+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxFileDialogBase, wxDialog)
+void wxFileDialogBase::Init()
+ m_filterIndex =
+ m_windowStyle = 0;
+bool wxFileDialogBase::Create(wxWindow *parent,
+ const wxString& message,
+ const wxString& defaultDir,
+ const wxString& defaultFile,
+ const wxString& wildCard,
+ long style,
+ const wxPoint& WXUNUSED(pos),
+ const wxSize& WXUNUSED(sz),
+ const wxString& WXUNUSED(name))
+ m_message = message;
+ m_dir = defaultDir;
+ m_fileName = defaultFile;
+ m_wildCard = wildCard;
+ m_parent = parent;
+ m_windowStyle = style;
+ m_filterIndex = 0;
+ if (!HasFlag(wxFD_OPEN) && !HasFlag(wxFD_SAVE))
+ m_windowStyle |= wxFD_OPEN; // wxFD_OPEN is the default
+ // check that the styles are not contradictory
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !(HasFlag(wxFD_SAVE) && HasFlag(wxFD_OPEN)),
+ _T("can't specify both wxFD_SAVE and wxFD_OPEN at once") );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !HasFlag(wxFD_SAVE) ||
+ (!HasFlag(wxFD_MULTIPLE) && !HasFlag(wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)),
+ _T("wxFD_MULTIPLE or wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST can't be used with wxFD_SAVE" ) );
+ _T("wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT can't be used with wxFD_OPEN") );
+ if ( wildCard.empty() || wildCard == wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr )
+ {
+ m_wildCard = wxString::Format(_("All files (%s)|%s"),
+ wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr,
+ wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr);
+ }
+ else // have wild card
+ {
+ // convert m_wildCard from "*.bar" to "bar files (*.bar)|*.bar"
+ if ( m_wildCard.Find(wxT('|')) == wxNOT_FOUND )
+ {
+ wxString::size_type nDot = m_wildCard.find(_T("*."));
+ if ( nDot != wxString::npos )
+ nDot++;
+ else
+ nDot = 0;
+ m_wildCard = wxString::Format
+ (
+ _("%s files (%s)|%s"),
+ wildCard.c_str() + nDot,
+ wildCard.c_str(),
+ wildCard.c_str()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Parses the filterStr, returning the number of filters.
+// Returns 0 if none or if there's a problem.
+// filterStr is in the form: "All files (*.*)|*.*|JPEG Files (*.jpeg)|*.jpg"
+int wxFileDialogBase::ParseWildcard(const wxString& filterStr,
+ wxArrayString& descriptions,
+ wxArrayString& filters)
+ return ::wxParseCommonDialogsFilter(filterStr, descriptions, filters);
+wxString wxFileDialogBase::AppendExtension(const wxString &filePath,
+ const wxString &extensionList)
+ // strip off path, to avoid problems with "path.bar/foo"
+ wxString fileName = filePath.AfterLast(wxFILE_SEP_PATH);
+ // if fileName is of form "foo.bar" it's ok, return it
+ int idx_dot = fileName.Find(wxT('.'), true);
+ if ((idx_dot != wxNOT_FOUND) && (idx_dot < (int)fileName.length() - 1))
+ return filePath;
+ // get the first extension from extensionList, or all of it
+ wxString ext = extensionList.BeforeFirst(wxT(';'));
+ // if ext == "foo" or "foo." there's no extension
+ int idx_ext_dot = ext.Find(wxT('.'), true);
+ if ((idx_ext_dot == wxNOT_FOUND) || (idx_ext_dot == (int)ext.length() - 1))
+ return filePath;
+ else
+ ext = ext.AfterLast(wxT('.'));
+ // if ext == "*" or "bar*" or "b?r" or " " then its not valid
+ if ((ext.Find(wxT('*')) != wxNOT_FOUND) ||
+ (ext.Find(wxT('?')) != wxNOT_FOUND) ||
+ (ext.Strip(wxString::both).empty()))
+ return filePath;
+ // if fileName doesn't have a '.' then add one
+ if (filePath.Last() != wxT('.'))
+ ext = wxT(".") + ext;
+ return filePath + ext;
+// wxFileDialog convenience functions