+// Each element of the widths array will be the width of the string up to and
+// including the corresponding character in text. This is the generic
+// implementation, the port-specific classes should do this with native APIs
+// if available and if faster. Note: pango_layout_index_to_pos is much slower
+// than calling GetTextExtent!!
+#define FWC_SIZE 256
+class FontWidthCache
+ FontWidthCache() : m_scaleX(1), m_widths(NULL) { }
+ ~FontWidthCache() { delete []m_widths; }
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ if (!m_widths)
+ m_widths = new int[FWC_SIZE];
+ memset(m_widths, 0, sizeof(int)*FWC_SIZE);
+ }
+ wxFont m_font;
+ double m_scaleX;
+ int *m_widths;
+static FontWidthCache s_fontWidthCache;
+bool wxDCImpl::DoGetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text, wxArrayInt& widths) const
+ int totalWidth = 0;
+ const size_t len = text.length();
+ widths.Empty();
+ widths.Add(0, len);
+ // reset the cache if font or horizontal scale have changed
+ if ( !s_fontWidthCache.m_widths ||
+ !wxIsSameDouble(s_fontWidthCache.m_scaleX, m_scaleX) ||
+ (s_fontWidthCache.m_font != GetFont()) )
+ {
+ s_fontWidthCache.Reset();
+ s_fontWidthCache.m_font = GetFont();
+ s_fontWidthCache.m_scaleX = m_scaleX;
+ }
+ // Calculate the position of each character based on the widths of
+ // the previous characters
+ int w, h;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; i++ )
+ {
+ const wxChar c = text[i];
+ unsigned int c_int = (unsigned int)c;
+ if ((c_int < FWC_SIZE) && (s_fontWidthCache.m_widths[c_int] != 0))
+ {
+ w = s_fontWidthCache.m_widths[c_int];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoGetTextExtent(c, &w, &h);
+ if (c_int < FWC_SIZE)
+ s_fontWidthCache.m_widths[c_int] = w;
+ }
+ totalWidth += w;
+ widths[i] = totalWidth;
+ }
+ return true;
+void wxDCImpl::GetMultiLineTextExtent(const wxString& text,
+ wxCoord *x,
+ wxCoord *y,
+ wxCoord *h,
+ const wxFont *font) const
+ wxCoord widthTextMax = 0, widthLine,
+ heightTextTotal = 0, heightLineDefault = 0, heightLine = 0;
+ wxString curLine;
+ for ( wxString::const_iterator pc = text.begin(); ; ++pc )
+ {
+ if ( pc == text.end() || *pc == _T('\n') )
+ {
+ if ( curLine.empty() )
+ {
+ // we can't use GetTextExtent - it will return 0 for both width
+ // and height and an empty line should count in height
+ // calculation
+ // assume that this line has the same height as the previous
+ // one
+ if ( !heightLineDefault )
+ heightLineDefault = heightLine;
+ if ( !heightLineDefault )
+ {
+ // but we don't know it yet - choose something reasonable
+ DoGetTextExtent(_T("W"), NULL, &heightLineDefault,
+ NULL, NULL, font);
+ }
+ heightTextTotal += heightLineDefault;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoGetTextExtent(curLine, &widthLine, &heightLine,
+ NULL, NULL, font);
+ if ( widthLine > widthTextMax )
+ widthTextMax = widthLine;
+ heightTextTotal += heightLine;
+ }
+ if ( pc == text.end() )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else // '\n'
+ {
+ curLine.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ curLine += *pc;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( x )
+ *x = widthTextMax;
+ if ( y )
+ *y = heightTextTotal;
+ if ( h )
+ *h = heightLine;
+void wxDCImpl::DoDrawCheckMark(wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1,