// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
-// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers
+// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWidgets headers
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
# include "wx/wx.h"
+# include "wx/image.h"
+# include "wx/help.h"
+# include "wx/cshelp.h"
+# include "wx/tooltip.h"
// define this to 1 to use HTML help even under Windows (by default, Windows
-// version will HLP-based help)
+// version will use WinHelp).
+// Please also see samples/html/helpview.
#define USE_HTML_HELP 1
+// define this to 1 to use external help controller (not used by default)
+#define USE_EXT_HELP 0
+// Define this to 0 to use the help controller as the help
+// provider, or to 1 to use the 'simple help provider'
+// (the one implemented with wxTipWindow).
+#if !wxUSE_HTML
+#define USE_HTML_HELP 0
-# include "wx/helpbase.h"
-# include "wx/help.h"
+#include "wx/filesys.h"
+#include "wx/fs_zip.h"
+#include "wx/html/helpctrl.h"
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+#include "wx/msw/helpchm.h"
+#include "wx/msw/helpbest.h"
+#include "wx/generic/helpext.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ressources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the application icon
-#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
- #include "mondrian.xpm"
+#if !defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXPM__)
+ #include "../sample.xpm"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialization (doing it here and not in the ctor allows to have an error
// return: if OnInit() returns false, the application terminates)
virtual bool OnInit();
+ // do some clean up here
+ virtual int OnExit();
// Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame
// ctor(s)
MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
+ wxHelpControllerBase& GetHelpController() { return m_help; }
+ wxHtmlHelpController& GetAdvancedHtmlHelpController() { return m_advancedHtmlHelp; }
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ wxCHMHelpController& GetMSHtmlHelpController() { return m_msHtmlHelp; }
+ wxBestHelpController& GetBestHelpController() { return m_bestHelp; }
// event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual)
void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnAdvancedHtmlHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ void OnMSHtmlHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnBestHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnModalHtmlHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnShowContextHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnShowDialogContextHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void ShowHelp(int commandId, wxHelpControllerBase& helpController);
- wxHelpController m_help;
+ wxExtHelpController m_help;
+ wxHelpController m_help;
- // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
+ wxHtmlHelpController m_advancedHtmlHelp;
+ wxHtmlHelpController m_embeddedHtmlHelp;
+ wxHtmlHelpWindow* m_embeddedHelpWindow;
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ wxCHMHelpController m_msHtmlHelp;
+ wxBestHelpController m_bestHelp;
+ // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro
+// A custom modal dialog
+class MyModalDialog : public wxDialog
+ MyModalDialog(wxWindow *parent);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// menu items
- HelpDemo_Quit = 1,
+ HelpDemo_Quit = 100,
+ HelpDemo_Help_Search,
+ HelpDemo_Help_ContextHelp,
+ HelpDemo_Help_DialogContextHelp,
+ HelpDemo_Html_Help_Index,
+ HelpDemo_Html_Help_Classes,
+ HelpDemo_Html_Help_Functions,
+ HelpDemo_Html_Help_Help,
+ HelpDemo_Html_Help_Search,
+ HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Index,
+ HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Classes,
+ HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Functions,
+ HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Help,
+ HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Search,
+ HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Modal,
+ HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Index,
+ HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Classes,
+ HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Functions,
+ HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Help,
+ HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Search,
+ HelpDemo_Best_Help_Index,
+ HelpDemo_Best_Help_Classes,
+ HelpDemo_Best_Help_Functions,
+ HelpDemo_Best_Help_Help,
+ HelpDemo_Best_Help_Search,
- HelpDemo_Help_Search,
// controls start here (the numbers are, of course, arbitrary)
- HelpDemo_Text = 1000,
+ HelpDemo_Text = 1000
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// event tables and other macros for wxWindows
+// event tables and other macros for wxWidgets
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// the event tables connect the wxWindows events with the functions (event
+// the event tables connect the wxWidgets events with the functions (event
// handlers) which process them. It can be also done at run-time, but for the
// simple menu events like this the static method is much simpler.
EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_Classes, MyFrame::OnHelp)
EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_Functions, MyFrame::OnHelp)
EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_Help, MyFrame::OnHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_Search, MyFrame::OnHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_ContextHelp, MyFrame::OnShowContextHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_DialogContextHelp, MyFrame::OnShowDialogContextHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Index, MyFrame::OnAdvancedHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Classes, MyFrame::OnAdvancedHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Functions, MyFrame::OnAdvancedHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Help, MyFrame::OnAdvancedHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Search, MyFrame::OnAdvancedHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Modal, MyFrame::OnModalHtmlHelp)
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Index, MyFrame::OnMSHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Classes, MyFrame::OnMSHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Functions, MyFrame::OnMSHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Help, MyFrame::OnMSHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Search, MyFrame::OnMSHtmlHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Best_Help_Index, MyFrame::OnBestHelp)
EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_KDE, MyFrame::OnHelp)
EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_GNOME, MyFrame::OnHelp)
EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_Netscape, MyFrame::OnHelp)
- EVT_MENU(HelpDemo_Help_Search, MyFrame::OnHelp)
-// Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWindows to create
+// Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWidgets to create
// the application object during program execution (it's better than using a
// static object for many reasons) and also declares the accessor function
// wxGetApp() which will return the reference of the right type (i.e. MyApp and
// `Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
bool MyApp::OnInit()
+ if ( !wxApp::OnInit() )
+ return false;
+ // Create a simple help provider to make SetHelpText() do something.
+ // Note that this must be set before any SetHelpText() calls are made.
+ wxSimpleHelpProvider* provider = new wxSimpleHelpProvider;
+ wxHelpControllerHelpProvider* provider = new wxHelpControllerHelpProvider;
+ wxHelpProvider::Set(provider);
+ #if wxUSE_GIF
+ // Required for images in the online documentation
+ wxImage::AddHandler(new wxGIFHandler);
+ #endif // wxUSE_GIF
+ // Required for advanced HTML help
+ wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler);
+ #endif
+#endif // wxUSE_HTML
// Create the main application window
- MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("HelpDemo wxWindows App",
+ MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("HelpDemo wxWidgets App"),
wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340));
- frame->Show(TRUE);
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ provider->SetHelpController(& frame->GetMSHtmlHelpController());
+ provider->SetHelpController(& frame->GetHelpController());
+ frame->Show(true);
- // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message
- // loop and the application will run. If we returned FALSE here, the
- // application would exit immediately.
- return TRUE;
+ // initialise the help system: this means that we'll use doc.hlp file under
+ // Windows and that the HTML docs are in the subdirectory doc for platforms
+ // using HTML help
+ if ( !frame->GetHelpController().Initialize(wxT("doc")) )
+ {
+ wxLogError(wxT("Cannot initialize the help system, aborting."));
+ return false;
+ }
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+ if( !frame->GetMSHtmlHelpController().Initialize(wxT("doc")) )
+ {
+ wxLogError(wxT("Cannot initialize the MS HTML Help system."));
+ }
+ // you need to call Initialize in order to use wxBestHelpController
+ if( !frame->GetBestHelpController().Initialize(wxT("doc")) )
+ {
+ wxLogError(wxT("Cannot initialize the best help system, aborting."));
+ }
+ // initialise the advanced HTML help system: this means that the HTML docs are in .htb
+ // (zipped) form
+ if ( !frame->GetAdvancedHtmlHelpController().Initialize(wxT("doc")) )
+ {
+ wxLogError(wxT("Cannot initialize the advanced HTML help system, aborting."));
+ return false;
+ }
+#if 0
+ // defined(__WXMSW__) && wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP
+ wxString path(wxGetCwd());
+ if ( !frame->GetMSHtmlHelpController().Initialize(path + wxT("\\doc.chm")) )
+ {
+ wxLogError("Cannot initialize the MS HTML help system, aborting.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int MyApp::OnExit()
+ // clean up
+ delete wxHelpProvider::Set(NULL);
+ return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// frame constructor
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
- : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
+ : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, 300, title, pos, size)
+ , m_embeddedHtmlHelp(wxHF_EMBEDDED|wxHF_DEFAULT_STYLE)
// set the frame icon
- SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
+ SetIcon(wxICON(sample));
// create a menu bar
wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Index, "&Help Index...");
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Classes, "&Help on Classes...");
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Functions, "&Help on Functions...");
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Help, "&About Help Demo...");
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Index, wxT("&Help Index..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Classes, wxT("&Help on Classes..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Functions, wxT("&Help on Functions..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_ContextHelp, wxT("&Context Help..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_DialogContextHelp, wxT("&Dialog Context Help...\tCtrl-H"));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Help, wxT("&About Help Demo..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Search, wxT("&Search help..."));
+ menuFile->AppendSeparator();
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Index, wxT("Advanced HTML &Help Index..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Classes, wxT("Advanced HTML &Help on Classes..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Functions, wxT("Advanced HTML &Help on Functions..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Help, wxT("Advanced HTML &About Help Demo..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Search, wxT("Advanced HTML &Search help..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Modal, wxT("Advanced HTML Help &Modal Dialog..."));
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Search, "&Search help...");
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Index, wxT("MS HTML &Help Index..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Classes, wxT("MS HTML &Help on Classes..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Functions, wxT("MS HTML &Help on Functions..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Help, wxT("MS HTML &About Help Demo..."));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Search, wxT("MS HTML &Search help..."));
+ menuFile->AppendSeparator();
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Best_Help_Index, wxT("Best &Help Index..."));
#ifndef __WXMSW__
-#ifndef wxUSE_HTML
+#if !wxUSE_HTML
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_KDE, "Use &KDE");
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_GNOME, "Use &GNOME");
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Netscape, "Use &Netscape");
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_KDE, wxT("Use &KDE"));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_GNOME, wxT("Use &GNOME"));
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Help_Netscape, wxT("Use &Netscape"));
- menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Quit, "E&xit");
+ menuFile->Append(HelpDemo_Quit, wxT("E&xit"));
// now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar...
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
- menuBar->Append(menuFile, "&File");
+ menuBar->Append(menuFile, wxT("&File"));
// ... and attach this menu bar to the frame
// create a status bar just for fun (by default with 1 pane only)
- SetStatusText("Welcome to wxWindows!");
+ SetStatusText(wxT("Welcome to wxWidgets!"));
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
+ // Create embedded HTML Help window
+ m_embeddedHelpWindow = new wxHtmlHelpWindow;
+ // m_embeddedHtmlHelp.UseConfig(config, rootPath); // Can set your own config object here
+ m_embeddedHtmlHelp.SetHelpWindow(m_embeddedHelpWindow);
+ m_embeddedHelpWindow->Create(this,
+ wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, GetClientSize(), wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxNO_BORDER, wxHF_DEFAULT_STYLE);
+ m_embeddedHtmlHelp.AddBook(wxFileName(wxT("doc.zip")));
+ m_embeddedHtmlHelp.Display(wxT("Introduction"));
// now create some controls
// a panel first - if there were several controls, it would allow us to
// navigate between them from the keyboard
- wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(this, -1, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(400, 200));
+ wxPanel *panel = new wxPanel(this, 301, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(400, 200));
+ panel->SetHelpText(_("This panel just holds a static text control."));
+ //panel->SetHelpText(wxContextId(300));
// and a static control whose parent is the panel
- (void)new wxStaticText(panel, -1, "Hello, world!", wxPoint(10, 10));
- // initialise the help system: this means that we'll use doc.hlp file under
- // Windows and that the HTML docs are in the subdirectory doc for platforms
- // using HTML help
- m_help.Initialize("doc");
+ wxStaticText* staticText = new wxStaticText(panel, 302, wxT("Hello, world!"), wxPoint(10, 10));
+ staticText->SetHelpText(_("This static text control isn't doing a lot right now."));
void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- // TRUE is to force the frame to close
- Close(TRUE);
+ // true is to force the frame to close
+ Close(true);
void MyFrame::OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& event)
- switch(event.GetId())
- {
+ ShowHelp(event.GetId(), m_help);
+void MyFrame::OnShowContextHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ // This starts context help mode, then the user
+ // clicks on a window to send a help message
+ wxContextHelp contextHelp(this);
+void MyFrame::OnShowDialogContextHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ MyModalDialog dialog(this);
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+void MyFrame::OnAdvancedHtmlHelp(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ShowHelp(event.GetId(), m_advancedHtmlHelp);
+#if wxUSE_MS_HTML_HELP && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
+void MyFrame::OnMSHtmlHelp(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ShowHelp(event.GetId(), m_msHtmlHelp);
- // Note: these DisplaySection calls use ids that are specific to wxExtHelpController
- // (on Unix). For WinHelp, we'd need to use different context ids.
- case HelpDemo_Help_Classes:
- m_help.DisplaySection(1);
- break;
- case HelpDemo_Help_Functions:
- m_help.DisplaySection(4);
- break;
- case HelpDemo_Help_Help:
- m_help.DisplaySection(5);
- break;
- // These three calls are only used by wxExtHelpController
- case HelpDemo_Help_KDE:
- m_help.SetViewer("kdehelp");
- break;
- case HelpDemo_Help_GNOME:
- m_help.SetViewer("gnome-help-browser");
- break;
- case HelpDemo_Help_Netscape:
- m_help.SetViewer("netscape", wxHELP_NETSCAPE);
- break;
- case HelpDemo_Help_Search:
+void MyFrame::OnBestHelp(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ShowHelp(event.GetId(), m_bestHelp);
+void MyFrame::OnModalHtmlHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxHtmlModalHelp modalHelp(this, wxT("doc.zip"), wxT("Introduction"));
+ Notes: ShowHelp uses section ids for displaying particular topics,
+ but you might want to use a unique keyword to display a topic, instead.
+ Section ids are specified as follows for the different formats.
+ WinHelp
+ The [MAP] section specifies the topic to integer id mapping, e.g.
+ [MAP]
+ #define intro 100
+ #define functions 1
+ #define classes 2
+ #define about 3
+ The identifier name corresponds to the label used for that topic.
+ You could also put these in a .h file and #include it in both the MAP
+ section and your C++ source.
+ Note that Tex2RTF doesn't currently generate the MAP section automatically.
+ MS HTML Help
+ The [MAP] section specifies the HTML filename root to integer id mapping, e.g.
+ [MAP]
+ #define doc1 100
+ #define doc3 1
+ #define doc2 2
+ #define doc4 3
+ The identifier name corresponds to the HTML filename used for that topic.
+ You could also put these in a .h file and #include it in both the MAP
+ section and your C++ source.
+ Note that Tex2RTF doesn't currently generate the MAP section automatically.
+ Simple wxHTML Help and External HTML Help
+ A wxhelp.map file is used, for example:
+ 0 wx.htm ; wxWidgets: Help index; additional keywords like overview
+ 1 wx204.htm ; wxWidgets Function Reference
+ 2 wx34.htm ; wxWidgets Class Reference
+ Note that Tex2RTF doesn't currently generate the MAP section automatically.
+ Advanced HTML Help
+ An extension to the .hhc file format is used, specifying a new parameter
+ with name="ID":
+ <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
+ <param name="Local" value="doc2.htm#classes">
+ <param name="Name" value="Classes">
+ <param name="ID" value=2>
+ Again, this is not generated automatically by Tex2RTF, though it could
+ be added quite easily.
+ Unfortunately adding the ID parameters appears to interfere with MS HTML Help,
+ so you should not try to compile a .chm file from a .hhc file with
+ this extension, or the contents will be messed up.
+ */
+void MyFrame::ShowHelp(int commandId, wxHelpControllerBase& helpController)
+ switch(commandId)
- wxString key = wxGetTextFromUser("Search for?",
- "Search help for keyword",
- "",
- this);
- if(! key.IsEmpty())
- m_help.KeywordSearch(key);
- }
- break;
- case HelpDemo_Help_Index:
- default:
- m_help.DisplayContents();
- break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_Classes:
+ case HelpDemo_Html_Help_Classes:
+ case HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Classes:
+ case HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Classes:
+ case HelpDemo_Best_Help_Classes:
+ helpController.DisplaySection(2);
+ //helpController.DisplaySection("Classes"); // An alternative form for most controllers
+ break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_Functions:
+ case HelpDemo_Html_Help_Functions:
+ case HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Functions:
+ case HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Functions:
+ helpController.DisplaySection(1);
+ //helpController.DisplaySection("Functions"); // An alternative form for most controllers
+ break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_Help:
+ case HelpDemo_Html_Help_Help:
+ case HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Help:
+ case HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Help:
+ case HelpDemo_Best_Help_Help:
+ helpController.DisplaySection(3);
+ //helpController.DisplaySection("About"); // An alternative form for most controllers
+ break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_Search:
+ case HelpDemo_Html_Help_Search:
+ case HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Search:
+ case HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Search:
+ case HelpDemo_Best_Help_Search:
+ {
+ wxString key = wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("Search for?"),
+ wxT("Search help for keyword"),
+ wxEmptyString,
+ this);
+ if(! key.IsEmpty())
+ helpController.KeywordSearch(key);
+ }
+ break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_Index:
+ case HelpDemo_Html_Help_Index:
+ case HelpDemo_Advanced_Html_Help_Index:
+ case HelpDemo_MS_Html_Help_Index:
+ case HelpDemo_Best_Help_Index:
+ helpController.DisplayContents();
+ break;
+ // These three calls are only used by wxExtHelpController
+ case HelpDemo_Help_KDE:
+ helpController.SetViewer(wxT("kdehelp"));
+ break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_GNOME:
+ helpController.SetViewer(wxT("gnome-help-browser"));
+ break;
+ case HelpDemo_Help_Netscape:
+ helpController.SetViewer(wxT("netscape"), wxHELP_NETSCAPE);
+ break;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MyModalDialog
+// Demonstrates context-sensitive help
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyModalDialog, wxDialog)
+MyModalDialog::MyModalDialog(wxWindow *parent)
+ : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString(wxT("Modal dialog")))
+ // Add the context-sensitive help button on the caption for the platforms
+ // which support it (currently MSW only)
+ wxBoxSizer *sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ wxBoxSizer *sizerRow = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ wxButton* btnOK = new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, wxT("&OK"));
+ btnOK->SetHelpText(_("The OK button confirms the dialog choices."));
+ wxButton* btnCancel = new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, wxT("&Cancel"));
+ btnCancel->SetHelpText(_("The Cancel button cancels the dialog."));
+ sizerRow->Add(btnOK, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALL, 5);
+ sizerRow->Add(btnCancel, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALL, 5);
+ // Add explicit context-sensitive help button for non-MSW
+#ifndef __WXMSW__
+ sizerRow->Add(new wxContextHelpButton(this), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALL, 5);
+ wxTextCtrl *text = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("A demo text control"),
+ wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300, 100),
+ text->SetHelpText(_("Type text here if you have got nothing more interesting to do"));
+ sizerTop->Add(text, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5 );
+ sizerTop->Add(sizerRow, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5 );
+ SetSizerAndFit(sizerTop);
+ btnOK->SetFocus();
+ btnOK->SetDefault();