// Created: 04/01/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Markus Holzem
-// Licence: wxWindows license
+// Licence: wxWindows license
+// ============================================================================
+// declarations
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// headers
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "textdlgg.h"
+ #pragma implementation "textdlgg.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
-#pragma hdrstop
+ #pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "wx/utils.h"
-#include "wx/dialog.h"
-#include "wx/listbox.h"
-#include "wx/button.h"
-#include "wx/stattext.h"
-#include "wx/textctrl.h"
-#include "wx/layout.h"
-#include "wx/intl.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include "wx/utils.h"
+ #include "wx/dialog.h"
+ #include "wx/button.h"
+ #include "wx/stattext.h"
+ #include "wx/textctrl.h"
+ #include "wx/intl.h"
-#include "wx/generic/textdlgg.h"
-// wxTextEntryDialog
+ #include "wx/statline.h"
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextEntryDialog, wxDialog)
- EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, wxTextEntryDialog::OnOK)
+#include "wx/generic/textdlgg.h"
-IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxTextEntryDialog, wxDialog)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// private classes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split message, using constraints to position controls
-static void wxSplitMessage2(const char *message, wxList *messageList, wxWindow *parent, wxRowColSizer *sizer)
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxNumberEntryDialog : public wxDialog
- char *copyMessage = copystring(message);
- size_t i = 0;
- size_t len = strlen(copyMessage);
- char *currentMessage = copyMessage;
-// wxWindow *lastWindow = parent;
- while (i < len) {
- while ((i < len) && (copyMessage[i] != '\n')) i++;
- if (i < len) copyMessage[i] = 0;
- wxStaticText *mess = new wxStaticText(parent, -1, currentMessage);
- wxLayoutConstraints *c = new wxLayoutConstraints;
- c->left.SameAs (parent, wxLeft, 10);
- c->top.SameAs (lastWindow, wxBottom, 5);
- c->right.AsIs ();
- c->height.AsIs ();
- mess->SetConstraints(c);
- sizer->AddSizerChild(mess);
- messageList->Append(mess);
- currentMessage = copyMessage + i + 1;
- }
- delete[] copyMessage;
+ wxNumberEntryDialog(wxWindow *parent,
+ const wxString& message,
+ const wxString& prompt,
+ const wxString& caption,
+ long value, long min, long max,
+ const wxPoint& pos);
-wxTextEntryDialog::wxTextEntryDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& message, const wxString& caption,
- const wxString& value, long style, const wxPoint& pos):
- wxDialog(parent, -1, caption, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxDIALOG_MODAL|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
- m_dialogStyle = style;
- m_value = value;
+ long GetValue() const { return m_value; }
- wxBeginBusyCursor();
+ // implementation only
+ void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
- wxSizer *topSizer = new wxSizer(this, wxSizerShrink);
- topSizer->SetBorder(10, 10);
+ wxTextCtrl *m_spinctrl; // TODO replace it with wxSpinCtrl once it's done
- wxRowColSizer *messageSizer = new wxRowColSizer(topSizer, wxSIZER_COLS, 100);
- messageSizer->SetName("messageSizer");
+ long m_value, m_min, m_max;
-// bool centre = ((style & wxCENTRE) == wxCENTRE);
- wxList messageList;
- wxSplitMessage2(message, &messageList, this, messageSizer);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// constants
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Insert a spacer
- wxSpacingSizer *spacingSizer = new wxSpacingSizer(topSizer, wxBelow, messageSizer, 10);
+static const int wxID_TEXT = 3000;
- wxTextCtrl *textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_TEXT, value, wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(350, -1));
+// ============================================================================
+// implementation
+// ============================================================================
- wxRowColSizer *textSizer = new wxRowColSizer(topSizer, wxSIZER_ROWS);
- textSizer->AddSizerChild(textCtrl);
- textSizer->SetName("textSizer");
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxTextEntryDialog
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create constraints for the text sizer
- wxLayoutConstraints *textC = new wxLayoutConstraints;
- textC->left.SameAs (messageSizer, wxLeft);
- textC->top.Below (spacingSizer);
- textSizer->SetConstraints(textC);
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxNumberEntryDialog, wxDialog)
+ EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, wxNumberEntryDialog::OnOK)
+ EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, wxNumberEntryDialog::OnCancel)
- // Insert another spacer
- wxSpacingSizer *spacingSizer2 = new wxSpacingSizer(topSizer, wxBelow, textSizer, 10);
- spacingSizer->SetName("spacingSizer2");
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextEntryDialog, wxDialog)
+ EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, wxTextEntryDialog::OnOK)
- // Insert a sizer for the buttons
- wxRowColSizer *buttonSizer = new wxRowColSizer(topSizer, wxSIZER_ROWS);
- buttonSizer->SetName("buttonSizer");
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxTextEntryDialog, wxDialog)
- // Specify constraints for the button sizer
- wxLayoutConstraints *c = new wxLayoutConstraints;
- c->width.AsIs ();
- c->height.AsIs ();
- c->top.Below (spacingSizer2);
- c->centreX.SameAs (textSizer, wxCentreX);
- buttonSizer->SetConstraints(c);
- buttonSizer->SetSpacing(12,0);
+wxTextEntryDialog::wxTextEntryDialog(wxWindow *parent,
+ const wxString& message,
+ const wxString& caption,
+ const wxString& value,
+ long style,
+ const wxPoint& pos)
+ : wxDialog(parent, -1, caption, pos, wxDefaultSize,
+ m_value(value)
+ // calculate the sizes
+ // -------------------
+ wxArrayString lines;
+ wxSize sizeText = SplitTextMessage(message, &lines);
+ wxSize sizeBtn = GetStandardButtonSize();
+ long wText = wxMax(4*sizeBtn.GetWidth(), sizeText.GetWidth());
+ long hText = GetStandardTextHeight();
+ long wDialog = 4*LAYOUT_X_MARGIN + wText;
+ long hDialog = 2*LAYOUT_Y_MARGIN +
+ sizeText.GetHeight() * lines.GetCount() +
+ hText +
+ sizeBtn.GetHeight() +
+ // create the controls
+ // -------------------
+ // message
+ long x = 2*LAYOUT_X_MARGIN;
+ long y = CreateTextMessage(lines,
+ wxPoint(x, 2*LAYOUT_Y_MARGIN),
+ sizeText);
+ // text ctrl
+ m_textctrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_TEXT, m_value,
+ wxPoint(x, y),
+ wxSize(wText, hText));
+ y += hText + 2*LAYOUT_X_MARGIN;
+ // and buttons
+ CreateStandardButtons(wDialog, y, sizeBtn.GetWidth(), sizeBtn.GetHeight());
+ // set the dialog size and position
+ SetClientSize(wDialog, hDialog);
+ if ( pos == wxDefaultPosition )
+ {
+ // centre the dialog if no explicit position given
+ Centre(wxBOTH | wxCENTER_FRAME);
+ }
+ m_textctrl->SetFocus();
- wxButton *ok = NULL;
- wxButton *cancel = NULL;
+void wxTextEntryDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ m_value = m_textctrl->GetValue();
- if (style & wxOK) {
- ok = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75,-1));
- buttonSizer->AddSizerChild(ok);
- }
+ EndModal(wxID_OK);
- if (style & wxCANCEL) {
- cancel = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75,-1));
- buttonSizer->AddSizerChild(cancel);
- }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxNumberEntryDialog
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxNumberEntryDialog::wxNumberEntryDialog(wxWindow *parent,
+ const wxString& message,
+ const wxString& prompt,
+ const wxString& caption,
+ long value,
+ long min,
+ long max,
+ const wxPoint& pos)
+ : wxDialog(parent, -1, caption,
+ pos, wxDefaultSize,
+ // init members
+ // ------------
+ m_value = value;
+ m_max = max;
+ m_min = min;
+ // calculate the sizes
+ // -------------------
+ wxArrayString lines;
+ wxSize sizeText = SplitTextMessage(message, &lines);
+ wxSize sizeBtn = GetStandardButtonSize();
+ int wPrompt, hPrompt;
+ GetTextExtent(prompt, &wPrompt, &hPrompt);
+ long wText = wxMax(2*sizeBtn.GetWidth(),
+ wxMax(wPrompt, sizeText.GetWidth()));
+ long hText = GetStandardTextHeight();
+ long wDialog = 5*LAYOUT_X_MARGIN + wText + wPrompt;
+ long hDialog = 2*LAYOUT_Y_MARGIN +
+ sizeText.GetHeight() * lines.GetCount() +
+ hText +
+ sizeBtn.GetHeight() +
+ // create the controls
+ // -------------------
+ // message
+ long x = 2*LAYOUT_X_MARGIN;
+ long y = CreateTextMessage(lines,
+ wxPoint(x, 2*LAYOUT_Y_MARGIN),
+ sizeText);
+ // prompt
+ (void)new wxStaticText(this, -1, prompt,
+ wxPoint(x, y),
+ wxSize(wPrompt, hPrompt));
+ // spin ctrl
+ wxString valStr;
+ valStr.Printf("%lu", m_value);
+ m_spinctrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, valStr,
+ wxPoint(x + wPrompt + LAYOUT_X_MARGIN, y),
+ wxSize(wText, hText));
+ y += hText + 2*LAYOUT_X_MARGIN;
+ // and buttons
+ CreateStandardButtons(wDialog, y, sizeBtn.GetWidth(), sizeBtn.GetHeight());
+ // set the dialog size and position
+ SetClientSize(wDialog, hDialog);
+ if ( pos == wxDefaultPosition )
+ {
+ // centre the dialog if no explicit position given
+ Centre(wxBOTH | wxCENTER_FRAME);
+ }
+ m_spinctrl->SetFocus();
- if (ok)
- ok->SetDefault();
+void wxNumberEntryDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ if ( (sscanf(m_spinctrl->GetValue(), "%lu", &m_value) != 1) ||
+ (m_value < m_min) || (m_value > m_max) )
+ {
+ // not a number or out of range
+ m_value = -1;
+ }
+ EndModal(wxID_OK);
- Layout();
- Centre(wxBOTH);
+void wxNumberEntryDialog::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ m_value = -1;
- wxEndBusyCursor();
+ EndModal(wxID_CANCEL);
-void wxTextEntryDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// global functions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGetTextFromUser is in utilscmn.cpp
+long wxGetNumberFromUser(const wxString& msg,
+ const wxString& prompt,
+ const wxString& title,
+ long value,
+ long min,
+ long max,
+ wxWindow *parent,
+ const wxPoint& pos)
- wxTextCtrl *textCtrl = (wxTextCtrl *)FindWindow(wxID_TEXT);
- if ( textCtrl )
- m_value = textCtrl->GetValue();
+ wxNumberEntryDialog dialog(parent, msg, prompt, title,
+ value, min, max, pos);
+ (void)dialog.ShowModal();
- EndModal(wxID_OK);
+ return dialog.GetValue();