+@li wxHtmlHelpController: HTML help controller class
+@li wxHtmlWindow: HTML window class
+@li wxHtmlEasyPrinting: Simple class for printing HTML
+@li wxHtmlPrintout: Generic HTML wxPrintout class
+@li wxHtmlParser: Generic HTML parser class
+@li wxHtmlTagHandler: HTML tag handler, pluginable into wxHtmlParser
+@li wxHtmlWinParser: HTML parser class for wxHtmlWindow
+@li wxHtmlWinTagHandler: HTML tag handler, pluginable into wxHtmlWinParser
+@section page_class_cat_richtext Rich Text
+wxWidgets provides a set of generic classes to edit and print simple rich text
+with character and paragraph formatting.
+@li wxTextAttr: Attributes specifying text styling.
+@li wxRichTextCtrl: A rich text control.
+@li wxRichTextBuffer: The content of a rich text control.
+@li wxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinition: Definition of character styling.
+@li wxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinition: Definition of paragraph styling.
+@li wxRichTextListStyleDefinition: Definition of list styling.
+@li wxRichTextStyleSheet: A set of style definitions.
+@li wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl: A drop-down control for applying styles.
+@li wxRichTextStyleListBox: A listbox for applying styles.
+@li wxRichTextStyleOrganiserDialog: A dialog that can be used for managing or
+ browsing styles.
+@li wxRichTextEvent: A rich text event.
+@li wxRichTextRange: Specification for ranges in a rich text control or buffer.
+@li wxRichTextFileHandler: File handler base class.
+@li wxRichTextHTMLHandler: A handler for converting rich text to HTML.
+@li wxRichTextXMLHandler: A handler for loading and saving rich text XML.
+@li wxRichTextFormattingDialog: A dialog for rich text formatting.
+@li wxRichTextPrinting: A class for easy printing of rich text buffers.
+@li wxRichTextPrintout: A class used by wxRichTextPrinting.
+@li wxRichTextHeaderFooterData: Header and footer data specification.
+@section page_class_cat_grid Grid
+wxGrid represents a two-dimensional table of data. It supports custom
+attributes for the table cells, allowing to completely customize its
+appearance and uses a separate grid table (wxGridTableBase-derived) class for
+the data management meaning that it can be used to display arbitrary amounts of
+@li wxGrid: The main grid control class itself.
+@li wxGridTableBase: The base class for grid data provider.
+@li wxGridStringTable: Simple wxGridTableBase implementation supporting only
+ string data items and storing them all in memory (hence suitable for not
+ too large grids only).
+@li wxGridCellAttr: A cell attribute, allowing to customize its appearance as
+ well as the renderer and editor used for displaying and editing it.
+@li wxGridCellAttrProvider: The object responsible for storing and retrieving
+ the cell attributes.
+@li wxGridColLabelWindow: The window showing the grid columns labels.
+@li wxGridRowLabelWindow: The window showing the grid rows labels.
+@li wxGridCornerLabelWindow: The window used in the upper left grid corner.
+@li wxGridWindow: The window representing the main part of the grid.
+@li wxGridCellRenderer: Base class for objects used to display a cell value.
+@li wxGridCellStringRenderer: Renderer showing the cell as a text string.
+@li wxGridCellNumberRenderer: Renderer showing the cell as an integer number.
+@li wxGridCellFloatRenderer: Renderer showing the cell as a floating point
+ number.
+@li wxGridCellBoolRenderer: Renderer showing the cell as checked or unchecked
+ box.
+@li wxGridCellEditor: Base class for objects used to edit the cell value.
+@li wxGridCellStringEditor: Editor for cells containing text strings.
+@li wxGridCellNumberEditor: Editor for cells containing integer numbers.
+@li wxGridCellFloatEditor: Editor for cells containing floating point numbers.
+@li wxGridCellBoolEditor: Editor for boolean-valued cells.
+@li wxGridCellChoiceEditor: Editor allowing to choose one of the predefined
+ strings (and possibly enter new one).
+@li wxGridEvent: The event sent by most of wxGrid actions.
+@li wxGridSizeEvent: The special event sent when a grid column or row is
+ resized.
+@li wxGridRangeSelectEvent: The special event sent when a range of cells is
+ selected in the grid.
+@li wxGridEditorCreatedEvent: The special event sent when a cell editor is
+ created.
+@li wxGridSelection: The object efficiently representing the grid selection.
+@li wxGridTypeRegistry: Contains information about the data types supported by
+ the grid.
+@section page_class_cat_propgrid Property Grid
+wxPropertyGrid is a property sheet control, which API consists of
+various classes listed here.
+@section page_class_cat_dc Device Contexts
+Device contexts are surfaces that may be drawn on, and provide an abstraction
+that allows parameterisation of your drawing code by passing different device
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_dc
+@li wxAutoBufferedPaintDC: A helper device context for double buffered drawing
+ inside @b OnPaint().
+@li wxBufferedDC: A helper device context for double buffered drawing.
+@li wxBufferedPaintDC: A helper device context for double buffered drawing
+ inside @b OnPaint().
+@li wxClientDC: A device context to access the client area outside
+ @b OnPaint() events
+@li wxPaintDC: A device context to access the client area inside @b OnPaint()
+ events
+@li wxWindowDC: A device context to access the non-client area
+@li wxScreenDC: A device context to access the entire screen
+@li wxDC: The device context base class
+@li wxMemoryDC: A device context for drawing into bitmaps
+@li wxMetafileDC: A device context for drawing into metafiles
+@li wxMirrorDC: A proxy device context allowing for simple mirroring.
+@li wxPostScriptDC: A device context for drawing into PostScript files
+@li wxPrinterDC: A device context for drawing to printers
+@section page_class_cat_gc Graphics Context classes
+These classes are related to drawing using a new vector based drawing API and
+are based on the modern drawing backend GDI+, CoreGraphics and Cairo.
+@li wxGraphicsRenderer: Represents a drawing engine.
+@li wxGraphicsContext: Represents a graphics context currently being drawn on.
+@li wxGraphicsBrush: Brush for drawing into a wxGraphicsContext
+@li wxGraphicsPen: Pen for drawing into a wxGraphicsContext
+@li wxGraphicsFont: Font for drawing text on a wxGraphicsContext
+@li wxGraphicsMatrix: Represents an affine matrix for drawing transformation
+@li wxGraphicsPath: Represents a path for drawing
+@section page_class_cat_gdi Graphics Device Interface
+These classes are related to drawing on device contexts and windows.
+@li wxColour: Represents the red, blue and green elements of a colour
+@li wxDCClipper: Wraps the operations of setting and destroying the clipping
+ region
+@li wxBrush: Used for filling areas on a device context
+@li wxBrushList: The list of previously-created brushes
+@li wxFont: Represents fonts
+@li wxFontList: The list of previously-created fonts
+@li wxPen: Used for drawing lines on a device context
+@li wxPenList: The list of previously-created pens
+@li wxPalette: Represents a table of indices into RGB values
+@li wxRegion: Represents a simple or complex region on a window or device
+ context
+@li wxRendererNative: Abstracts high-level drawing primitives
+@section page_class_cat_image Image and bitmap classes
+These classes represent images and bitmap in various formats and ways
+to access and create them.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_bitmap
+@li wxAnimation: Represents an animation
+@li wxBitmap: Represents a platform dependent bitmap
+@li wxBitmapHandler: Class for loading a saving a wxBitmap in a specific format
+@li wxCursor: A small, transparent bitmap representing the cursor
+@li wxIcon: A small, transparent bitmap for assigning to frames and drawing on
+ device contexts
+@li wxImage: A platform-independent image class
+@li wxImageHandler: Class for loading a saving a wxImage in a specific format
+@li wxImageList: A list of images, used with some controls
+@li wxMask: Represents a mask to be used with a bitmap for transparent drawing
+@li wxMemoryDC: A device context for drawing into bitmaps
+@li wxPixelData: Class template for direct access to wxBitmap's and wxImage's internal data
+@section page_class_cat_events Events
+An event object contains information about a specific event. Event handlers
+(usually member functions) have a single, event argument.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_eventhandling
+@li wxActivateEvent: A window or application activation event
+@li wxCalendarEvent: Used with wxCalendarCtrl
+@li wxCalculateLayoutEvent: Used to calculate window layout
+@li wxChildFocusEvent: A child window focus event
+@li wxClipboardTextEvent: A clipboard copy/cut/paste treebook event event