Index: Source/Modules/python.cxx
-RCS file: /cvsroot/SWIG/Source/Modules/python.cxx,v
-retrieving revision 1.35
-diff -u -4 -r1.35 python.cxx
---- Source/Modules/python.cxx 13 Dec 2003 23:52:31 -0000 1.35
-+++ Source/Modules/python.cxx 19 Dec 2003 02:04:45 -0000
-@@ -54,8 +54,17 @@
+RCS file: /cvsroot/swig/SWIG/Source/Modules/python.cxx,v
+retrieving revision 1.40
+diff -u -4 -r1.40 python.cxx
+--- Source/Modules/python.cxx 24 Jan 2004 00:25:31 -0000 1.40
++++ Source/Modules/python.cxx 2 Jun 2004 01:38:46 -0000
+@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
+ static String *const_code = 0;
+ static String *shadow_methods = 0;
+ static String *module = 0;
++static String *package = 0;
+ static String *mainmodule = 0;
+ static String *interface = 0;
+ static String *global_name = 0;
+ static int shadow = 1;
+@@ -50,8 +51,18 @@
static int have_constructor;
static int have_repr;
static String *real_classname;
static const char *usage = (char *)"\
Python Options (available with -python)\n\
-ldflags - Print runtime libraries to link with\n\
-globals <name> - Set <name> used to access C global variable [default: 'cvar']\n\
-@@ -417,17 +426,23 @@
+@@ -146,19 +157,22 @@
+ *
+ * use %module(directors="1") modulename at the start of the
+ * interface file to enable director generation.
+ */
++ String* mod_docstring = NULL;
+ {
+- Node *module = Getattr(n, "module");
+- if (module) {
+- Node *options = Getattr(module, "options");
++ Node *mod = Getattr(n, "module");
++ if (mod) {
++ Node *options = Getattr(mod, "options");
+ if (options) {
+ if (Getattr(options, "directors")) {
+ allow_directors();
+ }
+ if (Getattr(options, "dirprot")) {
+ allow_dirprot();
+ }
++ mod_docstring = Getattr(options, "docstring");
++ package = Getattr(options, "package");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -258,8 +272,13 @@
+ Printv(f_shadow,
+ "# This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.\n",
+ NIL);
+ }
++ if (mod_docstring && Len(mod_docstring)) {
++ Printv(f_shadow, "\n\"\"\"\n", mod_docstring, "\n\"\"\"\n", NIL);
++ Delete(mod_docstring); mod_docstring = NULL;
++ }
+ Printf(f_shadow,"\nimport %s\n\n", module);
+ if (! modern) {
+@@ -382,9 +401,28 @@
+ virtual int importDirective(Node *n) {
+ if (shadow) {
+ String *modname = Getattr(n,"module");
+ if (modname) {
+- Printf(f_shadow,"import %s\n", modname);
++ Printf(f_shadow,"import ");
++ // Find the module node for this imported module. It should be the
++ // first child but search just in case.
++ Node* mod = firstChild(n);
++ while (mod && Strcmp(nodeType(mod), "module") != 0)
++ mod = nextSibling(mod);
++ // Is the imported module in another package? (IOW, does it use the
++ // %module(package="name") option and it's different than the package
++ // of this module.)
++ Node *options = Getattr(mod, "options");
++ if (options && Getattr(options, "package")) {
++ String* pkg = Getattr(options, "package");
++ if (!package || Strcmp(pkg, package) != 0)
++ Printf(f_shadow, "%s.", Getattr(options, "package"));
++ }
++ // finally, output the name of the imported module
++ Printf(f_shadow, "%s\n", modname);
+ }
+ }
+ return Language::importDirective(n);
+ }
+@@ -417,17 +455,25 @@
* functions.
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
void emitFunctionShadowHelper(Node *n, File *f_dest, String *name, int kw) {
- if ( ! have_addtofunc(n) ) {
- /* If there is no addtofunc directive then just assign from the extension module */
-+ if ( ! have_addtofunc(n) && ! have_docstring(n) ) {
-+ /* If there is no addtofunc or docstring directive then just assign from the extension module */
++ if ( !have_pythonprepend(n) && !have_pythonappend(n) && !have_docstring(n) ) {
++ /* If there is no pythonappend or docstring directive then just assign from the extension module */
Printv(f_dest, "\n", name, " = ", module, ".", name, "\n", NIL);
} else {
/* Otherwise make a wrapper function to insert the code into */
- Printv(f_dest, tab4, "return val\n", NIL);
+ if ( have_docstring(n) )
+ Printv(f_dest, tab4, docstring(n, AUTODOC_FUNC, tab4), "\n", NIL);
-+ if ( have_addtofunc(n) ) {
++ if ( have_pythonprepend(n) )
++ Printv(f_dest, tab4, pythonprepend(n), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonappend(n) ) {
+ Printv(f_dest, tab4, "val = ", funcCallHelper(name, kw), "\n", NIL);
-+ Printv(f_dest, tab4, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
++ Printv(f_dest, tab4, pythonappend(n), "\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_dest, tab4, "return val\n", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Printv(f_dest, tab4, "return ", funcCallHelper(name, kw), "\n", NIL);
-@@ -441,8 +456,256 @@
+@@ -441,24 +487,303 @@
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
+- * have_addtofunc()
+- * Check if there is a %addtofunc directive and it has text
+ * have_docstring()
+ * Check if there is a docstring directive and it has text,
+ * or there is an autodoc flag set
+ have_auto = (autodoc != NULL && Len(autodoc) > 0);
+ }
-+// if ( have_auto && have_ds )
-+// doc = NewStringf("%s%s\n\n%s%s", triple_double, autodoc, str, triple_double);
-+// else if ( !have_auto && have_ds )
-+// doc = NewStringf("%s%s%s", triple_double, str, triple_double);
-+// else
-+// doc = NewStringf("%s%s%s", triple_double, autodoc, triple_double);
+ // If there is more than one line then make docstrings like this:
+ //
+ // """
+ switch ( ad_type ) {
-+ if ( Strcmp(class_name, symname) == 0)
-+ Printf(doc, "__init__(%s) -> %s", make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes), class_name);
++ if ( Strcmp(class_name, symname) == 0) {
++ String* paramList = make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes);
++ if (Len(paramList))
++ Printf(doc, "__init__(self, %s) -> %s", paramList, class_name);
++ else
++ Printf(doc, "__init__(self) -> %s", class_name);
++ }
+ else
+ Printf(doc, "%s(%s) -> %s", symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes), class_name);
+ break;
-+ Printf(doc, "__del__()");
++ Printf(doc, "__del__(self)");
+ break;
-+ Printf(doc, "%s.%s(%s)", class_name, symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes));
++ Printf(doc, "%s(%s)", symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes));
+ if (type) Printf(doc, " -> %s", type);
+ break;
+ Printf(doc, "%s(%s)", symname, make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes));
+ if (type) Printf(doc, " -> %s", type);
+ break;
++ String* paramList = make_autodocParmList(n, showTypes);
++ if (Len(paramList))
++ Printf(doc, "%s(self, %s)", symname, paramList);
++ else
++ Printf(doc, "%s(self)", symname);
++ if (type) Printf(doc, " -> %s", type);
++ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
- * have_addtofunc()
- * Check if there is a %addtofunc directive and it has text
++ * have_pythonprepend()
++ * Check if there is a %pythonprepend directive and it has text
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
++ bool have_pythonprepend(Node *n) {
++ String* str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonprepend");
++ return (str != NULL && Len(str) > 0);
++ }
++ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
++ * pythonprepend()
++ * Get the %pythonprepend code, stripping off {} if neccessary
++ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
++ String *pythonprepend(Node *n) {
++ String* str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonprepend");
++ char* t = Char(str);
++ if (*t == '{') {
++ Delitem(str ,0);
++ Delitem(str,DOH_END);
++ }
++ return str;
++ }
++ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
++ * have_pythonappend()
++ * Check if there is a %pythonappend directive and it has text
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+- bool have_addtofunc(Node *n) {
+- String* str = Getattr(n, "feature:addtofunc");
++ bool have_pythonappend(Node *n) {
++ String* str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonappend");
+ return (str != NULL && Len(str) > 0);
+ }
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------
+- * addtofunc()
+- * Get the %addtofunc code, stripping off {} if neccessary
++ * pythonappend()
++ * Get the %pythonappend code, stripping off {} if neccessary
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-@@ -1700,9 +1963,11 @@
+- String *addtofunc(Node *n) {
+- String* str = Getattr(n, "feature:addtofunc");
++ String *pythonappend(Node *n) {
++ String* str = Getattr(n, "feature:pythonappend");
+ char* t = Char(str);
+ if (*t == '{') {
+ Delitem(str ,0);
+ Delitem(str,DOH_END);
+@@ -1657,9 +1982,18 @@
+ mod = Getattr(n,"module");
+ if (mod) {
+ String *modname = Getattr(mod,"name");
+ if (Strcmp(modname,mainmodule) != 0) {
+- importname = NewStringf("%s.%s", modname, Getattr(n,"sym:name"));
++ // check if the module has a package option
++ String* pkg = NULL;
++ Node *options = Getattr(mod, "options");
++ if (options && Getattr(options, "package"))
++ pkg = Getattr(options, "package");
++ if (!package || Strcmp(pkg, package) != 0)
++ importname = NewStringf("%s.%s.%s", pkg, modname, Getattr(n,"sym:name"));
++ else
++ importname = NewStringf("%s.%s", modname, Getattr(n,"sym:name"));
+ } else {
+ importname = NewString(Getattr(n,"sym:name"));
+ }
+ Setattr(n,"python:proxy",importname);
+@@ -1731,9 +2065,11 @@
Printf(f_shadow, modern ? "(object)" : "(_object)");
Printv(f_shadow,tab4,"__swig_setmethods__ = {}\n",NIL);
if (Len(base_class)) {
Printf(f_shadow,"%sfor _s in [%s]: __swig_setmethods__.update(_s.__swig_setmethods__)\n",tab4,base_class);
-@@ -1835,16 +2100,22 @@
+@@ -1866,16 +2202,24 @@
} else {
- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return val\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def ", symname, "(*args", (allow_kwargs ? ", **kwargs" : ""), "):", NIL);
-+ if ( ! have_addtofunc(n) && ! have_docstring(n)) {
++ if ( !have_pythonprepend(n) && !have_pythonappend(n) && !have_docstring(n)) {
+ Printv(f_shadow, " return ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name,symname), allow_kwargs), "\n", NIL);
} else {
- Printv(f_shadow, "return ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name,symname), allow_kwargs), "\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow, "\n", NIL);
+ if ( have_docstring(n) )
-+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_FUNC, tab8), "\n", NIL);
-+ if ( have_addtofunc(n) ) {
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_METHOD, tab8), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonprepend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonprepend(n), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonappend(n) ) {
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "val = ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name,symname), allow_kwargs), "\n", NIL);
-+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonappend(n), "\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return val\n\n", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name,symname), allow_kwargs), "\n\n", NIL);
-@@ -1859,14 +2130,20 @@
+@@ -1890,14 +2234,22 @@
virtual int staticmemberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
String *symname = Getattr(n,"sym:name");
if (shadow) {
- if ( !classic && have_addtofunc(n) ) {
-+ if ( !classic && (have_addtofunc(n) || have_docstring(n)) ) {
++ if ( !classic && (have_pythonprepend(n) || have_pythonappend(n) || have_docstring(n)) ) {
int kw = (check_kwargs(n) && !Getattr(n,"sym:overloaded")) ? 1 : 0;
Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def ", symname, "(*args", (kw ? ", **kwargs" : ""), "):\n", NIL);
- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "val = ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), kw), "\n", NIL);
- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return val\n", NIL);
+ if ( have_docstring(n) )
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_STATICFUNC, tab8), "\n", NIL);
-+ if ( have_addtofunc(n) ) {
++ if ( have_pythonprepend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonprepend(n), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonappend(n) ) {
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "val = ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), kw), "\n", NIL);
-+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonappend(n), "\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return val\n\n", NIL);
+ } else {
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "return ", funcCallHelper(Swig_name_member(class_name, symname), kw), "\n\n", NIL);
" = staticmethod(", symname, ")\n", NIL);
if (!modern) {
-@@ -1951,8 +2228,10 @@
+@@ -1982,8 +2334,12 @@
Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def __init__(self, *args",
(allow_kwargs ? ", **kwargs" : ""), "):\n", NIL);
+ if ( have_docstring(n) )
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_CTOR, tab8), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonprepend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonprepend(n), "\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, pass_self, NIL);
if (!modern) {
Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "_swig_setattr(self, ", rclassname, ", 'this', ",
funcCallHelper(Swig_name_construct(symname), allow_kwargs), ")\n", NIL);
-@@ -1966,9 +2245,9 @@
+@@ -1996,10 +2352,10 @@
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "self.this = newobj.this\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "self.thisown = 1\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "del newobj.thisown\n", NIL);
- if ( have_addtofunc(n) )
+- if ( have_addtofunc(n) )
- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
-+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonappend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonappend(n), "\n\n", NIL);
have_constructor = 1;
} else {
-@@ -1984,8 +2263,10 @@
+@@ -2015,13 +2371,17 @@
} else {
Printv(f_shadow_stubs, "\ndef ", symname, "(*args",
(allow_kwargs ? ", **kwargs" : ""), "):\n", NIL);
+ if ( have_docstring(n) )
+ Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, docstring(n, AUTODOC_CTOR, tab4), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonprepend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, pythonprepend(n), "\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, "val = ",
funcCallHelper(Swig_name_construct(symname), allow_kwargs), "\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, "val.thisown = 1\n", NIL);
- if ( have_addtofunc(n) )
-@@ -2017,13 +2298,15 @@
+- if ( have_addtofunc(n) )
+- Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonappend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, pythonappend(n), "\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow_stubs, tab4, "return val\n", NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2048,13 +2408,18 @@
Printv(f_shadow,pycode,"\n", NIL);
} else {
Printv(f_shadow, tab4, "def __del__(self, destroy=", module, ".", Swig_name_destroy(symname), "):\n", NIL);
+- if ( have_addtofunc(n) )
+- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
+ if ( have_docstring(n) )
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, docstring(n, AUTODOC_DTOR, tab8), "\n", NIL);
- if ( have_addtofunc(n) )
- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, addtofunc(n), "\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonprepend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonprepend(n), "\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "try:\n", NIL);
- Printv(f_shadow, tab4, tab8, "if self.thisown: destroy(self)\n", NIL);
-- Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "except: pass\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, tab4, "if self.thisown: destroy(self)\n", NIL);
-+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "except: pass\n\n", NIL);
+ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, "except: pass\n", NIL);
++ if ( have_pythonappend(n) )
++ Printv(f_shadow, tab8, pythonappend(n), "\n", NIL);
++ Printv(f_shadow, "\n", NIL);
return SWIG_OK;