// Purpose: wxMSW wxWebViewIE class implementation for web view component
// Author: Marianne Gagnon
// Id: $Id$
-// Copyright: (c) 2010 Marianne Gagnon, Steven Lamerton
+// Copyright: (c) 2010 Marianne Gagnon, 2011 Steven Lamerton
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#include "wx/msw/registry.h"
#include "wx/msw/missing.h"
#include "wx/filesys.h"
-#include "wx/tokenzr.h"
//We link to urlmon as it is required for CoInternetGetSession
#pragma comment(lib, "urlmon")
-//Taken from wx/filesys.cpp
-static wxString EscapeFileNameCharsInURL(const char *in)
- wxString s;
- for ( const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char*)in; *p; ++p )
- {
- const unsigned char c = *p;
- if ( c == '/' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '~' ||
- (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
- (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
- (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') )
- {
- s << c;
- }
- else
- {
- s << wxString::Format("%%%02x", c);
- }
- }
- return s;
- m_protocol = "test";
- m_fileSystem = new wxFileSystem();
-wxFSFile* wxWebFileProtocolHandler::GetFile(const wxString &uri)
- size_t pos = uri.find('?');
- //There is no query string so we can load the file directly
- if(pos == wxString::npos)
- {
- size_t doubleslash = uri.find("//");
- //The path is incorrectly formed without // after the first protocol
- if(doubleslash == wxString::npos)
- return NULL;
- wxString fspath = "file:" +
- EscapeFileNameCharsInURL(uri.substr(doubleslash + 2));
- return m_fileSystem->OpenFile(fspath);
- }
- //Otherwise we have a query string of some kind that we need to extract
- else{
- //First we extract the query string, this should have two parameters,
- //protocol=type and path=path
- wxString query = uri.substr(pos + 1), protocol, path;
- //We also trim the query off the end as we handle it alone
- wxString lefturi = uri.substr(0, pos);
- wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(query, ";");
- while(tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() && (protocol == "" || path == ""))
- {
- wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken();
- if(token.substr(0, 9) == "protocol=")
- {
- protocol = token.substr(9);
- }
- else if(token.substr(0, 5) == "path=")
- {
- path = token.substr(5);
- }
- }
- if(protocol == "" || path == "")
- return NULL;
- //We now have the path and the protocol and so can format a correct uri
- //to pass to wxFileSystem to get a wxFSFile
- size_t doubleslash = uri.find("//");
- //The path is incorrectly formed without // after the first protocol
- if(doubleslash == wxString::npos)
- return NULL;
- wxString fspath = "file:" +
- EscapeFileNameCharsInURL(lefturi.substr(doubleslash + 2))
- + "#" + protocol +":" + path;
- return m_fileSystem->OpenFile(fspath);
- }
-wxString wxWebFileProtocolHandler::CombineURIs(const wxString &baseuri,
- const wxString &newuri)
- //Still need to be implemented correctly
- return newuri;
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWebViewIE, wxControl)
EVT_ACTIVEX(wxID_ANY, wxWebViewIE::onActiveXEvent)
- //For testing purposes
- RegisterProtocol(new wxWebFileProtocolHandler());
m_container = new wxActiveXContainer(this, IID_IWebBrowser2, m_webBrowser);
-void wxWebViewIE::RegisterProtocol(wxWebProtocolHandler* handler)
+void wxWebViewIE::RegisterHandler(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHandler> handler)
ClassFactory* cf = new ClassFactory(handler);
IInternetSession* session;
wxFAIL_MSG("Could not retrive internet session");
- HRESULT hr = session->RegisterNameSpace(cf, CLSID_FileProtocol, handler->GetProtocol(), 0, NULL, 0);
+ HRESULT hr = session->RegisterNameSpace(cf, CLSID_FileProtocol, handler->GetName(), 0, NULL, 0);
wxFAIL_MSG("Could not register protocol");
+ wxString title = evt[0].GetString();
+ wxWebNavigationEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_TITLE_CHANGED,
+ GetId(), GetCurrentURL(), wxEmptyString, true);
+ event.SetString(title);
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
+ HandleWindowEvent(event);
-VirtualProtocol::VirtualProtocol(wxWebProtocolHandler *handler)
+VirtualProtocol::VirtualProtocol(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHandler> handler)
m_refCount = 0;
m_file = NULL;
return S_OK;
- else if(riid == IID_IInternetProtocolInfo)
- {
- *ppvObject = (IInternetProtocolInfo*)this;
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
*ppvObject = NULL;
-HRESULT VirtualProtocol::CombineUrl(LPCWSTR pwzBaseUrl, LPCWSTR pwzRelativeUrl,
- DWORD dwCombineFlags, LPWSTR pwzResult,
- DWORD cchResult, DWORD *pcchResult,
- DWORD dwReserved)
-HRESULT VirtualProtocol::ParseUrl(LPCWSTR pwzUrl, PARSEACTION ParseAction,
- DWORD dwParseFlags, LPWSTR pwzResult,
- DWORD cchResult, DWORD *pcchResult,
- DWORD dwReserved)
- wcscpy(pwzResult, pwzUrl);
- *pcchResult = wcslen(pwzResult);
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT VirtualProtocol::QueryInfo(LPCWSTR pwzUrl, QUERYOPTION OueryOption,
- DWORD dwQueryFlags, LPVOID pBuffer,
- DWORD cbBuffer, DWORD *pcbBuf,
- DWORD dwReserved)
HRESULT ClassFactory::CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid,
void ** ppvObject)