) hbrSave;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-bool wxToolBarMSW::FreeDitherBrush(void)
- if (m_hbrDither)
- DeleteObject((HBRUSH) m_hbrDither);
- m_hbrDither = 0;
- return TRUE;
-typedef struct tagCOLORMAP2
- COLORREF bgrfrom;
- COLORREF bgrto;
- COLORREF sysColor;
-// these are the default colors used to map the dib colors
-// to the current system colors
-#define BGR_BUTTONTEXT (RGB(000,000,000)) // black
-#define BGR_BUTTONSHADOW (RGB(128,128,128)) // dark grey
-#define BGR_BUTTONFACE (RGB(192,192,192)) // bright grey
-#define BGR_BUTTONHILIGHT (RGB(255,255,255)) // white
-#define BGR_BACKGROUNDSEL (RGB(255,000,000)) // blue
-#define BGR_BACKGROUND (RGB(255,000,255)) // magenta
-#define FlipColor(rgb) (RGB(GetBValue(rgb), GetGValue(rgb), GetRValue(rgb)))
-WXHBITMAP wxToolBarMSW::CreateMappedBitmap(WXHINSTANCE WXUNUSED(hInstance), void *info)
- HDC hdc, hdcMem = NULL;
- LPSTR lpBits;
- HBITMAP hbm = NULL, hbmOld;
- int numcolors, i;
- int wid, hgt;
- static COLORMAP2 ColorMap[] = {
- };
- #define NUM_MAPS (sizeof(ColorMap)/sizeof(COLORMAP2))
- if (!lpBitmapInfo)
- return 0;
- //
- // So what are the new colors anyway ?
- //
- for (i=0; i < (int) NUM_MAPS; i++) {
- ColorMap[i].bgrto = (long unsigned int) FlipColor(GetSysColor((int)ColorMap[i].sysColor));
- }
- p = (DWORD FAR *)(((LPSTR)lpBitmapInfo) + lpBitmapInfo->biSize);
- /* Replace button-face and button-shadow colors with the current values
- */
- numcolors = 16;
- while (numcolors-- > 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < (int) NUM_MAPS; i++) {
- if (*p == ColorMap[i].bgrfrom) {
- *p = ColorMap[i].bgrto;
- break;
- }
- }
- p++;
- }
- /* First skip over the header structure */
- lpBits = (LPSTR)(lpBitmapInfo + 1);
- /* Skip the color table entries, if any */
- lpBits += (1 << (lpBitmapInfo->biBitCount)) * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
- /* Create a color bitmap compatible with the display device */
- i = wid = (int)lpBitmapInfo->biWidth;
- hgt = (int)lpBitmapInfo->biHeight;
- hdc = ::GetDC(NULL);
- hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
- if (hdcMem) {
-// hbm = CreateDiscardableBitmap(hdc, i, hgt);
- hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, i, hgt);
- if (hbm) {
- hbmOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcMem, hbm);
- // set the main image
- StretchDIBits(hdcMem, 0, 0, wid, hgt, 0, 0, wid, hgt, lpBits,
- SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld);
- }
- DeleteObject(hdcMem);
- }
- ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- return (WXHBITMAP) hbm;
-WXHBITMAP wxToolBarMSW::CreateMappedBitmap(WXHINSTANCE hInstance, WXHBITMAP hBitmap)
- HANDLE hDIB = BitmapToDIB((HBITMAP) hBitmap, 0);
- if (hDIB)
- {
-#ifdef __WINDOWS_386__
- HBITMAP newBitmap = (HBITMAP) CreateMappedBitmap((WXHINSTANCE) wxGetInstance(), lpbmInfoHdr);
- GlobalUnlock(hDIB);
- GlobalFree(hDIB);
- return (WXHBITMAP) newBitmap;
- }
- return 0;