-# A convenient wrapper around wx.TextCtrl to give it a spiffy label.
-class ExtStr(wx.Panel):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
- sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Extension'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
- self.ctl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, value="wav", style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER )
- sizer.Add(self.ctl, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 3)
- self.Enable(True)
- self.SetSizer(sizer)
- sizer.Fit(self)
- def Enable(self, value):
- self.ctl.Enable(value)
- def SetValue(self, value):
- self.ctl.SetValue(value)
- def GetValue(self):
- return(self.ctl.GetValue())
class MimeTypesDemoPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, log):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ # This will be used for all of the labels that follow (bold label)
+ bfont = wx.Font(
+ self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
+ self.GetFont().GetFamily(),
+ self.GetFont().GetStyle(),
+ wx.BOLD
+ )
# Contains everything
tsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
# Contains upper controls
usizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- # A little fancy stuff to make things align right.
- self.ext = ExtStr(self)
+ # Text control for ext / type entry plus label.
+ t = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Extension / MIME type: ', style = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
+ t.SetFont(bfont)
+ usizer.Add(t, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2)
+ self.ext = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, value="wav", style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER )
usizer.Add(self.ext, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_TOP, 4)
- self.ext.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnLookup)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnLookup, self.ext)
# Select how to look it up
- self.how = wx.RadioBox(
- self, -1, "Lookup method", choices=['By extension', 'By MIME type'],
- majorDimension=2, style=wx.RA_SPECIFY_COLS
- )
- usizer.Add(self.how, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_TOP, 4)
- self.how.SetSelection(0)
+ self.useExt = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, "By extension", style = wx.RB_GROUP)
+ self.useMime = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, "By MIME type")
+ usizer.Add(self.useExt, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 4)
+ usizer.Add(self.useMime, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 4)
+ self.useExt.SetValue(1)
# Trigger a lookup (hitting ENTER in the text ctrl will do the same thing)
self.go = wx.Button(self, -1, "Go get it!")
- usizer.Add(self.go, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)
+ usizer.Add(self.go, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 4)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLookup, self.go)
# StaticBox with larger label than usual
llsizer = wx.GridBagSizer(2, 2)
- # This will be used for all of the labels that follow (bold label)
- bfont = wx.Font(
- self.GetFont().GetPointSize(),
- self.GetFont().GetFamily(),
- self.GetFont().GetStyle(),
- wx.BOLD
- )
#------- Icon info
t = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'GetIconInfo: ', style = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
- lrsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Known MIME types'), wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ lrsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
#------- List box with known MIME types
+ t = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Known MIME types')
+ t.SetFont(bfont)
+ lrsizer.Add(t, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)
self.mimelist = wx.ListBox(self, -1, choices=[], style = wx.LB_SINGLE | wx.LB_SORT)
- lrsizer.Add(self.mimelist, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)
+ lrsizer.Add(self.mimelist, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 4)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnListbox, self.mimelist)
def OnListbox(self, event):
mimetype = event.GetString()
- self.how.SetSelection(1)
+ self.useMime.SetValue(1)
# Look up a given file extension or MIME type.
txt = self.ext.GetValue()
# For MIME lookups
- if self.how.GetSelection() == 1:
+ if self.useMime.GetValue() == 1:
fileType = wx.TheMimeTypesManager.GetFileTypeFromMimeType(txt)
msg = "Mime type"
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys,os
import run
- run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])])
+ run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])