// Authors: Guilhem Lavaux, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
// Created: April 1997
// Copyright: (C) 1999-1997, Guilhem Lavaux
-// (C) 2000-1999, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
+// (C) 1999-2000, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
+// (C) 2008 Vadim Zeitlin
// RCS_ID: $Id$
// License: wxWindows licence
#include "wx/thread.h"
#include "wx/evtloop.h"
+#include "wx/private/fd.h"
+#include "wx/private/socket.h"
// DLL options compatibility check:
#include "wx/build.h"
// discard buffer
#define MAX_DISCARD_SIZE (10 * 1024)
-// what to do within waits: we have 2 cases: from the main thread itself we
-// have to call wxYield() to let the events (including the GUI events and the
-// low-level (not wxWidgets) events from GSocket) be processed. From another
-// thread it is enough to just call wxThread::Yield() which will give away the
-// rest of our time slice: the explanation is that the events will be processed
-// by the main thread anyhow, without calling wxYield(), but we don't want to
-// eat the CPU time uselessly while sitting in the loop waiting for the data
- #define PROCESS_EVENTS() \
- { \
- if ( wxThread::IsMain() ) \
- wxYield(); \
- else \
- wxThread::Yield(); \
- }
-#else // !wxUSE_THREADS
- #define PROCESS_EVENTS() wxYield()
#define wxTRACE_Socket _T("wxSocket")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxDatagramSocket, wxSocketBase)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// private functions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SetTimeValFromMS(timeval& tv, unsigned long ms)
+ tv.tv_sec = (ms / 1000);
+ tv.tv_usec = (ms % 1000) * 1000;
+} // anonymous namespace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// private classes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxSocketState : public wxObject
- wxSocketFlags m_flags;
- wxSocketEventFlags m_eventmask;
- bool m_notify;
- void *m_clientData;
+ wxSocketFlags m_flags;
+ wxSocketEventFlags m_eventmask;
+ bool m_notify;
+ void *m_clientData;
- wxSocketState() : wxObject() {}
+ wxSocketState() : wxObject() {}
// ============================================================================
-// GSocketManager
+// wxSocketManager
// ============================================================================
-GSocketManager *GSocketManager::ms_manager = NULL;
+wxSocketManager *wxSocketManager::ms_manager = NULL;
/* static */
-void GSocketManager::Set(GSocketManager *manager)
+void wxSocketManager::Set(wxSocketManager *manager)
wxASSERT_MSG( !ms_manager, "too late to set manager now" );
/* static */
-void GSocketManager::Init()
+void wxSocketManager::Init()
wxASSERT_MSG( !ms_manager, "shouldn't be initialized twice" );
ms_manager = app->GetTraits()->GetSocketManager();
+// ==========================================================================
+// wxSocketImpl
+// ==========================================================================
+wxSocketImpl::wxSocketImpl(wxSocketBase& wxsocket)
+ : m_wxsocket(&wxsocket)
+ m_detected = 0;
+ m_local = NULL;
+ m_peer = NULL;
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_NOERROR;
+ m_server = false;
+ m_stream = true;
+ SetTimeout(wxsocket.GetTimeout() * 1000);
+ m_establishing = false;
+ m_reusable = false;
+ m_broadcast = false;
+ m_dobind = true;
+ m_initialRecvBufferSize = -1;
+ m_initialSendBufferSize = -1;
+ if (m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET)
+ Shutdown();
+ if (m_local)
+ GAddress_destroy(m_local);
+ if (m_peer)
+ GAddress_destroy(m_peer);
+bool wxSocketImpl::PreCreateCheck(GAddress *addr)
+ if ( m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET )
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVSOCK;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( !addr || !addr->m_addr )
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVADDR;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void wxSocketImpl::PostCreation()
+ // FreeBSD variants can't use MSG_NOSIGNAL, and instead use a socket option
+ EnableSocketOption(SO_NOSIGPIPE);
+ if ( m_reusable )
+ EnableSocketOption(SO_REUSEADDR);
+ if ( m_broadcast )
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !m_stream, "broadcasting is for datagram sockets only" );
+ EnableSocketOption(SO_BROADCAST);
+ }
+ if ( m_initialRecvBufferSize >= 0 )
+ SetSocketOption(SO_RCVBUF, m_initialRecvBufferSize);
+ if ( m_initialSendBufferSize >= 0 )
+ SetSocketOption(SO_SNDBUF, m_initialSendBufferSize);
+ // we always put our sockets in unblocked mode and handle blocking
+ // ourselves in DoRead/Write() if wxSOCKET_WAITALL is specified
+ UnblockAndRegisterWithEventLoop();
+wxSocketError wxSocketImpl::UpdateLocalAddress()
+ WX_SOCKLEN_T lenAddr = sizeof(*m_local->m_addr);
+ if ( getsockname(m_fd, m_local->m_addr, &lenAddr) != 0 )
+ {
+ Close();
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ m_local->m_len = lenAddr;
+ return wxSOCKET_NOERROR;
+wxSocketError wxSocketImpl::CreateServer()
+ if ( !PreCreateCheck(m_local) )
+ return m_error;
+ m_server = true;
+ m_stream = true;
+ // do create the socket
+ m_fd = socket(m_local->m_realfamily, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if ( m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET )
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ }
+ PostCreation();
+ // and then bind to and listen on it
+ //
+ // FIXME: should we test for m_dobind here?
+ if ( bind(m_fd, m_local->m_addr, m_local->m_len) != 0 )
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ if ( IsOk() )
+ {
+ if ( listen(m_fd, 5) != 0 )
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ }
+ if ( !IsOk() )
+ {
+ Close();
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ // finally retrieve the address we effectively bound to
+ return UpdateLocalAddress();
+wxSocketError wxSocketImpl::CreateClient(bool wait)
+ if ( !PreCreateCheck(m_peer) )
+ return m_error;
+ m_fd = socket(m_peer->m_realfamily, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if ( m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET )
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ }
+ PostCreation();
+ // If a local address has been set, then bind to it before calling connect
+ if ( m_local && m_local->m_addr )
+ {
+ if ( bind(m_fd, m_local->m_addr, m_local->m_len) != 0 )
+ {
+ Close();
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do connect now
+ int rc = connect(m_fd, m_peer->m_addr, m_peer->m_len);
+ if ( rc == SOCKET_ERROR )
+ {
+ wxSocketError err = GetLastError();
+ if ( err == wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK )
+ {
+ m_establishing = true;
+ // block waiting for connection if we should (otherwise just return
+ // wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK to the caller)
+ if ( wait )
+ {
+ err = SelectWithTimeout(wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG)
+ m_establishing = false;
+ }
+ }
+ m_error = err;
+ }
+ else // connected
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_NOERROR;
+ }
+ return m_error;
+wxSocketError wxSocketImpl::CreateUDP()
+ if ( !PreCreateCheck(m_local) )
+ return m_error;
+ m_stream = false;
+ m_server = false;
+ m_fd = socket(m_local->m_realfamily, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if ( m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET )
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ }
+ PostCreation();
+ if ( m_dobind )
+ {
+ if ( bind(m_fd, m_local->m_addr, m_local->m_len) != 0 )
+ {
+ Close();
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return m_error;
+ }
+ return UpdateLocalAddress();
+ }
+ return wxSOCKET_NOERROR;
+wxSocketImpl *wxSocketImpl::Accept(wxSocketBase& wxsocket)
+ wxSockAddr from;
+ WX_SOCKLEN_T fromlen = sizeof(from);
+ const int fd = accept(m_fd, &from, &fromlen);
+ if ( fd == INVALID_SOCKET )
+ return NULL;
+ wxSocketImpl * const sock = Create(wxsocket);
+ sock->m_fd = fd;
+ sock->m_peer = GAddress_new();
+ _GAddress_translate_from(sock->m_peer, &from, fromlen);
+ sock->UnblockAndRegisterWithEventLoop();
+ return sock;
+void wxSocketImpl::Close()
+ if ( m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET )
+ {
+ DoClose();
+ }
+ * Disallow further read/write operations on this socket, close
+ * the fd and disable all callbacks.
+ */
+void wxSocketImpl::Shutdown()
+ if ( m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET )
+ {
+ shutdown(m_fd, 1 /* SD_SEND */);
+ Close();
+ }
+ m_detected = wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG;
+ * Sets the timeout for blocking calls. Time is expressed in
+ * milliseconds.
+ */
+void wxSocketImpl::SetTimeout(unsigned long millis)
+ SetTimeValFromMS(m_timeout, millis);
+void wxSocketImpl::NotifyOnStateChange(wxSocketNotify event)
+ m_wxsocket->OnRequest(event);
+/* Address handling */
+ * Set or get the local or peer address for this socket. The 'set'
+ * functions return wxSOCKET_NOERROR on success, an error code otherwise.
+ * The 'get' functions return a pointer to a GAddress object on success,
+ * or NULL otherwise, in which case they set the error code of the
+ * corresponding socket.
+ *
+ * Error codes:
+ * wxSOCKET_INVSOCK - the socket is not valid.
+ * wxSOCKET_INVADDR - the address is not valid.
+ */
+wxSocketError wxSocketImpl::SetLocal(GAddress *address)
+ /* the socket must be initialized, or it must be a server */
+ if (m_fd != INVALID_SOCKET && !m_server)
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVSOCK;
+ return wxSOCKET_INVSOCK;
+ }
+ /* check address */
+ if (address == NULL || address->m_family == wxSOCKET_NOFAMILY)
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVADDR;
+ return wxSOCKET_INVADDR;
+ }
+ if (m_local)
+ GAddress_destroy(m_local);
+ m_local = GAddress_copy(address);
+ return wxSOCKET_NOERROR;
+wxSocketError wxSocketImpl::SetPeer(GAddress *address)
+ /* check address */
+ if (address == NULL || address->m_family == wxSOCKET_NOFAMILY)
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVADDR;
+ return wxSOCKET_INVADDR;
+ }
+ if (m_peer)
+ GAddress_destroy(m_peer);
+ m_peer = GAddress_copy(address);
+ return wxSOCKET_NOERROR;
+GAddress *wxSocketImpl::GetLocal()
+ GAddress *address;
+ wxSockAddr addr;
+ WX_SOCKLEN_T size = sizeof(addr);
+ wxSocketError err;
+ /* try to get it from the m_local var first */
+ if (m_local)
+ return GAddress_copy(m_local);
+ /* else, if the socket is initialized, try getsockname */
+ if (m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVSOCK;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (getsockname(m_fd, (sockaddr*)&addr, &size) == SOCKET_ERROR)
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_IOERR;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* got a valid address from getsockname, create a GAddress object */
+ if ((address = GAddress_new()) == NULL)
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_MEMERR;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((err = _GAddress_translate_from(address, (sockaddr*)&addr, size)) != wxSOCKET_NOERROR)
+ {
+ GAddress_destroy(address);
+ m_error = err;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return address;
+GAddress *wxSocketImpl::GetPeer()
+ /* try to get it from the m_peer var */
+ if (m_peer)
+ return GAddress_copy(m_peer);
+ return NULL;
// ==========================================================================
// wxSocketBase
// ==========================================================================
if ( !m_countInit++ )
- if ( !GSocket_Init() )
+ wxSocketManager * const manager = wxSocketManager::Get();
+ if ( !manager || !manager->OnInit() )
wxASSERT_MSG( m_countInit > 0, _T("extra call to Shutdown()") );
if ( --m_countInit == 0 )
- GSocket_Cleanup();
+ wxSocketManager * const manager = wxSocketManager::Get();
+ wxCHECK_RET( manager, "should have a socket manager" );
+ manager->OnExit();
void wxSocketBase::Init()
- m_socket = NULL;
- m_type = wxSOCKET_UNINIT;
- // state
- m_flags = 0;
- m_connected =
- m_establishing =
- m_reading =
- m_writing =
- m_error = false;
- m_lcount = 0;
- m_timeout = 600;
- m_beingDeleted = false;
- // pushback buffer
- m_unread = NULL;
- m_unrd_size = 0;
- m_unrd_cur = 0;
- // events
- m_id = wxID_ANY;
- m_handler = NULL;
- m_clientData = NULL;
- m_notify = false;
- m_eventmask = 0;
- if ( !IsInitialized() )
- {
- // this Initialize() will be undone by wxSocketModule::OnExit(), all the
- // other calls to it should be matched by a call to Shutdown()
- Initialize();
- }
+ m_impl = NULL;
+ m_type = wxSOCKET_UNINIT;
+ // state
+ m_flags = 0;
+ m_connected =
+ m_establishing =
+ m_reading =
+ m_writing =
+ m_error =
+ m_closed = false;
+ m_lcount = 0;
+ m_timeout = 600;
+ m_beingDeleted = false;
+ // pushback buffer
+ m_unread = NULL;
+ m_unrd_size = 0;
+ m_unrd_cur = 0;
+ // events
+ m_id = wxID_ANY;
+ m_handler = NULL;
+ m_clientData = NULL;
+ m_notify = false;
+ m_eventmask =
+ m_eventsgot = 0;
+ if ( !IsInitialized() )
+ {
+ // this Initialize() will be undone by wxSocketModule::OnExit(), all
+ // the other calls to it should be matched by a call to Shutdown()
+ Initialize();
+ }
- Init();
+ Init();
wxSocketBase::wxSocketBase(wxSocketFlags flags, wxSocketType type)
- Init();
+ Init();
- m_flags = flags;
- m_type = type;
+ SetFlags(flags);
+ m_type = type;
- // Just in case the app called Destroy() *and* then deleted
- // the socket immediately: don't leave dangling pointers.
- wxAppTraits *traits = wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetTraits() : NULL;
- if ( traits )
- traits->RemoveFromPendingDelete(this);
- // Shutdown and close the socket
- if (!m_beingDeleted)
- Close();
- // Destroy the GSocket object
- if (m_socket)
- delete m_socket;
- // Free the pushback buffer
- if (m_unread)
- free(m_unread);
+ // Just in case the app called Destroy() *and* then deleted the socket
+ // immediately: don't leave dangling pointers.
+ wxAppTraits *traits = wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetTraits() : NULL;
+ if ( traits )
+ traits->RemoveFromPendingDelete(this);
+ // Shutdown and close the socket
+ if (!m_beingDeleted)
+ Close();
+ // Destroy the implementation object
+ delete m_impl;
+ // Free the pushback buffer
+ if (m_unread)
+ free(m_unread);
bool wxSocketBase::Destroy()
- // Delayed destruction: the socket will be deleted during the next
- // idle loop iteration. This ensures that all pending events have
- // been processed.
- m_beingDeleted = true;
+ // Delayed destruction: the socket will be deleted during the next idle
+ // loop iteration. This ensures that all pending events have been
+ // processed.
+ m_beingDeleted = true;
- // Shutdown and close the socket
- Close();
+ // Shutdown and close the socket
+ Close();
- // Supress events from now on
- Notify(false);
+ // Suppress events from now on
+ Notify(false);
- // schedule this object for deletion
- wxAppTraits *traits = wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetTraits() : NULL;
- if ( traits )
- {
- // let the traits object decide what to do with us
- traits->ScheduleForDestroy(this);
- }
- else // no app or no traits
- {
- // in wxBase we might have no app object at all, don't leak memory
- delete this;
- }
+ // schedule this object for deletion
+ wxAppTraits *traits = wxTheApp ? wxTheApp->GetTraits() : NULL;
+ if ( traits )
+ {
+ // let the traits object decide what to do with us
+ traits->ScheduleForDestroy(this);
+ }
+ else // no app or no traits
+ {
+ // in wxBase we might have no app object at all, don't leak memory
+ delete this;
+ }
+ return true;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// simply accessors
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return true;
+wxSocketError wxSocketBase::LastError() const
+ return m_impl->GetError();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following IO operations update m_error and m_lcount:
// {Read, Write, ReadMsg, WriteMsg, Peek, Unread, Discard}
-// TODO: Should Connect, Accept and AcceptWith update m_error?
bool wxSocketBase::Close()
- // Interrupt pending waits
- InterruptWait();
+ // Interrupt pending waits
+ InterruptWait();
- if (m_socket)
- {
- // Disable callbacks
- m_socket->UnsetCallback(GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG | GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG |
+ if (m_impl)
+ m_impl->Shutdown();
- // Shutdown the connection
- m_socket->Shutdown();
- }
- m_connected = false;
- m_establishing = false;
- return true;
+ m_connected = false;
+ m_establishing = false;
+ return true;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::Read(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
- // Mask read events
- m_reading = true;
+ // Mask read events
+ m_reading = true;
- m_lcount = _Read(buffer, nbytes);
+ m_lcount = DoRead(buffer, nbytes);
- // If in wxSOCKET_WAITALL mode, all bytes should have been read.
- if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL)
- m_error = (m_lcount != nbytes);
- else
- m_error = (m_lcount == 0);
+ // If in wxSOCKET_WAITALL mode, all bytes should have been read.
+ if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL)
+ m_error = (m_lcount != nbytes);
+ else
+ m_error = (m_lcount == 0);
- // Allow read events from now on
- m_reading = false;
+ // Allow read events from now on
+ m_reading = false;
- return *this;
+ return *this;
-wxUint32 wxSocketBase::_Read(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
+wxUint32 wxSocketBase::DoRead(void* buffer_, wxUint32 nbytes)
- int total;
+ // We use pointer arithmetic here which doesn't work with void pointers.
+ char *buffer = static_cast<char *>(buffer_);
- // Try the pushback buffer first
- total = GetPushback(buffer, nbytes, false);
- nbytes -= total;
- buffer = (char *)buffer + total;
+ // Try the push back buffer first, even before checking whether the socket
+ // is valid to allow reading previously pushed back data from an already
+ // closed socket.
+ wxUint32 total = GetPushback(buffer, nbytes, false);
+ nbytes -= total;
+ buffer += total;
- // Return now in one of the following cases:
- // - the socket is invalid,
- // - we got all the data
- if ( !m_socket ||
- !nbytes )
- return total;
+ // If it's indeed closed or if read everything, there is nothing more to do.
+ if ( !m_impl || !nbytes )
+ return total;
- // Possible combinations (they are checked in this order)
- // wxSOCKET_WAITALL (with or without wxSOCKET_BLOCK)
- //
- int ret;
- if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT)
- {
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(1);
- ret = m_socket->Read((char *)buffer, nbytes);
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(0);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( buffer, 0, "NULL buffer" );
- if (ret > 0)
- total += ret;
- }
- else
- {
- bool more = true;
- while (more)
+ // wxSOCKET_NOWAIT overrides all the other flags and means that we are
+ // polling the socket and don't block at all.
+ if ( m_flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT )
- if ( !(m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) && !WaitForRead() )
- break;
+ int ret = m_impl->Read(buffer, nbytes);
+ if ( ret < 0 )
+ return 0;
- ret = m_socket->Read((char *)buffer, nbytes);
- if (ret > 0)
- {
- total += ret;
- nbytes -= ret;
- buffer = (char *)buffer + ret;
- }
- // If we got here and wxSOCKET_WAITALL is not set, we can leave
- // now. Otherwise, wait until we recv all the data or until there
- // is an error.
- //
- more = (ret > 0 && nbytes > 0 && (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL));
+ total += ret;
+ }
+ else // blocking socket
+ {
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ // Wait until socket becomes ready for reading
+ if ( !WaitForRead() )
+ break;
+ const int ret = m_impl->Read(buffer, nbytes);
+ if ( ret == 0 )
+ {
+ // for connection-oriented (e.g. TCP) sockets we can only read
+ // 0 bytes if the other end has been closed, and for
+ // connectionless ones (UDP) this flag doesn't make sense
+ // anyhow so we can set it to true too without doing any harm
+ m_closed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( ret < 0 )
+ {
+ // this will be always interpreted as error by Read()
+ return 0;
+ }
+ total += ret;
+ // If wxSOCKET_WAITALL is not set, we can leave now as we did read
+ // something and we don't need to wait for all nbytes bytes to be
+ // read.
+ if ( !(m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL) )
+ break;
+ // Otherwise continue reading until we do read everything.
+ nbytes -= ret;
+ if ( !nbytes )
+ break;
+ buffer += ret;
+ }
- }
- return total;
+ return total;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::ReadMsg(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
- wxUint32 len, len2, sig, total;
- bool error;
- int old_flags;
- struct
- {
- unsigned char sig[4];
- unsigned char len[4];
- } msg;
+ wxUint32 len, len2, sig, total;
+ bool error;
+ int old_flags;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned char sig[4];
+ unsigned char len[4];
+ } msg;
- // Mask read events
- m_reading = true;
+ // Mask read events
+ m_reading = true;
- total = 0;
- error = true;
- old_flags = m_flags;
- SetFlags((m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) | wxSOCKET_WAITALL);
+ total = 0;
+ error = true;
+ old_flags = m_flags;
+ SetFlags((m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) | wxSOCKET_WAITALL);
- if (_Read(&msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg))
- goto exit;
+ if (DoRead(&msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg))
+ goto exit;
- sig = (wxUint32)msg.sig[0];
- sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[1] << 8);
- sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[2] << 16);
- sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[3] << 24);
+ sig = (wxUint32)msg.sig[0];
+ sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[1] << 8);
+ sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[2] << 16);
+ sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[3] << 24);
- if (sig != 0xfeeddead)
- {
- wxLogWarning(_("wxSocket: invalid signature in ReadMsg."));
- goto exit;
- }
+ if (sig != 0xfeeddead)
+ {
+ wxLogWarning(_("wxSocket: invalid signature in ReadMsg."));
+ goto exit;
+ }
- len = (wxUint32)msg.len[0];
- len |= (wxUint32)(msg.len[1] << 8);
- len |= (wxUint32)(msg.len[2] << 16);
- len |= (wxUint32)(msg.len[3] << 24);
+ len = (wxUint32)msg.len[0];
+ len |= (wxUint32)(msg.len[1] << 8);
+ len |= (wxUint32)(msg.len[2] << 16);
+ len |= (wxUint32)(msg.len[3] << 24);
- if (len > nbytes)
- {
- len2 = len - nbytes;
- len = nbytes;
- }
- else
- len2 = 0;
+ if (len > nbytes)
+ {
+ len2 = len - nbytes;
+ len = nbytes;
+ }
+ else
+ len2 = 0;
- // Don't attemp to read if the msg was zero bytes long.
- if (len)
- {
- total = _Read(buffer, len);
+ // Don't attempt to read if the msg was zero bytes long.
+ if (len)
+ {
+ total = DoRead(buffer, len);
- if (total != len)
- goto exit;
- }
- if (len2)
- {
- char *discard_buffer = new char[MAX_DISCARD_SIZE];
- long discard_len;
+ if (total != len)
+ goto exit;
+ }
- // NOTE: discarded bytes don't add to m_lcount.
- do
+ if (len2)
- discard_len = ((len2 > MAX_DISCARD_SIZE)? MAX_DISCARD_SIZE : len2);
- discard_len = _Read(discard_buffer, (wxUint32)discard_len);
- len2 -= (wxUint32)discard_len;
- }
- while ((discard_len > 0) && len2);
+ char *discard_buffer = new char[MAX_DISCARD_SIZE];
+ long discard_len;
- delete [] discard_buffer;
+ // NOTE: discarded bytes don't add to m_lcount.
+ do
+ {
+ discard_len = ((len2 > MAX_DISCARD_SIZE)? MAX_DISCARD_SIZE : len2);
+ discard_len = DoRead(discard_buffer, (wxUint32)discard_len);
+ len2 -= (wxUint32)discard_len;
+ }
+ while ((discard_len > 0) && len2);
- if (len2 != 0)
- goto exit;
- }
- if (_Read(&msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg))
- goto exit;
+ delete [] discard_buffer;
- sig = (wxUint32)msg.sig[0];
- sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[1] << 8);
- sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[2] << 16);
- sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[3] << 24);
+ if (len2 != 0)
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (DoRead(&msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg))
+ goto exit;
- if (sig != 0xdeadfeed)
- {
- wxLogWarning(_("wxSocket: invalid signature in ReadMsg."));
- goto exit;
- }
+ sig = (wxUint32)msg.sig[0];
+ sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[1] << 8);
+ sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[2] << 16);
+ sig |= (wxUint32)(msg.sig[3] << 24);
+ if (sig != 0xdeadfeed)
+ {
+ wxLogWarning(_("wxSocket: invalid signature in ReadMsg."));
+ goto exit;
+ }
- // everything was OK
- error = false;
+ // everything was OK
+ error = false;
- m_error = error;
- m_lcount = total;
- m_reading = false;
- SetFlags(old_flags);
+ m_error = error;
+ m_lcount = total;
+ m_reading = false;
+ SetFlags(old_flags);
- return *this;
+ return *this;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::Peek(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
- // Mask read events
- m_reading = true;
+ // Mask read events
+ m_reading = true;
- m_lcount = _Read(buffer, nbytes);
- Pushback(buffer, m_lcount);
+ m_lcount = DoRead(buffer, nbytes);
+ Pushback(buffer, m_lcount);
- // If in wxSOCKET_WAITALL mode, all bytes should have been read.
- if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL)
- m_error = (m_lcount != nbytes);
- else
- m_error = (m_lcount == 0);
+ // If in wxSOCKET_WAITALL mode, all bytes should have been read.
+ if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL)
+ m_error = (m_lcount != nbytes);
+ else
+ m_error = (m_lcount == 0);
- // Allow read events again
- m_reading = false;
+ // Allow read events again
+ m_reading = false;
- return *this;
+ return *this;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::Write(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
- // Mask write events
- m_writing = true;
+ // Mask write events
+ m_writing = true;
- m_lcount = _Write(buffer, nbytes);
+ m_lcount = DoWrite(buffer, nbytes);
- // If in wxSOCKET_WAITALL mode, all bytes should have been written.
- if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL)
- m_error = (m_lcount != nbytes);
- else
- m_error = (m_lcount == 0);
+ // If in wxSOCKET_WAITALL mode, all bytes should have been written.
+ if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL)
+ m_error = (m_lcount != nbytes);
+ else
+ m_error = (m_lcount == 0);
- // Allow write events again
- m_writing = false;
+ // Allow write events again
+ m_writing = false;
- return *this;
+ return *this;
-wxUint32 wxSocketBase::_Write(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
+// This function is a mirror image of DoRead() except that it doesn't use the
+// push back buffer, please see comments there
+wxUint32 wxSocketBase::DoWrite(const void *buffer_, wxUint32 nbytes)
- wxUint32 total = 0;
+ const char *buffer = static_cast<const char *>(buffer_);
- // If the socket is invalid or parameters are ill, return immediately
- if (!m_socket || !buffer || !nbytes)
- return 0;
+ // Return if there is nothing to read or the socket is (already?) closed.
+ if ( !m_impl || !nbytes )
+ return 0;
- // Possible combinations (they are checked in this order)
- // wxSOCKET_WAITALL (with or without wxSOCKET_BLOCK)
- //
- int ret;
- if (m_flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT)
- {
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(1);
- ret = m_socket->Write((const char *)buffer, nbytes);
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(0);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( buffer, 0, "NULL buffer" );
- if (ret > 0)
- total = ret;
- }
- else
- {
- bool more = true;
- while (more)
+ wxUint32 total = 0;
+ if ( m_flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT )
+ {
+ const int ret = m_impl->Write(buffer, nbytes);
+ if ( ret > 0 )
+ total += ret;
+ }
+ else // blocking socket
- if ( !(m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) && !WaitForWrite() )
- break;
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ if ( !WaitForWrite() )
+ break;
- ret = m_socket->Write((const char *)buffer, nbytes);
+ const int ret = m_impl->Write(buffer, nbytes);
+ if ( ret == 0 )
+ {
+ m_closed = true;
+ break;
+ }
- if (ret > 0)
- {
- total += ret;
- nbytes -= ret;
- buffer = (const char *)buffer + ret;
- }
+ if ( ret < 0 )
+ return 0;
- // If we got here and wxSOCKET_WAITALL is not set, we can leave
- // now. Otherwise, wait until we send all the data or until there
- // is an error.
- //
- more = (ret > 0 && nbytes > 0 && (m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL));
+ total += ret;
+ if ( !(m_flags & wxSOCKET_WAITALL) )
+ break;
+ nbytes -= ret;
+ if ( !nbytes )
+ break;
+ buffer += ret;
+ }
- }
- return total;
+ return total;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::WriteMsg(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
- wxUint32 total;
- bool error;
- struct
- {
- unsigned char sig[4];
- unsigned char len[4];
- } msg;
+ wxUint32 total;
+ bool error;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned char sig[4];
+ unsigned char len[4];
+ } msg;
- // Mask write events
- m_writing = true;
+ // Mask write events
+ m_writing = true;
- error = true;
- total = 0;
- SetFlags((m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) | wxSOCKET_WAITALL);
+ error = true;
+ total = 0;
+ SetFlags((m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) | wxSOCKET_WAITALL);
- msg.sig[0] = (unsigned char) 0xad;
- msg.sig[1] = (unsigned char) 0xde;
- msg.sig[2] = (unsigned char) 0xed;
- msg.sig[3] = (unsigned char) 0xfe;
+ msg.sig[0] = (unsigned char) 0xad;
+ msg.sig[1] = (unsigned char) 0xde;
+ msg.sig[2] = (unsigned char) 0xed;
+ msg.sig[3] = (unsigned char) 0xfe;
- msg.len[0] = (unsigned char) (nbytes & 0xff);
- msg.len[1] = (unsigned char) ((nbytes >> 8) & 0xff);
- msg.len[2] = (unsigned char) ((nbytes >> 16) & 0xff);
- msg.len[3] = (unsigned char) ((nbytes >> 24) & 0xff);
+ msg.len[0] = (unsigned char) (nbytes & 0xff);
+ msg.len[1] = (unsigned char) ((nbytes >> 8) & 0xff);
+ msg.len[2] = (unsigned char) ((nbytes >> 16) & 0xff);
+ msg.len[3] = (unsigned char) ((nbytes >> 24) & 0xff);
- if (_Write(&msg, sizeof(msg)) < sizeof(msg))
- goto exit;
+ if (DoWrite(&msg, sizeof(msg)) < sizeof(msg))
+ goto exit;
- total = _Write(buffer, nbytes);
+ total = DoWrite(buffer, nbytes);
- if (total < nbytes)
- goto exit;
+ if (total < nbytes)
+ goto exit;
- msg.sig[0] = (unsigned char) 0xed;
- msg.sig[1] = (unsigned char) 0xfe;
- msg.sig[2] = (unsigned char) 0xad;
- msg.sig[3] = (unsigned char) 0xde;
- msg.len[0] = msg.len[1] = msg.len[2] = msg.len[3] = (char) 0;
+ msg.sig[0] = (unsigned char) 0xed;
+ msg.sig[1] = (unsigned char) 0xfe;
+ msg.sig[2] = (unsigned char) 0xad;
+ msg.sig[3] = (unsigned char) 0xde;
+ msg.len[0] =
+ msg.len[1] =
+ msg.len[2] =
+ msg.len[3] = (char) 0;
- if ((_Write(&msg, sizeof(msg))) < sizeof(msg))
- goto exit;
+ if ((DoWrite(&msg, sizeof(msg))) < sizeof(msg))
+ goto exit;
- // everything was OK
- error = false;
+ // everything was OK
+ error = false;
- m_error = error;
- m_lcount = total;
- m_writing = false;
+ m_error = error;
+ m_lcount = total;
+ m_writing = false;
- return *this;
+ return *this;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::Unread(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes)
- if (nbytes != 0)
- Pushback(buffer, nbytes);
+ if (nbytes != 0)
+ Pushback(buffer, nbytes);
- m_error = false;
- m_lcount = nbytes;
+ m_error = false;
+ m_lcount = nbytes;
- return *this;
+ return *this;
wxSocketBase& wxSocketBase::Discard()
- char *buffer = new char[MAX_DISCARD_SIZE];
- wxUint32 ret;
- wxUint32 total = 0;
+ char *buffer = new char[MAX_DISCARD_SIZE];
+ wxUint32 ret;
+ wxUint32 total = 0;
- // Mask read events
- m_reading = true;
+ // Mask read events
+ m_reading = true;
- SetFlags(wxSOCKET_NOWAIT);
+ SetFlags(wxSOCKET_NOWAIT);
- do
- {
- ret = _Read(buffer, MAX_DISCARD_SIZE);
- total += ret;
- }
- while (ret == MAX_DISCARD_SIZE);
+ do
+ {
+ ret = DoRead(buffer, MAX_DISCARD_SIZE);
+ total += ret;
+ }
+ while (ret == MAX_DISCARD_SIZE);
- delete[] buffer;
- m_lcount = total;
- m_error = false;
+ delete[] buffer;
+ m_lcount = total;
+ m_error = false;
- // Allow read events again
- m_reading = false;
+ // Allow read events again
+ m_reading = false;
- return *this;
+ return *this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wait functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// All Wait functions poll the socket using GSocket_Select() to
-// check for the specified combination of conditions, until one
-// of these conditions become true, an error occurs, or the
-// timeout elapses. The polling loop calls PROCESS_EVENTS(), so
-// this won't block the GUI.
-bool wxSocketBase::_Wait(long seconds,
- long milliseconds,
- wxSocketEventFlags flags)
+ This function will check for the events specified in the flags parameter,
+ and it will return a mask indicating which operations can be performed.
+ */
+wxSocketEventFlags wxSocketImpl::Select(wxSocketEventFlags flags,
+ const timeval *timeout)
- GSocketEventFlags result;
- long timeout; // in ms
+ wxSocketEventFlags result = 0;
- // Set this to true to interrupt ongoing waits
- m_interrupt = false;
- // Check for valid socket
- if (!m_socket)
- return false;
+ if (m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
+ return (wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG & flags);
- // Check for valid timeout value.
- if (seconds != -1)
- timeout = seconds * 1000 + milliseconds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if ( timeout )
+ tv = *timeout;
- timeout = m_timeout * 1000;
- // check if we are using event loop or not: normally we do in GUI but not in
- // console applications but this can be overridden
- const bool has_event_loop = wxEventLoop::GetActive() != NULL;
- // Wait in an active polling loop.
- //
- // NOTE: We duplicate some of the code in OnRequest, but this doesn't
- // hurt. It has to be here because the (GSocket) event might arrive
- // a bit delayed, and it has to be in OnRequest as well because we
- // don't know whether the Wait functions are being used.
- //
- // Do this at least once (important if timeout == 0, when
- // we are just polling). Also, if just polling, do not yield.
- const wxMilliClock_t time_limit = wxGetLocalTimeMillis() + timeout;
- bool done = false;
- bool valid_result = false;
- if (!has_event_loop)
+ tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ fd_set readfds;
+ fd_set writefds;
+ fd_set exceptfds;
+ wxFD_ZERO(&readfds);
+ wxFD_ZERO(&writefds);
+ wxFD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
+ wxFD_SET(m_fd, &readfds);
+ wxFD_SET(m_fd, &writefds);
+ wxFD_SET(m_fd, &exceptfds);
+ /* Check 'sticky' CONNECTION flag first */
+ result |= wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG & m_detected;
+ /* If we have already detected a LOST event, then don't try
+ * to do any further processing.
+ */
+ if ((m_detected & wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG) != 0)
- // This is used to avoid a busy loop on wxBase - having a select
- // timeout of 50 ms per iteration should be enough.
- if (timeout > 50)
- m_socket->SetTimeout(50);
- else
- m_socket->SetTimeout(timeout);
+ m_establishing = false;
+ return (wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG & flags);
+ }
+ /* Try select now */
+ if (select(m_fd + 1, &readfds, &writefds, &exceptfds, &tv) < 0)
+ {
+ /* What to do here? */
+ return (result & flags);
- while (!done)
+ /* Check for exceptions and errors */
+ if (wxFD_ISSET(m_fd, &exceptfds))
- result = m_socket->Select(flags | GSOCK_LOST_FLAG);
+ m_establishing = false;
+ m_detected = wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG;
- // Incoming connection (server) or connection established (client)
- {
- m_connected = true;
- m_establishing = false;
- valid_result = true;
- break;
- }
+ /* LOST event: Abort any further processing */
+ return (wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG & flags);
+ }
- // Data available or output buffer ready
- if ((result & GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG) || (result & GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG))
+ /* Check for readability */
+ if (wxFD_ISSET(m_fd, &readfds))
+ {
+ result |= wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG;
+ if (m_server && m_stream)
- valid_result = true;
- break;
+ /* This is a TCP server socket that detected a connection.
+ While the INPUT_FLAG is also set, it doesn't matter on
+ this kind of sockets, as we can only Accept() from them. */
+ m_detected |= wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG;
+ }
- // Connection lost
- if (result & GSOCK_LOST_FLAG)
+ /* Check for writability */
+ if (wxFD_ISSET(m_fd, &writefds))
+ {
+ if (m_establishing && !m_server)
- m_connected = false;
+ int error;
+ SOCKOPTLEN_T len = sizeof(error);
m_establishing = false;
- valid_result = ((flags & GSOCK_LOST_FLAG) != 0);
- break;
- }
+ getsockopt(m_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&error, &len);
- // Wait more?
- long time_left = wxMilliClockToLong(time_limit - wxGetLocalTimeMillis());
- if ((!timeout) || (time_left <= 0) || (m_interrupt))
- done = true;
- else
- {
- if (has_event_loop)
+ if (error)
+ m_detected = wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG;
+ /* LOST event: Abort any further processing */
+ return (wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG & flags);
- // If there's less than 50 ms left, just call select with that timeout.
- if (time_left < 50)
- m_socket->SetTimeout(time_left);
+ m_detected |= wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG;
+ else
+ {
+ result |= wxSOCKET_OUTPUT_FLAG;
+ }
- // Set timeout back to original value (we overwrote it for polling)
- if (!has_event_loop)
- m_socket->SetTimeout(m_timeout*1000);
+ return (result | m_detected) & flags;
+wxSocketBase::DoWait(long seconds, long milliseconds, wxSocketEventFlags flags)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_impl, false, "can't wait on invalid socket" );
+ // This can be set to true from Interrupt() to exit this function a.s.a.p.
+ m_interrupt = false;
+ // Use either the provided timeout or the default timeout value associated
+ // with this socket.
+ //
+ // TODO: allow waiting forever, see #9443
+ const long timeout = seconds == -1 ? m_timeout * 1000
+ : seconds * 1000 + milliseconds;
+ const wxMilliClock_t timeEnd = wxGetLocalTimeMillis() + timeout;
+ // Get the active event loop which we'll use for the message dispatching
+ // when running in the main thread unless this was explicitly disabled by
+ // setting wxSOCKET_BLOCK flag
+ wxEventLoopBase *eventLoop;
+ if ( !(m_flags & wxSOCKET_BLOCK) && wxIsMainThread() )
+ {
+ eventLoop = wxEventLoop::GetActive();
+ }
+ else // in worker thread
+ {
+ // We never dispatch messages from threads other than the main one.
+ eventLoop = NULL;
+ }
+ // Wait until we receive the event we're waiting for or the timeout expires
+ // (but note that we always execute the loop at least once, even if timeout
+ // is 0 as this is used for polling)
+ bool gotEvent = false;
+ for ( bool firstTime = true; !m_interrupt ; firstTime = false )
+ {
+ long timeLeft = wxMilliClockToLong(timeEnd - wxGetLocalTimeMillis());
+ if ( timeLeft < 0 )
+ {
+ if ( !firstTime )
+ break; // timed out
+ timeLeft = 0;
+ }
+ // This function is only called if wxSOCKET_BLOCK flag was not used and
+ // so we should dispatch the events if there is an event loop capable
+ // of doing it.
+ wxSocketEventFlags events;
+ if ( eventLoop )
+ {
+ // reset them before starting to wait
+ m_eventsgot = 0;
- return valid_result;
+ eventLoop->DispatchTimeout(timeLeft);
+ events = m_eventsgot;
+ }
+ else // no event loop or waiting in another thread
+ {
+ // as explained below, we should always check for wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG
+ timeval tv;
+ SetTimeValFromMS(tv, timeLeft);
+ events = m_impl->Select(flags | wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG, &tv);
+ }
+ // always check for wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG, even if flags doesn't include
+ // it, as continuing to wait for anything else after getting it is
+ // pointless
+ if ( events & wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG )
+ {
+ m_connected = false;
+ m_establishing = false;
+ if ( flags & wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG )
+ gotEvent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // otherwise mask out the bits we're not interested in
+ events &= flags;
+ // Incoming connection (server) or connection established (client)?
+ if ( events & wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG )
+ {
+ m_connected = true;
+ m_establishing = false;
+ gotEvent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Data available or output buffer ready?
+ if ( (events & wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG) || (events & wxSOCKET_OUTPUT_FLAG) )
+ {
+ gotEvent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return gotEvent;
bool wxSocketBase::Wait(long seconds, long milliseconds)
- return _Wait(seconds, milliseconds, GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG |
+ return DoWait(seconds, milliseconds,
+ );
bool wxSocketBase::WaitForRead(long seconds, long milliseconds)
- // Check pushback buffer before entering _Wait
- if (m_unread)
- return true;
- // Note that GSOCK_INPUT_LOST has to be explicitly passed to
- // _Wait because of the semantics of WaitForRead: a return
- // value of true means that a GSocket_Read call will return
- // immediately, not that there is actually data to read.
+ // Check pushback buffer before entering DoWait
+ if ( m_unread )
+ return true;
- return _Wait(seconds, milliseconds, GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG |
+ // Note that wxSOCKET_INPUT_LOST has to be explicitly passed to DoWait
+ // because of the semantics of WaitForRead: a return value of true means
+ // that a Read call will return immediately, not that there is
+ // actually data to read.
+ return DoWait(seconds, milliseconds, wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG | wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG);
bool wxSocketBase::WaitForWrite(long seconds, long milliseconds)
- return _Wait(seconds, milliseconds, GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG);
+ return DoWait(seconds, milliseconds, wxSOCKET_OUTPUT_FLAG | wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG);
bool wxSocketBase::WaitForLost(long seconds, long milliseconds)
- return _Wait(seconds, milliseconds, GSOCK_LOST_FLAG);
+ return DoWait(seconds, milliseconds, wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool wxSocketBase::GetPeer(wxSockAddress& addr_man) const
- GAddress *peer;
+ GAddress *peer;
- if (!m_socket)
- return false;
+ if (!m_impl)
+ return false;
- peer = m_socket->GetPeer();
+ peer = m_impl->GetPeer();
// copying a null address would just trigger an assert anyway
- if (!peer)
- return false;
+ if (!peer)
+ return false;
- addr_man.SetAddress(peer);
- GAddress_destroy(peer);
+ addr_man.SetAddress(peer);
+ GAddress_destroy(peer);
- return true;
+ return true;
bool wxSocketBase::GetLocal(wxSockAddress& addr_man) const
GAddress *local;
- if (!m_socket)
+ if (!m_impl)
return false;
- local = m_socket->GetLocal();
+ local = m_impl->GetLocal();
m_timeout = seconds;
- if (m_socket)
- m_socket->SetTimeout(m_timeout * 1000);
+ if (m_impl)
+ m_impl->SetTimeout(m_timeout * 1000);
void wxSocketBase::SetFlags(wxSocketFlags flags)
+ // Do some sanity checking on the flags used: not all values can be used
+ // together.
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !(flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT) ||
+ !(flags & (wxSOCKET_WAITALL | wxSOCKET_BLOCK)),
+ "Using wxSOCKET_WAITALL or wxSOCKET_BLOCK with "
+ "wxSOCKET_NOWAIT doesn't make sense" );
m_flags = flags;
// Event handling
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// A note on how events are processed, which is probably the most
-// difficult thing to get working right while keeping the same API
-// and functionality for all platforms.
-// When GSocket detects an event, it calls wx_socket_callback, which in
-// turn just calls wxSocketBase::OnRequest in the corresponding wxSocket
-// object. OnRequest does some housekeeping, and if the event is to be
-// propagated to the user, it creates a new wxSocketEvent object and
-// posts it. The event is not processed immediately, but delayed with
-// AddPendingEvent instead. This is necessary in order to decouple the
-// event processing from wx_socket_callback; otherwise, subsequent IO
-// calls made from the user event handler would fail, as gtk callbacks
-// are not reentrant.
-// Note that, unlike events, user callbacks (now deprecated) are _not_
-// decoupled from wx_socket_callback and thus they suffer from a variety
-// of problems. Avoid them where possible and use events instead.
-extern "C"
-void LINKAGEMODE wx_socket_callback(GSocket * WXUNUSED(socket),
- GSocketEvent notification,
- char *cdata)
- wxSocketBase *sckobj = (wxSocketBase *)cdata;
- sckobj->OnRequest((wxSocketNotify) notification);
void wxSocketBase::OnRequest(wxSocketNotify notification)
- // NOTE: We duplicate some of the code in _Wait, but this doesn't
- // hurt. It has to be here because the (GSocket) event might arrive
- // a bit delayed, and it has to be in _Wait as well because we don't
- // know whether the Wait functions are being used.
+ wxSocketEventFlags flag = 0;
+ switch ( notification )
+ {
+ case wxSOCKET_INPUT:
+ break;
- switch(notification)
- {
- m_establishing = false;
- m_connected = true;
- break;
+ break;
- // If we are in the middle of a R/W operation, do not
- // propagate events to users. Also, filter 'late' events
- // which are no longer valid.
+ break;
- case wxSOCKET_INPUT:
- if (m_reading || !m_socket->Select(GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG))
- return;
- break;
+ case wxSOCKET_LOST:
+ flag = wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG;
+ break;
- if (m_writing || !m_socket->Select(GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG))
- return;
- break;
+ default:
+ wxFAIL_MSG( "unknown wxSocket notification" );
+ }
- case wxSOCKET_LOST:
- m_connected = false;
- m_establishing = false;
- break;
+ // if we lost the connection the socket is now closed
+ if ( notification == wxSOCKET_LOST )
+ m_closed = true;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ // remember the events which were generated for this socket, we're going to
+ // use this in DoWait()
+ m_eventsgot |= flag;
- // Schedule the event
- wxSocketEventFlags flag = 0;
- wxUnusedVar(flag);
- switch (notification)
- {
- case GSOCK_INPUT: flag = GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG; break;
- case GSOCK_OUTPUT: flag = GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG; break;
- case GSOCK_LOST: flag = GSOCK_LOST_FLAG; break;
- default:
- wxLogWarning(_("wxSocket: unknown event!."));
- return;
- }
- if (((m_eventmask & flag) == flag) && m_notify)
- {
- if (m_handler)
+ // send the wx event if enabled and we're interested in it
+ if ( m_notify && (m_eventmask & flag) && m_handler )
- wxSocketEvent event(m_id);
- event.m_event = notification;
- event.m_clientData = m_clientData;
- event.SetEventObject(this);
+ // If we are in the middle of a R/W operation, do not propagate events
+ // to users. Also, filter 'late' events which are no longer valid.
+ if ( notification == wxSOCKET_INPUT )
+ {
+ if ( m_reading || !m_impl->Select(wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG) )
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( notification == wxSOCKET_OUTPUT )
+ {
+ if ( m_writing || !m_impl->Select(wxSOCKET_OUTPUT_FLAG) )
+ return;
+ }
+ wxSocketEvent event(m_id);
+ event.m_event = notification;
+ event.m_clientData = m_clientData;
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
- m_handler->AddPendingEvent(event);
+ m_handler->AddPendingEvent(event);
- }
void wxSocketBase::Notify(bool notify)
m_notify = notify;
- if (m_socket)
- m_socket->Notify(notify);
void wxSocketBase::SetNotify(wxSocketEventFlags flags)
void wxSocketBase::Pushback(const void *buffer, wxUint32 size)
- if (!size) return;
+ if (!size) return;
- if (m_unread == NULL)
- m_unread = malloc(size);
- else
- {
- void *tmp;
+ if (m_unread == NULL)
+ m_unread = malloc(size);
+ else
+ {
+ void *tmp;
- tmp = malloc(m_unrd_size + size);
- memcpy((char *)tmp + size, m_unread, m_unrd_size);
- free(m_unread);
+ tmp = malloc(m_unrd_size + size);
+ memcpy((char *)tmp + size, m_unread, m_unrd_size);
+ free(m_unread);
- m_unread = tmp;
- }
+ m_unread = tmp;
+ }
- m_unrd_size += size;
+ m_unrd_size += size;
- memcpy(m_unread, buffer, size);
+ memcpy(m_unread, buffer, size);
wxUint32 wxSocketBase::GetPushback(void *buffer, wxUint32 size, bool peek)
- if (!m_unrd_size)
- return 0;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( buffer, 0, "NULL buffer" );
- if (size > (m_unrd_size-m_unrd_cur))
- size = m_unrd_size-m_unrd_cur;
+ if (!m_unrd_size)
+ return 0;
- memcpy(buffer, (char *)m_unread + m_unrd_cur, size);
+ if (size > (m_unrd_size-m_unrd_cur))
+ size = m_unrd_size-m_unrd_cur;
- if (!peek)
- {
- m_unrd_cur += size;
- if (m_unrd_size == m_unrd_cur)
+ memcpy(buffer, (char *)m_unread + m_unrd_cur, size);
+ if (!peek)
- free(m_unread);
- m_unread = NULL;
- m_unrd_size = 0;
- m_unrd_cur = 0;
+ m_unrd_cur += size;
+ if (m_unrd_size == m_unrd_cur)
+ {
+ free(m_unread);
+ m_unread = NULL;
+ m_unrd_size = 0;
+ m_unrd_cur = 0;
+ }
- }
- return size;
+ return size;
wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("Opening wxSocketServer") );
- m_socket = GSocket_new();
+ m_impl = wxSocketImpl::Create(*this);
- if (!m_socket)
+ if (!m_impl)
- wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("*** GSocket_new failed") );
+ wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("*** Failed to create m_impl") );
// Setup the socket as server
- m_socket->Notify(m_notify);
- m_socket->SetLocal(addr_man.GetAddress());
+ m_impl->SetLocal(addr_man.GetAddress());
if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR) {
- m_socket->SetReusable();
+ m_impl->SetReusable();
if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_BROADCAST) {
- m_socket->SetBroadcast();
+ m_impl->SetBroadcast();
if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_NOBIND) {
- m_socket->DontDoBind();
+ m_impl->DontDoBind();
- if (m_socket->SetServer() != GSOCK_NOERROR)
+ if (m_impl->CreateServer() != wxSOCKET_NOERROR)
- delete m_socket;
- m_socket = NULL;
+ delete m_impl;
+ m_impl = NULL;
- wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("*** GSocket_SetServer failed") );
+ wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("*** CreateServer() failed") );
- m_socket->SetTimeout(m_timeout * 1000);
- m_socket->SetCallback(GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG | GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG |
- wx_socket_callback, (char *)this);
- wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("wxSocketServer on fd %d"), m_socket->m_fd );
+ wxLogTrace( wxTRACE_Socket, _T("wxSocketServer on fd %d"), m_impl->m_fd );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool wxSocketServer::AcceptWith(wxSocketBase& sock, bool wait)
- GSocket *child_socket;
+ if ( !m_impl || (m_impl->m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET) || !m_impl->IsServer() )
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG( "can only be called for a valid server socket" );
- if (!m_socket)
- return false;
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_INVSOCK;
- // If wait == false, then the call should be nonblocking.
- // When we are finished, we put the socket to blocking mode
- // again.
+ return false;
+ }
- if (!wait)
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(1);
+ if ( wait )
+ {
+ // wait until we get a connection
+ if ( !m_impl->SelectWithTimeout(wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG) )
+ {
+ m_error = wxSOCKET_TIMEDOUT;
- child_socket = m_socket->WaitConnection();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- if (!wait)
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(0);
+ sock.m_impl = m_impl->Accept(sock);
- if (!child_socket)
- return false;
+ if ( !sock.m_impl )
+ {
+ m_error = m_impl->GetLastError();
- sock.m_type = wxSOCKET_BASE;
- sock.m_socket = child_socket;
- sock.m_connected = true;
+ return false;
+ }
- sock.m_socket->SetTimeout(sock.m_timeout * 1000);
- sock.m_socket->SetCallback(GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG | GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG |
- wx_socket_callback, (char *)&sock);
+ sock.m_type = wxSOCKET_BASE;
+ sock.m_connected = true;
- return true;
+ return true;
wxSocketBase *wxSocketServer::Accept(bool wait)
- wxSocketBase* sock = new wxSocketBase();
+ wxSocketBase* sock = new wxSocketBase();
- sock->SetFlags(m_flags);
+ sock->SetFlags(m_flags);
- if (!AcceptWith(*sock, wait))
- {
- sock->Destroy();
- sock = NULL;
- }
+ if (!AcceptWith(*sock, wait))
+ {
+ sock->Destroy();
+ sock = NULL;
+ }
- return sock;
+ return sock;
bool wxSocketServer::WaitForAccept(long seconds, long milliseconds)
- return _Wait(seconds, milliseconds, GSOCK_CONNECTION_FLAG);
+ return DoWait(seconds, milliseconds, wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG);
bool wxSocketBase::GetOption(int level, int optname, void *optval, int *optlen)
- wxASSERT_MSG( m_socket, _T("Socket not initialised") );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_impl, _T("Socket not initialised") );
- if (m_socket->GetSockOpt(level, optname, optval, optlen)
- {
+ SOCKOPTLEN_T lenreal = *optlen;
+ if ( getsockopt(m_impl->m_fd, level, optname,
+ static_cast<char *>(optval), &lenreal) != 0 )
return false;
- }
+ *optlen = lenreal;
return true;
-bool wxSocketBase::SetOption(int level, int optname, const void *optval,
- int optlen)
+wxSocketBase::SetOption(int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen)
- wxASSERT_MSG( m_socket, _T("Socket not initialised") );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_impl, _T("Socket not initialised") );
- if (m_socket->SetSockOpt(level, optname, optval, optlen)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ return setsockopt(m_impl->m_fd, level, optname,
+ static_cast<const char *>(optval), optlen) == 0;
-bool wxSocketBase::SetLocal(wxIPV4address& local)
+bool wxSocketBase::SetLocal(const wxIPV4address& local)
- GAddress* la = local.GetAddress();
+ GAddress* la = local.GetAddress();
- // If the address is valid, save it for use when we call Connect
- if (la && la->m_addr)
- {
- m_localAddress = local;
+ // If the address is valid, save it for use when we call Connect
+ if (la && la->m_addr)
+ {
+ m_localAddress = local;
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
- return false;
+ return false;
// ==========================================================================
wxSocketClient::wxSocketClient(wxSocketFlags flags)
: wxSocketBase(flags, wxSOCKET_CLIENT)
+ m_initialRecvBufferSize =
+ m_initialSendBufferSize = -1;
// Connect
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool wxSocketClient::DoConnect(wxSockAddress& addr_man, wxSockAddress* local, bool wait)
+bool wxSocketClient::DoConnect(const wxSockAddress& remote,
+ const wxSockAddress* local,
+ bool wait)
- GSocketError err;
- if (m_socket)
- {
- // Shutdown and destroy the socket
- Close();
- delete m_socket;
- }
- m_socket = GSocket_new();
- m_connected = false;
- m_establishing = false;
- if (!m_socket)
- return false;
- m_socket->SetTimeout(m_timeout * 1000);
- m_socket->SetCallback(GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG | GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG |
- wx_socket_callback, (char *)this);
- // If wait == false, then the call should be nonblocking.
- // When we are finished, we put the socket to blocking mode
- // again.
+ if ( m_impl )
+ {
+ // Shutdown and destroy the old socket
+ Close();
+ delete m_impl;
+ }
- if (!wait)
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(1);
+ m_connected = false;
+ m_establishing = false;
- // Reuse makes sense for clients too, if we are trying to rebind to the same port
- if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR)
- {
- m_socket->SetReusable();
- }
- if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_BROADCAST)
- {
- m_socket->SetBroadcast();
- }
- if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_NOBIND)
- {
- m_socket->DontDoBind();
- }
+ // Create and set up the new one
+ m_impl = wxSocketImpl::Create(*this);
+ if ( !m_impl )
+ return false;
- // If no local address was passed and one has been set, use the one that was Set
- if (!local && m_localAddress.GetAddress())
- {
- local = &m_localAddress;
- }
+ // Reuse makes sense for clients too, if we are trying to rebind to the same port
+ if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR)
+ m_impl->SetReusable();
+ if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_BROADCAST)
+ m_impl->SetBroadcast();
+ if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_NOBIND)
+ m_impl->DontDoBind();
- // Bind to the local IP address and port, when provided
- if (local)
- {
- GAddress* la = local->GetAddress();
+ // Bind to the local IP address and port, when provided or if one had been
+ // set before
+ if ( !local && m_localAddress.GetAddress() )
+ local = &m_localAddress;
- if (la && la->m_addr)
- m_socket->SetLocal(la);
- }
+ if ( local )
+ m_impl->SetLocal(local->GetAddress());
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK__)
- m_socket->SetInitialSocketBuffers(m_initialRecvBufferSize, m_initialSendBufferSize);
+ m_impl->SetInitialSocketBuffers(m_initialRecvBufferSize, m_initialSendBufferSize);
- m_socket->SetPeer(addr_man.GetAddress());
- err = m_socket->Connect(GSOCK_STREAMED);
+ m_impl->SetPeer(remote.GetAddress());
- //this will register for callbacks - must be called after m_socket->m_fd was initialized
- m_socket->Notify(m_notify);
+ // Finally do create the socket and connect to the peer
+ const wxSocketError err = m_impl->CreateClient(wait);
- if (!wait)
- m_socket->SetNonBlocking(0);
+ if ( err != wxSOCKET_NOERROR )
+ {
+ if ( err == wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK )
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG( !wait, "shouldn't get this for blocking connect" );
- if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
- {
- if (err == GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK)
- m_establishing = true;
+ m_establishing = true;
+ }
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- m_connected = true;
- return true;
+ m_connected = true;
+ return true;
-bool wxSocketClient::Connect(wxSockAddress& addr_man, bool wait)
+bool wxSocketClient::Connect(const wxSockAddress& remote, bool wait)
- return (DoConnect(addr_man, NULL, wait));
+ return DoConnect(remote, NULL, wait);
-bool wxSocketClient::Connect(wxSockAddress& addr_man, wxSockAddress& local, bool wait)
+bool wxSocketClient::Connect(const wxSockAddress& remote,
+ const wxSockAddress& local,
+ bool wait)
- return (DoConnect(addr_man, &local, wait));
+ return DoConnect(remote, &local, wait);
bool wxSocketClient::WaitOnConnect(long seconds, long milliseconds)
- if (m_connected) // Already connected
+ if ( m_connected )
+ {
+ // this happens if the initial attempt to connect succeeded without
+ // blocking
return true;
+ }
- if (!m_establishing || !m_socket) // No connection in progress
- return false;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_establishing && m_impl, false,
+ "No connection establishment attempt in progress" );
- return _Wait(seconds, milliseconds, GSOCK_CONNECTION_FLAG |
+ // we must specify wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG here explicitly because we must return
+ // true if the connection establishment process is finished, whether it is
+ // over because we successfully connected or because we were not able to
+ // connect
+ return DoWait(seconds, milliseconds,
// ==========================================================================
// wxDatagramSocket
// ==========================================================================
-/* NOTE: experimental stuff - might change */
wxDatagramSocket::wxDatagramSocket( const wxSockAddress& addr,
wxSocketFlags flags )
: wxSocketBase( flags, wxSOCKET_DATAGRAM )
// Create the socket
- m_socket = GSocket_new();
+ m_impl = wxSocketImpl::Create(*this);
- if (!m_socket)
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( _T("datagram socket not new'd") );
+ if (!m_impl)
- }
- m_socket->Notify(m_notify);
// Setup the socket as non connection oriented
- m_socket->SetLocal(addr.GetAddress());
+ m_impl->SetLocal(addr.GetAddress());
if (flags & wxSOCKET_REUSEADDR)
- m_socket->SetReusable();
+ m_impl->SetReusable();
if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_BROADCAST)
- m_socket->SetBroadcast();
+ m_impl->SetBroadcast();
if (GetFlags() & wxSOCKET_NOBIND)
- m_socket->DontDoBind();
+ m_impl->DontDoBind();
- if ( m_socket->SetNonOriented() != GSOCK_NOERROR )
+ if ( m_impl->CreateUDP() != wxSOCKET_NOERROR )
- delete m_socket;
- m_socket = NULL;
+ delete m_impl;
+ m_impl = NULL;
// Initialize all stuff
m_connected = false;
m_establishing = false;
- m_socket->SetTimeout( m_timeout );
- m_socket->SetCallback( GSOCK_INPUT_FLAG | GSOCK_OUTPUT_FLAG |
- wx_socket_callback, (char*)this );
wxDatagramSocket& wxDatagramSocket::RecvFrom( wxSockAddress& addr,
const void* buf,
wxUint32 nBytes )
- wxASSERT_MSG( m_socket, _T("Socket not initialised") );
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_impl, _T("Socket not initialised") );
- m_socket->SetPeer(addr.GetAddress());
+ m_impl->SetPeer(addr.GetAddress());
Write(buf, nBytes);
return (*this);
virtual bool OnInit()
- // wxSocketBase will call GSocket_Init() itself when/if needed
+ // wxSocketBase will call Initialize() itself only if sockets are
+ // really used, don't do it from here
return true;
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxSocketModule, wxModule)
+#endif // wxUSE_SOCKETS